hi. may i ask how is it possible for you and your fren able to rent a private apartment or house, when the agent or landlord keep requesting for past rental records but we are international students who dont have in the first place? how did you manage to persuade them? kindly assist as i am searching for an apartment now and facing this huge problem
Thank you for sharing. 好正!
Thank you for your time and effort, well done !👍🙏
hi. may i ask how is it possible for you and your fren able to rent a private apartment or house, when the agent or landlord keep requesting for past rental records but we are international students who dont have in the first place? how did you manage to persuade them? kindly assist as i am searching for an apartment now and facing this huge problem
想問下,我看現在ultimo chippendale的單人公寓冇家具價格都在700pw左右。2b2b有家具960是不是去年的價格了?
朋友是今年年中搬家的~有時候可能會好運找到便宜的房子~ 我也覺得你的價格才是我平時看到的正常價格🤣🤣然後他說包家具的房子原來一般是做airbnb的
Thank you so much! Iglu 有冇得睇下😂🙏🏻