Introduction to Top Dog Trading Toolkit

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 21 ธ.ค. 2024
  • Originally presented on 11/19/14
    "Retail traders (amateurs) are often right, but at the wrong time." That's a quote from one of my trading mentors and I found it to be one of the most important things I ever learned.
    It explains why so many traders enter a trade, quickly get stopped out, and then the market resumes in the original direction of their trade. They failed to TIME the market correctly.
    You can be very educated about the markets, but if you don't know EXACTLY when and where to get in and out, all the education in the world won't do you much good.
    There are only 2 dimensions on a chart: the price axis and the time axis. And of the two, W.D. Gann said that time is more important than price.
    Nearly all technical analysis focuses on price. Very few traders learn how to TIME the market with precision ... yet it is fully 1/2 of the information available on every chart. Therefore most traders ignore fully 1/2 of the information available to them on every chart!
    It's like trading with impaired vision.
    The way to uncover the secret of timing the markets is by unveiling the hidden power of market cycles.
    It's amazing that while all traders desperately want to know exactly where and WHEN to enter and exit a trade, most traders don't even have a market cycle indicator on their chart!
    As part of this webinar, we'll also show you the Top Dog Tool Kit. This is a brand new product available in MetaStock from Barry Burns. It features Barry's Five Energy Method. This method is based on developing a probability scenario that puts the odds in your favor. These energies are:
    Support Resistance
    About Barry Burns
    Barry Burns bio picture
    Dr. Barry Burns is a business man who has owned several small companies. His business background had taught him to focus on the bottom line, so his study of the financial markets was for one purpose only: to make profits.
    He started his study of the markets under the direction of his father, Patrick F. Burns, who became independently wealthy through trading and had over 70 years of trading experience before passing away in 2005.
    Barry Burns furthered his education by reading over 100 books on trading and investing, and spent over $50,000 in trading courses and education.
    In addition, he hired three professional traders to mentor him personally. He even flew to Chicago to work with a former floor trader at the Chicago Mercantile Exchange. All of this research and study resulted in insights which eventually led to the development of his own methodology.
    A brief outline of accomplishments:
    Author of Top Dog Trading 5 Energy Methodology Plug-in for MetaStock
    Author of "Trend Trading For Dummies" (Pulisher: Wiley).
    Seminar presenter for several exchanges including the CME Group and Eurex.
    Featured as a case study in the book “Using Candlestick Charting: How To Earn High Rates of Return - Safely”
    Featured as a case study in the book "The Complete Guide to Investing in Derivatives."
    Received several years of Readers Choice Award for "Technical Anaysis Web Sites" and "Trading Schools" by Technical Analysis of Stocks and Commodities Magazine.
    Developed a 5 Day Course for WorldWideTraders.
    Headlining speaker at DayTradersUSA.
    Headlining speaker for the Market Analysts of Southern California
    Given seminars around the country at many Wealth Expos and Traders Expos
    Interviewed on the Robin Dayne “Elite Masters of Trading” Radio Show.
    Interviewed on
    The former lead moderator of FuturesTalk chat room guiding listeners through the open and close of each trading day.
    Currently one of the featured Experts at Trader Kingdom.
    Founded Top Dog Trading, to help students shorten their learning curves in becoming traders.

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