Awesome stuff Musty! By the way, just my 2cents - Not sure how other people feel but you saying at the start that there had to be a part two was a little bitter sweet. Love the fact that I get a guaranteed 35 mins of Musty wins, but also knowing that you're going to win every game from the start takes a little bit of anticipation out of it! Keep up the great work man, thanks for the upload!
Musty should bring these back not only are they fun to watch the way he explains his thought processes and such helps the viewer have more strategy in the game
Musty playing 1's: -Educating fans- Musty playing anything else with friends/coaching somebody: OMG I SUCK SO BAD, YOU ARE A GOD, YOU ARE ACTUALLY A GOD!!!!
first of all, gj, great content as always! ^^ I used to had that problem with them servers sometimes, but i also reported those servers very often when it happened. Now i hardly get bad servers, so that might help you in the future :)
Yo Musty, absolutely love the content as it's entertaining as well as very useful information-wise. Just a heads up though, the video quality at 1080p sometimes isn't the best, in some stages the "net" around the stage kinda fucks up the whole image, and I'm not sure, but maybe it's being caused by low bitrate? Idk, maybe it's just the way it is. Anyway, keep doing what you're doing my dude. Lots of love from Brazil. (EDIT: For reference, i saw it the most at around 13:00).
Musty here are some kickoff tips I use when I am on the sides: 1. Go back for boost and when the ball comes to you hit a boomer. 2. Don't boost for 1 second and the boost so the ball comes to you and you can get it in their end.
2:47 "im not gonna save that with 120 ping" 2 seconds later "but i somehow did" musty 2020's best speech ever. also 4:14 "woah woah woah woah woah wo.. woah psyonix woah" 2:33 seconds later "woah" everyone: me: STOP SAYING WOAH 8:52 me: god no god please no also me: WOAHHHHHH THATS NOT TRUE 12:17 musty: yes! me: YES NO MORE WOAHS FOR ABOUT 3 MINS btw love u musty
17:26 is my notification noise and I was like oh great who texted me at this time. Then I heard it again and I was like whew my alone time shall stay. 😂
Musty 10 years later: yo guys we are doing 10s till I lose Edit:whoever liked this ily Btw musty plz like this comment again I edited it so your heart went away
I never comment on ur vids but honestly, I love them. I watch them while doing HW, and even playing RL cause I learn small things even while playing so keep up the good work cause I love the content!
part 2 out here with the rest of the games:
I luv u
Nice 👍
you make awesome videos musty good luck on the race to a million :)
Musty with 120 ping: psyonix why?!?!?
Me with 200: finally good ping
me with 990 ping: WHYYYYYY
Just buy an ethernet cable
Mölw what cable and what does it do?
200? Holy shit ik on 12😂
I didn’t ask
Musty in 1s: my bad my bad...
10:38 btw
Ur top comment at 53 likes, niiiice
Have u ever watched scrub??
@@tonybrg999 nah
Jesus loves you. God bless you, share the gospel and put God first
@@boppity-oscar5054 WTF
you're the best at explaining your in game decisions, it actually helps me when I'm playing
squishy better at explaining the game
Nee San well obviously he should be since he’s a high level pro
@@Sweatyhunk i know, but skrub bad this :D
Me : Struggle to play more than 1 or 2 hours a day before getting mad at bs and starting to play like trash
Musty : 1h(+) winstreak
yeah ok brother
is actually Ark am i underrated?
Musty: calls it 360 musty flick
Me: (facepalm) mutters* it’s called a breezy
David Goodwin thank you now I know I’m not the only one who realised
David Goodwin not like you can do a breezy flick anyways lol
@Nate Deren Yeah. Named after the player
@Chase Pattison Yeah Nate did
Thanks now I know what a breezy is
Just wanna say, I admire you and your play style. Thanks for the content :)
Whenever Musty says “we” I feel like I’m part of the team. 200 IQ TH-cam strat haha
Random guy scores
Musty: I do be unfortunate doe
No one:
Musty: I'm not gonna complain about lag
Also Musty: spends the rest of the game complaining about lag
the “no one” was unnecessary
@qKyui thx
@@gekkomagnus6613 bruh stfu with ur cheesy ass
@@LightningMcqueef. Cheese
Musty: Yeah I couldn't really organically get that on the top of my car. Also Musty: Yeah I caught them off guard with my vegan mind games.
Mertzy in his new video: I’m on an 11 losing streak
Musty meanwhile: This is my longest win streak ever
Rip mertzy 2020
ツMagpro08XD 🤦🏻♂️🤦🏻♂️🤦🏻♂️🤦🏻♂️🤦🏻♂️
musty make a patreon i saw that 0.05 cents on your steam account lmao
Awesome stuff Musty!
By the way, just my 2cents - Not sure how other people feel but you saying at the start that there had to be a part two was a little bitter sweet. Love the fact that I get a guaranteed 35 mins of Musty wins, but also knowing that you're going to win every game from the start takes a little bit of anticipation out of it!
Keep up the great work man, thanks for the upload!
No one:
Literally no one:
Not even Breezi:
Musty: 360 musty flick
Johnny- 360 backflip flick
Big Benn yh lol
Literally was just about to commwnt that
I was looking for this comment as soon as I heard that
🧀 cheese🧀
i loved the way you talked this episode: "he thinks Im low boost, I am so he has thought good"
perfect ball alignment with Neo Tokyo giant ball :P Hit like if you also realized
Anyone hear them woahhss cough cough rizzo and sizz 😂
This little Catchy with the music 19:33
Théo Litnhouvong yea that was pretty sweet tbh
Honestly since I've started watching your vids Ive started narrating what I'm doing, been helping my teamate so thanks a lot dude
Musty should bring these back not only are they fun to watch the way he explains his thought processes and such helps the viewer have more strategy in the game
22:49 that was one good kick off
BB Ben how where you already that far I’m just reading comments damn
Jackson Carter same, my mans on 2x
Bruh this came out 8 minutes ago how tf did u get there!!?!?!?
I just skipped into a random game. Dont ask.
BB Ben ight man 😂😂
Musty: I'll not complain about the lagg
Me:you were lagging
Musty checking ping 120
Me checking ping 990 pretty good
Musty playing 1's: -Educating fans-
Musty playing anything else with friends/coaching somebody: OMG I SUCK SO BAD, YOU ARE A GOD, YOU ARE ACTUALLY A GOD!!!!
i like how musty is educating us in a game. Most gamers don’t do this but it’s really impressive and nice! 👏
19:33 cleanest catch I've ever seen.
Musty:"IM SO BAD"
Also Musty:"we played pretty well that game'
The ball hits the post perfectly on beat at 11:37
Who else loves musty so much they want to be in his vids or play with him
ツMagpro08XD Cheeg
26:50 come on musty. You know you wanted to throw that what a save lol
Musty: I'm so bad!
Also Musty: I think that game we played pretty well.
i get it it has cow puns. *spoiler alert*
One guy said let me see you hit a mustard flick 😂
first of all, gj, great content as always! ^^ I used to had that problem with them servers sometimes, but i also reported those servers very often when it happened. Now i hardly get bad servers, so that might help you in the future :)
Hey Musty! I love your vids, keep it up man!
Musty:And this is a goal
Enime:hell no
Love your vids musty you’ve taught me so much and it honestly makes my day to watch
Me too, hes a great guy
Musty: Wooa Wooa Wooa
Musty I love how u play rocket league, also enjoy your videos!
Yo Musty, absolutely love the content as it's entertaining as well as very useful information-wise.
Just a heads up though, the video quality at 1080p sometimes isn't the best, in some stages the "net" around the stage kinda fucks up the whole image, and I'm not sure, but maybe it's being caused by low bitrate? Idk, maybe it's just the way it is. Anyway, keep doing what you're doing my dude. Lots of love from Brazil.
(EDIT: For reference, i saw it the most at around 13:00).
I mean, at least you called it
You seemed so on point this episode Musty. You may call it being weird, I call it, dayum dat boii got moves.
Ones until we dones
Twos until we lose
Three for as long as we please
Fours until we pause
Musty: (118 ping) I’m lagging so bad!!
Me with 325 ping: ok
that silence with the controlor clicks got me 15:00
Musty helps my thought process in the game. And I understand why I go What a save! What a save! What a save! 26:43
Musty here are some kickoff tips I use when I am on the sides:
1. Go back for boost and when the ball comes to you hit a boomer.
2. Don't boost for 1 second and the boost so the ball comes to you and you can get it in their end.
Musty:he is very aggressive
Also Musty:*wins*
Results:107 car bumps
Me : Catch the woah
Musty : (4:16)
2:47 "im not gonna save that with 120 ping" 2 seconds later "but i somehow did"
musty 2020's best speech ever. also 4:14 "woah woah woah woah woah wo.. woah psyonix woah" 2:33 seconds later "woah"
me: god no god please no
musty: yes!
btw love u musty
17:26 is my notification noise and I was like oh great who texted me at this time. Then I heard it again and I was like whew my alone time shall stay. 😂
Keep up the great vids Musty! Good luck for 1 million subs!
Hey Musty..... Everytime when I’m so sad... I watch your videos... thanks for everything ❤️
I don’t know why but these videos always make me feel like playing rocket league while watching the video. Love the vids Musty keep up the great work
Did you know?
Every 60 secs one minute passes in Africa?
Just as bad in Europe
Really? I didn't know that! 😮😮😮
Did you know that every market in Africa is a black market
check me out check me out... every 365 days in new zealand, a YEAR passes
Together, we can stop this
8:47 lol you're good musty
*Game lags
It's so crazyto think how far you've come since this video!
10:38 in solos but he still says "my bad my bad"
Musty 10 years later: yo guys we are doing 10s till I lose
Edit:whoever liked this ily
Btw musty plz like this comment again I edited it so your heart went away
Me: **enters competitive 2v2 match**
My teammate: *its free derank estate*
Musty: 360 Musty Flick.
"What's up GAMER"
Musty: I’m going to do that.. then this.. and that.. yeah, now we’re going to go back😂😂😂
More like "1s until I get bored of winning so I make a part 2"
How does the same opponent have decent ping, both at 21:31 and 23:52 , when musty dont?
Love ur content musty keep it up💙💙💙
Great Vid! but recommend making the bitrate while recording 20k for the those intense moments if your pc can handle it! can't wait for part 2!
Thx to you musty I made a 1's until I lose video and I really enjoyed it
Best quote ever
I should be better
TBH your one of my favorite yt channels
10:10, indeed I understand. That counter In 5 seconds: 3
360 musty flick, dude that's a breezy flick!
Musty: not gonna say anything
Also musty: I should have had that though
No one :
Literally no one :
Musty : control his car with his voice
I never comment on ur vids but honestly, I love them. I watch them while doing HW, and even playing RL cause I learn small things even while playing so keep up the good work cause I love the content!
Love it when he fangirled over squishy
Musty: i don't know why i have 118 ping
me: i have about 200 ping everyday when i play >:(
Musty should Practice the musty flick a lot and become a god at them
I like how he never stops narrating
Musty: 1s until I lose
Me: 1s until i win
Became you're a fortnite kid
Could you include your PC specs in a video please? I'm gonna get a pc soon and I'm curious. Love this series btw❤
The perfect shot musty would be an off target air dribble bump and you bump him into an own goal
This is my favourite RocketLeague gamer
Musty: misses a musty flick
Me who cant even dribble: *GARBAGE*
Musty: *Misses Ceiling shot flip reset musty flick*
Me at Plat 3: "Wow what a moron"
Look at this mustard flick guy. What a gamer
Lol a part 2 is needed
Musty with 107 car bumps 😂 (23:12)
Musty anytime they get the ball: whoa whoa whoa whoa
3:25 you should of tried a double touch...
but you scored anyways :]
Good work!! Nice video!! Keep up the good work❤️
How long have you been playing ur soooo good!! I love ur content man keep it up!!
Musty love the vid! Makes me want to plays 1s even more. Keep it up!
Jesus loves you. God bless you, share the gospel and put God first
no one:
not a single soul:
You are quite funny and inspirational and when I have a rough day your vids make my day better xd
*Looks at length of video*
Me: "Oh only 30 mintes, I've done that myself"
*Sees that it's only part 1*
Me: "Oh...."
At this point just title this "The OG Musty Series".
Kevpert hello ? x)
Going to do a drinking game out of this vid.
*drinks every time Musty says "I'm not gonna lie" , "I/ He miss" & "I / He score" *
nice vid. though ! :)
Im not gonna lie will be enough for you to land in a coma
Musty ur the best
2:57 organically sounds like vegan milk name. Musty you want some organically vegan water yummm
Ahahah nice one