I'm honestly starting to believe sega forget about this series because they just keep copying mario kart now Don't get me wrong i love mario kart but sonic needs his hoverboard back not a damn care even though sonic drift did it but still the riders series is what made sonic cooler for a racing game the hoverboards matches sonics character not no fucking car And i know they announced sonic racing crossworlds but I'm not getting my hopes up for that game
Like The Video For ya Boy!
Already did fr 🗿
I'm here
My bro we got another sonic racing game coming next year and it going CROSSROADS!❤
Sonic Drift was on the Game Gear.
When he selected Shadow with the variation, I literally thought that was Seelkadoom for a second.
7:12 Bro was getting way into his character 😭😭💀
💀this shit so funny
Shadow and neo metal arguing caught me off guard 😭
Imagine if in SxSG, Shadow and Metal Overlord roasted each other the same way Loki and Tommy did here
That would be fucking funny as hell
Shadow was talking smack about Metal, but Metal aint the one with a dead father figure and dead Maria
Who’s hyped for Sonic racing crossworlds in the future
in idw anyway in the form of comics not in actual games lol.
@@JakeThehedgehog-m1x I know it's not back in the games. What I meant was it's back on the LokiFES channel.
Ngl to this day my favorite racing game is the og sonic and sega all stars racing
haven't checked this in a minute, Thanks for bringing it back😁👍
This is the funniest episode yet!
Only real sonic fans remeber "sonic free riders"
Hey dude you're awesome i love sonic battle mugen
You have to read the new idw sonic riders arc, its actually so goated it deserves a game, and its written by evan Stanley
Please SEGA give us another Sonic Riders and not a cart racer
Riders always been clean 🙌🏿
Im really sad that i missed out on the Riders Games because it looks really fun to play. I grew up playing Sonic Allstars racing transformed
W Video Because I Just Got Sonic Riders Tournament Edition And Sonic Riders DX On My Android Phone
As someone who plays this game every day, W vid!
I always been a fan of sonic R greatest Sonic music ever and straight vibe I also loved sonic riders and tournament edition was beautiful.
Hear me out on Tikal
My favorite Sonic racing game is All Stars Racing Transformed and my favorite Mario racing game is Mario Kart Wii.
Top 5 Racing games of all time imo:
Sonic & The All Stars Racing Transformed
Sonic Riders
Sonic Battle R
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
Mario Kart Wii
We need to see some more riders gameplay 😊😊😊
While I'm happy that we are getting a new Sonic Racing game. I wanted it to be SONIC RIDERS
F-Zero GX is a peak racing game
OH...i thought he's reading the actual comic never mind
The first racing game I played was Sonic all stars racing transformed, cars, & cars 2 but I can’t pick one as my favorite because there all childhood
My favorite and I have fun memories with is wave race 64
Lmao I sure as hell did rent this game from blockbuster back in the day 😅
I'm here
Also say hey to the boys for me
What you fellas know about Mario kart 64
Why was seekaldoom there?
SUP Loki
How do you get this game, and what consoles is this on I want this game so bad
This man been to night city many times and still aint play Nightwatch Palace 💔
I'm honestly starting to believe sega forget about this series because they just keep copying mario kart now
Don't get me wrong i love mario kart but sonic needs his hoverboard back not a damn care even though sonic drift did it but still the riders series is what made sonic cooler for a racing game the hoverboards matches sonics character not no fucking car
And i know they announced sonic racing crossworlds but I'm not getting my hopes up for that game
I finally got my laptop, can u tell how to download this game and Sonic Riders Regravified?
All stars racing return when?
If you do sonic battle can you do shadic all forms and sonow all forms vs gogeta and vegito battle of fusions
How do you download this ??? Mods are so hard can anyone help
Hey Loki fes I think sonic forces overclocked got an 2024 update? Idk check it out for your self👋
I can’t believe silver don’t got a super form y’all already know he got one?! Sadly, a TERRIBLE START!
Why do I continue to hear sonic r music
LokiFES, pin me pls. I've watching videos of you since 2 years ago, and this is my second moment.
Let’s clean up this trash
It’s no use