Gbay this was really intersting and fun to listen too. It also reminded me that these kind of video's is the reason I subscribed to you. I truely hope you find your sway and keep your channel alive. I'll continue silently watching and liking you future content. Keep it up!
agree! wasnt coming to your channel for road to masters and gameplay commentary anyways, was always the vids with nice background info to some specific topics that made me subscribe
he sonsent even mention that UOL is know for brawling mid every single game... Its easy to explain UOL failure that game, they couldnt pressure gnar enought, they gave up, went mid (as always) and just surrendered their chances... classic UOL... If u are picking a splitpusher, u better know how to excecute it (im not saying it is easy)....
Moonlit Shadow fiora is great teamfighting against tanks. she can (relatively) safely pop her ult on their frontline and provide a massive heal while also totally melting a tank w percent true damage
I honestly like the direction you're going with your videos. It's nice to see this kind of content where it's not just playing the game, but breaking down aspects of it and getting people thinking. Keep it coming.
Continue the climb just dont title it "Road to Masters" play ranked and commentate over your game tactics, plans and builds. Something like Yassuo does.
I found this to be very interesting. please do more of these! Not many channels have a prime focus on champion/league history. I think your onto something :)
I really like this style of video. The analysis of the lcs and seeing how it compares to soloqueue is really cool. I know you might not be able to do this for all champions because you need extensive knowledge, but if you could do maybe one or two more of these for different champions, that'd be awesome.
You forgot to talk about the build vizi went, I was interested in what you have to say about that. He went bork after tri force but any player with a few irelia games knows you stay way too squishy if you go bork second. Works in solo queue to snowball but I don't believe that it's a smart buy for a competitive match. Imo he should have followed the rising jax build and go titanic into tank after, helps you push waves faster and teamfight better. What would you say?
Gbay you should make this into a weekly series! This is the type of content ppl will eat lol. And im not joking. if talk about all these champs that dont get played your viewer should go up. It just seem like a missed opportunity if dont. Keep up the good work Gbay!
No, some champs have amazing kits which just naturally make them good champions. A lot of junglers are a great example. Gragas keeps turning up in the meta because his cc abilities are so good (even if there hasn't been that much Gragas jungle recently, teams started picking him top often because his kit is so good). Lee Sin's had two separate ult nerfs this season and still gets picked because his kit means he'll always be a strong ganking jungler with potential to still make game winning plays late. Elise is always around because with ranged cc and the possibility to lose tower aggro at any time she'll always have great ganks at level 3+. Or something like Orianna mid; she has good waveclear, a good laning phase so she can't get hard countered, and even if she gets behind and doesn't do that much damage her ult can still win teamfights. Champs like Irelia or Tryndamere have lots of damage and barely any utility. If they get very behind, they just become useless. The same reason why Lucian got picked a lot when he was OP, but then disappeared completely after nerfs, while other adcs like Ashe and Jhin have had nerfs and still get played a decent amount because they have utility.
4:15 well, here there is actually quite a bit more going on here. Hauntzer is inexperienced in this matchup, but the real reason he got killed, is because of the fact that irelia had a lower level, that was actually a massive powerspike (I would argue irelia's level 7 can all in any champion in the game whatsoever on even ground) making hauntzer think "oh, I'm in my own minion wave, and he's a lower level, he can't possibly all in me" not considering it's irelia vs gnar irelia hitting an item powerspike and on a strong level
Do you think Wukong could become a viable competitive counter to Gnar? He has a very similar kit to Irelia with dashing into combat and a unique ability in his decoy. Furthermore, his armor shred and high impact ult means he would still be a bit more relevant in late game team fights and might combo well with common picks like Oriana, Twitch and Kennen. In terms of laning phase I think Wukong could potentially look for the early pressure on the Gnar as he does pack quite a burst kit and would do better into Gnar's mega form because of his armor shred along with the added evasion potential with his decoy.
Please consider bringing back champion reviews, including reviews of older champions. I enjoyed the "thoughts on every champion" video, though champion reviews are more in depth and enjoyable, which also enables a bunch of extra potential videos.
Gbay, great video. However if you're feeling that your content is stale, you should try doing videos like this on other lanes as well. I don't think it would be enough to simply talk about Top only any more. Can't wait for the next video!
I have a few things I'd like to add on this, if gbay99 does not mind =) 1. Irelia needs a comp where she can splitpush, as she is very strong in early and up to late mid game in 1v1. So a compostion that can do a 4v4 without her and she can stay in a side lane all game is the best. This was the way wicked always played her. This means you either do a late tp for cleanup chase, or skip the tp and go ignite for the 1v1. 2. Notice how UOL is losing all the 4v4 and do not rotate propperly due to lacking waveclear. You can argue corki has waveclear, but its not quick and no one can help him in a siege. On top of that the Grag dives and ult makes me question why UOL didn't go sivir... 3. The reason irelia did poorly in NA was also due to the same as UOL. She is a snowball champ that will do well if left alone. So not focusing her top as an oposing jungler is not optimal. Also, TL did not rotate or win any other lanes during their game, so its rather easy to shut down the only even lane. I don't think you can say 100% that Irelia is not good enough. I'd rather say the way they play Irelia in the current competative scene is not optimal. The midlane ARAM is only happening in the west. You never have more than 3 people pushing the mid tier turrets in korea and LPL. There is a reason for that - they make sure to have decent waveclear to defend and split the resources better. By teaming up mid with 4-5 you lose alot on the rest of the map, which imo is not worth it if you have waveclear mid that can stop the midlane push, or atleast delay it for a long time. Another thing about her is that she is a really strong laner and was used in S3 and S4 as support for snowballing the adc. That's another role that CAN work, but its really hard to pull off.
Hey just a little dose of constructive criticism: Split push is a very effective way of playing League, its simply harder to execute then a teamfight comp, this doesnt invalidate the point of the video. However the 4 man squad of UoL (jung, mid, bot, supp) wasnt the best, if they could hold that tower then it would've been a kill and a tower for free from irelia pressure, that can also translate in the later stages of the game but a pick like that is probably like elise, win it early or suck at the rest. Great video! keep it up
Waow I could really feel the energi you had put into this video, searching the web for facts about Irelia in pro play. If you continue with this I will be a solid subscriber no doubt :D! But... You might wanna turn the background music a litlle down :D
Helo Gbay99, Nice job on the video I had a good time watching the video. I did feel like the title of the video is a bit miss leading. I think when you talked about how much Irelia was played in competitive play was fine. When you started talking about when she got pick for example, in Rift Rivals. It made me think you were now talking about why she was picked. Then you continue the video saying why she was good into Gnar. Then you analyzed the game drawing a lot of comparisons to the Gnar and Irelia making me think the video was about why should you pick Gnar over Irelia in competitive play. The to finish the video you closed with talking about how split pushers like Irelia don't see play. This made me think the video was about split pushers in competitive play. I think that you jump around a lot in this video. You could make separate videos on each topic you covered. Exampols why Irelia got picked into Gnar, why you don't see a lot of split pushers in competitive play, and lastly why isn't Irelia played competitively. If I were to make why isn't Irelia played competitively? I would would explain what her strengths and weaknesses are, her matchups into say the top three META top laners right now(Example: Gnar), and lastly comparing other split push champions that she needs to compete with(Example: Fiora and Jax). Thank you for reading and have a wonderful day of Gbaying. :) (p.s. Pleas respond so I know that you red this, Thanks.)
Jax actually is making his way on the meta, he can destroy tanks in top and win every 1v1 in late game (because the mix dmg in the kit) and scale so well AND can scape using his q to war jumps. The las problem with irelia is she can't scape if the enemy team decide to go an kill and she can't take towers fast enough comparated with Jax, Camille and Fiora
thanks for both explaining a 7 yr old champion and then rewording what the pro casters said 5 days ago, very creative use of your time, and a GREAT start to your supposed new youtube video plan.
5:22 that wasn't a weakness from irelia, that was just incompetence. Irelia had the kill, but there was no reason to stay in that fight, as irelia knew gnar must've had rage if he was tping, and could easily ult both him and his mid laner who was taking way too much from bruam, bruam could ult, and kill both of them, but irelia was probably tilted from doing a good job, but having bot lane getting behind, and mid lane getting behind, while he was doing a great job.
I can attest, this is true. As a Gnar main, laning against Irelia is a pretty horrible experience, yet, even if you die 6 times to the annoying champ, and keep positive, you can turn the game on its head with your team fight synergy. The way I see it. Irelia is a 1v1er, with little to no AOE if you count her R Skillshot and/or having an Iceborn Gauntlet(idk why she'd have it) as an AOE. Its not that these champs are bad, its that in high level play, its all about how much presence you'll have as a team, making champs like Gnar and Malph much better with massive HARD CC AOEs.
Well the same thing can be said about junglers like Shaco and Volibear. In Solo queue they work just fine because there isn't much communication in teams you're versing with those champions. Besides for the fact that most people have each other muted and can't communicate effectively, you also have people that are tilted off the face of the earth in most games that'll just give you free wins if you have a cheese pick. Irelia splitting all day works fine in solo queue, I still think what Dunkey said in his video on leaving league was correct, "Professional League of Legends is a different game to regular League of Legends."
Hey gbay I was wondering if you could do a video explaining what and how to play top lane champs I want to get into top lane because people said I can't get out bronze playing in bot lane so yea if you already have something like that pls link it to me thanks in advance
you know everyone says Gnar out scales Irelia, and in a team fight sure Gnar brings alot to a team fight, but in a split push I am not so sure its that cut and dry
Renekton is kind of the same though. All he has over Irelia is better mobility and tankyness, but I guess that suffices since it takes a lot more to blow him up (making him a better frontliner) compared to Irelia and his laning phase is superior. He was always a staple top laner even though he is quite similar to Irelia in the role he fills.
Duke picked her up vs Kennen last year at world's and did pretty well. IIRC. Though the point still stands, her teamfighting is too weak compared to what most other meta top laners bring. Her superior dueling potential doesn't ammount for enough overall. All she can do is either trade 1 for 1 with a carry or clean up. The latter rarely occurs but when it does it feels so good. But yeh, her teamfight potential is just too weak for pro play. Though you could arguably say the same about Fiora but idk.
The booty is too strong for the LCS Unrelated note: Bricky said "Don't f k up my solo queue" as an outro, but Gbay says "Good luck in solo queue". Hmmm...
Irelia falls under the realm of those like jax and trynd. These ppl can be amazing but they're ppl who must have a lead and they can only split push. They aren't versatile and they can't tank as much as other champs do and lets face it, irelia doesn't do as much dmg as jax and trynd and jax can tank more than irelia. Gnar, shen, and galio are great examples of tanks who can do the same tasks as Irelia but better(without the dmg output) by being able to be useful at anypoint and/or being able to slow down a split pusher to the point of ireliavence(haha). Then Camille and renekton can do exactly what irelia does but better by having better engages and lvl pressures in laning phase, easier stun and dashes. Basically irelia is a thing of the past and needs a rework.
Nasus is similar to Irelia in this regard: People do great with him in soloqueue, but he's basically completely unplayed in pro because his exploitable early game will make the game a 4v5 later on
with the split pushers not doing well in competitive, jax fiora and camile do alright most of the time. and tryndamere its not even in solo queue, he just does well below silver II
Gbay99 Don't worry you won't lose views if you stop Road To Masters! You got true fans even if you don't reply i know you will see every comment! Love from Greece
Irelia is bad at competitive because Irelia got no escape tool, most competitive pick champion that have a dash/jump/blink that can be used both for engage and disengage, Irelia can only engage(she can disengage by dashing through minion, but most of the time, enemy minion won't provide such opportunity). What I don't understand is why no one is picking Tryndamere on competitive, he's good at 1v1 and he could survive for 5 second no matter what happen, and he have a pretty good engage and disengage tool (slow & spin).
There should be different maps with different layouts in witch some champs are better and some other worst it so champions wont be forgotten and every champion would be playable
Splitpushing isn't a viable strategy in comp according to you, yet fiora and jax are high priority picks in competitive. The reason why irelia isn't picked is that she is just a worse version of these heros, less tanky, slower at killing towers, slower waveclear, less damage and less mobility, and that she doesn't offer anything unique.
Someone here said 'she's shit in team fights'. Hmm i don't agree with you because in season 5 she actually was one of the best champions in team fights but not in season 6 and 7. The reason, remember her passive earlier? Yes I'm talking about her tenacity but now that is removed she does has a disadvantage in team fights. And yeah the nerfs 'better nerf Irelia'.Oh now that I remember Cho Gath, Singed , Zac and Trundle too had tenacity which were also removed and now her. At least leave one champion with tenacity but whats hilarious is that according to them is after removing the tenacity from the above champs it was like 'no one should'.
Gbay this was really intersting and fun to listen too. It also reminded me that these kind of video's is the reason I subscribed to you. I truely hope you find your sway and keep your channel alive. I'll continue silently watching and liking you future content. Keep it up!
agree! wasnt coming to your channel for road to masters and gameplay commentary anyways, was always the vids with nice background info to some specific topics that made me subscribe
can this become a Series for your channel? and you can discuss the reasons for other popular champions that are not played on pro play
Vinzan he maybe doesnt have enough knowledge on enough other champs
he sonsent even mention that UOL is know for brawling mid every single game... Its easy to explain UOL failure that game, they couldnt pressure gnar enought, they gave up, went mid (as always) and just surrendered their chances... classic UOL...
If u are picking a splitpusher, u better know how to excecute it (im not saying it is easy)....
I mean, he basically just covered every splitpusher. Wouldn't be a long series.
Same here, I think it is really worth a series!
Moonlit Shadow fiora is great teamfighting against tanks. she can (relatively) safely pop her ult on their frontline and provide a massive heal while also totally melting a tank w percent true damage
Why isn't she played:
1: Team needs a tank
2: With 2k gold she gets hard countered(bramblevest + ninja tabis)
Never clicked off of grannies gone wild so fast
I honestly like the direction you're going with your videos. It's nice to see this kind of content where it's not just playing the game, but breaking down aspects of it and getting people thinking. Keep it coming.
"Mini gnar doesn't have enough mobility to get away from her" - Actually mini gnar is more mobile than mega gnar.
the real question is why isnt garen played competitively... is it his hard mechanics?
Hmm now that you mention it, when was the last time wukong was used in a tournament
supermariovideogamer what's a wukong?
i am fairly certain he was picked at some point last year, I remember seeing him in at least one pro game
He owns TSM now
Continue the climb just dont title it "Road to Masters" play ranked and commentate over your game tactics, plans and builds.
Something like Yassuo does.
Yasuo The Unforgiven yess please
Yasuo The Unforgiven maybe hes hardstuck?
Yasuo The Unforgiven He cant climb he has been hardstuck seasons
just roam
I found this to be very interesting. please do more of these! Not many channels have a prime focus on champion/league history. I think your onto something :)
Great video man, this is the kind of videos I like to see from you more often! I love your insight on these LoL topics
Very informative and analytical. I enjoyed hearing the breakdown on Irelia from THE Irelia main. Nice vid.
I really like this style of video. The analysis of the lcs and seeing how it compares to soloqueue is really cool. I know you might not be able to do this for all champions because you need extensive knowledge, but if you could do maybe one or two more of these for different champions, that'd be awesome.
You forgot to talk about the build vizi went, I was interested in what you have to say about that. He went bork after tri force but any player with a few irelia games knows you stay way too squishy if you go bork second. Works in solo queue to snowball but I don't believe that it's a smart buy for a competitive match. Imo he should have followed the rising jax build and go titanic into tank after, helps you push waves faster and teamfight better. What would you say?
Great analysis, easy to tell that you're intersted in this topic and it really shows in the video quality. more of this pls
Gbay you should make this into a weekly series! This is the type of content ppl will eat lol. And im not joking. if talk about all these champs that dont get played your viewer should go up. It just seem like a missed opportunity if dont.
Keep up the good work Gbay!
because the few nerf Irelia had was so devastating that she never fully recovered.
really proud of you gbay making really good videos even after what happened with your rank series
gg wp ! :)
Really nice vid gbay, can aleready see the effort put into it.. it’s a lot better than the less edited videos.. Keep up!
"no one picks irelia if she isnt op" isnt that for like any champion that LCS pros pick?
gnar isnt op. its his teamfighting that is great and he is tanky. those are the only reasons why he is picked,not cuz he is op
Yes and no. Irelia is binary and lacks the versatility to compete at the pro level unless she's overtuned.
No, some champs have amazing kits which just naturally make them good champions. A lot of junglers are a great example. Gragas keeps turning up in the meta because his cc abilities are so good (even if there hasn't been that much Gragas jungle recently, teams started picking him top often because his kit is so good). Lee Sin's had two separate ult nerfs this season and still gets picked because his kit means he'll always be a strong ganking jungler with potential to still make game winning plays late. Elise is always around because with ranged cc and the possibility to lose tower aggro at any time she'll always have great ganks at level 3+. Or something like Orianna mid; she has good waveclear, a good laning phase so she can't get hard countered, and even if she gets behind and doesn't do that much damage her ult can still win teamfights.
Champs like Irelia or Tryndamere have lots of damage and barely any utility. If they get very behind, they just become useless. The same reason why Lucian got picked a lot when he was OP, but then disappeared completely after nerfs, while other adcs like Ashe and Jhin have had nerfs and still get played a decent amount because they have utility.
i love it when he says: "have a wonderfull day" even doe my day was weak... like my whole life
You could make this into a series talking about why certain champs aren't played in competitive would be interesting
Really liked the video! Good quality! Nice job Gbay!
4:15 well, here there is actually quite a bit more going on here. Hauntzer is inexperienced in this matchup, but the real reason he got killed, is because of the fact that irelia had a lower level, that was actually a massive powerspike (I would argue irelia's level 7 can all in any champion in the game whatsoever on even ground) making hauntzer think "oh, I'm in my own minion wave, and he's a lower level, he can't possibly all in me" not considering it's irelia vs gnar irelia hitting an item powerspike and on a strong level
Do you think Wukong could become a viable competitive counter to Gnar? He has a very similar kit to Irelia with dashing into combat and a unique ability in his decoy. Furthermore, his armor shred and high impact ult means he would still be a bit more relevant in late game team fights and might combo well with common picks like Oriana, Twitch and Kennen. In terms of laning phase I think Wukong could potentially look for the early pressure on the Gnar as he does pack quite a burst kit and would do better into Gnar's mega form because of his armor shred along with the added evasion potential with his decoy.
Please consider bringing back champion reviews, including reviews of older champions. I enjoyed the "thoughts on every champion" video, though champion reviews are more in depth and enjoyable, which also enables a bunch of extra potential videos.
I enjoyed the video, GJ Gbay!
Really good vid Gbay, keep up the great work :)
Gbay, great video. However if you're feeling that your content is stale, you should try doing videos like this on other lanes as well. I don't think it would be enough to simply talk about Top only any more. Can't wait for the next video!
I have a few things I'd like to add on this, if gbay99 does not mind =)
1. Irelia needs a comp where she can splitpush, as she is very strong in early and up to late mid game in 1v1. So a compostion that can do a 4v4 without her and she can stay in a side lane all game is the best. This was the way wicked always played her. This means you either do a late tp for cleanup chase, or skip the tp and go ignite for the 1v1.
2. Notice how UOL is losing all the 4v4 and do not rotate propperly due to lacking waveclear. You can argue corki has waveclear, but its not quick and no one can help him in a siege. On top of that the Grag dives and ult makes me question why UOL didn't go sivir...
3. The reason irelia did poorly in NA was also due to the same as UOL. She is a snowball champ that will do well if left alone. So not focusing her top as an oposing jungler is not optimal. Also, TL did not rotate or win any other lanes during their game, so its rather easy to shut down the only even lane.
I don't think you can say 100% that Irelia is not good enough. I'd rather say the way they play Irelia in the current competative scene is not optimal. The midlane ARAM is only happening in the west. You never have more than 3 people pushing the mid tier turrets in korea and LPL. There is a reason for that - they make sure to have decent waveclear to defend and split the resources better. By teaming up mid with 4-5 you lose alot on the rest of the map, which imo is not worth it if you have waveclear mid that can stop the midlane push, or atleast delay it for a long time.
Another thing about her is that she is a really strong laner and was used in S3 and S4 as support for snowballing the adc. That's another role that CAN work, but its really hard to pull off.
Now That's some Great content honestly keep it up. I enjoyed it more then your road to video's outside some great outliners
great video dude, enjoying the content, its always interesting and unique to other content creators
Pretty good analysis. I am a Trynd main so I can relate to much of what you said. Nice work on this video.
YT recommending this to me 5 years later lol.
Wtf was that at 8:26
Alpha demons
A fucked up transition. :D
ur mom
very fucking funny
editing software fucked up render
Hey just a little dose of constructive criticism: Split push is a very effective way of playing League, its simply harder to execute then a teamfight comp, this doesnt invalidate the point of the video. However the 4 man squad of UoL (jung, mid, bot, supp) wasnt the best, if they could hold that tower then it would've been a kill and a tower for free from irelia pressure, that can also translate in the later stages of the game but a pick like that is probably like elise, win it early or suck at the rest.
Great video! keep it up
Good to see u not struggling with own content anymore. Keep up the good job and have a wonderful day ;)
isnt the lane pressure with Q twice the range when u jump to a minion? edge on top of edge? u can jump a bit further right?
did you reupload this vid or did i dream about parts of your video?
Waow I could really feel the energi you had put into this video, searching the web for facts about Irelia in pro play. If you continue with this I will be a solid subscriber no doubt :D!
But... You might wanna turn the background music a litlle down :D
Helo Gbay99,
Nice job on the video I had a good time watching the video. I did feel like the title of the video is a bit miss leading. I think when you talked about how much Irelia was played in competitive play was fine. When you started talking about when she got pick for example, in Rift Rivals. It made me think you were now talking about why she was picked. Then you continue the video saying why she was good into Gnar. Then you analyzed the game drawing a lot of comparisons to the Gnar and Irelia making me think the video was about why should you pick Gnar over Irelia in competitive play. The to finish the video you closed with talking about how split pushers like Irelia don't see play. This made me think the video was about split pushers in competitive play.
I think that you jump around a lot in this video. You could make separate videos on each topic you covered. Exampols why Irelia got picked into Gnar, why you don't see a lot of split pushers in competitive play, and lastly why isn't Irelia played competitively. If I were to make why isn't Irelia played competitively? I would would explain what her strengths and weaknesses are, her matchups into say the top three META top laners right now(Example: Gnar), and lastly comparing other split push champions that she needs to compete with(Example: Fiora and Jax).
Thank you for reading and have a wonderful day of Gbaying. :)
(p.s. Pleas respond so I know that you red this, Thanks.)
Ever since his rework, what made Shen supposedly a really good top laner for competitive to the point where they did a mini rework for him?
David Garcia his ability to be globally active, and also make it so your team never dies
Jax actually is making his way on the meta, he can destroy tanks in top and win every 1v1 in late game (because the mix dmg in the kit) and scale so well AND can scape using his q to war jumps. The las problem with irelia is she can't scape if the enemy team decide to go an kill and she can't take towers fast enough comparated with Jax, Camille and Fiora
thanks for both explaining a 7 yr old champion and then rewording what the pro casters said 5 days ago, very creative use of your time, and a GREAT start to your supposed new youtube video plan.
5:22 that wasn't a weakness from irelia, that was just incompetence. Irelia had the kill, but there was no reason to stay in that fight, as irelia knew gnar must've had rage if he was tping, and could easily ult both him and his mid laner who was taking way too much from bruam, bruam could ult, and kill both of them, but irelia was probably tilted from doing a good job, but having bot lane getting behind, and mid lane getting behind, while he was doing a great job.
I can attest, this is true. As a Gnar main, laning against Irelia is a pretty horrible experience, yet, even if you die 6 times to the annoying champ, and keep positive, you can turn the game on its head with your team fight synergy.
The way I see it. Irelia is a 1v1er, with little to no AOE if you count her R Skillshot and/or having an Iceborn Gauntlet(idk why she'd have it) as an AOE. Its not that these champs are bad, its that in high level play, its all about how much presence you'll have as a team, making champs like Gnar and Malph much better with massive HARD CC AOEs.
I enjoyed this video more then road to masters Good Job Gbay!
Well the same thing can be said about junglers like Shaco and Volibear. In Solo queue they work just fine because there isn't much communication in teams you're versing with those champions. Besides for the fact that most people have each other muted and can't communicate effectively, you also have people that are tilted off the face of the earth in most games that'll just give you free wins if you have a cheese pick. Irelia splitting all day works fine in solo queue, I still think what Dunkey said in his video on leaving league was correct, "Professional League of Legends is a different game to regular League of Legends."
When one of the casters say why she isn't picked a lot against Gnar, Gbay sees this and uses it for a video
if you want the splitpush to work you must 1-3-1 the lanes, then the splitpushers will be ablr to do more
how many times was urgot picked?!?!?!
0:25 "Nowhere to be seen"
Walks to a bush, nice
wait didnt he quit playing irelia? i even remember him making a video about it
What was the website you used to find those statistics on Irelia's usage in professional play?
Classic Gbay video, nice work.
Hey gbay I was wondering if you could do a video explaining what and how to play top lane champs I want to get into top lane because people said I can't get out bronze playing in bot lane so yea if you already have something like that pls link it to me thanks in advance
Can you try playing final fantasy 14 and maybe make a review on it if you like it.
Love your vids
you know everyone says Gnar out scales Irelia, and in a team fight sure Gnar brings alot to a team fight, but in a split push I am not so sure its that cut and dry
This is why I started watching you in the first place :)
Why would you drag out laning if your opponent outscales you? Take your triforce spike and force towersseems way better..
Renekton is kind of the same though. All he has over Irelia is better mobility and tankyness, but I guess that suffices since it takes a lot more to blow him up (making him a better frontliner) compared to Irelia and his laning phase is superior. He was always a staple top laner even though he is quite similar to Irelia in the role he fills.
Why isn't gbay recording more gameplay?
Team liquid never solid
I only turned this on bc gbay said he would try more on these type of vids bc he stoped road to masters. I hope it's good
Poor gbay's waifu will never be viable in competitive :(
implying Irelia isn't nerfed-banned-adjusted
Duke picked her up vs Kennen last year at world's and did pretty well. IIRC. Though the point still stands, her teamfighting is too weak compared to what most other meta top laners bring. Her superior dueling potential doesn't ammount for enough overall. All she can do is either trade 1 for 1 with a carry or clean up. The latter rarely occurs but when it does it feels so good. But yeh, her teamfight potential is just too weak for pro play. Though you could arguably say the same about Fiora but idk.
The booty is too strong for the LCS
Unrelated note: Bricky said "Don't f k up my solo queue" as an outro, but Gbay says "Good luck
in solo queue". Hmmm...
Your pronunciation of Visicsacsi upsets me.
グレゴリースコット Your spelling isn't better m8 :P
Huni has played 3 games of Jax, which is essentially a splitpush only champion.
but he has an aoe stun and gets a certin amount of resistence due to his utimate
and another reason why this class needs the class update more than any other before even if riot decided to stop doing that.
Irelia falls under the realm of those like jax and trynd. These ppl can be amazing but they're ppl who must have a lead and they can only split push. They aren't versatile and they can't tank as much as other champs do and lets face it, irelia doesn't do as much dmg as jax and trynd and jax can tank more than irelia. Gnar, shen, and galio are great examples of tanks who can do the same tasks as Irelia but better(without the dmg output) by being able to be useful at anypoint and/or being able to slow down a split pusher to the point of ireliavence(haha). Then Camille and renekton can do exactly what irelia does but better by having better engages and lvl pressures in laning phase, easier stun and dashes. Basically irelia is a thing of the past and needs a rework.
Justin Lor did you see huni's jax at rift rivals
what about it?
Justin Lor trynd is garbage, but nobody gets above Jax
Nasus is similar to Irelia in this regard: People do great with him in soloqueue, but he's basically completely unplayed in pro because his exploitable early game will make the game a 4v5 later on
why isnt darius played anymore, or why isnt yorick
I forgot about the days where everyone bought boots first.
I think that now Khan proved that split pushers like Morde , Fiora hell ..even Jax can work in competitive level in put in the right hands .
Love the vids bud!
Im in love with the way he says vizicsacsi
This video was rly rnjoybleebkeep it up.Couls u maybe talk about jax in next video?rly anna know why he isnt picked anymore
Tmw you see this video, but then you see UOL's toplaner play Irelia in Rift Rivals
awesome video gbay!
with the split pushers not doing well in competitive, jax fiora and camile do alright most of the time. and tryndamere its not even in solo queue, he just does well below silver II
Gbay99 Don't worry you won't lose views if you stop Road To Masters! You got true fans even if you don't reply i know you will see every comment! Love from Greece
ViziCSACSI... come on.. it's not even hard to pronounce.. you had one job man...
Balázs Kis he calls Ivern "E-Vern"
Vizicsacsi ----> pronounciation Vizishashi
The mispronunciations are cringe-worthy. C'mon, he's been in the EULCS for over 2 seasons.
Balázs its easy for you since you are from Hungary
thats what happened to azir, if he gets buffed becomes a op champ wich means either a nerf or a rework.
3:50 The first circle has a larger diameter than the second one and it's triggering me.
Heh, sounds like you were playing as Qin Shi for a bit while recording :p
Can you make a video like this on Sion?
Lol thought my pc is dying and had a hearth attack 8:25 xD
Irelia is bad at competitive because Irelia got no escape tool, most competitive pick champion that have a dash/jump/blink that can be used both for engage and disengage, Irelia can only engage(she can disengage by dashing through minion, but most of the time, enemy minion won't provide such opportunity).
What I don't understand is why no one is picking Tryndamere on competitive, he's good at 1v1 and he could survive for 5 second no matter what happen, and he have a pretty good engage and disengage tool (slow & spin).
do one for Lux, she's only been picked like 10 times throughout all 7 seasons
bruiser class update when rito?
There should be different maps with different layouts in witch some champs are better and some other worst it so champions wont be forgotten and every champion would be playable
irelia no titanic for wave clear?
I bet you that ZionSpartan( CLG Darshan) will play all of these champs after the fiora nerfs 8:09 He already played Jax, lost on it but it was cool
So in short for us to see Irelia back in competitive play, she'd need to get a rework?
what do you mean irelia "was" overpovered
Splitpushing isn't a viable strategy in comp according to you, yet fiora and jax are high priority picks in competitive. The reason why irelia isn't picked is that she is just a worse version of these heros, less tanky, slower at killing towers, slower waveclear, less damage and less mobility, and that she doesn't offer anything unique.
Good video, great explanation of Irelia.
Why don't they just pick Yasuo or Jayce to counter Gnar?
Someone here said 'she's shit in team fights'. Hmm i don't agree with you because in season 5 she actually was one of the best champions in team fights but not in season 6 and 7. The reason, remember her passive earlier? Yes I'm talking about her tenacity but now that is removed she does has a disadvantage in team fights. And yeah the nerfs 'better nerf Irelia'.Oh now that I remember Cho Gath, Singed , Zac and Trundle too had tenacity which were also removed and now her. At least leave one champion with tenacity but whats hilarious is that according to them is after removing the tenacity from the above champs it was like 'no one should'.