I see you found a popped transistor, anything else? My amp was still working even with those 4 broken legs. Amazing, but finally it blew 2 power supply mosfets
I found 4 broken transistor legs. 2 on the amplifier side and two on the lower power supply side. Because people solder and then screw down the heatsinks. Must leave space for the legs to move or solder after bolting down to the heatsink. The lower ones were the diodes, it was both of the very last diode legs right at the back. I also had to change some of the big square mosfet blocks. 2 were blown.
Do the main outputs use BJT?
You are genius Brother
I see you found a popped transistor, anything else? My amp was still working even with those 4 broken legs. Amazing, but finally it blew 2 power supply mosfets
Con công suất đẹp quá, có bán không vậy bạn
I found 4 broken transistor legs. 2 on the amplifier side and two on the lower power supply side. Because people solder and then screw down the heatsinks. Must leave space for the legs to move or solder after bolting down to the heatsink. The lower ones were the diodes, it was both of the very last diode legs right at the back. I also had to change some of the big square mosfet blocks. 2 were blown.