🎯 Key Takeaways for quick navigation: 00:00 📘 *Introduction to Marketing Trilogy 3.0, 4.0, and 5.0* - Introduction to the Marketing X.0 series by Iwan Setiawan, Philip Kotler, and Hermawan Kartajaya. - Discusses the evolution of marketing from 1.0 to 3.0, highlighting the shift from product to customer to human spirit focus. 02:05 📚 *Overview of Marketing Trilogy Books* - Describes the series of books that cover the evolution of marketing, including the transition to digital and the use of advanced technologies. - Explains the rationale behind the series, likening it to software versioning to denote major evolutions in marketing concepts. 02:32 🕰️ *Historical Context of Marketing Evolution* - Provides a historical overview of marketing, beginning in the 1950s with "Modern Marketing" and theinfluence of Philip Kotler. - Discusses the shift from product-centric (Marketing 1.0) to customer-centric approaches (Marketing 2.0) due to economic changes. 05:22 🧑🤝🧑 *Transition to Customer-Centric Marketing (Marketing 2.0)* - Introduces Marketing 2.0 as a shift towards focusing on customer needs and the emergence of segmentation, targeting, and positioning (STP). - Highlights the importance of creating products that are perfect for targeted segments rather than trying to appeal to everyone. 06:17 🌍 *Shift to Human-Centric Marketing (Marketing 3.0)* - Discusses the evolution to Marketing 3.0, emphasizing human-centric marketing that considers holistic benefits for individuals and society. - Explains the change in perspective from serving the customer as king to considering what is best for people and the environment. 08:14 📱 *Introduction to Digital Marketing (Marketing 4.0)* - Marks the pivot to Marketing 4.0, highlighting the influence of thedigital economy and the transition from traditional to digital marketing. - Distinguishes between the basic use of digital technologies in Marketing 4.0 and the deeper application of advanced technologies in Marketing 5.0. 10:07 🤖 *Advanced Technologies in Marketing (Marketing 5.0)* - Explores the role of advanced technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, the Metaverse, and Blockchain in the deep integration of technology in marketing practices. - Emphasizes the significance of both front-end and back-end technological applications for a comprehensive marketing strategy. 13:26 🌱 *Building Blocks of Human-Centric Marketing* - Details the building blocks of Marketing 3.0: Social Marketing, Green Marketing, and Social Entrepreneurship. - Discusses the holistic approach to business that considers profit, people, and the planet, integrating social and environmental impacts into marketing strategies. 15:48 💡 *Customer Experience in Digital Marketing (Marketing 4.0)* - Introduces theconcept of Customer Experience (CX) as a fundamental aspect of Marketing 4.0, detailing the "5A" customer journey model. - Highlights the tactical elements of engaging customers in the digital era, from awareness to advocacy, through personalized digital experiences. 19:08 🌱 *Linking Marketing 3.0 to 4.0 and Appeal to Younger Generations* - Marketing 3.0's human-centric approach is a foundational block of Marketing 4.0, emphasizing social-economic and environmental impacts. - Products with positive social and environmental impacts, like The Body Shop and Gojek, are particularly appealing to millennials and Gen Z. 20:06 📈 *From Awareness to Curiosity: The Role of Content Marketing* - Content Marketing is crucial in driving curiosity and further research about a brand through concise, engaging content. - The interplay between social media and search engines is vital in creating initial appeal and leading to deeper brand exploration. 21:33 🔄 *Omnichannel and Integrated Marketing* - Omnichannel Marketing emphasizes the need for brands to be available across both online and offline channels for purchasing. - Integrated Marketing ensures coherence between online and offline experiences, enhancing customer satisfaction and brand loyalty. 22:28 💬 *Engaging and Creating Brand Advocates* - Engagement Marketing aims to turn satisfied customers into brand advocates through positive experiences and reminders of the brand's value. - Regular engagement activities are designed to keep the brand top of mind, encouraging recommendations to others. 23:24 🤖 *Introduction to Marketing 5.0 and "The Next Tech"* - Marketing 5.0 leverages advanced technologies inspired by human capabilities, such as Artificial Intelligence, Natural Language Processing, and Sensor Tech. - These technologies aim to enhance customer experience by automating human-like thinking and communication abilities. 28:14 📊 *Five Building Blocks of Marketing 5.0* - Details the five foundational elements of Marketing 5.0: Data-Driven Marketing, Predictive Marketing, Contextual Marketing, Augmented Marketing, and Agile Marketing. - Focuses on using AI and other technologies to collect and analyze data, predict customer preferences, personalize marketing efforts, augment human interaction with digital interfaces, and adapt quickly to changes. 32:05 🎓 *Announcement of Marketing Trilogy Masterclass* - Introduction to an upcoming masterclass that will delve deeper into the building blocks of Marketing 3.0, 4.0, and 5.0. - Offers a quiz for viewers with a chance to win free tickets to the masterclass, fostering further engagement and education on the trilogy. 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Another masterpiece from Iwan Setiawan, co-author world best selling books, which have been translated into 25+ languages, Marketing 3.0, Marketing 4.0, Marketing 5.0 Curated Topics & Speakers, Engaging Session & Network wrapped in Theatrical Perfomance Marketeers Hangout 2023 : The 1st Theatrical Conference in Indonesia From Vision to Reality DREAM, DESIGN, DO Monday, 18 September 2023 @Ciputra Artpreneur Theater Jakarta 10.00 AM- 5.00 PM Early Bird Ticket : 🏷️Regular Rp 400K 🏷️VIP Rp 1.000K (VIP Seat, F&B, Access to speakers) Buy Ticket : marketeershangout.com/ ☎️ wa.me/6281111112803 See you there 🥳
Marketing 3.0 adalah marketing tradisional yang telah selesai evolusinya pada konsep Human Centric Marketing. Dengan adanya perkembangan digital ekonomi, muncullah Marketing 4.0, pivoting marketing tradisional ke marketing di dunia digital. Konsep dasar Marketing 4.0 adalah New Customer Experience 5A (Aware, Appeal, Ask, Act, Advocate) dan Marketing 4.0 mempunyai 4 building blocks, salah satunya adalah (Aware ke Appeal) yang merupakan Human Centric Marketing (Marketing 3.0). Bila di Marketing 4.0 pemanfaatan teknologi digital hanya pada area yang tertentu saja seperti pada social media dan e-commerce, maka pada Marketing 5.0 memanfaatkan advance technology yang disebut The Next Tech (Artificial Intelligence, natural language processing, sensor tech, robotics, metaverse, IoT & Blockchain) yang dipakai dalam konsep New Customer Experience (Marketing 4.0).
Another masterpiece from Iwan Setiawan, co-author world best selling books, which have been translated into 25+ languages, Marketing 3.0, Marketing 4.0, Marketing 5.0 Curated Topics & Speakers, Engaging Session & Network wrapped in Theatrical Perfomance Marketeers Hangout 2023 : The 1st Theatrical Conference in Indonesia From Vision to Reality DREAM, DESIGN, DO Monday, 18 September 2023 @Ciputra Artpreneur Theater Jakarta 10.00 AM- 5.00 PM Early Bird Ticket : 🏷️Regular Rp 400K 🏷️VIP Rp 1.000K (VIP Seat, F&B, Access to speakers) Buy Ticket : marketeershangout.com/ ☎️ wa.me/6281111112803 See you there 🥳
Baru banget tau ada chanel ini,sangat bermanfaat dan tidak kerasa saya mencatat full dengan bahasa saya sendiri.terima kasih mas,intonasi dan audio sangat jelas,yg anda jelaskan pun sangat mudah dipahami ,semoga lancar dan banyak rejeki,sehat selalu agar bisa memberikan ilmu yg bermanfaat
Pertanyaan Kuis: Apa kaitan antara Marketing 3.0 Marketing 4.0 dan Marketing 5.0? Objective dari Marketing 3.0 adalah Marketing with Human Spirit. Objective dari Marketing 4.0 adalah Moving from Traditional to Digital. Objective dari Marketing 5.0 adalah Technology for Humanity So kaitannya dari ketiga trilogi diatas adalah: Adanya transisi perubahan dari customer path dan marketing check point yang berbasiskan kepada: 1. Competitive Advantage yaitu Creating Value with Values yaitu bagaimana marketing mampu memberikan seluruh attribut dan sumber dayanya agar product/services/solution perusahaan mampu tampil di tingkat yang lebih tinggi daripada yang lain. 2. Cumulative Advantage yaitu Creating Loyalty with Habit. yaitu bagaimana marketing mampu menawarkan product/services/solution perusahaan kepada calon pelanggan pilihan yang bukannya hanya sempurna namun lebih menawarkan kepada calon pelanggan pilihan yang mudah. Terima kasih.
Another masterpiece from Iwan Setiawan, co-author world best selling books, which have been translated into 25+ languages, Marketing 3.0, Marketing 4.0, Marketing 5.0 Curated Topics & Speakers, Engaging Session & Network wrapped in Theatrical Perfomance Marketeers Hangout 2023 : The 1st Theatrical Conference in Indonesia From Vision to Reality DREAM, DESIGN, DO Monday, 18 September 2023 @Ciputra Artpreneur Theater Jakarta 10.00 AM- 5.00 PM Early Bird Ticket : 🏷️Regular Rp 400K 🏷️VIP Rp 1.000K (VIP Seat, F&B, Access to speakers) Buy Ticket : marketeershangout.com/ ☎️ wa.me/6281111112803 See you there 🥳
Yes, setuju sekali pak sebelum bpk jelaskan sy sudah menebak arah penjelasan bpk ttg nilai filosofi spt body shop atau gojek yg cukup terkenal krn nilai2 yg mrk adopsi.. sehingga mrk terlihat lebih unik dr produk lain
Another masterpiece from Iwan Setiawan, co-author world best selling books, which have been translated into 25+ languages, Marketing 3.0, Marketing 4.0, Marketing 5.0 Curated Topics & Speakers, Engaging Session & Network wrapped in Theatrical Perfomance Marketeers Hangout 2023 : The 1st Theatrical Conference in Indonesia From Vision to Reality DREAM, DESIGN, DO Monday, 18 September 2023 @Ciputra Artpreneur Theater Jakarta 10.00 AM- 5.00 PM Early Bird Ticket : 🏷️Regular Rp 400K 🏷️VIP Rp 1.000K (VIP Seat, F&B, Access to speakers) Buy Ticket : marketeershangout.com/ ☎️ wa.me/6281111112803 See you there 🥳
Kaitannya, Marketing 3.0 menekankan pada Human Centrict yang dilanjutkan dengan memfokuskan ke customer experience pada marketing 4.0 sehingga dapat digunakan untuk membangun citra branding agar semakin menarik dari kompetitornya. kemudian pada marketing 5.0 dukungan melalui Inovasi teknologi digital seperti Ai ,IoT, Metaverse merupakan langkah yang digunakan untuk mendorong serta mempercepat/mengoptimalkan dalam customer experience dengan konsep data,personlize,customize,dan eksekusi data cepat.
Dengan demikian, dapat dikatakan bahwa Marketing 4.0 merupakan evolusi dari Marketing 3.0 dengan penekanan pada teknologi digital, sementara Marketing 5.0 melibatkan integrasi yang lebih mendalam antara manusia dan teknologi untuk menciptakan pengalaman konsumen yang lebih unik dan relevan. Meskipun masing-masing konsep ini memiliki fokus yang berbeda, tetapi mereka semua mencerminkan adaptasi pemasaran terhadap perubahan dalam perilaku konsumen dan kemajuan teknologi.
Untuk menjawab kaitan antara marketing 3.0, 4.0 dan 5.0, saya menggunakan studi kasus transformasi marketing yang dilakukan oleh Brand Coca-cola. Cola-cola melakukan rebranding mengusung konsep marketing 3.0 dengan visi perusahaan "To refresh the world..., to inspire moments of optimism and happiness..., to creat value and make a difference." dan membawa 3 misi human centric yaitu berfokus pada consumer dengan "healthy product", berfokus pada social & employee dengan CSR "Coca-cola every bottle has a story: Japan" & "Coca-cola archic home" dan mengusung campaign "Live positively". Marketing 4.0 Coca-cola didukung dengan tingkat aware dan appeal konsumen yang sudah tinggi berkat marketing 3.0 yang sudah sukses dijalankan sebelumnya, pada tahapan konversi appeal mejadi ask coca-cola menggunakan konten marketing trendjacking utamanya memanfaatkan persaingan sengitnya dengan brand pepsi. Pada sisi penyediaan produk di pasaran untuk mendukung terjadinya act, Coca-cola sangat kuat dengan omnichannel nya, yang salah satunya ditunjukkan dengan sebaran vending machine yang sangat banyak yang dilengkapi teknologi AI, yang mampu memberikan customer experinces berharga dan menyampaikan pesan happiness dan live positively nya yang berhasil meng-engage pelanggannya. Nah pada marketing 5.0 coca-cola sangat cerdas memanfaatkan data yang mereka miliki dari vending machine nya, untuk meracik rasa minuman disetiap negara dari 200 negara pasarnya memiliki rasa-rasa yang berbeda sesuai dengan selera dimana mesin tersebut dipasang. Vending machine bahkan dapat merubah mood mereka bergantung pada di mana mesin tersebut ditempatkan, misalnya mesin-mesin dipusat perbelanjaan menampilkan pesona yang warna-warni, riang. selain itu coca-cola juga menggunakan AI untuk menganalisi media sosial dan memahami dimana, kapan dan bagaimana konsumennya gemar mengonsumsi produknya. Hasilnya analisis data deep learning memungkinkan coca-cola membuat iklan sosial yang lebih memahami konsumen dan meningkatkan penjualan produk.
Anda telah memenangkan Kuis Marketing Trilogy, Kirim Nomor Telepon dan Email Anda segera ke Marketeers@marketeers.com Tim kami akan segera menghubungi Anda untuk informasi selanjutnya.
Another masterpiece from Iwan Setiawan, co-author world best selling books, which have been translated into 25+ languages, Marketing 3.0, Marketing 4.0, Marketing 5.0 Curated Topics & Speakers, Engaging Session & Network wrapped in Theatrical Perfomance Marketeers Hangout 2023 : The 1st Theatrical Conference in Indonesia From Vision to Reality DREAM, DESIGN, DO Monday, 18 September 2023 @Ciputra Artpreneur Theater Jakarta 10.00 AM- 5.00 PM Early Bird Ticket : 🏷️Regular Rp 400K 🏷️VIP Rp 1.000K (VIP Seat, F&B, Access to speakers) Buy Ticket : marketeershangout.com/ ☎️ wa.me/6281111112803 See you there 🥳
Another masterpiece from Iwan Setiawan, co-author world best selling books, which have been translated into 25+ languages, Marketing 3.0, Marketing 4.0, Marketing 5.0 Curated Topics & Speakers, Engaging Session & Network wrapped in Theatrical Perfomance Marketeers Hangout 2023 : The 1st Theatrical Conference in Indonesia From Vision to Reality DREAM, DESIGN, DO Monday, 18 September 2023 @Ciputra Artpreneur Theater Jakarta 10.00 AM- 5.00 PM Early Bird Ticket : 🏷️Regular Rp 400K 🏷️VIP Rp 1.000K (VIP Seat, F&B, Access to speakers) Buy Ticket : marketeershangout.com/ ☎️ wa.me/6281111112803 See you there 🥳
Intinya marketing 3.0 pergeseran dari product centric ke customer centric kemudian ke human centric. Kalo marketing 4.0 adalah human centric didukung teknologi online dan melihat customer journey dari aware, appeal, ask, act sampai advocacy. Sedangkan marketing 5.0 sudah masuk ke Artificial Intelligent, big data dan sebagainya dengan filosofi teknologi for humanity.
Anda telah memenangkan kuis Marketing Trilogy, Kirim Nomor Telepon dan Email Anda segera ke: Marketeers@marketeers.com Tim kami akan segera menghubungi Anda untuk informasi selanjutnya.
Another masterpiece from Iwan Setiawan, co-author world best selling books, which have been translated into 25+ languages, Marketing 3.0, Marketing 4.0, Marketing 5.0 Curated Topics & Speakers, Engaging Session & Network wrapped in Theatrical Perfomance Marketeers Hangout 2023 : The 1st Theatrical Conference in Indonesia From Vision to Reality DREAM, DESIGN, DO Monday, 18 September 2023 @Ciputra Artpreneur Theater Jakarta 10.00 AM- 5.00 PM Early Bird Ticket : 🏷️Regular Rp 400K 🏷️VIP Rp 1.000K (VIP Seat, F&B, Access to speakers) Buy Ticket : marketeershangout.com/ ☎️ wa.me/6281111112803 See you there 🥳
Menurut saya marketing 3.0, 4.0 dan 5.0 masih sangat berkaitan, masih bepilar pokok pada human-centrist. Namun dalam perjalanannya waktu, behavior dari human-centrist ini bergeser ke arah digital dan teknologi yang berkelanjutan. Sehingga touching dari strategi marketing harus mengikuti platform yang menjadi behavior dari human centrist tersebut. Teknologi tersebut juga memudahkan pemetaan dari human-oriented, dari tiap individu yang berbeda, behavior dan prediktif yang bisa digunakan marketeer sebagai acuan untuk membuat keputusan.
Anda telah memenangkan Kuis Marketing Trilogy, Kirim Nomor Telepon dan Email Anda segera ke Marketeers@marketeers.com Tim kami akan segera menghubungi Anda untuk informasi selanjutnya.
Another masterpiece from Iwan Setiawan, co-author world best selling books, which have been translated into 25+ languages, Marketing 3.0, Marketing 4.0, Marketing 5.0 Curated Topics & Speakers, Engaging Session & Network wrapped in Theatrical Perfomance Marketeers Hangout 2023 : The 1st Theatrical Conference in Indonesia From Vision to Reality DREAM, DESIGN, DO Monday, 18 September 2023 @Ciputra Artpreneur Theater Jakarta 10.00 AM- 5.00 PM Early Bird Ticket : 🏷️Regular Rp 400K 🏷️VIP Rp 1.000K (VIP Seat, F&B, Access to speakers) Buy Ticket : marketeershangout.com/ ☎️ wa.me/6281111112803 See you there 🥳
Hubungan di antara marketing 3.0, 4.0 dan 5.0 adalah humanity. Berawal dari marketing 3.0 yg tidak hanya memenuhi kebutuhan dan keinginan konsumen namun lebih dari itu, marketing berkaitan dengan nilai-nilai kemanusiaan seperti social marketing yg dilakukan Starbucks lewat menu Pink nya dimana sebagian keuntungan nya di donasikan kepada yayasan kanker payudara, kedua green marketing seperti yg dilakukan the body shop dmna dalam proses produksi/pengembangan produk "no animal testing" dan ketiga social entrepreneurship seperti yg dilakukan gojek membantu meningkatkan ekonomi driver dan merchant nya. Di era marketing 4.0/digital marketing brand dapat lebih engage dengan konsumen karena konsumen memiliki akses komunikasi dua arah dengan sebuah brand seperti review, rating dan rekomendasi sebuah brand di berbagai platform media sosial. Bagaimanapun konsumen adalah manusia dan insting manusia adalah berkelompok/membangun hubungan oleh karena itu brand as human. Dan marketing 5.0 adalah untuk memudahkan kehidupan manusia seperti teknologi mobil Tesla bisa mengemudi sendiri ataupun teknologi chatbot yang dapat membantu marketer melayani konsumen.
Anda telah memenangkan Kuis Marketing Trilogy, Kirim Nomor Telepon dan Email Anda segera ke Marketeers@marketeers.com Tim kami akan segera menghubungi Anda untuk informasi selanjutnya.
@@tingdingidea8695 boleh tau nama emailnya apa? karena baru ada 3 peserta yang telah konfirmasi dan kami belum belum menemukan Email Anda. terima kasih
Another masterpiece from Iwan Setiawan, co-author world best selling books, which have been translated into 25+ languages, Marketing 3.0, Marketing 4.0, Marketing 5.0 Curated Topics & Speakers, Engaging Session & Network wrapped in Theatrical Perfomance Marketeers Hangout 2023 : The 1st Theatrical Conference in Indonesia From Vision to Reality DREAM, DESIGN, DO Monday, 18 September 2023 @Ciputra Artpreneur Theater Jakarta 10.00 AM- 5.00 PM Early Bird Ticket : 🏷️Regular Rp 400K 🏷️VIP Rp 1.000K (VIP Seat, F&B, Access to speakers) Buy Ticket : marketeershangout.com/ ☎️ wa.me/6281111112803 See you there 🥳
Jawaban quiz : Kaitan antara 3.0 - 4.0 - 5.0 adalah New customer journey . 5A Dimana agar aware efektif maka harus human centric , dan utk memaksimalkan engagment marketing ( advocat ) perlu hi tech yaitu 1. AI 2. Natural language procesing 3. Sensor tech 4. Robotics 5. Metaverse 6. IoT atau blockchain Maka transisi dari 3.0 ke 4.0 dan 5.0 . Perlunya strategy utk customer experience ( CX )
Another masterpiece from Iwan Setiawan, co-author world best selling books, which have been translated into 25+ languages, Marketing 3.0, Marketing 4.0, Marketing 5.0 Curated Topics & Speakers, Engaging Session & Network wrapped in Theatrical Perfomance Marketeers Hangout 2023 : The 1st Theatrical Conference in Indonesia From Vision to Reality DREAM, DESIGN, DO Monday, 18 September 2023 @Ciputra Artpreneur Theater Jakarta 10.00 AM- 5.00 PM Early Bird Ticket : 🏷️Regular Rp 400K 🏷️VIP Rp 1.000K (VIP Seat, F&B, Access to speakers) Buy Ticket : marketeershangout.com/ ☎️ wa.me/6281111112803 See you there 🥳
ANALISIS #17 Bapak Iwan Setiawan Menjawab Quiz : Apa Kaitan antara Marketing 3.0 , Marketing 4.0 & Marketing 5.0 ? Hi-Technology Is Changing Human Behavior. Teknologi merupakan salah satu aspek yang turut mempengaruhi setiap aktivitas, tindakan, serta perilaku manusia. Teknologi mampu mengubah pola hubungan dan pola interaksi antar manusia. Masyarakat dan negara - negara di dunia berlomba - lomba untuk dapat menguasai teknologi tinggi ( High - Tech ) sebagai simbol kemajuan, kekuasaan, kekayaan dan prestise. Dalam masyarakat Postmodern berlaku hukum “ Barang Siapa yang Menguasai Teknologi maka Ia Akan Menguasai Dunia”. High - Tech merupakan dambaan umat manusia, yang diciptakan memang pada awalnya untuk mempermudah manusia memenuhi segala kebutuhan hidupnya. Berikut ini ada beberapa hal yang dijanjikan teknologi ( Martono, 2012, pp.289-291 ). Teknologi menjanjikan Perubahan Teknologi menjanjikan Kemajuan Teknologi menjanjikan Kemudahan Teknologi menjanjikan Peningkatan Produktifitas Teknologi menjanjikan Kecepatan Teknologi menjanjikan Popularitas Sehingga siapa yang dapat menguasai Teknologi, mereka juga akan dengan mudah dapat mengintervensi People ( Market ) secara targeted, segmented dan massal sesuai algoritma yang telah desain sesuai kebutuhan korporasi dalam bidang marketing, sosial, budaya bahkan politik. IG : Nina Lismana
Another masterpiece from Iwan Setiawan, co-author world best selling books, which have been translated into 25+ languages, Marketing 3.0, Marketing 4.0, Marketing 5.0 Curated Topics & Speakers, Engaging Session & Network wrapped in Theatrical Perfomance Marketeers Hangout 2023 : The 1st Theatrical Conference in Indonesia From Vision to Reality DREAM, DESIGN, DO Monday, 18 September 2023 @Ciputra Artpreneur Theater Jakarta 10.00 AM- 5.00 PM Early Bird Ticket : 🏷️Regular Rp 400K 🏷️VIP Rp 1.000K (VIP Seat, F&B, Access to speakers) Buy Ticket : marketeershangout.com/ ☎️ wa.me/6281111112803 See you there 🥳
Another masterpiece from Iwan Setiawan, co-author world best selling books, which have been translated into 25+ languages, Marketing 3.0, Marketing 4.0, Marketing 5.0 Curated Topics & Speakers, Engaging Session & Network wrapped in Theatrical Perfomance Marketeers Hangout 2023 : The 1st Theatrical Conference in Indonesia From Vision to Reality DREAM, DESIGN, DO Monday, 18 September 2023 @Ciputra Artpreneur Theater Jakarta 10.00 AM- 5.00 PM Early Bird Ticket : 🏷️Regular Rp 400K 🏷️VIP Rp 1.000K (VIP Seat, F&B, Access to speakers) Buy Ticket : marketeershangout.com/ ☎️ wa.me/6281111112803 See you there 🥳
Kaitannya 3.0 4.0 & 5.0 adalah adanya pengalaman terbaik pelanggan diberikan dalam transaksi sehingga berdampak positif calon pembeli karna adanya advokasi tsb. Dan bagi penjual pengalaman costumer tersebut di jadikan data untuk direkomendasikan next produk yang akan diberikan pada pelanggan yg tepat .
Another masterpiece from Iwan Setiawan, co-author world best selling books, which have been translated into 25+ languages, Marketing 3.0, Marketing 4.0, Marketing 5.0 Curated Topics & Speakers, Engaging Session & Network wrapped in Theatrical Perfomance Marketeers Hangout 2023 : The 1st Theatrical Conference in Indonesia From Vision to Reality DREAM, DESIGN, DO Monday, 18 September 2023 @Ciputra Artpreneur Theater Jakarta 10.00 AM- 5.00 PM Early Bird Ticket : 🏷️Regular Rp 400K 🏷️VIP Rp 1.000K (VIP Seat, F&B, Access to speakers) Buy Ticket : marketeershangout.com/ ☎️ wa.me/6281111112803 See you there 🥳
Another masterpiece from Iwan Setiawan, co-author world best selling books, which have been translated into 25+ languages, Marketing 3.0, Marketing 4.0, Marketing 5.0 Curated Topics & Speakers, Engaging Session & Network wrapped in Theatrical Perfomance Marketeers Hangout 2023 : The 1st Theatrical Conference in Indonesia From Vision to Reality DREAM, DESIGN, DO Monday, 18 September 2023 @Ciputra Artpreneur Theater Jakarta 10.00 AM- 5.00 PM Early Bird Ticket : 🏷️Regular Rp 400K 🏷️VIP Rp 1.000K (VIP Seat, F&B, Access to speakers) Buy Ticket : marketeershangout.com/ ☎️ wa.me/6281111112803 See you there 🥳
Saya tidak pandai berbahasa marketing hanya ini yang bisa saya akses dalam pemikiran intelektual saya:.. 1. Marketing 3.0 adalah masukny diZaman MODEREN. 2. Marketing 4.0 adalah masuknya di Zaman MILENIUM. 3. Marketing 5.0 adalah masuknya diZaman PLATINUM. oke.good luck......
Another masterpiece from Iwan Setiawan, co-author world best selling books, which have been translated into 25+ languages, Marketing 3.0, Marketing 4.0, Marketing 5.0 Curated Topics & Speakers, Engaging Session & Network wrapped in Theatrical Perfomance Marketeers Hangout 2023 : The 1st Theatrical Conference in Indonesia From Vision to Reality DREAM, DESIGN, DO Monday, 18 September 2023 @Ciputra Artpreneur Theater Jakarta 10.00 AM- 5.00 PM Early Bird Ticket : 🏷️Regular Rp 400K 🏷️VIP Rp 1.000K (VIP Seat, F&B, Access to speakers) Buy Ticket : marketeershangout.com/ ☎️ wa.me/6281111112803 See you there 🥳
Another masterpiece from Iwan Setiawan, co-author world best selling books, which have been translated into 25+ languages, Marketing 3.0, Marketing 4.0, Marketing 5.0 Curated Topics & Speakers, Engaging Session & Network wrapped in Theatrical Perfomance Marketeers Hangout 2023 : The 1st Theatrical Conference in Indonesia From Vision to Reality DREAM, DESIGN, DO Monday, 18 September 2023 @Ciputra Artpreneur Theater Jakarta 10.00 AM- 5.00 PM Early Bird Ticket : 🏷️Regular Rp 400K 🏷️VIP Rp 1.000K (VIP Seat, F&B, Access to speakers) Buy Ticket : marketeershangout.com/ ☎️ wa.me/6281111112803 See you there 🥳
Dari marketing 3.0, marketing 4.0 dan marketing 5.0 menunjukkan bahwa marketing berbasiskan customer yang di lakukan oleh robot. Sehingga robot lah mendorong customer sehingga merekomendasi produk kita.
Another masterpiece from Iwan Setiawan, co-author world best selling books, which have been translated into 25+ languages, Marketing 3.0, Marketing 4.0, Marketing 5.0 Curated Topics & Speakers, Engaging Session & Network wrapped in Theatrical Perfomance Marketeers Hangout 2023 : The 1st Theatrical Conference in Indonesia From Vision to Reality DREAM, DESIGN, DO Monday, 18 September 2023 @Ciputra Artpreneur Theater Jakarta 10.00 AM- 5.00 PM Early Bird Ticket : 🏷️Regular Rp 400K 🏷️VIP Rp 1.000K (VIP Seat, F&B, Access to speakers) Buy Ticket : marketeershangout.com/ ☎️ wa.me/6281111112803 See you there 🥳
Another masterpiece from Iwan Setiawan, co-author world best selling books, which have been translated into 25+ languages, Marketing 3.0, Marketing 4.0, Marketing 5.0 Curated Topics & Speakers, Engaging Session & Network wrapped in Theatrical Perfomance Marketeers Hangout 2023 : The 1st Theatrical Conference in Indonesia From Vision to Reality DREAM, DESIGN, DO Monday, 18 September 2023 @Ciputra Artpreneur Theater Jakarta 10.00 AM- 5.00 PM Early Bird Ticket : 🏷️Regular Rp 400K 🏷️VIP Rp 1.000K (VIP Seat, F&B, Access to speakers) Buy Ticket : marketeershangout.com/ ☎️ wa.me/6281111112803 See you there 🥳
Another masterpiece from Iwan Setiawan, co-author world best selling books, which have been translated into 25+ languages, Marketing 3.0, Marketing 4.0, Marketing 5.0 Curated Topics & Speakers, Engaging Session & Network wrapped in Theatrical Perfomance Marketeers Hangout 2023 : The 1st Theatrical Conference in Indonesia From Vision to Reality DREAM, DESIGN, DO Monday, 18 September 2023 @Ciputra Artpreneur Theater Jakarta 10.00 AM- 5.00 PM Early Bird Ticket : 🏷️Regular Rp 400K 🏷️VIP Rp 1.000K (VIP Seat, F&B, Access to speakers) Buy Ticket : marketeershangout.com/ ☎️ wa.me/6281111112803 See you there 🥳
gile, Invest ⤵️ Crypto dan metaverse bakalan cuan kalau di lihat dari perkembangan Marketing 5.0 ( walaupun nntinya juga bakalan banyak scam crypto ) Bisnis ⤵️ Melihat dari ada campur tangan robot dsini 🤔 apalagi di hubungan dengan soecity 5.0 Saya bingung, bisnis yg trend kedepannya apa.. yg dibenak pikiran masih Aplikasi atau para agent yang bakalan berkembangan Bantuan dong guys 😁
Another masterpiece from Iwan Setiawan, co-author world best selling books, which have been translated into 25+ languages, Marketing 3.0, Marketing 4.0, Marketing 5.0 Curated Topics & Speakers, Engaging Session & Network wrapped in Theatrical Perfomance Marketeers Hangout 2023 : The 1st Theatrical Conference in Indonesia From Vision to Reality DREAM, DESIGN, DO Monday, 18 September 2023 @Ciputra Artpreneur Theater Jakarta 10.00 AM- 5.00 PM Early Bird Ticket : 🏷️Regular Rp 400K 🏷️VIP Rp 1.000K (VIP Seat, F&B, Access to speakers) Buy Ticket : marketeershangout.com/ ☎️ wa.me/6281111112803 See you there 🥳
Another masterpiece from Iwan Setiawan, co-author world best selling books, which have been translated into 25+ languages, Marketing 3.0, Marketing 4.0, Marketing 5.0 Curated Topics & Speakers, Engaging Session & Network wrapped in Theatrical Perfomance Marketeers Hangout 2023 : The 1st Theatrical Conference in Indonesia From Vision to Reality DREAM, DESIGN, DO Monday, 18 September 2023 @Ciputra Artpreneur Theater Jakarta 10.00 AM- 5.00 PM Early Bird Ticket : 🏷️Regular Rp 400K 🏷️VIP Rp 1.000K (VIP Seat, F&B, Access to speakers) Buy Ticket : marketeershangout.com/ ☎️ wa.me/6281111112803 See you there 🥳
apa kaitan marketing 3.0 marketing 4.0 dan marketing 5.0 ?? bermula dari marketing 3.0 yang mengutamakan human spirit dalam brand menjadikan hampir smua brand membuat dirinya seperti manusia dimata konsumen di mulai dari aware sampai advocated sehingga muncul lah marketing 4.0 yang mengupgrade marketing 3.0 menjadi berbasis digital / teknologi tanpa mengurangi sedikit pun poin-poin dalam marketing 3.0 akan tetapi mempercepat proses pengenalan brand / produk baru bahkan merubah gaya pembelian sebagian besar konsumen ketahap digital bahkan omni channel sangat di utamakan di marketing 4.0 karena membuat pengalaman baru di mata konsumen ( New Cx ) namun semakin meningkatnya kecanggihan tehnologi dan digital , strategi pemasaran pun menjadi lebih meningkat di era tehnologi , muncul nya marketing 5.0 melihat percepatan perkembangan tehnologi hingga ke tahap agile marketing . hampir semua marketing 5.0 ini membutuhkan tehnologi yang canggih dari mengumpulkan data , menganalisis data . membuat personalisasi penawaran kebutuhan konsumen . hingga melakukan penjualan kekonsumen semua menggunakan hi-tech , namun sebagai pemasar kita jangan sampai meninggal kan poin inti human spirit ( 3.0 ) dan tradisional to modern , karena bisa jadi kita juga di tinggalkan karena terlalu canggih di mata konsumen bahkan tidak mementingkan human spirit dalam brand kita . intinya ketiga marketing ini memiliki keterikatan antara satu dengan lainnya karena marketing 5.0 menambah nilai dari 4.0 dan 4.0 menambah nilai dari 3.0 dan alhasil marketing 5.0 harus memiliki nilai2 dalam marketing 4.0 dan marketing 3.0 mulai dari awarenes sampai menuju agile marketing yang harus di lalui step by step mulai dari awal hingga akhir namun harus di lakukan dengan lincah atau cepat
Anda telah memenangkan Kuis Marketing Trilogy, Kirim Nomor Telepon dan Email Anda segera ke Marketeers@marketeers.com Tim kami akan segera menghubungi Anda untuk informasi selanjutnya.
@@marketeers terima kasih semua ilmu nya dari pak iwan , untuk 1 bulan pelajaran nya , sudah punya semua bukunya dari awal 3.0 4.0 , terakhir beli di gramedia buku 5.0 versi indonesia nya , sehat terus untuk mas iwan setiawan pak hermawan kertajaya , dan semua team marketeers 🙏
Another masterpiece from Iwan Setiawan, co-author world best selling books, which have been translated into 25+ languages, Marketing 3.0, Marketing 4.0, Marketing 5.0 Curated Topics & Speakers, Engaging Session & Network wrapped in Theatrical Perfomance Marketeers Hangout 2023 : The 1st Theatrical Conference in Indonesia From Vision to Reality DREAM, DESIGN, DO Monday, 18 September 2023 @Ciputra Artpreneur Theater Jakarta 10.00 AM- 5.00 PM Early Bird Ticket : 🏷️Regular Rp 400K 🏷️VIP Rp 1.000K (VIP Seat, F&B, Access to speakers) Buy Ticket : marketeershangout.com/ ☎️ wa.me/6281111112803 See you there 🥳
Another masterpiece from Iwan Setiawan, co-author world best selling books, which have been translated into 25+ languages, Marketing 3.0, Marketing 4.0, Marketing 5.0 Curated Topics & Speakers, Engaging Session & Network wrapped in Theatrical Perfomance Marketeers Hangout 2023 : The 1st Theatrical Conference in Indonesia From Vision to Reality DREAM, DESIGN, DO Monday, 18 September 2023 @Ciputra Artpreneur Theater Jakarta 10.00 AM- 5.00 PM Early Bird Ticket : 🏷️Regular Rp 400K 🏷️VIP Rp 1.000K (VIP Seat, F&B, Access to speakers) Buy Ticket : marketeershangout.com/ ☎️ wa.me/6281111112803 See you there 🥳
Another masterpiece from Iwan Setiawan, co-author world best selling books, which have been translated into 25+ languages, Marketing 3.0, Marketing 4.0, Marketing 5.0 Curated Topics & Speakers, Engaging Session & Network wrapped in Theatrical Perfomance Marketeers Hangout 2023 : The 1st Theatrical Conference in Indonesia From Vision to Reality DREAM, DESIGN, DO Monday, 18 September 2023 @Ciputra Artpreneur Theater Jakarta 10.00 AM- 5.00 PM Early Bird Ticket : 🏷️Regular Rp 400K 🏷️VIP Rp 1.000K (VIP Seat, F&B, Access to speakers) Buy Ticket : marketeershangout.com/ ☎️ wa.me/6281111112803 See you there 🥳
Another masterpiece from Iwan Setiawan, co-author world best selling books, which have been translated into 25+ languages, Marketing 3.0, Marketing 4.0, Marketing 5.0 Curated Topics & Speakers, Engaging Session & Network wrapped in Theatrical Perfomance Marketeers Hangout 2023 : The 1st Theatrical Conference in Indonesia From Vision to Reality DREAM, DESIGN, DO Monday, 18 September 2023 @Ciputra Artpreneur Theater Jakarta 10.00 AM- 5.00 PM Early Bird Ticket : 🏷️Regular Rp 400K 🏷️VIP Rp 1.000K (VIP Seat, F&B, Access to speakers) Buy Ticket : marketeershangout.com/ ☎️ wa.me/6281111112803 See you there 🥳
Another masterpiece from Iwan Setiawan, co-author world best selling books, which have been translated into 25+ languages, Marketing 3.0, Marketing 4.0, Marketing 5.0 Curated Topics & Speakers, Engaging Session & Network wrapped in Theatrical Perfomance Marketeers Hangout 2023 : The 1st Theatrical Conference in Indonesia From Vision to Reality DREAM, DESIGN, DO Monday, 18 September 2023 @Ciputra Artpreneur Theater Jakarta 10.00 AM- 5.00 PM Early Bird Ticket : 🏷️Regular Rp 400K 🏷️VIP Rp 1.000K (VIP Seat, F&B, Access to speakers) Buy Ticket : marketeershangout.com/ ☎️ wa.me/6281111112803 See you there 🥳
Untuk Millenials, speed segini sangat baik om. Tp untuk gen z karena behavior sudah berbeda, mgkin akan berpengaruh. Pdhl penjelasan Iwan sangat baik menurut saya
Marketing 4.0 sudah di implementasikan Market Place di Indonesia. Marketing 5.0 juga sudah di praktekan oleh Metavers group & Google ya, karna berdasarkan data kita baik dari tlpnan atau chatingan, tiba² saja fb/ig & Google menawarkan produk yang kita bicarakan tadi pada beranda/timeline kita. Apakah kasus ini bener merupakan penerapan 5.0 ?
Another masterpiece from Iwan Setiawan, co-author world best selling books, which have been translated into 25+ languages, Marketing 3.0, Marketing 4.0, Marketing 5.0 Curated Topics & Speakers, Engaging Session & Network wrapped in Theatrical Perfomance Marketeers Hangout 2023 : The 1st Theatrical Conference in Indonesia From Vision to Reality DREAM, DESIGN, DO Monday, 18 September 2023 @Ciputra Artpreneur Theater Jakarta 10.00 AM- 5.00 PM Early Bird Ticket : 🏷️Regular Rp 400K 🏷️VIP Rp 1.000K (VIP Seat, F&B, Access to speakers) Buy Ticket : marketeershangout.com/ ☎️ wa.me/6281111112803 See you there 🥳
Another masterpiece from Iwan Setiawan, co-author world best selling books, which have been translated into 25+ languages, Marketing 3.0, Marketing 4.0, Marketing 5.0 Curated Topics & Speakers, Engaging Session & Network wrapped in Theatrical Perfomance Marketeers Hangout 2023 : The 1st Theatrical Conference in Indonesia From Vision to Reality DREAM, DESIGN, DO Monday, 18 September 2023 @Ciputra Artpreneur Theater Jakarta 10.00 AM- 5.00 PM Early Bird Ticket : 🏷️Regular Rp 400K 🏷️VIP Rp 1.000K (VIP Seat, F&B, Access to speakers) Buy Ticket : marketeershangout.com/ ☎️ wa.me/6281111112803 See you there 🥳
Another masterpiece from Iwan Setiawan, co-author world best selling books, which have been translated into 25+ languages, Marketing 3.0, Marketing 4.0, Marketing 5.0 Curated Topics & Speakers, Engaging Session & Network wrapped in Theatrical Perfomance Marketeers Hangout 2023 : The 1st Theatrical Conference in Indonesia From Vision to Reality DREAM, DESIGN, DO Monday, 18 September 2023 @Ciputra Artpreneur Theater Jakarta 10.00 AM- 5.00 PM Early Bird Ticket : 🏷️Regular Rp 400K 🏷️VIP Rp 1.000K (VIP Seat, F&B, Access to speakers) Buy Ticket : marketeershangout.com/ ☎️ wa.me/6281111112803 See you there 🥳
Another masterpiece from Iwan Setiawan, co-author world best selling books, which have been translated into 25+ languages, Marketing 3.0, Marketing 4.0, Marketing 5.0 Curated Topics & Speakers, Engaging Session & Network wrapped in Theatrical Perfomance Marketeers Hangout 2023 : The 1st Theatrical Conference in Indonesia From Vision to Reality DREAM, DESIGN, DO Monday, 18 September 2023 @Ciputra Artpreneur Theater Jakarta 10.00 AM- 5.00 PM Early Bird Ticket : 🏷️Regular Rp 400K 🏷️VIP Rp 1.000K (VIP Seat, F&B, Access to speakers) Buy Ticket : marketeershangout.com/ ☎️ wa.me/6281111112803 See you there 🥳
Another masterpiece from Iwan Setiawan, co-author world best selling books, which have been translated into 25+ languages, Marketing 3.0, Marketing 4.0, Marketing 5.0 Curated Topics & Speakers, Engaging Session & Network wrapped in Theatrical Perfomance Marketeers Hangout 2023 : The 1st Theatrical Conference in Indonesia From Vision to Reality DREAM, DESIGN, DO Monday, 18 September 2023 @Ciputra Artpreneur Theater Jakarta 10.00 AM- 5.00 PM Early Bird Ticket : 🏷️Regular Rp 400K 🏷️VIP Rp 1.000K (VIP Seat, F&B, Access to speakers) Buy Ticket : marketeershangout.com/ ☎️ wa.me/6281111112803 See you there 🥳
Ribet cara jelasin. Yang bagus langsung kasi contoh bukan banyak berbicara yang banyak orang gak paham apa yang dibicarakan. Menurutku konten bagus tapi konteks kurang alias segmen khusus yang bisa menangkap apa yang mau dibilang
🎯 Key Takeaways for quick navigation:
00:00 📘 *Introduction to Marketing Trilogy 3.0, 4.0, and 5.0*
- Introduction to the Marketing X.0 series by Iwan Setiawan, Philip Kotler, and Hermawan Kartajaya.
- Discusses the evolution of marketing from 1.0 to 3.0, highlighting the shift from product to customer to human spirit focus.
02:05 📚 *Overview of Marketing Trilogy Books*
- Describes the series of books that cover the evolution of marketing, including the transition to digital and the use of advanced technologies.
- Explains the rationale behind the series, likening it to software versioning to denote major evolutions in marketing concepts.
02:32 🕰️ *Historical Context of Marketing Evolution*
- Provides a historical overview of marketing, beginning in the 1950s with "Modern Marketing" and theinfluence of Philip Kotler.
- Discusses the shift from product-centric (Marketing 1.0) to customer-centric approaches (Marketing 2.0) due to economic changes.
05:22 🧑🤝🧑 *Transition to Customer-Centric Marketing (Marketing 2.0)*
- Introduces Marketing 2.0 as a shift towards focusing on customer needs and the emergence of segmentation, targeting, and positioning (STP).
- Highlights the importance of creating products that are perfect for targeted segments rather than trying to appeal to everyone.
06:17 🌍 *Shift to Human-Centric Marketing (Marketing 3.0)*
- Discusses the evolution to Marketing 3.0, emphasizing human-centric marketing that considers holistic benefits for individuals and society.
- Explains the change in perspective from serving the customer as king to considering what is best for people and the environment.
08:14 📱 *Introduction to Digital Marketing (Marketing 4.0)*
- Marks the pivot to Marketing 4.0, highlighting the influence of thedigital economy and the transition from traditional to digital marketing.
- Distinguishes between the basic use of digital technologies in Marketing 4.0 and the deeper application of advanced technologies in Marketing 5.0.
10:07 🤖 *Advanced Technologies in Marketing (Marketing 5.0)*
- Explores the role of advanced technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, the Metaverse, and Blockchain in the deep integration of technology in marketing practices.
- Emphasizes the significance of both front-end and back-end technological applications for a comprehensive marketing strategy.
13:26 🌱 *Building Blocks of Human-Centric Marketing*
- Details the building blocks of Marketing 3.0: Social Marketing, Green Marketing, and Social Entrepreneurship.
- Discusses the holistic approach to business that considers profit, people, and the planet, integrating social and environmental impacts into marketing strategies.
15:48 💡 *Customer Experience in Digital Marketing (Marketing 4.0)*
- Introduces theconcept of Customer Experience (CX) as a fundamental aspect of Marketing 4.0, detailing the "5A" customer journey model.
- Highlights the tactical elements of engaging customers in the digital era, from awareness to advocacy, through personalized digital experiences.
19:08 🌱 *Linking Marketing 3.0 to 4.0 and Appeal to Younger Generations*
- Marketing 3.0's human-centric approach is a foundational block of Marketing 4.0, emphasizing social-economic and environmental impacts.
- Products with positive social and environmental impacts, like The Body Shop and Gojek, are particularly appealing to millennials and Gen Z.
20:06 📈 *From Awareness to Curiosity: The Role of Content Marketing*
- Content Marketing is crucial in driving curiosity and further research about a brand through concise, engaging content.
- The interplay between social media and search engines is vital in creating initial appeal and leading to deeper brand exploration.
21:33 🔄 *Omnichannel and Integrated Marketing*
- Omnichannel Marketing emphasizes the need for brands to be available across both online and offline channels for purchasing.
- Integrated Marketing ensures coherence between online and offline experiences, enhancing customer satisfaction and brand loyalty.
22:28 💬 *Engaging and Creating Brand Advocates*
- Engagement Marketing aims to turn satisfied customers into brand advocates through positive experiences and reminders of the brand's value.
- Regular engagement activities are designed to keep the brand top of mind, encouraging recommendations to others.
23:24 🤖 *Introduction to Marketing 5.0 and "The Next Tech"*
- Marketing 5.0 leverages advanced technologies inspired by human capabilities, such as Artificial Intelligence, Natural Language Processing, and Sensor Tech.
- These technologies aim to enhance customer experience by automating human-like thinking and communication abilities.
28:14 📊 *Five Building Blocks of Marketing 5.0*
- Details the five foundational elements of Marketing 5.0: Data-Driven Marketing, Predictive Marketing, Contextual Marketing, Augmented Marketing, and Agile Marketing.
- Focuses on using AI and other technologies to collect and analyze data, predict customer preferences, personalize marketing efforts, augment human interaction with digital interfaces, and adapt quickly to changes.
32:05 🎓 *Announcement of Marketing Trilogy Masterclass*
- Introduction to an upcoming masterclass that will delve deeper into the building blocks of Marketing 3.0, 4.0, and 5.0.
- Offers a quiz for viewers with a chance to win free tickets to the masterclass, fostering further engagement and education on the trilogy.
Made with HARPA AI
Awesome meringkas 3 buku dalam satu materi singkat yang clear
Ringkasan teori dan penjelasan seminal concept Marketing dalam 1 video. Terima kasih Pak Iwan!
Another masterpiece from Iwan Setiawan, co-author world best selling books, which have been translated into 25+ languages, Marketing 3.0, Marketing 4.0, Marketing 5.0
Curated Topics & Speakers, Engaging Session & Network wrapped in Theatrical Perfomance
Marketeers Hangout 2023 : The 1st Theatrical Conference in Indonesia
From Vision to Reality
Monday, 18 September 2023
@Ciputra Artpreneur Theater
10.00 AM- 5.00 PM
Early Bird Ticket :
🏷️Regular Rp 400K
🏷️VIP Rp 1.000K (VIP Seat, F&B, Access to speakers)
Buy Ticket :
☎️ wa.me/6281111112803
See you there 🥳
Marketing 3.0 adalah marketing tradisional yang telah selesai evolusinya pada konsep Human Centric Marketing.
Dengan adanya perkembangan digital ekonomi, muncullah Marketing 4.0, pivoting marketing tradisional ke marketing di dunia digital. Konsep dasar Marketing 4.0 adalah New Customer Experience 5A (Aware, Appeal, Ask, Act, Advocate) dan Marketing 4.0 mempunyai 4 building blocks, salah satunya adalah (Aware ke Appeal) yang merupakan Human Centric Marketing (Marketing 3.0).
Bila di Marketing 4.0 pemanfaatan teknologi digital hanya pada area yang tertentu saja seperti pada social media dan e-commerce, maka pada Marketing 5.0 memanfaatkan advance technology yang disebut The Next Tech (Artificial Intelligence, natural language processing, sensor tech, robotics, metaverse, IoT & Blockchain) yang dipakai dalam konsep New Customer Experience (Marketing 4.0).
Another masterpiece from Iwan Setiawan, co-author world best selling books, which have been translated into 25+ languages, Marketing 3.0, Marketing 4.0, Marketing 5.0
Curated Topics & Speakers, Engaging Session & Network wrapped in Theatrical Perfomance
Marketeers Hangout 2023 : The 1st Theatrical Conference in Indonesia
From Vision to Reality
Monday, 18 September 2023
@Ciputra Artpreneur Theater
10.00 AM- 5.00 PM
Early Bird Ticket :
🏷️Regular Rp 400K
🏷️VIP Rp 1.000K (VIP Seat, F&B, Access to speakers)
Buy Ticket :
☎️ wa.me/6281111112803
See you there 🥳
Tanks Mr. Iwan Sharingnya Godbless
Baru banget tau ada chanel ini,sangat bermanfaat dan tidak kerasa saya mencatat full dengan bahasa saya sendiri.terima kasih mas,intonasi dan audio sangat jelas,yg anda jelaskan pun sangat mudah dipahami ,semoga lancar dan banyak rejeki,sehat selalu agar bisa memberikan ilmu yg bermanfaat
Boleh di share catatan nya pak
Dahsyat Masya Allah detail lugas dan berisi.. Terima kasih ilmunya pak.. semoga sehat selalu🙏🙏
Pertanyaan Kuis: Apa kaitan antara Marketing 3.0 Marketing 4.0 dan Marketing 5.0?
Objective dari Marketing 3.0 adalah Marketing with Human Spirit.
Objective dari Marketing 4.0 adalah Moving from Traditional to Digital.
Objective dari Marketing 5.0 adalah Technology for Humanity
So kaitannya dari ketiga trilogi diatas adalah: Adanya transisi perubahan dari customer path dan marketing check point yang berbasiskan kepada:
1. Competitive Advantage yaitu Creating Value with Values yaitu bagaimana marketing mampu memberikan seluruh attribut dan sumber dayanya agar product/services/solution perusahaan mampu tampil di tingkat yang lebih tinggi daripada yang lain.
2. Cumulative Advantage yaitu Creating Loyalty with Habit. yaitu bagaimana marketing mampu menawarkan product/services/solution perusahaan kepada calon pelanggan pilihan yang bukannya hanya sempurna namun lebih menawarkan kepada calon pelanggan pilihan yang mudah.
Terima kasih.
Another masterpiece from Iwan Setiawan, co-author world best selling books, which have been translated into 25+ languages, Marketing 3.0, Marketing 4.0, Marketing 5.0
Curated Topics & Speakers, Engaging Session & Network wrapped in Theatrical Perfomance
Marketeers Hangout 2023 : The 1st Theatrical Conference in Indonesia
From Vision to Reality
Monday, 18 September 2023
@Ciputra Artpreneur Theater
10.00 AM- 5.00 PM
Early Bird Ticket :
🏷️Regular Rp 400K
🏷️VIP Rp 1.000K (VIP Seat, F&B, Access to speakers)
Buy Ticket :
☎️ wa.me/6281111112803
See you there 🥳
Kesini setelah dari channel kasi solusi
Sama... nyari sumbernya, berharap tdk terpotong2...😊
Sama om
Yes, setuju sekali pak sebelum bpk jelaskan sy sudah menebak arah penjelasan bpk ttg nilai filosofi spt body shop atau gojek yg cukup terkenal krn nilai2 yg mrk adopsi.. sehingga mrk terlihat lebih unik dr produk lain
Another masterpiece from Iwan Setiawan, co-author world best selling books, which have been translated into 25+ languages, Marketing 3.0, Marketing 4.0, Marketing 5.0
Curated Topics & Speakers, Engaging Session & Network wrapped in Theatrical Perfomance
Marketeers Hangout 2023 : The 1st Theatrical Conference in Indonesia
From Vision to Reality
Monday, 18 September 2023
@Ciputra Artpreneur Theater
10.00 AM- 5.00 PM
Early Bird Ticket :
🏷️Regular Rp 400K
🏷️VIP Rp 1.000K (VIP Seat, F&B, Access to speakers)
Buy Ticket :
☎️ wa.me/6281111112803
See you there 🥳
Kaitannya, Marketing 3.0 menekankan pada Human Centrict yang dilanjutkan dengan memfokuskan ke customer experience pada marketing 4.0 sehingga dapat digunakan untuk membangun citra branding agar semakin menarik dari kompetitornya. kemudian pada marketing 5.0 dukungan melalui Inovasi teknologi digital seperti Ai ,IoT, Metaverse merupakan langkah yang digunakan untuk mendorong serta mempercepat/mengoptimalkan dalam customer experience dengan konsep data,personlize,customize,dan eksekusi data cepat.
Dengan demikian, dapat dikatakan bahwa Marketing 4.0 merupakan evolusi dari Marketing 3.0 dengan penekanan pada teknologi digital, sementara Marketing 5.0 melibatkan integrasi yang lebih mendalam antara manusia dan teknologi untuk menciptakan pengalaman konsumen yang lebih unik dan relevan. Meskipun masing-masing konsep ini memiliki fokus yang berbeda, tetapi mereka semua mencerminkan adaptasi pemasaran terhadap perubahan dalam perilaku konsumen dan kemajuan teknologi.
Untuk menjawab kaitan antara marketing 3.0, 4.0 dan 5.0, saya menggunakan studi kasus transformasi marketing yang dilakukan oleh Brand Coca-cola.
Cola-cola melakukan rebranding mengusung konsep marketing 3.0 dengan visi perusahaan "To refresh the world..., to inspire moments of optimism and happiness..., to creat value and make a difference." dan membawa 3 misi human centric yaitu berfokus pada consumer dengan "healthy product", berfokus pada social & employee dengan CSR "Coca-cola every bottle has a story: Japan" & "Coca-cola archic home" dan mengusung campaign "Live positively".
Marketing 4.0 Coca-cola didukung dengan tingkat aware dan appeal konsumen yang sudah tinggi berkat marketing 3.0 yang sudah sukses dijalankan sebelumnya, pada tahapan konversi appeal mejadi ask coca-cola menggunakan konten marketing trendjacking utamanya memanfaatkan persaingan sengitnya dengan brand pepsi. Pada sisi penyediaan produk di pasaran untuk mendukung terjadinya act, Coca-cola sangat kuat dengan omnichannel nya, yang salah satunya ditunjukkan dengan sebaran vending machine yang sangat banyak yang dilengkapi teknologi AI, yang mampu memberikan customer experinces berharga dan menyampaikan pesan happiness dan live positively nya yang berhasil meng-engage pelanggannya.
Nah pada marketing 5.0 coca-cola sangat cerdas memanfaatkan data yang mereka miliki dari vending machine nya, untuk meracik rasa minuman disetiap negara dari 200 negara pasarnya memiliki rasa-rasa yang berbeda sesuai dengan selera dimana mesin tersebut dipasang. Vending machine bahkan dapat merubah mood mereka bergantung pada di mana mesin tersebut ditempatkan, misalnya mesin-mesin dipusat perbelanjaan menampilkan pesona yang warna-warni, riang. selain itu coca-cola juga menggunakan AI untuk menganalisi media sosial dan memahami dimana, kapan dan bagaimana konsumennya gemar mengonsumsi produknya. Hasilnya analisis data deep learning memungkinkan coca-cola membuat iklan sosial yang lebih memahami konsumen dan meningkatkan penjualan produk.
Anda telah memenangkan Kuis Marketing Trilogy,
Kirim Nomor Telepon dan Email Anda segera ke
Tim kami akan segera menghubungi Anda untuk informasi selanjutnya.
Another masterpiece from Iwan Setiawan, co-author world best selling books, which have been translated into 25+ languages, Marketing 3.0, Marketing 4.0, Marketing 5.0
Curated Topics & Speakers, Engaging Session & Network wrapped in Theatrical Perfomance
Marketeers Hangout 2023 : The 1st Theatrical Conference in Indonesia
From Vision to Reality
Monday, 18 September 2023
@Ciputra Artpreneur Theater
10.00 AM- 5.00 PM
Early Bird Ticket :
🏷️Regular Rp 400K
🏷️VIP Rp 1.000K (VIP Seat, F&B, Access to speakers)
Buy Ticket :
☎️ wa.me/6281111112803
See you there 🥳
Terimakasih materinya, rasanya seperti kembali ke bangku perkuliahan. 🔥🔥
Another masterpiece from Iwan Setiawan, co-author world best selling books, which have been translated into 25+ languages, Marketing 3.0, Marketing 4.0, Marketing 5.0
Curated Topics & Speakers, Engaging Session & Network wrapped in Theatrical Perfomance
Marketeers Hangout 2023 : The 1st Theatrical Conference in Indonesia
From Vision to Reality
Monday, 18 September 2023
@Ciputra Artpreneur Theater
10.00 AM- 5.00 PM
Early Bird Ticket :
🏷️Regular Rp 400K
🏷️VIP Rp 1.000K (VIP Seat, F&B, Access to speakers)
Buy Ticket :
☎️ wa.me/6281111112803
See you there 🥳
Intinya marketing 3.0 pergeseran dari product centric ke customer centric kemudian ke human centric. Kalo marketing 4.0 adalah human centric didukung teknologi online dan melihat customer journey dari aware, appeal, ask, act sampai advocacy. Sedangkan marketing 5.0 sudah masuk ke Artificial Intelligent, big data dan sebagainya dengan filosofi teknologi for humanity.
Anda telah memenangkan kuis Marketing Trilogy,
Kirim Nomor Telepon dan Email Anda segera ke:
Tim kami akan segera menghubungi Anda untuk informasi selanjutnya.
Another masterpiece from Iwan Setiawan, co-author world best selling books, which have been translated into 25+ languages, Marketing 3.0, Marketing 4.0, Marketing 5.0
Curated Topics & Speakers, Engaging Session & Network wrapped in Theatrical Perfomance
Marketeers Hangout 2023 : The 1st Theatrical Conference in Indonesia
From Vision to Reality
Monday, 18 September 2023
@Ciputra Artpreneur Theater
10.00 AM- 5.00 PM
Early Bird Ticket :
🏷️Regular Rp 400K
🏷️VIP Rp 1.000K (VIP Seat, F&B, Access to speakers)
Buy Ticket :
☎️ wa.me/6281111112803
See you there 🥳
Menurut saya marketing 3.0, 4.0 dan 5.0 masih sangat berkaitan, masih bepilar pokok pada human-centrist. Namun dalam perjalanannya waktu, behavior dari human-centrist ini bergeser ke arah digital dan teknologi yang berkelanjutan. Sehingga touching dari strategi marketing harus mengikuti platform yang menjadi behavior dari human centrist tersebut.
Teknologi tersebut juga memudahkan pemetaan dari human-oriented, dari tiap individu yang berbeda, behavior dan prediktif yang bisa digunakan marketeer sebagai acuan untuk membuat keputusan.
Anda telah memenangkan Kuis Marketing Trilogy,
Kirim Nomor Telepon dan Email Anda segera ke
Tim kami akan segera menghubungi Anda untuk informasi selanjutnya.
Saya sudah email namun belum ada balasan. 🙏
Another masterpiece from Iwan Setiawan, co-author world best selling books, which have been translated into 25+ languages, Marketing 3.0, Marketing 4.0, Marketing 5.0
Curated Topics & Speakers, Engaging Session & Network wrapped in Theatrical Perfomance
Marketeers Hangout 2023 : The 1st Theatrical Conference in Indonesia
From Vision to Reality
Monday, 18 September 2023
@Ciputra Artpreneur Theater
10.00 AM- 5.00 PM
Early Bird Ticket :
🏷️Regular Rp 400K
🏷️VIP Rp 1.000K (VIP Seat, F&B, Access to speakers)
Buy Ticket :
☎️ wa.me/6281111112803
See you there 🥳
Hubungan di antara marketing 3.0, 4.0 dan 5.0 adalah humanity.
Berawal dari marketing 3.0 yg tidak hanya memenuhi kebutuhan dan keinginan konsumen namun lebih dari itu, marketing berkaitan dengan nilai-nilai kemanusiaan seperti social marketing yg dilakukan Starbucks lewat menu Pink nya dimana sebagian keuntungan nya di donasikan kepada yayasan kanker payudara, kedua green marketing seperti yg dilakukan the body shop dmna dalam proses produksi/pengembangan produk "no animal testing" dan ketiga social entrepreneurship seperti yg dilakukan gojek membantu meningkatkan ekonomi driver dan merchant nya.
Di era marketing 4.0/digital marketing brand dapat lebih engage dengan konsumen karena konsumen memiliki akses komunikasi dua arah dengan sebuah brand seperti review, rating dan rekomendasi sebuah brand di berbagai platform media sosial. Bagaimanapun konsumen adalah manusia dan insting manusia adalah berkelompok/membangun hubungan oleh karena itu brand as human.
Dan marketing 5.0 adalah untuk memudahkan kehidupan manusia seperti teknologi mobil Tesla bisa mengemudi sendiri ataupun teknologi chatbot yang dapat membantu marketer melayani konsumen.
Anda telah memenangkan Kuis Marketing Trilogy,
Kirim Nomor Telepon dan Email Anda segera ke
Tim kami akan segera menghubungi Anda untuk informasi selanjutnya.
Saya sudah coba konfirmasi via email namun belum kunjung ada balasan. Terima kasih min^^
@@tingdingidea8695 boleh tau nama emailnya apa? karena baru ada 3 peserta yang telah konfirmasi dan kami belum belum menemukan Email Anda. terima kasih
Another masterpiece from Iwan Setiawan, co-author world best selling books, which have been translated into 25+ languages, Marketing 3.0, Marketing 4.0, Marketing 5.0
Curated Topics & Speakers, Engaging Session & Network wrapped in Theatrical Perfomance
Marketeers Hangout 2023 : The 1st Theatrical Conference in Indonesia
From Vision to Reality
Monday, 18 September 2023
@Ciputra Artpreneur Theater
10.00 AM- 5.00 PM
Early Bird Ticket :
🏷️Regular Rp 400K
🏷️VIP Rp 1.000K (VIP Seat, F&B, Access to speakers)
Buy Ticket :
☎️ wa.me/6281111112803
See you there 🥳
Tksh Mas Iwan
Thank you pak .udah berbagi ilmunya .kaya sekolah lagi
Di Indonesia kita dominan di Marketing 2.0
Jawaban quiz :
Kaitan antara 3.0 - 4.0 - 5.0 adalah
New customer journey . 5A
Dimana agar aware efektif maka harus human centric , dan utk memaksimalkan engagment marketing ( advocat ) perlu hi tech yaitu
1. AI
2. Natural language procesing
3. Sensor tech
4. Robotics
5. Metaverse
6. IoT atau blockchain
Maka transisi dari 3.0 ke 4.0 dan 5.0 . Perlunya strategy utk customer experience ( CX )
Another masterpiece from Iwan Setiawan, co-author world best selling books, which have been translated into 25+ languages, Marketing 3.0, Marketing 4.0, Marketing 5.0
Curated Topics & Speakers, Engaging Session & Network wrapped in Theatrical Perfomance
Marketeers Hangout 2023 : The 1st Theatrical Conference in Indonesia
From Vision to Reality
Monday, 18 September 2023
@Ciputra Artpreneur Theater
10.00 AM- 5.00 PM
Early Bird Ticket :
🏷️Regular Rp 400K
🏷️VIP Rp 1.000K (VIP Seat, F&B, Access to speakers)
Buy Ticket :
☎️ wa.me/6281111112803
See you there 🥳
Bapak Iwan Setiawan
Menjawab Quiz :
Apa Kaitan antara Marketing 3.0 , Marketing 4.0 & Marketing 5.0 ?
Hi-Technology Is Changing Human Behavior.
Teknologi merupakan salah satu aspek yang turut mempengaruhi setiap aktivitas, tindakan, serta perilaku manusia. Teknologi mampu mengubah pola hubungan dan pola interaksi antar manusia. Masyarakat dan negara - negara di dunia berlomba - lomba untuk dapat menguasai teknologi tinggi ( High - Tech ) sebagai simbol kemajuan, kekuasaan, kekayaan dan prestise. Dalam masyarakat Postmodern berlaku hukum “ Barang Siapa yang Menguasai Teknologi maka Ia Akan Menguasai Dunia”.
High - Tech merupakan dambaan umat manusia, yang diciptakan memang pada awalnya untuk mempermudah manusia memenuhi segala kebutuhan hidupnya. Berikut ini ada beberapa hal yang dijanjikan teknologi ( Martono, 2012, pp.289-291 ).
Teknologi menjanjikan Perubahan
Teknologi menjanjikan Kemajuan
Teknologi menjanjikan Kemudahan
Teknologi menjanjikan Peningkatan Produktifitas
Teknologi menjanjikan Kecepatan
Teknologi menjanjikan Popularitas
Sehingga siapa yang dapat menguasai Teknologi, mereka juga akan dengan mudah dapat mengintervensi People ( Market ) secara targeted, segmented dan massal sesuai algoritma yang telah desain sesuai kebutuhan korporasi dalam bidang marketing, sosial, budaya bahkan politik.
IG : Nina Lismana
Another masterpiece from Iwan Setiawan, co-author world best selling books, which have been translated into 25+ languages, Marketing 3.0, Marketing 4.0, Marketing 5.0
Curated Topics & Speakers, Engaging Session & Network wrapped in Theatrical Perfomance
Marketeers Hangout 2023 : The 1st Theatrical Conference in Indonesia
From Vision to Reality
Monday, 18 September 2023
@Ciputra Artpreneur Theater
10.00 AM- 5.00 PM
Early Bird Ticket :
🏷️Regular Rp 400K
🏷️VIP Rp 1.000K (VIP Seat, F&B, Access to speakers)
Buy Ticket :
☎️ wa.me/6281111112803
See you there 🥳
Terima kasih, bapak.
Another masterpiece from Iwan Setiawan, co-author world best selling books, which have been translated into 25+ languages, Marketing 3.0, Marketing 4.0, Marketing 5.0
Curated Topics & Speakers, Engaging Session & Network wrapped in Theatrical Perfomance
Marketeers Hangout 2023 : The 1st Theatrical Conference in Indonesia
From Vision to Reality
Monday, 18 September 2023
@Ciputra Artpreneur Theater
10.00 AM- 5.00 PM
Early Bird Ticket :
🏷️Regular Rp 400K
🏷️VIP Rp 1.000K (VIP Seat, F&B, Access to speakers)
Buy Ticket :
☎️ wa.me/6281111112803
See you there 🥳
Kaitannya 3.0 4.0 & 5.0 adalah adanya pengalaman terbaik pelanggan diberikan dalam transaksi sehingga berdampak positif calon pembeli karna adanya advokasi tsb. Dan bagi penjual pengalaman costumer tersebut di jadikan data untuk direkomendasikan next produk yang akan diberikan pada pelanggan yg tepat .
Another masterpiece from Iwan Setiawan, co-author world best selling books, which have been translated into 25+ languages, Marketing 3.0, Marketing 4.0, Marketing 5.0
Curated Topics & Speakers, Engaging Session & Network wrapped in Theatrical Perfomance
Marketeers Hangout 2023 : The 1st Theatrical Conference in Indonesia
From Vision to Reality
Monday, 18 September 2023
@Ciputra Artpreneur Theater
10.00 AM- 5.00 PM
Early Bird Ticket :
🏷️Regular Rp 400K
🏷️VIP Rp 1.000K (VIP Seat, F&B, Access to speakers)
Buy Ticket :
☎️ wa.me/6281111112803
See you there 🥳
Thank you pak, materinya sangat berbobot dan detail sangat mudah dipahami
Another masterpiece from Iwan Setiawan, co-author world best selling books, which have been translated into 25+ languages, Marketing 3.0, Marketing 4.0, Marketing 5.0
Curated Topics & Speakers, Engaging Session & Network wrapped in Theatrical Perfomance
Marketeers Hangout 2023 : The 1st Theatrical Conference in Indonesia
From Vision to Reality
Monday, 18 September 2023
@Ciputra Artpreneur Theater
10.00 AM- 5.00 PM
Early Bird Ticket :
🏷️Regular Rp 400K
🏷️VIP Rp 1.000K (VIP Seat, F&B, Access to speakers)
Buy Ticket :
☎️ wa.me/6281111112803
See you there 🥳
Saya tidak pandai berbahasa marketing hanya ini yang bisa saya akses dalam pemikiran intelektual saya:..
1. Marketing 3.0 adalah masukny diZaman MODEREN.
2. Marketing 4.0 adalah masuknya di Zaman MILENIUM.
3. Marketing 5.0 adalah masuknya diZaman PLATINUM.
oke.good luck......
6.0 jaman Mesolitikum
Pagi saya sangat produktif
Another masterpiece from Iwan Setiawan, co-author world best selling books, which have been translated into 25+ languages, Marketing 3.0, Marketing 4.0, Marketing 5.0
Curated Topics & Speakers, Engaging Session & Network wrapped in Theatrical Perfomance
Marketeers Hangout 2023 : The 1st Theatrical Conference in Indonesia
From Vision to Reality
Monday, 18 September 2023
@Ciputra Artpreneur Theater
10.00 AM- 5.00 PM
Early Bird Ticket :
🏷️Regular Rp 400K
🏷️VIP Rp 1.000K (VIP Seat, F&B, Access to speakers)
Buy Ticket :
☎️ wa.me/6281111112803
See you there 🥳
toko meubel: Marketing 1.0
Custom Furniture: Marketing 2.0
Custom furniture yg memakai Material ramah lingkungan: marketing 3.0
What Next :
Tengqiu pak Bro ..luar biasa 👍🙏
Another masterpiece from Iwan Setiawan, co-author world best selling books, which have been translated into 25+ languages, Marketing 3.0, Marketing 4.0, Marketing 5.0
Curated Topics & Speakers, Engaging Session & Network wrapped in Theatrical Perfomance
Marketeers Hangout 2023 : The 1st Theatrical Conference in Indonesia
From Vision to Reality
Monday, 18 September 2023
@Ciputra Artpreneur Theater
10.00 AM- 5.00 PM
Early Bird Ticket :
🏷️Regular Rp 400K
🏷️VIP Rp 1.000K (VIP Seat, F&B, Access to speakers)
Buy Ticket :
☎️ wa.me/6281111112803
See you there 🥳
Dari marketing 3.0, marketing 4.0 dan marketing 5.0 menunjukkan bahwa marketing berbasiskan customer yang di lakukan oleh robot. Sehingga robot lah mendorong customer sehingga merekomendasi produk kita.
Another masterpiece from Iwan Setiawan, co-author world best selling books, which have been translated into 25+ languages, Marketing 3.0, Marketing 4.0, Marketing 5.0
Curated Topics & Speakers, Engaging Session & Network wrapped in Theatrical Perfomance
Marketeers Hangout 2023 : The 1st Theatrical Conference in Indonesia
From Vision to Reality
Monday, 18 September 2023
@Ciputra Artpreneur Theater
10.00 AM- 5.00 PM
Early Bird Ticket :
🏷️Regular Rp 400K
🏷️VIP Rp 1.000K (VIP Seat, F&B, Access to speakers)
Buy Ticket :
☎️ wa.me/6281111112803
See you there 🥳
channel nya keren. lanjutkan terus
Another masterpiece from Iwan Setiawan, co-author world best selling books, which have been translated into 25+ languages, Marketing 3.0, Marketing 4.0, Marketing 5.0
Curated Topics & Speakers, Engaging Session & Network wrapped in Theatrical Perfomance
Marketeers Hangout 2023 : The 1st Theatrical Conference in Indonesia
From Vision to Reality
Monday, 18 September 2023
@Ciputra Artpreneur Theater
10.00 AM- 5.00 PM
Early Bird Ticket :
🏷️Regular Rp 400K
🏷️VIP Rp 1.000K (VIP Seat, F&B, Access to speakers)
Buy Ticket :
☎️ wa.me/6281111112803
See you there 🥳
Adapting through time while maximizing technology
Another masterpiece from Iwan Setiawan, co-author world best selling books, which have been translated into 25+ languages, Marketing 3.0, Marketing 4.0, Marketing 5.0
Curated Topics & Speakers, Engaging Session & Network wrapped in Theatrical Perfomance
Marketeers Hangout 2023 : The 1st Theatrical Conference in Indonesia
From Vision to Reality
Monday, 18 September 2023
@Ciputra Artpreneur Theater
10.00 AM- 5.00 PM
Early Bird Ticket :
🏷️Regular Rp 400K
🏷️VIP Rp 1.000K (VIP Seat, F&B, Access to speakers)
Buy Ticket :
☎️ wa.me/6281111112803
See you there 🥳
Invest ⤵️
Crypto dan metaverse bakalan cuan kalau di lihat dari perkembangan Marketing 5.0 ( walaupun nntinya juga bakalan banyak scam crypto )
Bisnis ⤵️
Melihat dari ada campur tangan robot dsini 🤔 apalagi di hubungan dengan soecity 5.0
Saya bingung, bisnis yg trend kedepannya apa.. yg dibenak pikiran masih Aplikasi atau para agent yang bakalan berkembangan
Bantuan dong guys 😁
Another masterpiece from Iwan Setiawan, co-author world best selling books, which have been translated into 25+ languages, Marketing 3.0, Marketing 4.0, Marketing 5.0
Curated Topics & Speakers, Engaging Session & Network wrapped in Theatrical Perfomance
Marketeers Hangout 2023 : The 1st Theatrical Conference in Indonesia
From Vision to Reality
Monday, 18 September 2023
@Ciputra Artpreneur Theater
10.00 AM- 5.00 PM
Early Bird Ticket :
🏷️Regular Rp 400K
🏷️VIP Rp 1.000K (VIP Seat, F&B, Access to speakers)
Buy Ticket :
☎️ wa.me/6281111112803
See you there 🥳
Wkwk guyon pak, ke 3 nya membicarakan visi tentang society yang lebih baik.
Another masterpiece from Iwan Setiawan, co-author world best selling books, which have been translated into 25+ languages, Marketing 3.0, Marketing 4.0, Marketing 5.0
Curated Topics & Speakers, Engaging Session & Network wrapped in Theatrical Perfomance
Marketeers Hangout 2023 : The 1st Theatrical Conference in Indonesia
From Vision to Reality
Monday, 18 September 2023
@Ciputra Artpreneur Theater
10.00 AM- 5.00 PM
Early Bird Ticket :
🏷️Regular Rp 400K
🏷️VIP Rp 1.000K (VIP Seat, F&B, Access to speakers)
Buy Ticket :
☎️ wa.me/6281111112803
See you there 🥳
Apakah untuk memahami buku Marketing 5.0 harus membaca dulu buku Marketing 3.0 dan 4.0..?
apa kaitan marketing 3.0 marketing 4.0 dan marketing 5.0 ??
bermula dari marketing 3.0 yang mengutamakan human spirit dalam brand menjadikan hampir smua brand membuat dirinya seperti manusia dimata konsumen di mulai dari aware sampai advocated
sehingga muncul lah marketing 4.0 yang mengupgrade marketing 3.0 menjadi berbasis digital / teknologi tanpa mengurangi sedikit pun poin-poin dalam marketing 3.0 akan tetapi mempercepat proses pengenalan brand / produk baru bahkan merubah gaya pembelian sebagian besar konsumen ketahap digital bahkan omni channel sangat di utamakan di marketing 4.0 karena membuat pengalaman baru di mata konsumen ( New Cx )
namun semakin meningkatnya kecanggihan tehnologi dan digital , strategi pemasaran pun menjadi lebih meningkat di era tehnologi ,
muncul nya marketing 5.0 melihat percepatan perkembangan tehnologi hingga ke tahap agile marketing .
hampir semua marketing 5.0 ini membutuhkan tehnologi yang canggih dari mengumpulkan data , menganalisis data . membuat personalisasi penawaran kebutuhan konsumen . hingga melakukan penjualan kekonsumen semua menggunakan hi-tech ,
namun sebagai pemasar kita jangan sampai meninggal kan poin inti human spirit ( 3.0 ) dan tradisional to modern , karena bisa jadi kita juga di tinggalkan karena terlalu canggih di mata konsumen bahkan tidak mementingkan human spirit dalam brand kita .
intinya ketiga marketing ini memiliki keterikatan antara satu dengan lainnya karena marketing 5.0 menambah nilai dari 4.0 dan 4.0 menambah nilai dari 3.0 dan
alhasil marketing 5.0 harus memiliki nilai2 dalam marketing 4.0 dan marketing 3.0 mulai dari awarenes sampai menuju agile marketing yang harus di lalui step by step mulai dari awal hingga akhir namun harus di lakukan dengan lincah atau cepat
Anda telah memenangkan Kuis Marketing Trilogy,
Kirim Nomor Telepon dan Email Anda segera ke
Tim kami akan segera menghubungi Anda untuk informasi selanjutnya.
@@marketeers terima kasih min
@@marketeers terima kasih semua ilmu nya dari pak iwan , untuk 1 bulan pelajaran nya , sudah punya semua bukunya dari awal 3.0 4.0 , terakhir beli di gramedia buku 5.0 versi indonesia nya , sehat terus untuk mas iwan setiawan pak hermawan kertajaya , dan semua team marketeers 🙏
Another masterpiece from Iwan Setiawan, co-author world best selling books, which have been translated into 25+ languages, Marketing 3.0, Marketing 4.0, Marketing 5.0
Curated Topics & Speakers, Engaging Session & Network wrapped in Theatrical Perfomance
Marketeers Hangout 2023 : The 1st Theatrical Conference in Indonesia
From Vision to Reality
Monday, 18 September 2023
@Ciputra Artpreneur Theater
10.00 AM- 5.00 PM
Early Bird Ticket :
🏷️Regular Rp 400K
🏷️VIP Rp 1.000K (VIP Seat, F&B, Access to speakers)
Buy Ticket :
☎️ wa.me/6281111112803
See you there 🥳
Bang buku series 1.0 - 5.0 tersedia dimana ?
Another masterpiece from Iwan Setiawan, co-author world best selling books, which have been translated into 25+ languages, Marketing 3.0, Marketing 4.0, Marketing 5.0
Curated Topics & Speakers, Engaging Session & Network wrapped in Theatrical Perfomance
Marketeers Hangout 2023 : The 1st Theatrical Conference in Indonesia
From Vision to Reality
Monday, 18 September 2023
@Ciputra Artpreneur Theater
10.00 AM- 5.00 PM
Early Bird Ticket :
🏷️Regular Rp 400K
🏷️VIP Rp 1.000K (VIP Seat, F&B, Access to speakers)
Buy Ticket :
☎️ wa.me/6281111112803
See you there 🥳
Keren 👍
Another masterpiece from Iwan Setiawan, co-author world best selling books, which have been translated into 25+ languages, Marketing 3.0, Marketing 4.0, Marketing 5.0
Curated Topics & Speakers, Engaging Session & Network wrapped in Theatrical Perfomance
Marketeers Hangout 2023 : The 1st Theatrical Conference in Indonesia
From Vision to Reality
Monday, 18 September 2023
@Ciputra Artpreneur Theater
10.00 AM- 5.00 PM
Early Bird Ticket :
🏷️Regular Rp 400K
🏷️VIP Rp 1.000K (VIP Seat, F&B, Access to speakers)
Buy Ticket :
☎️ wa.me/6281111112803
See you there 🥳
Kaitannya antara 3.0, 4.0 dan 5.0 sama2 membutuhkan engagement.
Sya Di Italy... Nah ada buku bapak nih Di meja.... MARKETING 4.0 and 5.0.....akhirnya searching nama bapak
Another masterpiece from Iwan Setiawan, co-author world best selling books, which have been translated into 25+ languages, Marketing 3.0, Marketing 4.0, Marketing 5.0
Curated Topics & Speakers, Engaging Session & Network wrapped in Theatrical Perfomance
Marketeers Hangout 2023 : The 1st Theatrical Conference in Indonesia
From Vision to Reality
Monday, 18 September 2023
@Ciputra Artpreneur Theater
10.00 AM- 5.00 PM
Early Bird Ticket :
🏷️Regular Rp 400K
🏷️VIP Rp 1.000K (VIP Seat, F&B, Access to speakers)
Buy Ticket :
☎️ wa.me/6281111112803
See you there 🥳
bukunya judulnya apa kak
Kalau marketing 6.0 bentuknya bagaimana ?
Naikan Speed ke 1.25 lebih nyaman
Another masterpiece from Iwan Setiawan, co-author world best selling books, which have been translated into 25+ languages, Marketing 3.0, Marketing 4.0, Marketing 5.0
Curated Topics & Speakers, Engaging Session & Network wrapped in Theatrical Perfomance
Marketeers Hangout 2023 : The 1st Theatrical Conference in Indonesia
From Vision to Reality
Monday, 18 September 2023
@Ciputra Artpreneur Theater
10.00 AM- 5.00 PM
Early Bird Ticket :
🏷️Regular Rp 400K
🏷️VIP Rp 1.000K (VIP Seat, F&B, Access to speakers)
Buy Ticket :
☎️ wa.me/6281111112803
See you there 🥳
Untuk Millenials, speed segini sangat baik om. Tp untuk gen z karena behavior sudah berbeda, mgkin akan berpengaruh. Pdhl penjelasan Iwan sangat baik menurut saya
Marketing 4.0 sudah di implementasikan Market Place di Indonesia.
Marketing 5.0 juga sudah di praktekan oleh Metavers group & Google ya, karna berdasarkan data kita baik dari tlpnan atau chatingan, tiba² saja fb/ig & Google menawarkan produk yang kita bicarakan tadi pada beranda/timeline kita.
Apakah kasus ini bener merupakan penerapan 5.0 ?
Another masterpiece from Iwan Setiawan, co-author world best selling books, which have been translated into 25+ languages, Marketing 3.0, Marketing 4.0, Marketing 5.0
Curated Topics & Speakers, Engaging Session & Network wrapped in Theatrical Perfomance
Marketeers Hangout 2023 : The 1st Theatrical Conference in Indonesia
From Vision to Reality
Monday, 18 September 2023
@Ciputra Artpreneur Theater
10.00 AM- 5.00 PM
Early Bird Ticket :
🏷️Regular Rp 400K
🏷️VIP Rp 1.000K (VIP Seat, F&B, Access to speakers)
Buy Ticket :
☎️ wa.me/6281111112803
See you there 🥳
apa itu human centric ?
2.0 tulisan nya harus nya customer buka costumer
Terima kasih penjelasannya, luar biasa pak. Maaf saya blm paham di 3.0, hubungan rasional, emosional & 3 block itu apa? 🙏🏻
Kesini setelah liat pak bi
the marketers ada kelasnya engga ya pak?
untuk masterclass bisa akses melalui link berikut:
3 judul buku itu merupakan hasil karya pak kotler × pak hermawan × dkk
Another masterpiece from Iwan Setiawan, co-author world best selling books, which have been translated into 25+ languages, Marketing 3.0, Marketing 4.0, Marketing 5.0
Curated Topics & Speakers, Engaging Session & Network wrapped in Theatrical Perfomance
Marketeers Hangout 2023 : The 1st Theatrical Conference in Indonesia
From Vision to Reality
Monday, 18 September 2023
@Ciputra Artpreneur Theater
10.00 AM- 5.00 PM
Early Bird Ticket :
🏷️Regular Rp 400K
🏷️VIP Rp 1.000K (VIP Seat, F&B, Access to speakers)
Buy Ticket :
☎️ wa.me/6281111112803
See you there 🥳
Menurut Saya Saat Ini Customer Akan Mencari Perusahaan Yang Bisa Memberikan Benefit Lebih. 5.0 = Customer Is Owner
Another masterpiece from Iwan Setiawan, co-author world best selling books, which have been translated into 25+ languages, Marketing 3.0, Marketing 4.0, Marketing 5.0
Curated Topics & Speakers, Engaging Session & Network wrapped in Theatrical Perfomance
Marketeers Hangout 2023 : The 1st Theatrical Conference in Indonesia
From Vision to Reality
Monday, 18 September 2023
@Ciputra Artpreneur Theater
10.00 AM- 5.00 PM
Early Bird Ticket :
🏷️Regular Rp 400K
🏷️VIP Rp 1.000K (VIP Seat, F&B, Access to speakers)
Buy Ticket :
☎️ wa.me/6281111112803
See you there 🥳
Pak, paket bukunya dijual online kah ?
Untuk pemesanan Buku-buku Marketing Trilogy bisa via Email ke marketeers@marketeers.com
@@marketeers wellnoted sir. Terimakasih 🙏
@@BlankCanvas369 atau bisa juga ke WA kami di +62 811-1111-2803
Another masterpiece from Iwan Setiawan, co-author world best selling books, which have been translated into 25+ languages, Marketing 3.0, Marketing 4.0, Marketing 5.0
Curated Topics & Speakers, Engaging Session & Network wrapped in Theatrical Perfomance
Marketeers Hangout 2023 : The 1st Theatrical Conference in Indonesia
From Vision to Reality
Monday, 18 September 2023
@Ciputra Artpreneur Theater
10.00 AM- 5.00 PM
Early Bird Ticket :
🏷️Regular Rp 400K
🏷️VIP Rp 1.000K (VIP Seat, F&B, Access to speakers)
Buy Ticket :
☎️ wa.me/6281111112803
See you there 🥳
Another masterpiece from Iwan Setiawan, co-author world best selling books, which have been translated into 25+ languages, Marketing 3.0, Marketing 4.0, Marketing 5.0
Curated Topics & Speakers, Engaging Session & Network wrapped in Theatrical Perfomance
Marketeers Hangout 2023 : The 1st Theatrical Conference in Indonesia
From Vision to Reality
Monday, 18 September 2023
@Ciputra Artpreneur Theater
10.00 AM- 5.00 PM
Early Bird Ticket :
🏷️Regular Rp 400K
🏷️VIP Rp 1.000K (VIP Seat, F&B, Access to speakers)
Buy Ticket :
☎️ wa.me/6281111112803
See you there 🥳
cape deh😅
penjelasan bikin ngantuk
Ribet cara jelasin. Yang bagus langsung kasi contoh bukan banyak berbicara yang banyak orang gak paham apa yang dibicarakan. Menurutku konten bagus tapi konteks kurang alias segmen khusus yang bisa menangkap apa yang mau dibilang
Lu nya aja kaga nyampe 😂
Banyak maunya
mgkn otak lu msh 1.0 bang