I agree with you 100%! You can move with $3,000.00 however if you don’t have an income, and you have poor spending habits then yes, doesn’t matter how much you have. Not to mention, when people have more they tend to spend more and in some ways it positions them as targets to the locals. Just being from abroad makes people targets but when you have a bigger cushion you are at risk of losing more and risking more because someone may not be familiar with the way things are there. Great topic and I hope that people take heed to your words. I see a few locals commenting not understanding both ends of the spectrum. Nowadays getting a job in the states is not like how it used to be. People are losing jobs, losing their homes, there are no programs helping and slowly but surely you see new agendas being played out.
Journey to the Most High: I don’t know about your life experience in the U.S. but I’m a born and raised Black American seasoned seasoned Queen. When the Covid-19 hit the entire WORLD, we in the U.S. got more government assistance than ANY countries. Even now some peoples are still getting assistance. I personally bought my 70m x 40m plot of land in the Gambia from my Covid-19 assistant funds, plus saved. Moving to other foreign countries one should have a good amount saved up because no one knows what their future holds. I’ve watched several videos where some Americans moved to foreign countries and lost everything including Gambia and had to move back to the U.S. and start over. I’m making very sure I have a good amount of savings because I don’t want to depend on anyone for my livelihood.
Sisss! Whew...yes!!! This whole comment😂. You brought up many valid points about spending behavior and how we tend to spend more when we have more etc. Becoming a target and losing money thay way omg! Sis...Absolutely, you're right! I wanted to mention the whole target thing and how foreigners lose money, but I didn't want to trigger anyone. That could be a whole video topic alone lol.
@@malissawhite4569 interesting perspective. When the pandemic hit, we were traveling and living abroad in different countries. All of them were affected differently. A few of them was life as usual no restrictions no mention of the pandemic! None hit like the US and yes, some were helping their people out. We were in 5 different countries. No matter how much you have saved, in Africa you’ll always be rich to them and you’ll be a target. I know of a family who went to Africa with over $1million . A lot of that was gone upon their return.
Most local people in African have small farms grows vegetables, raised chicken , cows got to support daily life if you get a land trie to do some of that you will be more happier Inshallah
I am relocating to Gambia Inshallah, and you are one of the few people I heard that said this, which is total common sense. I opened a store in Gambia, and it cost more than I imagine. Everyone was asking me why I have not left yet. My only response, I’m working on my residual income.
Brilliant Young African Queen..👑💯✌️I Agree amazing ideas..!!! People come from different parts of Africa & the Western world,settled in The Gambia creat a small scale business first in which most of them got a successful business got weathlty in The Gambia,I was born & raised so I've seen both Africans,Repats or White people even Chinese people all got weathlty in the Gambia,might be the smallest country in Africa but a very blessed country for either white people,Repats or Africans based in the Continent..Stay focus keep your up & (never give up)👑💯✌️🇬🇲🇬🇲🇬🇲🌍
That is a good advice, about the steady income coming from abroad, instead of bringing all your savings. And if you just stand there and tell people that you are 20year old girl, trust me everybody will believe you.🙂. You look young and fresh for a mum of even two, let alone 10. You've a good gene. Keep it up girl. 👍
Thanks for being honest sister and also help us all to look at ourselves first before we come. Also for us to know who we are is very important and how we manage our finances.
It would be great if you gave us a starter pack of info on how to start the move from visas to getting a place to live buy or rent or buying land building on land how to make the move if you have anybody in The Gambia you know, or nobody where your are coming from to move with or assist you, what are the best parts to move to. It would help many with talent who are retired and want to move back to our Mother land please.
This is so true. After watching other Africans who have YT channels it looks easy to come from America and be comfortable in Africa. But in Africa the real only way to survive is to start a business and being a 9-5 employee in the US and never starting a business, it can be challenging if you think you can just uproot and start a business in a foreign country.
Great job snapping us all back to reality in cranking out this very enlightening video. Seriously my sister all of your sound advice is much appreciated. I'm so sorry that you have not been well in recent weeks however, I do pray you a very speedy recovery In The Holy Name Of Our Good Father In Heaven amen.
Agreed. Always safer to have a reliable, steady flow of income. I see many people who come here without that and then get stuck. After months / years when the money runs out.
ASA. You are a valuable source for folks looking to live in The Gambia. It is unbelievable how fast money is spent when you are not paying attention vis-à-vis a budget. We are only 2 and struggle to find that balance. I can’t emphasize enough how important your advice concerning a consistent reliable income stream is. I have seen diasporas leave for just the reason of running out of money after mismanaging the money they brought. It really is sad because they want so badly to stay.
Sis. You hit the nail on the head on every point you made, these ridiculous prices people are saying is unrealistic, just have a plan to make whatever you always wanted to do or hobbies or your career be a income for you.
I am so grateful that you shared this video.I am looking to visit as soon as January 2024. I just need a little guidance on where to rent for about 30 days, places to visit, where to buy land, etc. Thank you
Hey, have you gone yet?.. I'm looking to go soon...I am a solo traveler but that will be the farthest that I travel alone so far...looking for pointers
@lynnbowe7864 Greetings, I had to cancel my trip, but luckily, I had traveler's insurance. I got a full refund for both airline and airbnb. Hopefully, I will plan to go early next year. I'm booked for the rest of this year. Safe travels
A devout Muslim,you are a true Muslim and a God sent messenger to all Muslims on earth to see the action taken by you in order to warship God in accordance with the Islamic principles as stipulated in the Koran. May God bless you and continue to direct you to become the lite of other Muslims. Thanks
Thank you for your very informative video. I have the experience of having ran a business in the United States and after retiring I moved to the Philippines five years ago. So I know from my own personal experience that your video contains some very sound advice.
@@summersinafrica wa iyak. Sister when you settle well in the Gambia and happen to know any African American sisters that are single please let me know, I am sick and tired of our Jahiliya women. Am in my 3yr after accepting Islam and I want to move forward with halal sisters inshallah. May Allah make it easy, if you can it’s ok and if you can’t it’s also ok. Jakal khyra
I lived in the Gambia and you do not need $2,000 a month to sustain yourself, unless you have 8 children such as yourself, this is something that you should clarify.
Some people have less children than me and need more than that. It depends on the person's lifestyle and spending habits. The $2,000 budget is based on my family size. Everything in this video is my opinion and based on my household expenses. Thank you for watching ❤️.
Definitely relative. If you want something as simple as 24hr A.C. It will eat a lot of that $2000 budget. Electric is actually mor expensive in Gambia than it is in the States. Likewise for gas or “ petro “ lf you like to eat out then look to be right there. If you want to live like nominal Gambians, you’ll be good but if you can’t shake that Western living standard, even $2000 would be a stretch.
Maybe you missed it. I clearly understood the Sister saying "It's her opinion. Based on her family of 10 and budgeting." There is so much good in this video, why would you only choose to hear or not hear her advice.
You are spot on with passive income. Don’t sleep on rental income after knowing how to buy and own property as a foreigner. Middle class market for long term rent and owning your own home helps a lot.
Assalaamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu!! I very much appreciate your sage & thoughtful advice. Your content is always so very inspiring. Allahu Akbar. May Allah (swt) bless you and your beautiful family immensely. Ameen
I hear you talking about family members failing in business but not say what the failures were just stating failure but not enlightening your listeners the pointers is a bit negative, i know a girl who moved to Gambia with four kids on her own and is surviving nicely and living a decent life, positivity is always the way. Ive moved there and invested in property and have more than doubled my money. My friend has a successful club GTS in semigambia and is opening another club. So its about taking the opportunity and learning how to hustle that opportunity to the greatest of your ability. We moved Gambia for a more relaxed freer lifestyle
My business is running and sometimes they generate only 3k or 4k and that helps them going on every week and saving some for the their business to go further. 3000 dollars ist Übertrieben
ASA Great advice and content Sister. The authenticity of you sharing YOUR experience is valuable. Most of us innerstand it is your experience, and may not be ours personally. However! It is wise advice we can take in and take heed. I am so grateful you continue to share truthful and honest advice and your experiences. May you continue to be blessed.
Spot on sister, u have to plan wel before moving to Africa, am working 23 year in the diaspora just to go back home to Gambia, preparing my stable income is everything there is no child support or social welfare in Gambia 😂😂
Your content is spot on. I a Almost moved there last year and was even offer a nice position in Real Estate but the inflation back it the UK was ripping away your income here. So I decided to fix that before my return. I could not agree with you more that you need to ensure your steady flow of income from here is critical before you make the move, So you can have peace of mind while building there. Beautiful place though. Lots of opportunities for those who have eyes to see it.
Some people may have never has a large amount of money at one time, so when they save 3 thousand they think that’s a lot. Maybe people who have lived pay check to pay check Because otherwise it seems you would understand that , that money will not last. Even opening a business is a gamble because it takes a year to get a return on the business
As salaamu alaykum and Alhamdulillah a lot of good information to think about. Could you present a video about residency, how someone can stay in the country permanently. What that would cost, how to go about, are there different types of residency permits. Basically what to when your visa expires or is about to expire.
Does anyone have any information for being involved in sports and recreations? I have an interest in coaching basketball of starting a basketball program. Any particular countries i should research?
@@tarajahatehiamanafrikan If I did work, it would be something small to keep me busy. I’m older now so I might as well just wait. There is no need to rush.
Oooh boy even with Inflation all over the world I spend 35 euros for whole week for a my family and I mean not even my kids but food and everyday life. Something is wrong what some repats doing just live like a gambian then all is ok . I will say it again 35euros a week for many ppl.
When I am in The Gambia I live very local, use tuk tuks and just walk, don't eat out, don't have a/c etc but still couldn't manage on €35. My biggest expense in Internet @ D1650 pm. I would love to know how you do it
$50,000 nowadays is not a lot, especially when you consider inflation. However you can take the $50,000 and create multiple sources of income. Blockchain is one of the best ways today, if you can do it in Gambia. The good thing, is you do not need to spend $50,000 to do well. The problem in many countries is their currencies are weak, so you earn well in that country, but that is not a lot on a global scale. That is why you want to create sources of income, that do not rely upon the Dalasi. The good thing is that you can earn income easier online, than previously, as long as you have a stable enough Internet connection.
The perfect way to go is as a retiree……if you go as a young person…..have a business in America that provides you income on the continent…….if you can’t run a business in America you definitely can’t run one on the continent.
People shouldnt stay trapped in a place they don't want to be until they can retire. That could be years and years away. Just come up with a steady plan. Residual income or job and GO!!! Be free. Be happy.
@@summersinafrica Wow! You must surely be a magician to for having the ability to work, go to school and have 8 kids and a husband? As they say everything ain't for everybody journey wise. More power to you Sis.
Assalaamu alaykum sis hope your well in shaa Allah, I have just recently moved to Gambia and am looking for a nutritionist is that a service you offer if so how do I get in touch?
If I want to retire from United States to Gambia a black person old man did they have retired Visa for expeditor what they ask how Every Man's income financially because I have my Social Security can live with 1,000 dollar per month
Best take away I’ve I got from the video is I will make decisions for my family no matter what my wife says. I’m glad your husband kept his American business. 😁
Interesting ! But not to rain on your parade there are certain SOLID business that can earn net income the FIRST year : 1) Fishing and selling your fish 2) Growing vegetables in The Gambia and selling in the market 3) Medical doctor charging your patients in The Gambia and similar businesses !
If you ask me what type of business you can do to make fast fast money ask me healthy and good . Check me am here for my returnees , as a gambian I want us to succeed and AA and all disporans will change many many things so rake the chances yet not later because later could be real real late
So you made an investment and sacrificed and built a life for family of eight in a third world country. I find this foolish, especially when so many Africans come here to make a fortune because of our infrastructure. Have to considered, that If your kids do not contribute to social security in America, they may be entitled to nothing. The African version of social security is that they all belong to a tribe and when they get old, they can go back and at the very least, live in a mud hut and get fed by family. You get old over there and you might end up on the street begging for food.
@@pforce9 yep I know, and for her to say you basically don't need to save or have Alot is insane, now people are about to move over there broke 🤦🏿♀️ everyone about to try to have a farm 😭..man I talked to the locals and some of them are mad like why are they coming over here restarting businesses we barely making it , and the reasons where people make it and they accept them because they bring free and helpful resources not take away .. doctors, schools , etc
@@teewoods4886 Another thing, Africans think a lot more of white Americans and white Europeans than they do of black Americans. They are probably wondering how we as a group can be such losers when we were born in The United States. Any one of them would trade citizenship with us in a heartbeat. You go over there and lose your connection with the US and your descendants will spend a lifetime trying to get back in.
I agree with you 100%! You can move with $3,000.00 however if you don’t have an income, and you have poor spending habits then yes, doesn’t matter how much you have. Not to mention, when people have more they tend to spend more and in some ways it positions them as targets to the locals. Just being from abroad makes people targets but when you have a bigger cushion you are at risk of losing more and risking more because someone may not be familiar with the way things are there. Great topic and I hope that people take heed to your words. I see a few locals commenting not understanding both ends of the spectrum. Nowadays getting a job in the states is not like how it used to be. People are losing jobs, losing their homes, there are no programs helping and slowly but surely you see new agendas being played out.
Journey to the Most High: I don’t know about your life experience in the U.S. but I’m a born and raised Black American seasoned seasoned Queen. When the Covid-19 hit the entire WORLD, we in the U.S. got more government assistance than ANY countries. Even now some peoples are still getting assistance.
I personally bought my 70m x 40m plot of land in the Gambia from my Covid-19 assistant funds, plus saved.
Moving to other foreign countries one should have a good amount saved up because no one knows what their future holds. I’ve watched several videos where some Americans moved to foreign countries and lost everything including Gambia and had to move back to the U.S. and start over.
I’m making very sure I have a good amount of savings because I don’t want to depend on anyone for my livelihood.
Sisss! Whew...yes!!! This whole comment😂. You brought up many valid points about spending behavior and how we tend to spend more when we have more etc. Becoming a target and losing money thay way omg! Sis...Absolutely, you're right! I wanted to mention the whole target thing and how foreigners lose money, but I didn't want to trigger anyone. That could be a whole video topic alone lol.
@@malissawhite4569 interesting perspective. When the pandemic hit, we were traveling and living abroad in different countries. All of them were affected differently. A few of them was life as usual no restrictions no mention of the pandemic! None hit like the US and yes, some were helping their people out. We were in 5 different countries. No matter how much you have saved, in Africa you’ll always be rich to them and you’ll be a target. I know of a family who went to Africa with over $1million . A lot of that was gone upon their return.
@@malissawhite4569btw… the US didn’t have better assistance than Europe that’s for sure! Many people didn’t get much assistance at all.
I’ve started a small grocery store almost a year now and it’s doing well…..thank God🙏🏿
That's wonderful sis!! So happy it's worked out for you.
Wonderful! Great thinking and continued success!
@@rockixtheawakening thanks a million
What does doing well mean?
@@nakho3550 it means I can replenish goods and pay bills
Most local people in African have small farms grows vegetables, raised chicken , cows got to support daily life if you get a land trie to do some of that you will be more happier Inshallah
Exactly 💯
My plan. In sha Allah
You're quite inspirational, thanks for sharing.
I am relocating to Gambia Inshallah, and you are one of the few people I heard that said this, which is total common sense. I opened a store in Gambia, and it cost more than I imagine. Everyone was asking me why I have not left yet. My only response, I’m working on my residual income.
Hey Sis. Long time no see. I am still going to The Gambia!
@@laylahalgharib3150you ain't going anywhere
thoughtful of you
Hey sis! Please send me an email😅.. summersinafrica@hotmail.com Welcome to Gambia!!❤
Brilliant Young African Queen..👑💯✌️I Agree amazing ideas..!!! People come from different parts of Africa & the Western world,settled in The Gambia creat a small scale business first in which most of them got a successful business got weathlty in The Gambia,I was born & raised so I've seen both Africans,Repats or White people even Chinese people all got weathlty in the Gambia,might be the smallest country in Africa but a very blessed country for either white people,Repats or Africans based in the Continent..Stay focus keep your up & (never give up)👑💯✌️🇬🇲🇬🇲🇬🇲🌍
That is a good advice, about the steady income coming from abroad, instead of bringing all your savings. And if you just stand there and tell people that you are 20year old girl, trust me everybody will believe you.🙂. You look young and fresh for a mum of even two, let alone 10. You've a good gene. Keep it up girl. 👍
I really appreciate that, thank you🫠
@@summersinafrica you're welcome.
Thanks for being honest sister and also help us all to look at ourselves first before we come. Also for us to know who we are is very important and how we manage our finances.
This pretty much would be in any Country...To have your finances together!!
It would be great if you gave us a starter pack of info on how to start the move from visas to getting a place to live buy or rent or buying land building on land how to make the move if you have anybody in The Gambia you know, or nobody where your are coming from to move with or assist you, what are the best parts to move to. It would help many with talent who are retired and want to move back to our Mother land please.
This is so true. After watching other Africans who have YT channels it looks easy to come from America and be comfortable in Africa. But in Africa the real only way to survive is to start a business and being a 9-5 employee in the US and never starting a business, it can be challenging if you think you can just uproot and start a business in a foreign country.
Great job snapping us all back to reality in cranking out this very enlightening video. Seriously my sister all of your sound advice is much appreciated. I'm so sorry that you have not been well in recent weeks however, I do pray you a very speedy recovery In The Holy Name Of Our Good Father In Heaven amen.
Ameen🤲🏾 thank you!! I'm feeling much better. I'm happy you enjoyed the video!
@@summersinafrica Sister do you drink water direct from the tape or only bottle water
Outstanding video and presentation!
Thank you for sharing.
Agreed. Always safer to have a reliable, steady flow of income. I see many people who come here without that and then get stuck. After months / years when the money runs out.
If you had a reliable flow of income why move to a poor small dusty 3rd world country?
Great video. Thanks for sharing
Just bumped onto your Channel!Good Content,😊😊👍🏽
I'm leaving with 10 thousand. N I know God is going to bless
ASA. You are a valuable source for folks looking to live in The Gambia. It is unbelievable how fast money is spent when you are not paying attention vis-à-vis a budget. We are only 2 and struggle to find that balance. I can’t emphasize enough how important your advice concerning a consistent reliable income stream is. I have seen diasporas leave for just the reason of running out of money after mismanaging the money they brought. It really is sad because they want so badly to stay.
Wow that something to consider, that is why we need to be there. To make a change
Sis. You hit the nail on the head on every point you made, these ridiculous prices people are saying is unrealistic, just have a plan to make whatever you always wanted to do or hobbies or your career be a income for you.
Yes!!! It's time to make dreams come true and turn passions/hobbies into an income! That's right 🥰
I am so grateful that you shared this video.I am looking to visit as soon as January 2024. I just need a little guidance on where to rent for about 30 days, places to visit, where to buy land, etc. Thank you
Hey, have you gone yet?.. I'm looking to go soon...I am a solo traveler but that will be the farthest that I travel alone so far...looking for pointers
@lynnbowe7864 Greetings, I had to cancel my trip, but luckily, I had traveler's insurance. I got a full refund for both airline and airbnb. Hopefully, I will plan to go early next year. I'm booked for the rest of this year. Safe travels
A devout Muslim,you are a true Muslim and a God sent messenger to all Muslims on earth to see the action taken by you in order to warship God in accordance with the Islamic principles as stipulated in the Koran. May God bless you and continue to direct you to become the lite of other Muslims. Thanks
I enjoyed this very informative video. Thanks for sharing 🙏🏾
Thank you sis!🥰
Just few days ago l was thinking of you, l thought you already left Africa. Mashaallah! Welcome to Zanzibar.
Thank you for your very informative video. I have the experience of having ran a business in the United States and after retiring I moved to the Philippines five years ago. So I know from my own personal experience that your video contains some very sound advice.
I needed to hear this. This is applicable with hijrah anywhere
MashAllah sister keep raising these important issues for us in diaspora
Thank you!!
@@summersinafrica wa iyak. Sister when you settle well in the Gambia and happen to know any African American sisters that are single please let me know, I am sick and tired of our Jahiliya women. Am in my 3yr after accepting Islam and I want to move forward with halal sisters inshallah. May Allah make it easy, if you can it’s ok and if you can’t it’s also ok. Jakal khyra
I lived in the Gambia and you do not need $2,000 a month to sustain yourself, unless you have 8 children such as yourself, this is something that you should clarify.
Some people have less children than me and need more than that. It depends on the person's lifestyle and spending habits. The $2,000 budget is based on my family size. Everything in this video is my opinion and based on my household expenses. Thank you for watching ❤️.
I agree 100% @Goldenheart this is not what am or we are doing in normal gambians
Definitely relative. If you want something as simple as 24hr A.C. It will eat a lot of that $2000 budget. Electric is actually mor expensive in Gambia than it is in the States. Likewise for gas or “ petro “ lf you like to eat out then look to be right there. If you want to live like nominal Gambians, you’ll be good but if you can’t shake that Western living standard, even $2000 would be a stretch.
Maybe you missed it. I clearly understood the Sister saying "It's her opinion. Based on her family of 10 and budgeting." There is so much good in this video, why would you only choose to hear or not hear her advice.
spending habits is based on an individual understanding of how they perceive spending money. everyone spends and saves differently.
Excellent content 💯
Thank you beautiful
Wow!!! You NAILED it!!! me and my wife were just talking about this same thing and found your video. Thank You for your info and confirmations.
This video was very very informative I learned alot from you Alhamdulilah
You are spot on with passive income. Don’t sleep on rental income after knowing how to buy and own property as a foreigner. Middle class market for long term rent and owning your own home helps a lot.
Assalaamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu!! I very much appreciate your sage & thoughtful advice. Your content is always so very inspiring. Allahu Akbar. May Allah (swt) bless you and your beautiful family immensely. Ameen
Walaykumsalam warahmatullahi wabarakatu, I always appreciate your beautiful comments sis! Thank you❤❤❤
Good stuff! Thank you for the insight!
Thanks for making this video, I would have loved it if you added some specific issues you ran into. Sorry to hear you were sick 🙏🏾
Thank you!! Which specific questions do you have? Maybe I can make another video answering your questions 💕
I like and appreciate your videos
I hear you talking about family members failing in business but not say what the failures were just stating failure but not enlightening your listeners the pointers is a bit negative, i know a girl who moved to Gambia with four kids on her own and is surviving nicely and living a decent life, positivity is always the way. Ive moved there and invested in property and have more than doubled my money. My friend has a successful club GTS in semigambia and is opening another club. So its about taking the opportunity and learning how to hustle that opportunity to the greatest of your ability. We moved Gambia for a more relaxed freer lifestyle
My business is running and sometimes they generate only 3k or 4k and that helps them going on every week and saving some for the their business to go further. 3000 dollars ist Übertrieben
Subhannallah I love your energy
Not negative but realistic 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
Very good advice, thanks. Best wishes to you all.
Great video! 💯Facts! Very Interesting! Informative! Love your Transparency!♥️🙏🏾
Thank you!!❤️
ASA Great advice and content Sister. The authenticity of you sharing YOUR experience is valuable. Most of us innerstand it is your experience, and may not be ours personally. However! It is wise advice we can take in and take heed. I am so grateful you continue to share truthful and honest advice and your experiences. May you continue to be blessed.
Spot on sister, u have to plan wel before moving to Africa, am working 23 year in the diaspora just to go back home to Gambia, preparing my stable income is everything there is no child support or social welfare in Gambia 😂😂
Your content is spot on.
I a Almost moved there last year and was even offer a nice position in Real Estate but the inflation back it the UK was ripping away your income here.
So I decided to fix that before my return.
I could not agree with you more that you need to ensure your steady flow of income from here is critical before you make the move,
So you can have peace of mind while building there.
Beautiful place though.
Lots of opportunities for those who have eyes to see it.
live well and much success
How much is enough to start a mini market or electronic shop in a good area' plze advice rent'rate'tax etc.
Are you somali? Bdw can you reply with any information that you have found inshaallah
@jjuice3327 Yes
Wonderful and beneficial advice, a form of Sadak, Alhamdullia.
Jazakallahukhair, Alhamdulilah.
Salaam my sister may allah bless you
Some people may have never has a large amount of money at one time, so when they save 3 thousand they think that’s a lot. Maybe people who have lived pay check to pay check Because otherwise it seems you would understand that , that money will not last. Even opening a business is a gamble because it takes a year to get a return on the business
As salaamu alaykum and Alhamdulillah a lot of good information to think about. Could you present a video about residency, how someone can stay in the country permanently. What that would cost, how to go about, are there different types of residency permits. Basically what to when your visa expires or is about to expire.
Walaykumsalam yes, Inshallah sis! I'll work on making that video for you, Inshallah. Thank you for the feedback 🤗
@@summersinafrica Thank you too
Thanks for the Video
Start a gardening, chicken and animal farming and be careful who to work with !🙏
You need to be here to have a successful business it’s not easy here
Also there are 2 seasons here
Very sound advice
I just met a gambian man n he told me im welcome
I love to cook an bake love to teach anyone
Does anyone have any information for being involved in sports and recreations? I have an interest in coaching basketball of starting a basketball program. Any particular countries i should research?
That’s why I’m waiting on retirement so I don’t have to work.
@@tarajahatehiamanafrikan If I did work, it would be something small to keep me busy. I’m older now so I might as well just wait. There is no need to rush.
Oooh boy even with Inflation all over the world I spend 35 euros for whole week for a my family and I mean not even my kids but food and everyday life. Something is wrong what some repats doing just live like a gambian then all is ok . I will say it again 35euros a week for many ppl.
@Meidas Bob Garvey, what does 35 euros amounts to in Dalasi
When I am in The Gambia I live very local, use tuk tuks and just walk, don't eat out, don't have a/c etc but still couldn't manage on €35. My biggest expense in Internet @ D1650 pm.
I would love to know how you do it
Greetings Sis, I'm interested in visiting. Is there a way to email you in regards to a question I have?
$50,000 nowadays is not a lot, especially when you consider inflation. However you can take the $50,000 and create multiple sources of income. Blockchain is one of the best ways today, if you can do it in Gambia. The good thing, is you do not need to spend $50,000 to do well.
The problem in many countries is their currencies are weak, so you earn well in that country, but that is not a lot on a global scale. That is why you want to create sources of income, that do not rely upon the Dalasi.
The good thing is that you can earn income easier online, than previously, as long as you have a stable enough Internet connection.
To start a business anywhere in the world is not smart to think you will use that income fore your expenses in the first few years of the business
But what does the community actually need that you can provide? Go to create jobs. Not to reinvent the wheel.
The perfect way to go is as a retiree……if you go as a young person…..have a business in America that provides you income on the continent…….if you can’t run a business in America you definitely can’t run one on the continent.
People shouldnt stay trapped in a place they don't want to be until they can retire. That could be years and years away. Just come up with a steady plan. Residual income or job and GO!!! Be free. Be happy.
@@rockixtheawakening 🙂good advice
I only had one commercial at the beginning of the video. None in the middle or at the end.
You're sooo funny omg😂...I turned those off, because I need this whole video to get watched haha! Good looking out for letting me know🙌🏾.
@@summersinafrica Wow! You must surely be a magician to for having the ability to work, go to school and have 8 kids and a husband? As they say everything ain't for everybody journey wise. More power to you Sis.
Great video
Black Acres of The Gambia!! 😍 Thank you for your support!
We are making plans to come there. We would like to chat!
Assalaamu alaykum sis hope your well in shaa Allah, I have just recently moved to Gambia and am looking for a nutritionist is that a service you offer if so how do I get in touch?
If I want to retire from United States to Gambia a black person old man did they have retired Visa for expeditor what they ask how Every Man's income financially because I have my Social Security can live with 1,000 dollar per month
Please tell others to comeback to motherland, America is losing its value
Best take away I’ve I got from the video is I will make decisions for my family no matter what my wife says. I’m glad your husband kept his American business. 😁
Interesting ! But not to rain on your parade there are certain SOLID business that can earn net income the FIRST year :
1) Fishing and selling your fish 2) Growing vegetables in The Gambia and selling in the market 3) Medical doctor charging your patients in The Gambia and similar businesses !
So true
Its not about how u bring u bring to Africa. Its all about how much income coming in. Savings gonna run out
If you ask me what type of business you can do to make fast fast money ask me healthy and good . Check me am here for my returnees , as a gambian I want us to succeed and AA and all disporans will change many many things so rake the chances yet not later because later could be real real late
You CAN LIVE ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD, IF YOU , HAVE $2,000 INCOME PER MONTH! Girl, you have said nothing substantial
So you made an investment and sacrificed and built a life for family of eight in a third world country. I find this foolish, especially when so many Africans come here to make a fortune because of our infrastructure. Have to considered, that If your kids do not contribute to social security in America, they may be entitled to nothing. The African version of social security is that they all belong to a tribe and when they get old, they can go back and at the very least, live in a mud hut and get fed by family. You get old over there and you might end up on the street begging for food.
🤦🏿♀️ i dont get it
@@teewoods4886 You run out of money over there and you will understand why people come here to America.
@@pforce9 yep I know, and for her to say you basically don't need to save or have Alot is insane, now people are about to move over there broke 🤦🏿♀️ everyone about to try to have a farm 😭..man I talked to the locals and some of them are mad like why are they coming over here restarting businesses we barely making it , and the reasons where people make it and they accept them because they bring free and helpful resources not take away .. doctors, schools , etc
@@teewoods4886 Another thing, Africans think a lot more of white Americans and white Europeans than they do of black Americans. They are probably wondering how we as a group can be such losers when we were born in The United States. Any one of them would trade citizenship with us in a heartbeat. You go over there and lose your connection with the US and your descendants will spend a lifetime trying to get back in.
Which Gambian family spends $2000 a month when the monthly salary is around 3000Dalasi a months. Which is way under $100US
Call this video the obvious
I'm sorry, but you're talking in circles! You're not giving specific details or examples.
Good video.