This is so weird. On the internet I always see so many people in the same situation like me, sad, alone, insolated and cannot socially connect but when I go outside, go to school or go to the gym I have never in my life have seen a person with the same problem as me. Everybody has friends and friends groups/big social circle.
It's like, unless you already had joined a clique from many years ago, it's so hard to join or form a bond with someone who's unwilling to accept new people in their lives. You'd have to be in a groove with them to continue with life, otherwise you're just searching for a connection, to be seen and heard.
People say university is your best shot at making long-lasting friends but if that's true then we're well and truly cooked. I'm now on my fourth year and I've spoken to and gotten along well with other students over the years but it's so hard to find genuine friendship beyond the classroom or lab. At my school the terms last 10 weeks and it's hard to get to know people on a personal level. Also past your sophomore year it's almost impossible to find friends or partners since everyone else has already found their own groups. Idk if anyone else has had this experience but I really wanted to share
Ive never heard that. It's not true at all. Im 36, I and almost everyone i know went to college. Not a single one of us maintain contact with college friends. They're temporary. Think about it- everyone either goes back home or onto another college to continue studying. No one LIVES at college forever. there’s a difference between being an introvert and actually socially awkward. The dude in the video seems more socially awkward. You can be an introvert and not socially anxious.
same here, i try to meet new people but it's just not convincing that almost anyone I attempt to approach has an earbud on and it makes me second guess. Maybe remove your earbuds when you're in public to be more approachable😅
Half the people in America are absolutely insane anyway we just found that out. You're probably better off alone. Most people just want something from you.
@@engineer44-s6n I go to college in Denmark. I'm only 17 years old. I'm just horrible at keeping in touch and initiating conversations etc. I'm an NPC!
Start rock climbing. It's the perfect hobby for socially inept nerds, speaking from experience. You can show up, climb by yourself and then go home until you work up the courage to talk to the person climbing the same route as you some day. It's seriously so free, made all of my friends from uni from rock climbing and I still talk to a lot of them today. I don't even climb anymore. Your uni probably has a club, seriously give it some consideration
You might hate it, but we love you. You're awesome. At 25, I've struggled with loneliness for a long time. I haven't had a GF yet, but keep going. I believe there's a better time when all of our dreams come true.
Being lonely/alone is so upsetting. I’m a 2nd year and I have 0 friends at my uni. I’m so lonely and isolated now. Doesn’t help no one tries to talk to me either at uni. Most people already have their groups established and so it’s honestly too late for me. Doesn’t help idk how to talk to people and I have social phobia. University really sucks because of the loneliness and how alone I am. Makes me want to drop out ngl.
Everyone made friends on the first day of school, that's usually how you make friends where I live in any school environment, even at university. Even I managed to get a group of four people to be friends with. As the semesters went by, my group disbanded. Two friends gave up, I failed several subjects and to make up for it I lost contact with the other two, they continued with the same class and I had to attend classes in a totally different schedule. And I never made friends with anyone again.
0:35 literally join them. just go up and say "hey can i play"? why would they say no? and if they for some reason do say no, so what? you can just move on and try again. keep at it and u will find friends
Even if you play with them a while, there is no guarantee that they will want to keep staying friends with you. I socialise with people at uni all the time, but none of them ever stick. I don't want one-day friendships. I want people who want to meet me often and check up on me. I am sick of just being friendly to people who aren't interested in interacting with me again. You are best friends with them for one day and they forget you the next even when you'd like to see them again. Loneliness sucks. I just want to go home.
@@justanothermortal1373It's totally acceptable the way you're thinking. But, the thing is, the author of the video is just commenting on how others will think he's weird and his preference on staying away from social interaction. One thing is that you don't have friends, and the other is that you are keeping yourself away from making any social interaction. I DO not have friends, but I don't have the insecurity to speak to other people; I don't like them? They don't like me? Who cares. If I do it, the problem is not if I'm insecure, the problem is just that, I simply can't get along with most of the people. And that's ok.
everyone saying "just talk to people lmao" like, it isn't that easy. Maybe for you it is, but for me it's not. My brain is constantly telling me that no one would want me around and that I would just make their day worse if I tried to actually like, hangout with people. I literally can't ever talk to someone, they have to approach me first.
This video is basically my life in a nutshell. Especially that "I know I'll be homeless in a few years" fitting accurate description for my future lol.
Hey man, I just got out of college and randomly met the girl of my dreams a couple weeks ago. I honestly thought for the longest time love doesn’t exist. But you know what, it actually does and I’m so blessed for it! I know it will happen to you someday man! Keep the faith!
My university experience was the same as yours. I got a stable job now, all my co workers are old and I can’t relate to them at all. Life only gets worse, and I just learned to accept loneliness.
@ life only gets better if you take action. I haven’t been doing a lot of action in the past years. I’m currently working in my confidence and working out, saving my money up too. I’ll see how my life goes.
Your videos are like therapy for me it’s like a coping mechanism thank you so much Mari ❤ i can relate to you im 22 and i have no friends people are so judgemental i don’t blame you for not talking to anyone because i feel the same too and you don’t have too talk to anyone people are so rude most of the time anyways
Just watched your never had a girlfriend video. I'm a 19 year old girl who's never had a boyfriend, never had a kiss. I'm starting to stop thinking about love. It really hurts. It's not that I think I'm unworthy or something. It's so weird that despite thinking I'm worthy, God is not making it happen for me. I don't understand things now.
You won’t get one if you are thinking that way, if your thinking “im not worthy” or “I’ll never get one” your gonna make others feel those vibes and those things you say to yourself will happen. What you think creates how you feel, what you feel creates how you act. You gotta do more self care man, change up those thoughts to positive self affirmations and you’ll start drawing more people in and you’ll be more open. This part is just my opinion but you can think what you want -> God isn’t gonna put everything you want into place. Sometimes you’ll have to act on things that you want and he will bless ya as you go Sorry dude that was a lot, but it’s just good for thought :) keep trying man
This hits home. Im in university, staying away from my home and i dont seem to fit in anywhere i feel like people are just tolerating me for the sake of it. I have breakfast, lunch and dinner alone. My roommate shifted to another room as well and she didn't even tell me why and its pretty lonely. Theres no point in getting good grades and stuff when youre just lonely deep down 😔😔
Same. There were people that always used to act nice towards me, only to make me pay for their snacks and for their friends' too. I really hate letting people take advantage of me just to have at least someone. Good thing I realised that they're not worth it. I'm not worth it. Being alone is at least better than that. I don't have problems being alone, but society does. You're always expected to have at least one friend. But reality is different.
@@Solarstretch-x2c Never listen to those who tell you that you "need" a friend. Sure, having someone you can get along with is awesome, but you shouldn't depend on friendships to be happy. One can never be truly happy unless he can be happy on his own; those who emotionally depend on others are modern slaves, cogs in the current society's conflicting structure. I'm glad you're aware and experienced about this and I'm sorry if I rambled too much but, be safe out there friend.
@@IsaacFoster.. Thank you so much. You literally couldn't say it any better. It's sad, but true. We shouldn't depend on others, because eventually it's going to hurt.
goofy ahh tip as a fellow loner: ppl get curious about the stuff you pull out of your bag. it tells them about your personality, and letting ppl see whats in there is a super subtle way to be more approachable.
also if you ever see someone wearing merch or like with a waterbottle sticker of one of your interests, ask em about it, its a great way to find someone to yap with.
The fact this is in a university is worse. I figured the people in a university would be a lot more welcoming than that. I go to community college and it makes me reconsider living
Yo dude, I'm a film major too and this is my every day as well. I even commute to school on a one-wheel (similar to an electric skateboard). Got a laugh at the "going to be homeless in four years" joke because that is real asf. Feels like I just go to college for no reason sometimes, especially this semester since I only really have one film class and we don't do many things relating to the field (group film projects and such). It's also really hard to find people to talk to and be friends with, especially when no one else is actively looking to make new friends or has similar interests to me. It's tough out there and I hope things get better for all of us going through this.
@@SasketWoodsman oh that’s awesome. I actually saw someone riding a unicycle today haha. But yeah same for me I’m only taking studies courses, next semester I’m taking production classes, I think then it’ll be easier to make friends. Thanks for sharing!
There alone people on the table i see, they easy to approach and make simple conversation about how uni and they going to be happy to find someone like them
Fact is, making friends does require effort and discomfort. I've felt this way before, like everyone already has friends and don't want to spend time with new people but you have to just keep putting yourself out there. It takes courage but even just sitting next to people you think look cool in a lecture can work. If you're worried you won't know what to say just be honest and say you feel like you want to get to know more people. They'll ask you about yourself if they're nice and as long as you also take interest in them and aren't a dick then that's a good way to find friends. You may not gel with the first few people you do this with but eventually there's bound to be people you can relate to. Don't give up to a defeatist mindset and stay true to yourself. I hope this comment is helpful to anyone who feels stuck in life :)
Loving this comment section. I relate to you all. Feels like I'm less alone in my loneliness, because it's become our loneliness :) I struggle a lot to make friends, or even talk to anyone at uni. Break time is especially awkward, 'cause most people have found their groups already, and those who haven't just resort to scrolling on social media. People don't seem talk anymore... And I can't help becoming like one of them, because my social skills are terrible 🙃 Anyway, thank you for making this video ❤ it's comforting to know I'm not the only one struggling with this
The world is more evil than good.... Actually did great on sole assignments.....I got low and fails in group assignments because their sections were utter crap. Your life is peaceful.....I kinda do that at work....but yh a laugh with someone makes me lift my mood.
Good luck mate, I was like this for 3 years, no one approached me ever except to ask for classes content and during the 3rd dropped out. Became a depressed mess and still trying to recover but it's very hard. If I can give some advices to people that suffer like this : - Don't skip class EVER, even if you say it's only this one time DON'T. I fell into this habit it was only once then once a week then once every 3 days tand eventually i stopped going altogether. - try to find joy in the small things like seeing a beautiful flower, going for walks, seeing a cloud with a funny shape,... If you keep rhinking about how bad it is it'll only get worse and worse until you cannot take it anymore.
Well we're in this together! I just started uni at 25, an old man compared to the rest of em', Yeah forming connections is as difficult for me as ever, I just don't get what they want from me. There's a few people hovering around me but I don't feel much for them. I can befriend people at first but then I get lazy/reclusive until they give up on me.
I’m a loner at uni and I really love it, I only focus on studying in lectures and in my free time i just walk around following cats or chill at the library reading a book or watching something, it’s really calm and peaceful, of course there are times when I feel too self conscious because I’m alone but it’s alright I’m used to it now so it’s not as bad, if you don’t plan on trying to make friends you can try to accept and enjoy being alone and find new stuff to do by yourself as a plan b, that’s just my personal experience and recommendation though
I feel you, bro. I’m in my second year of community college (last year before I transfer to a university for my bachelor’s) and I can’t help but feel a little defeated over how I haven’t made a single friend yet. It’s hard to explain, it’s just like I physically can’t will myself to talk to people spontaneously, but natural interactions never happen because everybody just keeps to themselves. You got this man, keep up your work, and I hope good things (and people!) come your way soon
When I was in college, I made a few friends during freshman year, but after that it was borderline impossible. Everyone started moving in different directions with their majors and stuff. In high school, I remember being able to make friends during all 4 years without an issue. College is just isolating in general.
Some people are lonely and awkward, but cooler...enjoy your cool ass board, and keep pushing on, boy! One day you'll miss these days...Solitude is not bad at all when you learn to enjoy it
As a university student with a social circle of close friends and wholesome connections. You’ve just got to put yourself out there more, go to more socials, let people get used to you being around; approaching people isn’t a crime, if they think you’re weird then they’re not the friends for you, but it’s all about not giving up and continuing to put yourself out there and acknowledging people, even if it’s just a simple smile and hello. I used to be shy but then I learnt there’s no shame inviting yourself to socials and including yourself in things. I hope this helps 🙏🏽🧡
Yeah true, I recently went to an event and I didn’t know anybody and I was scared so I was like you know what lemme approach some new people which I did and made 4 new friends but now I’m kinda close with one of my friends who is a girl who lives in the same dorm as me, it’s all about trusting God and letting God give you strength
yeah same here , on my first day on uni i went to talk to a former classmate from middle that ended up with me , then i met some people from my groups and from there we just talked and got to know each other. it's not hard if you're a normal person and dont act weird
I just completed my uni studies. I do have friends but they're those kind friends which you'd call 'advantage taking ones'... Very competitive, never helped anytime regarding studies so in return I stopped too. Because in the end, I have learned, you're on your own and you're the only one who can help yourself the best.
Stay strong, boy! Nowadays it's so difficult to make friends, but NEVER EVER give up! Try to know more people in different places, not only at university but also in your neighborhood, at parks, practice some team sports and so on... I had to struggle to have some friends some years ago and finally I've found a few, really open-hearted ones! Just be a nice person and keep on fighting, I'll say some prayers for you 🙏❤️ a hug from Italy
Look I cannot make any assumptions about anyone's situation so take what im about to say with a grain of salt but I used to be like that too in uni, always sitting alone, always going to the back of the class, always leaving as soon as the lecture was over and honestly it was like a defense mechanism to avoid being rejected. If im the one isolating myself then its not that nobody wants to be my friend, its my choice. I fear that if you want friends, you're going to have to put yourself through that horribly awkward ordeal of Trying or just saying Hey, and not isolating yourself. I found saying hi to other loners was a good way to go because they're probably also looking for friendly people but dont know how to approach them. Believe me when I say i get it, I was one of you, and even now I love my own company and only seek other people if they're worth my time and effort and social battery...but you never know if there's someone out there who could be your friend unless you "put yourself out there" even a little bit..
My man listen. Don't be afraid of what people will think about you. If you need to force yourself into a circle then do it. What's the worst that could happen? They'd be looking at you like at an idiot? If so, then so what? Why would you care about their opinion? If guys from one circle won't give you a chance then there are other people that will. Just do it and don't give a damn about it. I'm kinda like you now, trying to get friends. In my case it's in my work, but i still felt isolated and lonely until i just decided to not give a shit about it and started building confidence. I know you will do it. And worst case if not uni friends then maybe neighbors or randoms you might meet somewhere in th city
Was in the same situation as you back when i started college, then i decided to move near people and somehow got into conversation with a guy and that conversation attracted a few more guys! Fast forward 2 years, now we are a group of 5 !! Dont give up man, make as many connections as you can!
Do you have an easier time talking to people older than you? I've been like this pretty much my whole life, never really enjoyed interacting with my fellow students, still don't feel like I'm any good with people younger than about 30. Young people feel very stand-off'ish and judgemental to me, always have. One option: Get involved with a volunteer organisation around where you are, something that you are passionate about, say nature conservation, something where the social aspect is not necessarily front-and-center in the activities that they do. You'd still have opportunities to meet and get to know others who share the same passion, but no pressure to do so, all while doing something worthwhile and being allowed to feel good about yourself afterward. 💚
ngl heres some advice: if u really want friends, start by taking baby steps. Say hi to random people as u pass by and compliment them. Focus on making people feel good and create a positive and welcoming aura around yourself. Eventually the friends and popularity will come to u
Ironically, as I grow up, I learned to be a lone wolf. Sure, you can have loyal and caring friends. But I also learned that people like to be with people who know their purpose and way in life. Also, the most important question to ask while looking in the mirror is "could you be your best friend". So keep the progress, the best days are those not wasted
“Il be your friend” are an unheard of language I’ve heard in my life your not alone brother imagine this is me in my future lonely but hey at least you won’t have friends that will back stab you it’d better to have friends that hate you and back stab then having non you don’t wanna feel pain.
I can relate to this so much. 3 years of online studying , then war , displacement and another 1,5 years of online studying. I went to the college and am already in the 2nd year , during that time i made 0 friends lol. Some people say "Just get out of your comfort zone" "Just start talking to people" this doesn't work just like that in most situations , no matter how hard you try
I struggled with this. I was really lonely and my mental health was terrible in Sixth Form too so I just put all my effort into school. I got decent grades but it ruined my mental health and made me very socially inexperienced. I was pressured towards Uni but I just ended up dropping out after 3 years of trying to pull my grades out of the nosedive they were in. I only had one friend but lost contact with her. Plus this was during the Covid years which just made it feel even more like insanity.
Just started my first year in uni and I'm living the same situation and the fact that TH-cam recommended me this video is both concerning and comforting (?) Concerning because how did TH-cam even know I'm currently in this exact situation- And (somewhat) comforting because at least I'm not the only one living something like this
bro, this makes me feel sad I hope your happy at least. I am grateful Im new and im already got myself well in my school, man tbh youve might like it but I dont want to be alone man. well lemme tell you something, its better to be alone but be yourself than to act fake just to have friends. I always act like myself, which is why I think im being well surrounded rn. I am greatful to the Lord, I dont thank him enough for what I have.
I studied in 2 unies in china in one I had mates(still couldn't get laid cause all the girls that i was attracted to were taken and the ones that were attracted to me were unattractive). IN the second i found it very hard to socialize. I remember I was talking to this russian chick who was attracted to me, but i didn't have enough social skills/energy to navigate it in the right direction. She said "I haven't seen you live university life. Have s*x and friends." That's how i knew that they live completely different lives. Then I straight up said "ok, lets do it". And she was like "noo it doesn't work like that, thats cheesy etc."I ealized I don't have the emotional energy to play complex social games that mating rituals consist of. And i just paid for it a couple times a year. My only regret is that i didn't do it earlier and regularly.
this is a chill vlog - but I do wanna say, as someone who graduated uni, you should take chances to connect with others if you can. It's one of my biggest regrets post-graduation. I know it can be daunting or you might feel like you'd be bothering people, and sure, social interactions are never guaranteed to go well, but you could also be risking facing regret for not having made those connections you could have made. This isn't meant to be peer-pressure-y, btw. It's just something I wish i had realized when i was still a uni student.
Socializing in University can be a huge struggle. Have you looked into clubs and organizations on campus? What about social events like fairs and stuff? I don’t want to imply you haven’t done enough or anything because sometimes it’s just that caustic an environment, I’m just trying to think of possible solutions to meet new faces and connect with people.
Im a loner too same situation in life. I can say yeah life is lonely but. At least I can take care of myself and take care of what's actually important.
I remember I used to have lots of friends I had like 8 or 9 atleast in high school. When I went to college i felt like over the summer my social battery ran out, i was too busy, and first 2 years of college I hang out with no one and felt like I stopped talking to my other friends too
Got this video as a college student on my first semester, so this feels like a personal attack 💀 For what it's worth, though, your life seems pretty chill. We're constantly told that you need to be hanging out with friends and searching for love at all times in order to live a fulfilling life, but there's nothing wrong with you because you haven't found people you could fw yet. As somebody who's been in this situation in high school as well, let me give you some advice: if you wanna find friends, try to get to know people in your classes. You're a film student, so maybe try to get to know other film students and work on projects with them. Try joining a club in something you're interested with so you can enjoy your hobby with others. And another thing: if you find an opportunity to get to know people, take it. Even if worst comes to worst and they don't want you around, at least you can be more confident in yourself since you were brave enough to take that shot, even if it didn't work out for you. Good luck, man! I'm sure you'll find the right people!
I graduated at this college. You should join a club related to your major to make friends. Also, just to note I wouldn't do film as a major. Find something that's more in demand; check bureau of labor statistics and indeed to see the job market in this field because you'll regret it if you can't find a job after graduating. If you do stay in this major, I would hope you have a strong portfolio because creative fields are always so competitive.
I am from the UK and most of the friends I have are from my secondary (middle school) and high school when I was between the ages 11-18. I am now 28 yrs old. I am very lucky to see a lot of them weekly through playing football together. I can genuinely say they are my friends for life. We’ve even gone on multiple holidays abroad together. I never made any long term friends at university though. I suppose if you join a club for something which you genuinely like doing you can make friends that way. But don’t join something just for the sake of making friends. Making new friends should be a natural process and not forced.
omg i was just gonna make the exact same video!! Im also in uni and i have some acquaintances but not really any proper friends. I sometimes go two whole weeks without talking to a friend. It sucks being alone in uni, like everyone says theyre having the time of their lives but its just not. im literally more isolated in uni than i was during covid lockdown :(
I’m also in the same boat, though finally I managed to befriend my roommate of Junior year and it’s a bit less lonely now… even when I do manage to talk to others and even seem to click with them, we never talk again afterwards- idk how people do it lol
Flying solo isn’t as bad as people make it out to be but it how you go about it that makes the difference. To have genuine friends you just keep doing the hobbies you love doing and go from there with people who share those hobbies. It gets easier from there, but the rest depends on how well you’d get along beyond those hobbies.
I get it. Too awesome and an introvert. Not pushing himself which is wise. I’m guessing film school can be like acting school. Lots of egos and idiots and pick me types. Things may change but smart to do his own thing and show up. I’m learning at a much older age to stay away from negativity and dysfunction or at least to navigate it. I’m sick of toxic bullying behaviour and women who smell weakness and prey on it.
I have close friends outside of college but when I was in college, i had spoken to few people but only in group assignments. I didn’t made any friends and I was always alone lol I’m honestly okay with that, I guess cause I was scared to make a bad friends, so I guarded myself and focus on work.
May I provide some advice? Join a club or group on campus and go all in on the activity. You could even join a club where you have nothing in common with others or don’t know how to do that activity.
People say finding a unique hobby might work for making friends and having good conversations in general, so why not try? I'm giving this advice to myself so that you know we two are in the same boat.
This advice may seem random and useless, but try it and see what happens: even if you or no one else thinks of you as a runner and you don't "enjoy" it ,register to run in a 5k or10k race 3mos from now (or some distance you think is too far) and then jog at least 3x/week at any pace. If you complete it, it may help in ways you cant predict now.
I started uni last year as a freshman (some people start as sophomores in my country). Anyway since it was really far from my home, nobody from my highschool went there. So i was basically mostly alone the whole time. Good thing i registered for my classes to be directly after eachother so i didnt have any breaks sitting alone. But overtime i just opened up and started talking to people. Especially on whatsapp group chats and stuff. That really helped me connect with people. Now im in my first semester of my sophomore year with my current best friend that i met last year. It really just takes time. You gotta put in the effort! I would love to be your friend
Guys make sure to join the discord, it would be cool to meet some of you guys.
This is so weird. On the internet I always see so many people in the same situation like me, sad, alone, insolated and cannot socially connect but when I go outside, go to school or go to the gym I have never in my life have seen a person with the same problem as me. Everybody has friends and friends groups/big social circle.
It's like, unless you already had joined a clique from many years ago, it's so hard to join or form a bond with someone who's unwilling to accept new people in their lives. You'd have to be in a groove with them to continue with life, otherwise you're just searching for a connection, to be seen and heard.
There's a lot of us out there, we're just hidden.
@AustinTheWeenieTicklerwhere y’all at homies???😫
Lmao right
Because loners are so unnoticed, we are almost invisible and you don't even know
People say university is your best shot at making long-lasting friends but if that's true then we're well and truly cooked. I'm now on my fourth year and I've spoken to and gotten along well with other students over the years but it's so hard to find genuine friendship beyond the classroom or lab. At my school the terms last 10 weeks and it's hard to get to know people on a personal level. Also past your sophomore year it's almost impossible to find friends or partners since everyone else has already found their own groups. Idk if anyone else has had this experience but I really wanted to share
Unfortunately not true. Your graduation will be the last time you see any of them.
Bro woke up and chose to speak facts
Ive never heard that. It's not true at all. Im 36, I and almost everyone i know went to college. Not a single one of us maintain contact with college friends. They're temporary. Think about it- everyone either goes back home or onto another college to continue studying. No one LIVES at college forever.
join a frat bud
@@irishkk88what about your school friends
how come in the 90s aproaching people was cool nowadays aproaching people seems like a crime lol where did we go wrong
Social media plays a large factor.
Social media and stuff
it's not a crime it's called being an introvert there’s a difference between being an introvert and actually socially awkward.
The dude in the video seems more socially awkward. You can be an introvert and not socially anxious.
I am also in uni, sitting alone, eating alone, walking alone. It is what it is. Loved the video ❤ lonely gang united!!! :)
same here, i try to meet new people but it's just not convincing that almost anyone I attempt to approach has an earbud on and it makes me second guess. Maybe remove your earbuds when you're in public to be more approachable😅
your TH-cam handle is literally the name of a music track I play, just to get over this feeling.
"This Too Shall Pass" by Scott Buckley.
It's fine, because most people are crazy anyway, no one needs enemies.
Half the people in America are absolutely insane anyway we just found that out. You're probably better off alone. Most people just want something from you.
People watch you like a complete loser 😂😂😂😂
It's insanely hard to do assignments/homework when you're lonely. Or isolating yourself at home without friends outside school
Im really isolated and have 0 friends
@@Tetra_Elementrasame bro
it hits me hard cuz no one help you .same situation where are you from and which university do you study
@@engineer44-s6n I go to college in Denmark. I'm only 17 years old. I'm just horrible at keeping in touch and initiating conversations etc. I'm an NPC!
I dropped out. I was just wasting my time
Start rock climbing. It's the perfect hobby for socially inept nerds, speaking from experience. You can show up, climb by yourself and then go home until you work up the courage to talk to the person climbing the same route as you some day. It's seriously so free, made all of my friends from uni from rock climbing and I still talk to a lot of them today. I don't even climb anymore. Your uni probably has a club, seriously give it some consideration
Bruh this is how you die faster
Why men die:
@@naylisyazwina6836 You're thinking of outdoor climbing, indoor is perfectly safe. There were also a bunch of women there
We’re full sorry
Wait that's crazy my uni has a rock climbing club and I joined it for the same reason 😮
You might hate it, but we love you. You're awesome.
At 25, I've struggled with loneliness for a long time. I haven't had a GF yet, but keep going. I believe there's a better time when all of our dreams come true.
Its over bro
@@EvilBard666 man shut
@@EvilBard666 😂😂😂😂
@@jayveexd his coping is just pathetic man...
@@EvilBard666With a name like yours, it's easy to see what kind of person you are. Only weak people put others down.
Being lonely/alone is so upsetting. I’m a 2nd year and I have 0 friends at my uni. I’m so lonely and isolated now. Doesn’t help no one tries to talk to me either at uni. Most people already have their groups established and so it’s honestly too late for me. Doesn’t help idk how to talk to people and I have social phobia. University really sucks because of the loneliness and how alone I am. Makes me want to drop out ngl.
Everyone made friends on the first day of school, that's usually how you make friends where I live in any school environment, even at university. Even I managed to get a group of four people to be friends with. As the semesters went by, my group disbanded. Two friends gave up, I failed several subjects and to make up for it I lost contact with the other two, they continued with the same class and I had to attend classes in a totally different schedule. And I never made friends with anyone again.
Didn't connect with anybody at my University either
You're better off! Most people at universities in the Western World are full of themselves and think their something they aren't! Don't get roped in!
@BritishGovernment1815 Therapy's a scam
Neither did I
@@JohnStevens5118 What?
0:35 literally join them. just go up and say "hey can i play"? why would they say no? and if they for some reason do say no, so what? you can just move on and try again. keep at it and u will find friends
Even if you play with them a while, there is no guarantee that they will want to keep staying friends with you. I socialise with people at uni all the time, but none of them ever stick. I don't want one-day friendships. I want people who want to meet me often and check up on me. I am sick of just being friendly to people who aren't interested in interacting with me again. You are best friends with them for one day and they forget you the next even when you'd like to see them again. Loneliness sucks. I just want to go home.
yeah lol, thats how most introverted/lonely people become more confident, i can kinda understand why people don’t wanna do it though
@@justanothermortal1373It's totally acceptable the way you're thinking. But, the thing is, the author of the video is just commenting on how others will think he's weird and his preference on staying away from social interaction. One thing is that you don't have friends, and the other is that you are keeping yourself away from making any social interaction. I DO not have friends, but I don't have the insecurity to speak to other people; I don't like them? They don't like me? Who cares. If I do it, the problem is not if I'm insecure, the problem is just that, I simply can't get along with most of the people. And that's ok.
You don't know people.
I mean I’m not athletic so I probably wouldn’t join besides people would judge me for being so pathetic looking I’m not taking that chance .
everyone saying "just talk to people lmao" like, it isn't that easy. Maybe for you it is, but for me it's not. My brain is constantly telling me that no one would want me around and that I would just make their day worse if I tried to actually like, hangout with people. I literally can't ever talk to someone, they have to approach me first.
This video is basically my life in a nutshell.
Especially that "I know I'll be homeless in a few years" fitting accurate description for my future lol.
Hey man, I just got out of college and randomly met the girl of my dreams a couple weeks ago. I honestly thought for the longest time love doesn’t exist. But you know what, it actually does and I’m so blessed for it! I know it will happen to you someday man! Keep the faith!
My life but I’m in highscool
hi im a big fan of u
@@Kkrgss got inspired by ur vid to make my own version. Hope you don’t mind :)
I thought it would get better in college.. I suppose I’ll be alone forever
My university experience was the same as yours. I got a stable job now, all my co workers are old and I can’t relate to them at all. Life only gets worse, and I just learned to accept loneliness.
I relate too!
Ive worked around old people my whole life, it sucks
Brother it gets better. Keep your head up and work on your confidence friend ❤
Doesn't exactly sound like a solution.
@ life only gets better if you take action. I haven’t been doing a lot of action in the past years. I’m currently working in my confidence and working out, saving my money up too. I’ll see how my life goes.
Your videos are like therapy for me it’s like a coping mechanism thank you so much Mari ❤ i can relate to you im 22 and i have no friends people are so judgemental i don’t blame you for not talking to anyone because i feel the same too and you don’t have too talk to anyone people are so rude most of the time anyways
Bro congrats on your midterm! I scored a 96 on mine recently!! Please talk to at least one person you are not as wired as you think!❤
Just watched your never had a girlfriend video. I'm a 19 year old girl who's never had a boyfriend, never had a kiss. I'm starting to stop thinking about love. It really hurts. It's not that I think I'm unworthy or something. It's so weird that despite thinking I'm worthy, God is not making it happen for me. I don't understand things now.
I never had one either lol. It is what it is. God plans for me to die alone.
You won’t get one if you are thinking that way, if your thinking “im not worthy” or “I’ll never get one” your gonna make others feel those vibes and those things you say to yourself will happen. What you think creates how you feel, what you feel creates how you act. You gotta do more self care man, change up those thoughts to positive self affirmations and you’ll start drawing more people in and you’ll be more open.
This part is just my opinion but you can think what you want ->
God isn’t gonna put everything you want into place. Sometimes you’ll have to act on things that you want and he will bless ya as you go
Sorry dude that was a lot, but it’s just good for thought :) keep trying man
@@Lil_Pusheen thank you for your advice! Please read my comment again. I think you misunderstood
@@LiketobecalledMoon2005 oops that is my bad, haha sorry I’ve had midterms. But the advice still somewhat works😂🤷🏼♀️
@Lil_Pusheen you're right ❤️ God bless you love your dp
You're so chill bro 👌🏻🛹
This is literally my everyday school routine, and it's been like this FOR YEARS.
This hits home. Im in university, staying away from my home and i dont seem to fit in anywhere i feel like people are just tolerating me for the sake of it. I have breakfast, lunch and dinner alone. My roommate shifted to another room as well and she didn't even tell me why and its pretty lonely. Theres no point in getting good grades and stuff when youre just lonely deep down 😔😔
I had friends but they were all fake. So choose to stay alone. Its sucks but better than having those "friends"
Same. There were people that always used to act nice towards me, only to make me pay for their snacks and for their friends' too. I really hate letting people take advantage of me just to have at least someone. Good thing I realised that they're not worth it. I'm not worth it. Being alone is at least better than that. I don't have problems being alone, but society does. You're always expected to have at least one friend. But reality is different.
@@Solarstretch-x2c Never listen to those who tell you that you "need" a friend. Sure, having someone you can get along with is awesome, but you shouldn't depend on friendships to be happy. One can never be truly happy unless he can be happy on his own; those who emotionally depend on others are modern slaves, cogs in the current society's conflicting structure. I'm glad you're aware and experienced about this and I'm sorry if I rambled too much but, be safe out there friend.
@@IsaacFoster.. Thank you so much. You literally couldn't say it any better. It's sad, but true. We shouldn't depend on others, because eventually it's going to hurt.
Bros sadmaxxing?
goofy ahh tip as a fellow loner: ppl get curious about the stuff you pull out of your bag. it tells them about your personality, and letting ppl see whats in there is a super subtle way to be more approachable.
also if you ever see someone wearing merch or like with a waterbottle sticker of one of your interests, ask em about it, its a great way to find someone to yap with.
Omg this is such a good tip
Don't feel bad, I'm a Loner! Maybe God has you set apart for a reason, Mari! Thanks for sharing! Blessings!
you hit the nail on the head with this vid & the comment section is hitting too 😭 we’re all really in the same boat fr.
Going go uni is a very positive step in your life. You will make friends, don't force it. Let it happen, naturally.
I mean , this guy think he IS weird and dont join to the group of guys playing with the ball for that , he need to forced It.
The fact this is in a university is worse. I figured the people in a university would be a lot more welcoming than that.
I go to community college and it makes me reconsider living
Yo dude, I'm a film major too and this is my every day as well. I even commute to school on a one-wheel (similar to an electric skateboard). Got a laugh at the "going to be homeless in four years" joke because that is real asf. Feels like I just go to college for no reason sometimes, especially this semester since I only really have one film class and we don't do many things relating to the field (group film projects and such). It's also really hard to find people to talk to and be friends with, especially when no one else is actively looking to make new friends or has similar interests to me. It's tough out there and I hope things get better for all of us going through this.
@@SasketWoodsman oh that’s awesome. I actually saw someone riding a unicycle today haha. But yeah same for me I’m only taking studies courses, next semester I’m taking production classes, I think then it’ll be easier to make friends. Thanks for sharing!
There alone people on the table i see, they easy to approach and make simple conversation about how uni and they going to be happy to find someone like them
This was along the lines of what my college experience looked like. I've been a loner for a long time to the point where I actually enjoyed it.
Fact is, making friends does require effort and discomfort. I've felt this way before, like everyone already has friends and don't want to spend time with new people but you have to just keep putting yourself out there. It takes courage but even just sitting next to people you think look cool in a lecture can work. If you're worried you won't know what to say just be honest and say you feel like you want to get to know more people. They'll ask you about yourself if they're nice and as long as you also take interest in them and aren't a dick then that's a good way to find friends. You may not gel with the first few people you do this with but eventually there's bound to be people you can relate to. Don't give up to a defeatist mindset and stay true to yourself. I hope this comment is helpful to anyone who feels stuck in life :)
Loving this comment section. I relate to you all. Feels like I'm less alone in my loneliness, because it's become our loneliness :) I struggle a lot to make friends, or even talk to anyone at uni. Break time is especially awkward, 'cause most people have found their groups already, and those who haven't just resort to scrolling on social media. People don't seem talk anymore... And I can't help becoming like one of them, because my social skills are terrible 🙃
Anyway, thank you for making this video ❤ it's comforting to know I'm not the only one struggling with this
The world is more evil than good.... Actually did great on sole assignments.....I got low and fails in group assignments because their sections were utter crap.
Your life is peaceful.....I kinda do that at work....but yh a laugh with someone makes me lift my mood.
I don’t like to spend time with others neither, I just feel tired to do so, honestly being alone means you can do many things you like.
Bro just come up to literally anyone you like.
Odds are on your 2nd-3rd try you will have a friend for life.
Good luck mate, I was like this for 3 years, no one approached me ever except to ask for classes content and during the 3rd dropped out. Became a depressed mess and still trying to recover but it's very hard.
If I can give some advices to people that suffer like this :
- Don't skip class EVER, even if you say it's only this one time DON'T. I fell into this habit it was only once then once a week then once every 3 days tand eventually i stopped going altogether.
- try to find joy in the small things like seeing a beautiful flower, going for walks, seeing a cloud with a funny shape,... If you keep rhinking about how bad it is it'll only get worse and worse until you cannot take it anymore.
Well we're in this together! I just started uni at 25, an old man compared to the rest of em', Yeah forming connections is as difficult for me as ever, I just don't get what they want from me. There's a few people hovering around me but I don't feel much for them. I can befriend people at first but then I get lazy/reclusive until they give up on me.
I’m a loner at uni and I really love it, I only focus on studying in lectures and in my free time i just walk around following cats or chill at the library reading a book or watching something, it’s really calm and peaceful, of course there are times when I feel too self conscious because I’m alone but it’s alright I’m used to it now so it’s not as bad, if you don’t plan on trying to make friends you can try to accept and enjoy being alone and find new stuff to do by yourself as a plan b, that’s just my personal experience and recommendation though
Don't worry brother, you good. University looks cool btw
I feel you, bro. I’m in my second year of community college (last year before I transfer to a university for my bachelor’s) and I can’t help but feel a little defeated over how I haven’t made a single friend yet. It’s hard to explain, it’s just like I physically can’t will myself to talk to people spontaneously, but natural interactions never happen because everybody just keeps to themselves.
You got this man, keep up your work, and I hope good things (and people!) come your way soon
When I was in college, I made a few friends during freshman year, but after that it was borderline impossible. Everyone started moving in different directions with their majors and stuff. In high school, I remember being able to make friends during all 4 years without an issue. College is just isolating in general.
Some people are lonely and awkward, but cooler...enjoy your cool ass board, and keep pushing on, boy! One day you'll miss these days...Solitude is not bad at all when you learn to enjoy it
As a university student with a social circle of close friends and wholesome connections. You’ve just got to put yourself out there more, go to more socials, let people get used to you being around; approaching people isn’t a crime, if they think you’re weird then they’re not the friends for you, but it’s all about not giving up and continuing to put yourself out there and acknowledging people, even if it’s just a simple smile and hello. I used to be shy but then I learnt there’s no shame inviting yourself to socials and including yourself in things. I hope this helps 🙏🏽🧡
Yeah true, I recently went to an event and I didn’t know anybody and I was scared so I was like you know what lemme approach some new people which I did and made 4 new friends but now I’m kinda close with one of my friends who is a girl who lives in the same dorm as me, it’s all about trusting God and letting God give you strength
yeah same here , on my first day on uni i went to talk to a former classmate from middle that ended up with me , then i met some people from my groups and from there we just talked and got to know each other. it's not hard if you're a normal person and dont act weird
I just completed my uni studies. I do have friends but they're those kind friends which you'd call 'advantage taking ones'... Very competitive, never helped anytime regarding studies so in return I stopped too. Because in the end, I have learned, you're on your own and you're the only one who can help yourself the best.
Stay strong, boy! Nowadays it's so difficult to make friends, but NEVER EVER give up! Try to know more people in different places, not only at university but also in your neighborhood, at parks, practice some team sports and so on... I had to struggle to have some friends some years ago and finally I've found a few, really open-hearted ones! Just be a nice person and keep on fighting, I'll say some prayers for you 🙏❤️ a hug from Italy
You're better than me. I just dropped out and accepted being a wagie. College is just as miserable of an experience as high school is
Look I cannot make any assumptions about anyone's situation so take what im about to say with a grain of salt but I used to be like that too in uni, always sitting alone, always going to the back of the class, always leaving as soon as the lecture was over and honestly it was like a defense mechanism to avoid being rejected. If im the one isolating myself then its not that nobody wants to be my friend, its my choice. I fear that if you want friends, you're going to have to put yourself through that horribly awkward ordeal of Trying or just saying Hey, and not isolating yourself. I found saying hi to other loners was a good way to go because they're probably also looking for friendly people but dont know how to approach them.
Believe me when I say i get it, I was one of you, and even now I love my own company and only seek other people if they're worth my time and effort and social battery...but you never know if there's someone out there who could be your friend unless you "put yourself out there" even a little bit..
At least you’re in uni with a bright future ahead of you. Count your blessings and be grateful.
Why is this terrifyingly relatable?
My man listen. Don't be afraid of what people will think about you. If you need to force yourself into a circle then do it. What's the worst that could happen? They'd be looking at you like at an idiot? If so, then so what? Why would you care about their opinion? If guys from one circle won't give you a chance then there are other people that will. Just do it and don't give a damn about it.
I'm kinda like you now, trying to get friends. In my case it's in my work, but i still felt isolated and lonely until i just decided to not give a shit about it and started building confidence. I know you will do it. And worst case if not uni friends then maybe neighbors or randoms you might meet somewhere in th city
Was in the same situation as you back when i started college, then i decided to move near people and somehow got into conversation with a guy and that conversation attracted a few more guys! Fast forward 2 years, now we are a group of 5 !! Dont give up man, make as many connections as you can!
Do you have an easier time talking to people older than you? I've been like this pretty much my whole life, never really enjoyed interacting with my fellow students, still don't feel like I'm any good with people younger than about 30. Young people feel very stand-off'ish and judgemental to me, always have.
One option: Get involved with a volunteer organisation around where you are, something that you are passionate about, say nature conservation, something where the social aspect is not necessarily front-and-center in the activities that they do. You'd still have opportunities to meet and get to know others who share the same passion, but no pressure to do so, all while doing something worthwhile and being allowed to feel good about yourself afterward. 💚
ngl heres some advice: if u really want friends, start by taking baby steps. Say hi to random people as u pass by and compliment them. Focus on making people feel good and create a positive and welcoming aura around yourself. Eventually the friends and popularity will come to u
Keep going. You are doing great things, more than you realize.
Don’t feel down man, things are gonna get better, they always do, no matter how long it takes. 👍
yeah I'd be miserable too if I had a 40 minute commute
Ironically, as I grow up, I learned to be a lone wolf. Sure, you can have loyal and caring friends. But I also learned that people like to be with people who know their purpose and way in life. Also, the most important question to ask while looking in the mirror is "could you be your best friend". So keep the progress, the best days are those not wasted
This is honestly so relatable. When I did college I had no friends 😭 praying u make some tho💕
“Il be your friend” are an unheard of language I’ve heard in my life your not alone brother imagine this is me in my future lonely but hey at least you won’t have friends that will back stab you it’d better to have friends that hate you and back stab then having non you don’t wanna feel pain.
I can relate to this so much. 3 years of online studying , then war , displacement and another 1,5 years of online studying. I went to the college and am already in the 2nd year , during that time i made 0 friends lol. Some people say "Just get out of your comfort zone" "Just start talking to people" this doesn't work just like that in most situations , no matter how hard you try
To be fair, you look like a really chill dude, I like that
I struggled with this. I was really lonely and my mental health was terrible in Sixth Form too so I just put all my effort into school. I got decent grades but it ruined my mental health and made me very socially inexperienced. I was pressured towards Uni but I just ended up dropping out after 3 years of trying to pull my grades out of the nosedive they were in. I only had one friend but lost contact with her. Plus this was during the Covid years which just made it feel even more like insanity.
I left my “friend” group after I was done with uni 😆 No worries. Hope you will eventually meet people that are genuinely good and respectful
Just started my first year in uni and I'm living the same situation and the fact that TH-cam recommended me this video is both concerning and comforting (?)
Concerning because how did TH-cam even know I'm currently in this exact situation-
And (somewhat) comforting because at least I'm not the only one living something like this
bro, this makes me feel sad I hope your happy at least. I am grateful Im new and im already got myself well in my school, man tbh youve might like it but I dont want to be alone man. well lemme tell you something, its better to be alone but be yourself than to act fake just to have friends. I always act like myself, which is why I think im being well surrounded rn. I am greatful to the Lord, I dont thank him enough for what I have.
girl if i cant make friends once i get to university its truly over
I studied in 2 unies in china in one I had mates(still couldn't get laid cause all the girls that i was attracted to were taken and the ones that were attracted to me were unattractive). IN the second i found it very hard to socialize. I remember I was talking to this russian chick who was attracted to me, but i didn't have enough social skills/energy to navigate it in the right direction. She said "I haven't seen you live university life. Have s*x and friends." That's how i knew that they live completely different lives. Then I straight up said "ok, lets do it". And she was like "noo it doesn't work like that, thats cheesy etc."I ealized I don't have the emotional energy to play complex social games that mating rituals consist of. And i just paid for it a couple times a year. My only regret is that i didn't do it earlier and regularly.
this is a chill vlog - but I do wanna say, as someone who graduated uni, you should take chances to connect with others if you can.
It's one of my biggest regrets post-graduation. I know it can be daunting or you might feel like you'd be bothering people, and sure, social interactions are never guaranteed to go well, but you could also be risking facing regret for not having made those connections you could have made.
This isn't meant to be peer-pressure-y, btw. It's just something I wish i had realized when i was still a uni student.
Great vid. This is the most honest day in the life I’ve ever seen
Socializing in University can be a huge struggle. Have you looked into clubs and organizations on campus? What about social events like fairs and stuff? I don’t want to imply you haven’t done enough or anything because sometimes it’s just that caustic an environment, I’m just trying to think of possible solutions to meet new faces and connect with people.
Im a loner too same situation in life. I can say yeah life is lonely but. At least I can take care of myself and take care of what's actually important.
i am also in highschool i dont have anyone to talk to
i have depression these days thank you so much for making this special video❤ gang united((:
This was me too. Get used to it because it doesnt change.
I remember I used to have lots of friends I had like 8 or 9 atleast in high school. When I went to college i felt like over the summer my social battery ran out, i was too busy, and first 2 years of college I hang out with no one and felt like I stopped talking to my other friends too
Got this video as a college student on my first semester, so this feels like a personal attack 💀
For what it's worth, though, your life seems pretty chill. We're constantly told that you need to be hanging out with friends and searching for love at all times in order to live a fulfilling life, but there's nothing wrong with you because you haven't found people you could fw yet.
As somebody who's been in this situation in high school as well, let me give you some advice: if you wanna find friends, try to get to know people in your classes. You're a film student, so maybe try to get to know other film students and work on projects with them. Try joining a club in something you're interested with so you can enjoy your hobby with others.
And another thing: if you find an opportunity to get to know people, take it. Even if worst comes to worst and they don't want you around, at least you can be more confident in yourself since you were brave enough to take that shot, even if it didn't work out for you.
Good luck, man! I'm sure you'll find the right people!
I graduated at this college. You should join a club related to your major to make friends. Also, just to note I wouldn't do film as a major. Find something that's more in demand; check bureau of labor statistics and indeed to see the job market in this field because you'll regret it if you can't find a job after graduating. If you do stay in this major, I would hope you have a strong portfolio because creative fields are always so competitive.
I also go to this school rn. It’s hard to make friends here.
I am from the UK and most of the friends I have are from my secondary (middle school) and high school when I was between the ages 11-18. I am now 28 yrs old. I am very lucky to see a lot of them weekly through playing football together. I can genuinely say they are my friends for life. We’ve even gone on multiple holidays abroad together. I never made any long term friends at university though. I suppose if you join a club for something which you genuinely like doing you can make friends that way. But don’t join something just for the sake of making friends. Making new friends should be a natural process and not forced.
omg i was just gonna make the exact same video!! Im also in uni and i have some acquaintances but not really any proper friends. I sometimes go two whole weeks without talking to a friend. It sucks being alone in uni, like everyone says theyre having the time of their lives but its just not. im literally more isolated in uni than i was during covid lockdown :(
spectacular phone case!
I’m also in the same boat, though finally I managed to befriend my roommate of Junior year and it’s a bit less lonely now… even when I do manage to talk to others and even seem to click with them, we never talk again afterwards- idk how people do it lol
Flying solo isn’t as bad as people make it out to be but it how you go about it that makes the difference. To have genuine friends you just keep doing the hobbies you love doing and go from there with people who share those hobbies. It gets easier from there, but the rest depends on how well you’d get along beyond those hobbies.
You're an awesome and amazing and beautiful guy. How's this possible??
I get it. Too awesome and an introvert. Not pushing himself which is wise. I’m guessing film school can be like acting school. Lots of egos and idiots and pick me types. Things may change but smart to do his own thing and show up. I’m learning at a much older age to stay away from negativity and dysfunction or at least to navigate it. I’m sick of toxic bullying behaviour and women who smell weakness and prey on it.
People don't care about you, even if you're handsome or pretty, if you don't have social skills you're cooked as I am
@@1qmik REAL
You will never be alone, The Lord is with you and He loves you very much ❤️❤️❤️
I have so much homework I don’t even have time to feel lonely.
love watching your videos. also, congrats on your nice score
I have close friends outside of college but when I was in college, i had spoken to few people but only in group assignments. I didn’t made any friends and I was always alone lol I’m honestly okay with that, I guess cause I was scared to make a bad friends, so I guarded myself and focus on work.
I don't even know what is the purpose of university. It is a complete waste of time...and I spent more than 10 years in that wasteland.
The purpose is to socialize and learn social skills most of all. But not everyone can do that. Depends on a person and uni.
The purpose is to socialize and learn social skills most of all. But not everyone can do that. Depends on a person and uni.
Fr, i can't even end highschool, I'm 18, i can't do this shit
Exactly it's a waste of time and money. You could get a masters and still be jobless
10 years??? holy sht, what did you studied?
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He lowk jus a chill guy
@@blaque-n6n just a chill guy
I thought it was a curse at first. But being alone for a long time in uni was useful. Do not waste it.
May I provide some advice? Join a club or group on campus and go all in on the activity. You could even join a club where you have nothing in common with others or don’t know how to do that activity.
i’m here for u as a fellow introvert
loved the video, a word of advice I have is to make the subtitles last a little longer but apart from that it was really good!!
These are the days you'll remember man peaceful
People say finding a unique hobby might work for making friends and having good conversations in general, so why not try? I'm giving this advice to myself so that you know we two are in the same boat.
This advice may seem random and useless, but try it and see what happens: even if you or no one else thinks of you as a runner and you don't "enjoy" it ,register to run in a 5k or10k race 3mos from now (or some distance you think is too far) and then jog at least 3x/week at any pace. If you complete it, it may help in ways you cant predict now.
COVID really wrecked social interaction for kids
I started uni last year as a freshman (some people start as sophomores in my country). Anyway since it was really far from my home, nobody from my highschool went there. So i was basically mostly alone the whole time. Good thing i registered for my classes to be directly after eachother so i didnt have any breaks sitting alone. But overtime i just opened up and started talking to people. Especially on whatsapp group chats and stuff. That really helped me connect with people. Now im in my first semester of my sophomore year with my current best friend that i met last year. It really just takes time. You gotta put in the effort! I would love to be your friend
I believe in you Mari, you're doing great despite being a loner, I can't even go to school because of it, wish you the best❤