sheley you looked absoultley stunning, allahumabarikk your sis is also so stunning, M'ashallah and your vlogs are so worthwhile watching, so comforting and relaxing m'ashallah xx something about the blue you wore is just so perfect for your face and skin tone x
Hi ladies Although I love your vlogs You two sisters are over dressed at times Too much gold jewellery Just saying Tone it down abit Love from South Africa
love seeing your vlogs of your family life sister
Another wonderful and Amazing vlog from our Sheley Rahman and her amazing Family. Nice to know you guys are invited to another Dawat.
Hey does anyone know where Shelly has brought her running machine from????
Assalamu Alaiqum Sheley apu, watching you from Sylhet.
Take ❤️
You look very pretty in blue sister, mashaAllah 💙
Aw Sheley where’s your blue dress from allhummabrik it’s really pretty x if you could pls reply
Where is sheema’s outfit from pls
Sos wheres your beautiful abaya set from? Its gorgeous. I've seen some on Tiktok
Watching from Newcastle ❤
sheley you looked absoultley stunning, allahumabarikk your sis is also so stunning, M'ashallah and your vlogs are so worthwhile watching, so comforting and relaxing m'ashallah xx something about the blue you wore is just so perfect for your face and skin tone x
Thank you so much 😊 this is the sweetest comment ever!!
Sheema has lost so much weight, u can tell by her face. Both doing so well sticking to it. ❤
Hi sister where’s your abaya from I love the cuff
No school? On a Friday?
This was filmed after school in the evening.
Where’s Sheemas husband
Just asking
Love from South Africa
Can you please do a undercap hair bun
I love watching your vlogs Sheley,we were looking for a bride for my brother, do you know any good girls
How did sheema lose so much weight she looks 14 masha Allah??? Her face is tiny
Free Palestine mashallah allhamdulli
You didn’t reply me sis about a bride
Sorry. If I have a bride I will let you know. I also have cousin who is also looking for a bride please help me find him a bride.
Ok please let me know if you find someone
Q..why do bengali women love gold jewellery so much???
And Indians too! They have more, most of the gold shops are Indian owned!
@@humblebee8334 they don't wear it much though..bengali women love their gold
Hi ladies
Although I love your vlogs
You two sisters are over dressed at times
Too much gold jewellery
Just saying
Tone it down abit
Love from South Africa