Hi, well I am saying that the results confirmed the location of the pipes as per the photos which were taken by the homeowner, as this was my first time using the wall scanner I was cautious about the results, in later situations I found the scanner to be accurate. But it requires a degree of experience using the scanner and calibration to become more confident of the results when it is used.
@@howeyedoit8224 okay thanks good morning sir please how can I get the detector for leaking machine I am in Africa Ghana sir in Africa they are not selling that machine in Africa so please help me too get it Sir
Thanks for your demo. I purchased this tool. Had difficulty using it against concrete wall. It looks to me the tool beeps a lot (in red), even in areas that I am a bit skeptical if any objects undernealth. That worries me. Any tips / advice? Also, when seeing the small square, does it imply the object is underlying the square or the top tip of the tool? Your comment is appreciated.
Hi Mate so are you saying it is good or are you saying its not very accurate I am not sure what your thoughts are on it
Hi, well I am saying that the results confirmed the location of the pipes as per the photos which were taken by the homeowner, as this was my first time using the wall scanner I was cautious about the results, in later situations I found the scanner to be accurate. But it requires a degree of experience using the scanner and calibration to become more confident of the results when it is used.
Please, up to how many cm can these devices detect?
This is from Nashik India. We are facing bath leakage problem.Can we get service to detect exact location of leakages?Pl.guide.
Est ce que on peut avoir au Sénégal
Please sir can Bosch GTC 400 detector can it detector leaking on the wall with water pipe
Sorry No, you need a thermal imaging camera
@@howeyedoit8224 okay thanks good morning sir please how can I get the detector for leaking machine I am in Africa Ghana sir in Africa they are not selling that machine in Africa so please help me too get it Sir
Amazing video quality!
ये bar ka dia nahi batata hai
Thanks for your demo. I purchased this tool. Had difficulty using it against concrete wall. It looks to me the tool beeps a lot (in red), even in areas that I am a bit skeptical if any objects undernealth. That worries me. Any tips / advice? Also, when seeing the small square, does it imply the object is underlying the square or the top tip of the tool? Your comment is appreciated.
Su kaçakları için önereceğiniz bir cihaz var mı ve diğer cihazları denediniz mi hiç @@gizligucler
Can it detect PVC water pipe?
Inside concrete
How much sir
Hi, the video is a few years old, but when I purchased the detector, it was $250 A$.
Now, there is a newer and better model.
Did you use it on drywall or concrete?
On solid plastered wall with tiles stuck to the wall
A keya chij ki masin hai
This is very good asmr
Leakeg detect machine
Mobile number kay hai
आपका नंबर भेजा मेरा बाथरूम निखिल है कहा लिखते है मालुमत करना है आपका आपका नंबर भेजना सपना चार्ज रिचार्ज कितना है