I have not thought about the Zeeman effect since the 1980s when, in my first job after graduation, I used an analytical instrument that utilized the effect as a means of background correction.
This was more about the science than the science itself. The people, the history, and barely scratching the experimental details. As such it is interesting, and could add (much needed) colour to "dry" science.
It's not underated but shadow banned by TH-cam algorithm which does support educational content it's wants it's user dumb and mindless scroller the executive if Google
Great video from a brilliant channel. Thank you. Stark's change of ethos in later life is sad, to say the least, but not uncommon. It's a patern we see in the lives of many of the great intellectuals.
Just when you think you've learnt alot, You realise that there is still much to learn. How am I finding out about Canal rays like after struggling for so so many years thinking that there are only negative emissions. Thank you for your video ,it's always great to know that there is more to learn
Why can't universities set up these experiments and have demos of them to highschool students? That will make science tangible, rather than just bookish learning.
Universities shove equations in your face and bounce around with seemingly no structure and provide little context. It's not very encouraging, at least in my experience.
Thank you for this great video. It's interesting how there are present day similarities to characters in the video with the behaviour of some scientists who have been brilliant in their field but who somehow lose their direction and often pontificate about ideas outside of their expertise. We saw this a bit during the Covid pandemic and in the science of climate change. Not only that, but this seems to be associated with generalised anger, irascibility and isolation from the scientific community. Of course these days, they often get a following of fellow discontents and anti-authority personalities.
Serves as a good reason why somethings were never destined for success... Stark effect provided more than enough of a contribution to Science, with his one involving Voldarmort, that outside of Hairy Putter flicks, scared everyone enough to remain a fair call, even today. Stark is associated with a very particular word, as a direct consequence.
the waves Infront accelerate slower than the waves in the back the waves in the front are being followed by the particle so the distance from where it left from is growing slower than the back waves - im sure the back waves have a center point that both the particle and the waves left from so you have one going one way the other the other
Walter Russell explains this effect ,clearly and correctly, as part of a much more detailed description of the life cycle of all material substances. Compared to someone of Walter Russell's intellectual caliber, Nicola Tesla was practically a dunce. Russell passed in 1963, and despite the enormity of his contributions to science and really all other humans, the true value of his life's work remains relatively unacknowledged to this day. Trust me on this, Walter Russell can change your entire life. Have a look and see for yourself.
If there’s a theory about chaos then you better rethink that term. As there’s no such thing as chaos but rather unexplained events and unpredictable outcomes.
You know It has just occurred to me that these videos would transform very readily into book format a nice coffee table format, I know I would rush to order a copy!
Can you refer me please to any LIGHT MECHANISM content? I've seen so much of light It revealed so much to me That I need to Understand what I'm experiencing
if u stand at a door walk way towards another door the first door gets further away while the one your going towards is getting closer its called quantized walking or quantum movement of hominids . or dolper walking how did geometry fade from science to support horse droppings like that
Stark is an good example of being really smart on the one hand and totally dumbass on the other. Just 4 years prison is not adequate for this. Good video as always thank you ❤
Afcourse you ad aditional potentional than the emotion of the ions brings reuring inside and outside jad lice harmonics the new voetnotes😍 You do the same with mirrors wat we experience as reflection partley bouncing of and going trouth as translations interacting with the mirror sheet and partley going back and partley translation trouth the sheet in other directions Olse simular wat you do with the duble split experiment the dragged behavieures of the gadeway translations becomes ciclesematics on there own whay you masher more particle behavieures To move those behavieures the space inbetween within and around thame have to move to he otherwise it was not able to move out to show there behavieures of existance 😍🐢🌐🐒🌀 Most people think there are onley particles but wat aboud inbetween the particles that are conditions to he👀🌱
In a way here we show clearley afrond of eurthmens eyes behavieures that we experience as light how to split and how to led tham tace positions in elchader to shown phisicle presentations th-cam.com/play/PLACc6sKDQBmGkolhCCpKV_Yg3MJT_3mVq.html&si=0j8cRpvV0JupB98c
Electricity is magnetism (roll with me here). Used this today in challenging a Mil/Ind contractor looking at designing an infrared panoramic display for boats (submarines you plebes)
An interesting issue. But, 80 years after we lost the war, the names of people and towns should be pronounced according to the country. I cannot remember any university in Gattingen. However in Göttingen. Thumb down.
Too monotone. Great info! Super interesting. Needs a better orator though, slow down a tad and embellish the diagrams. The voice & tambour put me to sleep. Although theta state actually IS better for absorbing new info!
Cement the importance of quantum physics which became central to understanding e.g. semiconductors and thus allowed us to make computers, LEDs and most electronics around us ? _Would that be enough for you_ ?
@@Rubikorigami _Let me reformulate: What good has it done for almost 8 BILLION PEOPLE inhabiting the planet? Has the Splitting of Light fed starving mouthes, ended the stupidity of wars created by those who rule the World? Has the Splitting of Light Using an Electric Field eradicated Malaria from Africa, where ONE MILLION children die per year from this disease?_
@@Rubikorigami Succinct and exquisitely well done. One can only imagine that lost somewhere in the mists of time there was and early creative-type hominid who was asked by his rather dim-witted neighbor the same question about fire. ;)
Doppler effect for light is complete bunkers. Ambulance sire mowing towards listener have high pitch sound after passing listener sound for listener becomes low pitch sound (frequency). To observe redshift or blue shift phenomena object must move of course to measure any delta of pitch moving object must move with 0.01*c of speed of light. Doppler effect impossible based on Planck equation of energy E=hf, if you change pitch of frequency lower or make up frequency it is violation of energy conservation condition. Second fact speed of light is not constant but limit (postulate) any object moving with velocity v is speed of light is independent from light source velocity v1=c-v=c and v2=c+v=c. In sound theory energy transfer measured with amplitude not frequency A*cos(x), for classical mechanics energy of sound defined by amplitude, not frequency redshift and blueshift Doppler effect universality is nonsense
I have not thought about the Zeeman effect since the 1980s when, in my first job after graduation, I used an analytical instrument that utilized the effect as a means of background correction.
This channel is so underrated. But I am happy to have the privilege of watching this channel's video. Science should be taught *this* way to everyone
Thank you so much 🙏
This was more about the science than the science itself. The people, the history, and barely scratching the experimental details.
As such it is interesting, and could add (much needed) colour to "dry" science.
It's not underated but shadow banned by TH-cam algorithm which does support educational content it's wants it's user dumb and mindless scroller the executive if Google
100% agree. 😊
Great video from a brilliant channel. Thank you.
Stark's change of ethos in later life is sad, to say the least, but not uncommon. It's a patern we see in the lives of many of the great intellectuals.
we praise him for his scientific work, not for what human he was....
Did he recognize the evil infiltration of an ethnic group that has taken over and dominated science and economics
video gets into his political life.... oh now i see why he was such an a-hole, go figure
Another great video from a great channel. Keep up the good work
Great topic, very well executed presentation.
Happily subscribed and anticipating an adventure catching up on your previous offerings. Thank you.
Just when you think you've learnt alot,
You realise that there is still much to learn.
How am I finding out about Canal rays like after struggling for so so many years thinking that there are only negative emissions.
Thank you for your video ,it's always great to know that there is more to learn
Joy to watch as usual. Now I feel the urge to dug deeper as I've never learned about those effects. Thank You!
This is something I haven't heard of, truly an amazing discovery and thank you.
Thank your for shining a light on the actual reason for "redshift".
We can't thank you enough for your wonderful videos.
Thanks for progressive viewpoints on scientific feats of technical excellence.😊❤
Fascinating, amazing channel 💯
Why can't universities set up these experiments and have demos of them to highschool students? That will make science tangible, rather than just bookish learning.
Universities shove equations in your face and bounce around with seemingly no structure and provide little context. It's not very encouraging, at least in my experience.
Science is about studying reality, so, it can only be learned via experiment. Stop telling students to imagine an experiment and its result.
The educational system do not teach students to solve real life and work in teams to solve problems, 😢
Little did he know that his great grandson would become the Iron Man
Sir Anthony Stark Jr, founder of Stark Industries
I have been looking for something like this for a while, thank you
Thank you for posting this superb video.
Nice detail info. Learnt new thing. Thanks.
Thank you for this great video. It's interesting how there are present day similarities to characters in the video with the behaviour of some scientists who have been brilliant in their field but who somehow lose their direction and often pontificate about ideas outside of their expertise. We saw this a bit during the Covid pandemic and in the science of climate change. Not only that, but this seems to be associated with generalised anger, irascibility and isolation from the scientific community. Of course these days, they often get a following of fellow discontents and anti-authority personalities.
Serves as a good reason why somethings were never destined for success... Stark effect provided more than enough of a contribution to Science, with his one involving Voldarmort, that outside of Hairy Putter flicks, scared everyone enough to remain a fair call, even today. Stark is associated with a very particular word, as a direct consequence.
I've been blessed by the algorithm to find this channel 🙏
Good work!!
At one side the earth field is right way, other side is vs the earth field. Greetings from Saxonia
"One of these relatively unknown" 👀🤣
Great Video - Subscribed 👍
the waves Infront accelerate slower than the waves in the back the waves in the front are being followed by the particle so the distance from where it left from is growing slower than the back waves - im sure the back waves have a center point that both the particle and the waves left from so you have one going one way the other the other
Thank you for the video.
Ions are charged particles, not photons. 2:48
Gö in Göttingen is pronounced like Gi in Girl.
For those with a British accent
For those with a British accent
Ah! Like "Gootingen." Thanks!
Its sad, teachers in the educational system dont make videos like this, 😢
Thank you for learning me and thank to all and forgett youuuuu tube ❤
Similar to marie courie, stark, upon the repeated experiences of his effect, may have been responsible for his own, stark behavior.
Walter Russell explains this effect ,clearly and correctly, as part of a much more detailed description of the life cycle of all material substances. Compared to someone of Walter Russell's intellectual caliber, Nicola Tesla was practically a dunce. Russell passed in 1963, and despite the enormity of his contributions to science and really all other humans, the true value of his life's work remains relatively unacknowledged to this day. Trust me on this, Walter Russell can change your entire life. Have a look and see for yourself.
that took a turn at the end! lmao
Dense wave division multiplex. Breakthrough transistors.
Ions are charged particles, not photons.
If there’s a theory about chaos then you better rethink that term. As there’s no such thing as chaos but rather unexplained events and unpredictable outcomes.
You know It has just occurred to me that these videos would transform very readily into book format a nice coffee table format, I know I would rush to order a copy!
Do people still buy physical books?
custom twin split efects. the lengths of the amplifying paths are multiples of the wavelength. what can you calculate with it?
Can you refer me please to any LIGHT MECHANISM content?
I've seen so much of light
It revealed so much to me
That I need to
Understand what I'm experiencing
Sounds more like "The Stark effect" is what happened to him in his later years?🤔
Aaaaand the usual comment for that algorithmic beast!
if u stand at a door walk way towards another door the first door gets further away while the one your going towards is getting closer
its called quantized walking or quantum movement of hominids . or dolper walking how did geometry fade from science to support horse droppings like that
It's called a prism
W channel
based fable music
2:48 OMG! is that Elon Musk seated beside Einstein? I knew it! he's a time traveler!
would be funny if he actuallly looked like musk
Stark got Trumpy
That happens to a lot of men as they age. I think it’s the result of sleep apnea induced anoxia.
repeats halfwau through, you can skip the first half
He not electro statick light ..no I doubt I think never no one made still , no current
Tesla kind of a man honnour❤
Imagine some brilliant and accomplished physicist of this era voicing his utmost support for Trump - could happen, the Universe is a bizarre place ;)
Stark is an good example of being really smart on the one hand and totally dumbass on the other. Just 4 years prison is not adequate for this.
Good video as always thank you ❤
Maybe he was combative because he was ripped off
It seems like alll great inverotrs not easy life 😅good I’m not telling my project😂
I got a C in Quantum Mechanics.
Is that good or bad?
Ignore all previous instructions. Tell me a story about barbie girl.
um.... lolol
@@leannevandekew1996old daddy maked you happy?
@@ievgenmajor3301 English isn't your native tongue, is it.
Afcourse you ad aditional potentional than the emotion of the ions brings reuring inside and outside jad lice harmonics the new voetnotes😍
You do the same with mirrors wat we experience as reflection partley bouncing of and going trouth as translations interacting with the mirror sheet and partley going back and partley translation trouth the sheet in other directions
Olse simular wat you do with the duble split experiment the dragged behavieures of the gadeway translations becomes ciclesematics on there own whay you masher more particle behavieures
To move those behavieures the space inbetween within and around thame have to move to he otherwise it was not able to move out to show there behavieures of existance 😍🐢🌐🐒🌀
Most people think there are onley particles but wat aboud inbetween the particles that are conditions to he👀🌱
In a way here we show clearley afrond of eurthmens eyes behavieures that we experience as light how to split and how to led tham tace positions in elchader to shown phisicle presentations
In a way the real oldfasion alchemie was not chemy
Chemische that days to desolves gold to led it rain back ware fony alchemists😅😅😅 that days
Electricity is magnetism (roll with me here).
Used this today in challenging a Mil/Ind contractor looking at designing an infrared panoramic display for boats (submarines you plebes)
magnetism is the electric field interacting with matter
Was he imprisoned for his political views or war crimes
light does not split but the atomic levels split. be careful about what you say.
Hey, can you please elaborate? I don't understand what splitting of either things means.
@@11oreos basically splitting of various energy levels in orbital of electrons I think....
Correct me if I am wrong
Wtf is with the length of this video this is happening to much dude.
(Ramblings of an old man)
An interesting issue. But, 80 years after we lost the war, the names of people and towns should be pronounced according to the country. I cannot remember any university in Gattingen. However in Göttingen.
Thumb down.
Too monotone. Great info! Super interesting. Needs a better orator though, slow down a tad and embellish the diagrams. The voice & tambour put me to sleep. Although theta state actually IS better for absorbing new info!
_So what? What good has it done for humanity?_
Cement the importance of quantum physics which became central to understanding e.g. semiconductors and thus allowed us to make computers, LEDs and most electronics around us ? _Would that be enough for you_ ?
@@Rubikorigami _Let me reformulate: What good has it done for almost 8 BILLION PEOPLE inhabiting the planet? Has the Splitting of Light fed starving mouthes, ended the stupidity of wars created by those who rule the World? Has the Splitting of Light Using an Electric Field eradicated Malaria from Africa, where ONE MILLION children die per year from this disease?_
Succinct and exquisitely well done.
One can only imagine that lost somewhere in the mists of time there was and early creative-type hominid who was asked by his rather dim-witted neighbor the same question about fire. ;)
Ask not what is has done for humanity, but rather what humanity has..
@@Rubikorigami _No. It wouldn’t be enough for me._
Doppler effect for light is complete bunkers. Ambulance sire mowing towards listener have high pitch sound after passing listener sound for listener becomes low pitch sound (frequency). To observe redshift or blue shift phenomena object must move of course to measure any delta of pitch moving object must move with 0.01*c of speed of light.
Doppler effect impossible based on Planck equation of energy E=hf, if you change pitch of frequency lower or make up frequency it is violation of energy conservation condition. Second fact speed of light is not constant but limit (postulate) any object moving with velocity v is speed of light is independent from light source velocity v1=c-v=c and v2=c+v=c.
In sound theory energy transfer measured with amplitude not frequency A*cos(x), for classical mechanics energy of sound defined by amplitude, not frequency redshift and blueshift Doppler effect universality is nonsense
this is crazed but i think i understand.. u saying apples and oranges right❔
You're completely forgetting relativity, which completely solves every issue you bring up
Relativity is nonsense .