I like that you are still working at the museum for 16 years continually. Very rare thing now days. Obviously you are valued by your employer, for your knowledge and your passion. Senior museum director by now are you not? No matter. I think you are great at your presentation, full of knowledge as well as still excited about every exhibition. This positivity translates to your engagement with your audiences, I know I am every time I see one of your video uploads. Thank you for your excellent job, never boring! Thank you.😊👍
Thank you to mutter museum for using gender inclusive language. Not all uterus owning people use them to make babies Not all uterus owners are female. They still require and deserve compassionate medical monitoring especially when not identifying as a cis woman. This is important vernacular Im am glad to hear . this is called progress , equity and inclusiveness.
I wish I could afford a breast pump when I had my daughter I had issues getting her latched on and insurance didn’t cover it I regret not being able to breastfeed
"Lactating Parent"? How sad that a programme or I should say, one person, which is around the history of childbirth should actually devalue women by pandering to the "woke" community.
happy mutter's day everyone
I like that you are still working at the museum for 16 years continually. Very rare thing now days. Obviously you are valued by your employer, for your knowledge and your passion. Senior museum director by now are you not?
No matter. I think you are great at your presentation, full of knowledge as well as still excited about every exhibition. This positivity translates to your engagement with your audiences, I know I am every time I see one of your video uploads.
Thank you for your excellent job, never boring!
Thank you.😊👍
Thank you very much for taking me along on this journey!
best museum ever, I love Mütter Museum!
I love this kind of stuff!
SGT Carlton Lee Smith, Jr.
I always wondered why this place was called the Mother museum
So excited!!😃
Thank you to mutter museum for using gender inclusive language. Not all uterus owning people use them to make babies Not all uterus owners are female. They still require and deserve compassionate medical monitoring especially when not identifying as a cis woman. This is important vernacular Im am glad to hear . this is called progress , equity and inclusiveness.
I wish I could afford a breast pump when I had my daughter I had issues getting her latched on and insurance didn’t cover it I regret not being able to breastfeed
"Lactating Parent"? How sad that a programme or I should say, one person, which is around the history of childbirth should actually devalue women by pandering to the "woke" community.