Lane splitting is legal where I live - it always gives me the absolute horrifying creeps seeing bikers being forced to stop behind trucks etc at intersections.
100s. Dress for the slide not for the ride - every activity has its appropriate uniform. You can always tell the wannabes from the experienced - you'll only ride with slip-slops and shorts if you've never gone down - and _everybody_ goes down eventually if you ride long enough.
Lane splitting is legal where I live - it always gives me the absolute horrifying creeps seeing bikers being forced to stop behind trucks etc at intersections.
I've been riding over 30 years. I always wear more gear than most but to each their own.
100s. Dress for the slide not for the ride - every activity has its appropriate uniform. You can always tell the wannabes from the experienced - you'll only ride with slip-slops and shorts if you've never gone down - and _everybody_ goes down eventually if you ride long enough.