I actually found that very helpful even though I’m homeschooling a 5 year old boy. He has his challenges and meltdowns and shutdowns are par for the course. It’s a helpful reminder to me that even though it’s “school”, it’s also their home. And home should always be a safe place for them to be themselves; especially when they aren’t in their best moment. Thanks!
I'm not sure if anyone mentioned this yet, but if you take a look at curriculum in grades 6 and 7, there isn't a whole lot of growth. I think this is because those years are so tough, so school stays about the same those years. That made me calm down and realize it's okay to slow down during those years - we won't miss anything! Thank you for sharing this video!
Most of my teacher friends agree with this! There is so much personal growth going on with kids this age that school's acknowledge that not much learning is going to be absorbed so hardly any new material is taught.
@@GraceandGrit It is very true and honestly a lot of people don't even remember the things that they're taught. I stopped understanding math pretty much in 6th grade, everything else in math after that was just useless for me. A lot of it was just what the government decided needed to be taught to fill in time. If you want to be an engineer, doctor, work for NASA, well technically you probably can't work for NASA anymore, but that's a different story, lol, or be a scientist, physiologist, etc. You will need the higher math, but you need to go to college anyways for all those careers and they teach it to you while you are there as well. Basically public school and itself is indoctrination, but especially in middle school and high school. Now, I'm pushing 40yrs. old and I've still been successful even though I've never learned trigonometry or calculus. It is okay to teach at your child's pace and they will become a genius when they are ready.❤😇 We love the whole REAL homeschooling because you can teach whatever your child is actually intetested in! Praise God!
My son recently turned 13 and I tell ya the emotions have been up and down. I find when I see him becoming frustrated with his Home school work or anything. I usually excuse myself from the room for a short time so I don't become frustrated and Our day is less then happy. Last school year We read the book "What's happening to My body?" (for boys). and times when things are going south I will reference that book and things will become understood as to why he is feeling a certain way.
Yes!!! I’m so in this too! My daughter is 10 but this happens all the time. It’s so hard to navigate. Thank you for the encouragement. I originally started home schooling my daughter when she was in 2nd grade because I wanted to be more intentional with our relationship. It was hard then. But with hormonal her getting older it’s getting hard again. I like what you said about not saying things like “ you should know this” it gets so frustrating and I do that a lot. I see how that can affect her. I’m going to be in prayer that God with make me more gentle and quiet. Thank you so much for all your videos! I really enjoy them!
This is a great video. I have three daughters, 14, 12 & 10. Going through similar emotions. I have taken a similar approach of sending them to their rooms to give them space and time to calm down and be ready to focus on school. Homeschool has actually helped us get through things and take the time we need when we need v. me getting upset with my daughters, it has helped me understand when they need time. I also know when to push them too (that was also not easy figure out).
Ashley, this was SO timely! I was running errands and realized I hadn’t listened to this one yet. I’m literally laughing and crying bc I’m like Lord you knew I needed to hear this today. I don’t have girls, I have all boys but we have noticed a shift in our almost 10 year old son and just hearing you explain some ways of working through those emotions they are navigating through is so helpful! We have had some tough days trying to get back in the groove after a break through Christmas. Anyways wanted to say thank you and I so appreciated this today!❤️
Yes!!! Navigating schooling with my 16 year old daughter and 12 year old son, takes lots of flexibility and “breaks” for mental health. It definitely ebbs and flows and we have kind of gotten into a rhythm. Thanks for posting and reminding me what is important.
Yes yes yes! Yes to all of this! My 11 ur old daughter is going through all of this and it’s HARD! The other thing I would add is to make special time with just mom (or dad) that is not school related. A date night with just the two of you to either talk of she wants or just be silly together! I wholeheartedly agree that relationship trumps school any day! Relationships are what we will take into heaven, schooling not so much. Our job is to show them Jesus in everything and relationship comes back to that. He was all about relationship with people. That includes our children!
Mine aren't pre teens yet but I think this applies to all kids. I got this advice a while ago and have really tried to always put my relationship with my kids before school. My 6 year old has sensory processing disorder and sometimes what I have planned just isn't going to work that day. I am very flexible with what we do on any given day because we can and do come back to things. For example one day she was having a rough day and everything we did was a struggle. I just know if I tried to push through she wouldn't have retained anything. But she loves all things space. So we spent the morning learning about constellations. This is something I love about homeschooling. We can be more flexible and modify for our kiddos when they need it.
Love it! My oldest child is an 11 year old girl (almost 12 like you said about yours!) and I'm so glad you talked about this. There have been lots of conversations (since they were little, really) about us controlling our emotions vs. letting our emotions control us. I've always told the kiddos that being hungry & tired (and now I need to add hormonal to the list ;)) is not an excuse for bad behavior. I totally agree with relationship over homeschooling, I have always believed that people matter more than process. There's so much to this and I'm super glad you are talking about it...hugs and high fives, mama!
Thank you so much for today's reminder. I am going through all of this with my precious tween daughter. I was totally getting sucked in with all her emotions and probably making things worst. This was such a great reminder to myself that our relationship is far more important and that her emotions is part of her growing! Thank you for always keeping it real and sharing so much of yourself with us! Every thing you share is a blessing to all of us homeschooling mamas.
Thank you so much for this video! I’m working through this with my 10 year old daughter. Definitely having more heart to heart talks and letting her know this behavior is normal for her age and the physical changes are normal and part of growing up. I think they need to hear that when they tend to want to beat themselves up over being over emotional.
Thanks for sharing your heart in this video! I homeschool our youngest daughter who is 10 (11 in April) and she's extremely emotional. It makes our homeschool challenging, and this is only our 2nd year. I Pray for wisdom and strength to continue on this journey for both our family and yours!
This is our first year homeschooling and my 11 year old daughter is going through some puberty changes and it's definitely a very delicate time. I have to really catch myself with her almost daily. I can't imagine her going through all of this in traditional school. The hormones are definitely racing and I am in constant prayer about her. I pray for God's wisdom for us all during this time.
Yes, yes, 1000 times yes! My daughter will be 15 soon & I definitely remember the bursting into tears over everything days. She can control herself much better now, but my 12 year old son is coming now, lol. I actually didn’t start homeschooling until they were 12 and 10, so, apparently, I’m a glutton for punishment 🤷♀️. To top it off, I’m a single mom, so yeah, it’s hard & very frustrating. I give a lot of leeway because I know it’s hormonal a lot of the time, but there’s a line of respect that can get crossed & that’s when you have to step in. I’ve made every mistake you talked about and I carry a lot of guilt, but, it’s hard & you have to give yourself grace. I’m super duper close with my kids & they’re both awesome morally & personality-wise, so I guess I’m doing something right. Anyway, you gave excellent advice, you’re wise beyond your years 😊. TYFS!
I'm also a single mom. My son is 15yrs old he goes to public school. My daughter just turned 12yrs old in November. I just decided to homeschool her due to some issues accruing with her in her new Catholic school. The school her and I wanted to go to didn't have space and I wasn't going to put her in her zone school as its horrible so I just sent the letter of intent this week. It is very hard with their emotions going all over the place. When things get overwhelming I tell myself their hormones are just going crazy right now and they don't know how to control them yet, take a deep breath , collect myself, I talk to Jesus and put my worship music on until I'm calm enough to help approach a situation that happened. Them as well, I'll send them to their room and calm down because things just will escalade(which it does happens sometimes, we will get those days of course, things will never be 100% perfect). The good thing is we learn, we make adjustments, we move forward, and do things differently next time. Remember its how we try to make the changes for the better that matters. We will always have Up's and downs. You are doing amazing, keep your head up and never stop SMILING 😁😁😁😁😁😁😁🤗🤗🤗🤗
Yes! Great advice. I need more insight on this subject. My oldest is 11 soon to be 12 (girl) and this has been an interesting year and unchartered waters for me. I am looking for helpful resources/books and will share if I find something! :) good job mama!
You are so not alone in this. Great advice. I know these things but still fail miserably in dealing with this on the regular. Thank you for sharing. The enemy likes to isolate, so it's always good to hear that someone else deals with such similar things. We're all in this together.
Great video! Thanks for sharing, as a mama of a pre teen the emotions are SO hard for me! He literally will cry at the drop of a hat! I always assumed since I have boys that puberty would be "easier" I guess, but no not at all!
I can relate! My almost 10 year old boy cries so easily and he has NEVER been one to cry. I feel like kids hit these stages sooner than when I was growing up.
My son is 15yrs old now and I also have a daughter that is 12yrs old and my son has always been emotional but once puberty kicked in and middle school happened things just started changing. He is in public school and we have been blessed with great school counselor and some great caring teachers that have been helpful with our family issues and working together to help him and keep his grades up. Being a single mom is hard when your priorities and way of living are completely opposite from the absent parent. Doesn't help the kid's at all. The emotions have been getting worse but only through God's strength and help I am able to help him, keep my cool at times...lol and do lots of talking and I Love you no matter what ,always and forever. You are doing a great job , keep your focus and don't forget to also have self care.
Thank you so much for this video! As this is our first year homeschooling, I have been thinking I must be doing something wrong! So good to know I'm not completely messing this up. I have 11 and 7 year old boys and I wish we could have started this journey earlier. It has been a more difficult transition for my 11 year old! Love to see that we aren't the only ones with passionate emotions :-D
Thank you for this! One of my girls will be 12 in March and this past year has been an emotional roller coaster for her. It is so easy to minimize what they are going through because we’ve experienced it. Their hearts are so tender at this point! Thank you for the reminder! We’ve been reading the book Beautiful Girlhood by Karen Andreola together and discussing the chapters and what they mean for us in our season.
It’s a really good book! Some of the topics may seems dated or old fashioned to some, but they serve as a great conversation starter for expectations or creating between you two a discussion on what we be considered acceptable for your family values.
Homeschooling teens is super challenging. Thankfully those teen issues don’t come up in our homeschool day. Our main struggle is ADHD and homeschooling.
Thank you for sharing. My 11 year old son is going through this, and days have been very tough with him. I try to stay patient with him, but sometimes it's hard. I like the idea of having him go to his room and decompress before coming back out to join us. I will start doing that. Thanks!
I needed to hear this today! We are in our second year of homeschooling and I've got 2 preteen/early teen children who are going through so many changes physically and mentally. My son will be 13 in May and my daughter will be 11 in April. I was expecting this with my son but I wasn't as prepared to hit this stage so early with my daughter. Some days I feel like I'm navigating a minefield!LOL I rely on prayer and a LOT of coffee😂We have recently made some changes for this next semester to calm our days down(switched to TGATB for LA and a literature based approach for history at the kids request) and I am excited to see the change in frustration levels.
Thanks for the video! Great to hear your perspective! We have one pre teen and then 3 ity bittys who are a while away from this but it's great to hear how you keep the relationship good. X
Great ideas! I am going through this with my 10 year old son! Once he gets in a mood, it's like everyone else is going to know it by his actions and bad attitude! I think I will talk ahead of time, letting him know that when we have a hard time, to go to his room to chill and agree on it so when I say go to your room during a bad moment, he doesn't see it as a punishment! I have so much to learn! Plus I have a 13 year old son but he's not to bad!! I'll take all the advice I can! My boys are great tho other than this topic, haha!! :-)
My oldest( He will be 8 soon) our relationship has changed so much, it’s been so sad to me!! When we don’t “do school” We are fine, we actually get along great!! But when it’s school time, it’s very hard and we are both. Frustrated!! This is our second year of homeschooling, and I really thought things would have easier!!! Just last night, my upcoming Kindergartener received a math facts game and was so sad He didn’t receive a toy!! I have all boys, I feel overwhelmed, I would love to hear from other moms to know if they struggle with this too!!! Thanks Ash!
Yes I agree with both the ideas mentioned! I'm also right there with you! My 8 year doesn't want anything to do with setting through lessons "school" we basically took almost a year off for homeschooling when he was 7-8 due to a hip injury I had. It was the best thing for him even though I didn't know it at the time. God used a hard time for me to grow our homeschool and it has completely changed. My boys had to take on more house work, while I learned to let some thing go...ugh...ahh..lol! And my husband helped me to super simplify our homeschool life. We went from full on classical education to idk what to call it... here is what we do now: 1. they copy one page of the beginnings Bible in their best handwriting(fyi this covers...bible, spelling, grammar, reading) 2. 1 page of Math 3. I read aloud story of the world(history)and sassafras Adventures in science(science). We don't do any big project we just talk about it and look up things on my phone as we read if there is an interest. We also read aloud a fun literature or twaddle book that no ones wants to stop after one chapter. The trick is to know we can't teach them everything, but we can enjoy them and learn together and help them to love learning! I don't know if you son is reading yet and maybe he's just not ready completely fine by the way no rush. I have found it easier to teach something 1 time when they are ready than go over it a 100 times when they aren't. But if he is reading and your ok with silly potty humor then the dog man books by Dav Pilkey are a great way to introduce great classic literature. As the writer plays off of classic books. Really time is you best friend right now. Try short lessons and lots of time for him to play especially outside. And don't be afraid to change and tweak what your doing or your curriculum. It has taken me 5 years to learn this. Reading aloud together has been the best most enjoyable part of our home and homeschool life! Its amazing how many life lessons and history and science can be learned through read a book together. I can't tell you how many times I've used examples in books we've read to explain situation or behavior issue plus it opens a ton of rabbit tails...ex: my boys want to learn Latin because Mr Pinderwick is always saying phasing in Latin to his daughters. The Pinderwicks by Jeanne Birdstall are great books we love them and my 8 years wants to go up a become a director and make the books into a movie. I know this is a lot to read and if you choose to educate your child yourself there are all the expectations to meet...I get it, I am there too...but ask yourself who's expectations are to trying to meet? This always helps me bring things back into focus and put my type A back in check. I hope this is helpful for you! Love and hugs to you! And please remember this is just my experience and options. You and your husband are the CEO of your home family and you should do what you feel is best and works for you!
Hey, you can watch the video „ the Enchanted Education for Teens „ on the TH-camchannel of Brave Writer, it s always very inspiring to listen to Julie Bogart!
I needed this! My 13 yr old daughter started homeschooling last year. This year my 12 yr old girl and 8yr old boy are joining in. 😥 And those 2 have dyslexia. This should be interesting
I needed to hear this today. I have an 11 year old and I'm seeing some of these emotions, you spike to my heart honestly. Thankyou . Do you plan to homeschool all the way through ?
My question is when did these hormonal feelings start with your daughter? At 11 or earlier? My daughter is about to turn 9 at the end of January and she is starting to show signs of "odd feelings, sad for no reason". Just curious...my friend said her kids started attitudes etc when they were about 9...she had a boy and a girl.
Great video! I am new to homeschooling and your channel has been very helpful. Do your children ever question Gods existence? ( Especially entering into the teenage years)
My 8 year old son is going through this right now...! I have a 10 year son who doesn't seem to have any of the issues Ashlee mentioned in the video, but my 8 year is an emotional mess a especially when he is angry or frustrated. I handle it for the most part the way Ashlee with a few differences. Ex: if he negative talks about himself I have him say 20 positive things out loud about himself. He also makes everything more dramatic then it needs to be saying things like "my life is so hard and I just want to die and go home to heaven." And yet other times he will say, "but how do you really know God is real?" I tell him the story about the wind...can and feel it but can't see it...and look outside...and "I know he real because I feel him and he's done xyz in my life." And then tell him stories of times God has been there for me good and bad, hard and easy. I also tell him I can't make you choose to believe this is something you have to decide on your own all I can't do is share what know and believe to be true. I have no idea if I'm getting it right in the long run, but this seems to help at least for now. Sorry your going through this it kinda hurt my heart when my son asked if God was real, but I tried to think of it like Jesus did when the disciples asked them questions of faith. I mean those people saw him face to face and had a hard time believing. So an 8 year kid living in a "give me more" world of course he's going to question something so abstract. I hope this is encouraging and helpful. But remember it is just my experience and opinions and my the heavenly father blind your eyes to anything that isn't right in his sights.
I actually found that very helpful even though I’m homeschooling a 5 year old boy. He has his challenges and meltdowns and shutdowns are par for the course. It’s a helpful reminder to me that even though it’s “school”, it’s also their home. And home should always be a safe place for them to be themselves; especially when they aren’t in their best moment. Thanks!
I'm not sure if anyone mentioned this yet, but if you take a look at curriculum in grades 6 and 7, there isn't a whole lot of growth. I think this is because those years are so tough, so school stays about the same those years. That made me calm down and realize it's okay to slow down during those years - we won't miss anything! Thank you for sharing this video!
Jessica Day that’s a great point I never noticed that!
Most of my teacher friends agree with this! There is so much personal growth going on with kids this age that school's acknowledge that not much learning is going to be absorbed so hardly any new material is taught.
It is very true and honestly a lot of people don't even remember the things that they're taught.
I stopped understanding math pretty much in 6th grade, everything else in math after that was just useless for me.
A lot of it was just what the government decided needed to be taught to fill in time.
If you want to be an engineer, doctor, work for NASA, well technically you probably can't work for NASA anymore, but that's a different story, lol, or be a scientist, physiologist, etc. You will need the higher math, but you need to go to college anyways for all those careers and they teach it to you while you are there as well.
Basically public school and itself is indoctrination, but especially in middle school and high school.
Now, I'm pushing 40yrs. old and I've still been successful even though I've never learned trigonometry or calculus.
It is okay to teach at your child's pace and they will become a genius when they are ready.❤😇
We love the whole REAL homeschooling because you can teach whatever your child is actually intetested in! Praise God!
Oh thank you for saying this! Good point!
My son recently turned 13 and I tell ya the emotions have been up and down. I find when I see him becoming frustrated with his Home school work or anything. I usually excuse myself from the room for a short time so I don't become frustrated and Our day is less then happy. Last school year We read the book "What's happening to My body?" (for boys). and times when things are going south I will reference that book and things will become understood as to why he is feeling a certain way.
Nice perspective.
Do you have the author of that book and how to get it?
I'm really glad I found your channel. ☺
I need homeschool moms in my life that are real.😪
Yes!!! I’m so in this too! My daughter is 10 but this happens all the time. It’s so hard to navigate. Thank you for the encouragement. I originally started home schooling my daughter when she was in 2nd grade because I wanted to be more intentional with our relationship. It was hard then. But with hormonal her getting older it’s getting hard again. I like what you said about not saying things like “ you should know this” it gets so frustrating and I do that a lot. I see how that can affect her. I’m going to be in prayer that God with make me more gentle and quiet. Thank you so much for all your videos! I really enjoy them!
so frustrating to me as well! Im working on that!
This is a great video. I have three daughters, 14, 12 & 10. Going through similar emotions. I have taken a similar approach of sending them to their rooms to give them space and time to calm down and be ready to focus on school. Homeschool has actually helped us get through things and take the time we need when we need v. me getting upset with my daughters, it has helped me understand when they need time. I also know when to push them too (that was also not easy figure out).
Ashley, this was SO timely! I was running errands and realized I hadn’t listened to this one yet. I’m literally laughing and crying bc I’m like Lord you knew I needed to hear this today. I don’t have girls, I have all boys but we have noticed a shift in our almost 10 year old son and just hearing you explain some ways of working through those emotions they are navigating through is so helpful! We have had some tough days trying to get back in the groove after a break through Christmas. Anyways wanted to say thank you and I so appreciated this today!❤️
Yes!!! Navigating schooling with my 16 year old daughter and 12 year old son, takes lots of flexibility and “breaks” for mental health. It definitely ebbs and flows and we have kind of gotten into a rhythm. Thanks for posting and reminding me what is important.
Yes yes yes! Yes to all of this! My 11 ur old daughter is going through all of this and it’s HARD!
The other thing I would add is to make special time with just mom (or dad) that is not school related. A date night with just the two of you to either talk of she wants or just be silly together!
I wholeheartedly agree that relationship trumps school any day! Relationships are what we will take into heaven, schooling not so much. Our job is to show them Jesus in everything and relationship comes back to that. He was all about relationship with people. That includes our children!
I need to be better at date nights!
Mine aren't pre teens yet but I think this applies to all kids. I got this advice a while ago and have really tried to always put my relationship with my kids before school. My 6 year old has sensory processing disorder and sometimes what I have planned just isn't going to work that day. I am very flexible with what we do on any given day because we can and do come back to things.
For example one day she was having a rough day and everything we did was a struggle. I just know if I tried to push through she wouldn't have retained anything. But she loves all things space. So we spent the morning learning about constellations.
This is something I love about homeschooling. We can be more flexible and modify for our kiddos when they need it.
great job mama! def applies to all kids but even more so when emotions are high!
Love it! My oldest child is an 11 year old girl (almost 12 like you said about yours!) and I'm so glad you talked about this. There have been lots of conversations (since they were little, really) about us controlling our emotions vs. letting our emotions control us. I've always told the kiddos that being hungry & tired (and now I need to add hormonal to the list ;)) is not an excuse for bad behavior. I totally agree with relationship over homeschooling, I have always believed that people matter more than process. There's so much to this and I'm super glad you are talking about it...hugs and high fives, mama!
great point!
Thank you so much for today's reminder. I am going through all of this with my precious tween daughter. I was totally getting sucked in with all her emotions and probably making things worst. This was such a great reminder to myself that our relationship is far more important and that her emotions is part of her growing! Thank you for always keeping it real and sharing so much of yourself with us! Every thing you share is a blessing to all of us homeschooling mamas.
your words mean so much! Thankyou!
Thank you so much for this video! I’m working through this with my 10 year old daughter. Definitely having more heart to heart talks and letting her know this behavior is normal for her age and the physical changes are normal and part of growing up. I think they need to hear that when they tend to want to beat themselves up over being over emotional.
Thanks for sharing your heart in this video! I homeschool our youngest daughter who is 10 (11 in April) and she's extremely emotional. It makes our homeschool challenging, and this is only our 2nd year. I Pray for wisdom and strength to continue on this journey for both our family and yours!
Dawn Wade praying for you as well!!
This is our first year homeschooling and my 11 year old daughter is going through some puberty changes and it's definitely a very delicate time. I have to really catch myself with her almost daily. I can't imagine her going through all of this in traditional school. The hormones are definitely racing and I am in constant prayer about her. I pray for God's wisdom for us all during this time.
Favored4life amen we are lucky to be there everyday!
Yes, yes, 1000 times yes! My daughter will be 15 soon & I definitely remember the bursting into tears over everything days. She can control herself much better now, but my 12 year old son is coming now, lol. I actually didn’t start homeschooling until they were 12 and 10, so, apparently, I’m a glutton for punishment 🤷♀️. To top it off, I’m a single mom, so yeah, it’s hard & very frustrating. I give a lot of leeway because I know it’s hormonal a lot of the time, but there’s a line of respect that can get crossed & that’s when you have to step in. I’ve made every mistake you talked about and I carry a lot of guilt, but, it’s hard & you have to give yourself grace. I’m super duper close with my kids & they’re both awesome morally & personality-wise, so I guess I’m doing something right. Anyway, you gave excellent advice, you’re wise beyond your years 😊. TYFS!
Kelly Albertson Thankyou for sharing mama! Keep doing the good work!
I'm also a single mom. My son is 15yrs old he goes to public school. My daughter just turned 12yrs old in November. I just decided to homeschool her due to some issues accruing with her in her new Catholic school. The school her and I wanted to go to didn't have space and I wasn't going to put her in her zone school as its horrible so I just sent the letter of intent this week. It is very hard with their emotions going all over the place. When things get overwhelming I tell myself their hormones are just going crazy right now and they don't know how to control them yet, take a deep breath , collect myself, I talk to Jesus and put my worship music on until I'm calm enough to help approach a situation that happened. Them as well, I'll send them to their room and calm down because things just will escalade(which it does happens sometimes, we will get those days of course, things will never be 100% perfect). The good thing is we learn, we make adjustments, we move forward, and do things differently next time. Remember its how we try to make the changes for the better that matters. We will always have Up's and downs.
You are doing amazing, keep your head up and never stop SMILING 😁😁😁😁😁😁😁🤗🤗🤗🤗
Yes! Great advice. I need more insight on this subject. My oldest is 11 soon to be 12 (girl) and this has been an interesting year and unchartered waters for me. I am looking for helpful resources/books and will share if I find something! :) good job mama!
You are so not alone in this. Great advice. I know these things but still fail miserably in dealing with this on the regular. Thank you for sharing. The enemy likes to isolate, so it's always good to hear that someone else deals with such similar things. We're all in this together.
Paige Shappley exactly! I too, fail often!
Great video! Thanks for sharing, as a mama of a pre teen the emotions are SO hard for me! He literally will cry at the drop of a hat! I always assumed since I have boys that puberty would be "easier" I guess, but no not at all!
no! my son is a year behind his sister and is equally as emotional!
Yes same with my son! So emotional! I was silly to think it would be easier with boys 🤣🤣🤣😭😭😭
I can relate! My almost 10 year old boy cries so easily and he has NEVER been one to cry. I feel like kids hit these stages sooner than when I was growing up.
Brooke I agree!
My son is 15yrs old now and I also have a daughter that is 12yrs old and my son has always been emotional but once puberty kicked in and middle school happened things just started changing. He is in public school and we have been blessed with great school counselor and some great caring teachers that have been helpful with our family issues and working together to help him and keep his grades up. Being a single mom is hard when your priorities and way of living are completely opposite from the absent parent. Doesn't help the kid's at all. The emotions have been getting worse but only through God's strength and help I am able to help him, keep my cool at times...lol and do lots of talking and I Love you no matter what ,always and forever.
You are doing a great job , keep your focus and don't forget to also have self care.
Thank you so much for this video! As this is our first year homeschooling, I have been thinking I must be doing something wrong! So good to know I'm not completely messing this up. I have 11 and 7 year old boys and I wish we could have started this journey earlier. It has been a more difficult transition for my 11 year old! Love to see that we aren't the only ones with passionate emotions :-D
Thank you for this! One of my girls will be 12 in March and this past year has been an emotional roller coaster for her. It is so easy to minimize what they are going through because we’ve experienced it. Their hearts are so tender at this point! Thank you for the reminder!
We’ve been reading the book Beautiful Girlhood by Karen Andreola together and discussing the chapters and what they mean for us in our season.
going to check out the book! Thankyou for sharing!
It’s a really good book! Some of the topics may seems dated or old fashioned to some, but they serve as a great conversation starter for expectations or creating between you two a discussion on what we be considered acceptable for your family values.
Homeschooling teens is super challenging. Thankfully those teen issues don’t come up in our homeschool day. Our main struggle is ADHD and homeschooling.
Thank you for sharing. My 11 year old son is going through this, and days have been very tough with him. I try to stay patient with him, but sometimes it's hard. I like the idea of having him go to his room and decompress before coming back out to join us. I will start doing that. Thanks!
Audrey McNair so tough mama!
Yes to everything. Lots of conversations. Lots of emotions.
I needed to hear this today! We are in our second year of homeschooling and I've got 2 preteen/early teen children who are going through so many changes physically and mentally. My son will be 13 in May and my daughter will be 11 in April. I was expecting this with my son but I wasn't as prepared to hit this stage so early with my daughter. Some days I feel like I'm navigating a minefield!LOL I rely on prayer and a LOT of coffee😂We have recently made some changes for this next semester to calm our days down(switched to TGATB for LA and a literature based approach for history at the kids request) and I am excited to see the change in frustration levels.
Kimberly Smith yes yes yes to coffee❤️
Literally have been going through this a couple times this and we just stop and have conversation ...
Thank you for this video
Thank you for posting this!! It’s so timely for our family right now.❤️
so thankful it resonated with you
Thanks for the video! Great to hear your perspective! We have one pre teen and then 3 ity bittys who are a while away from this but it's great to hear how you keep the relationship good. X
Great ideas! I am going through this with my 10 year old son! Once he gets in a mood, it's like everyone else is going to know it by his actions and bad attitude! I think I will talk ahead of time, letting him know that when we have a hard time, to go to his room to chill and agree on it so when I say go to your room during a bad moment, he doesn't see it as a punishment! I have so much to learn! Plus I have a 13 year old son but he's not to bad!! I'll take all the advice I can! My boys are great tho other than this topic, haha!! :-)
Homeschool Mom of 2 it’s so hard!
My oldest( He will be 8 soon) our relationship has changed so much, it’s been so sad to me!! When we don’t “do school” We are fine, we actually get along great!! But when it’s school time, it’s very hard and we are both. Frustrated!! This is our second year of homeschooling, and I really thought things would have easier!!! Just last night, my upcoming Kindergartener received a math facts game and was so sad He didn’t receive a toy!! I have all boys, I feel overwhelmed, I would love to hear from other moms to know if they struggle with this too!!! Thanks Ash!
Have you thought about "unschooling"?
Hang in there! Try asking them what they want to learn about and maybe add in a unit study to really get them excited about the learning time! ❤️
Yes I agree with both the ideas mentioned! I'm also right there with you! My 8 year doesn't want anything to do with setting through lessons "school" we basically took almost a year off for homeschooling when he was 7-8 due to a hip injury I had. It was the best thing for him even though I didn't know it at the time. God used a hard time for me to grow our homeschool and it has completely changed. My boys had to take on more house work, while I learned to let some thing go...ugh...ahh..lol! And my husband helped me to super simplify our homeschool life. We went from full on classical education to idk what to call it... here is what we do now: 1. they copy one page of the beginnings Bible in their best handwriting(fyi this covers...bible, spelling, grammar, reading) 2. 1 page of Math 3. I read aloud story of the world(history)and sassafras Adventures in science(science). We don't do any big project we just talk about it and look up things on my phone as we read if there is an interest. We also read aloud a fun literature or twaddle book that no ones wants to stop after one chapter. The trick is to know we can't teach them everything, but we can enjoy them and learn together and help them to love learning! I don't know if you son is reading yet and maybe he's just not ready completely fine by the way no rush. I have found it easier to teach something 1 time when they are ready than go over it a 100 times when they aren't. But if he is reading and your ok with silly potty humor then the dog man books by Dav Pilkey are a great way to introduce great classic literature. As the writer plays off of classic books. Really time is you best friend right now. Try short lessons and lots of time for him to play especially outside. And don't be afraid to change and tweak what your doing or your curriculum. It has taken me 5 years to learn this. Reading aloud together has been the best most enjoyable part of our home and homeschool life! Its amazing how many life lessons and history and science can be learned through read a book together. I can't tell you how many times I've used examples in books we've read to explain situation or behavior issue plus it opens a ton of rabbit tails...ex: my boys want to learn Latin because Mr Pinderwick is always saying phasing in Latin to his daughters. The Pinderwicks by Jeanne Birdstall are great books we love them and my 8 years wants to go up a become a director and make the books into a movie. I know this is a lot to read and if you choose to educate your child yourself there are all the expectations to meet...I get it, I am there too...but ask yourself who's expectations are to trying to meet? This always helps me bring things back into focus and put my type A back in check. I hope this is helpful for you! Love and hugs to you! And please remember this is just my experience and options. You and your husband are the CEO of your home family and you should do what you feel is best and works for you!
Thank you so much for sharing! I'm experiencing a lot of this with my 11 year old son!
Allison Kennedy it’s so tough!
I love watching your channel. This message was so uplifting. Bless you.
Homeschooling 2 From The Inside Out Thankyou so so much! Means more than you know!
Hey, you can watch the video „ the Enchanted Education for Teens „ on the TH-camchannel of Brave Writer, it s always very inspiring to listen to Julie Bogart!
carole maquil great advice! I’ve actually watched that in the past but should revisit!
I needed this! My 13 yr old daughter started homeschooling last year. This year my 12 yr old girl and 8yr old boy are joining in. 😥 And those 2 have dyslexia.
This should be interesting
Oh gosh I'm scared of teenager years but this was an amazing video!
This video is really good, I have a soon to be 12 years old boy, this is helpful, thank you!!!
This was such a good video to hear, thank you!
thanks for taking a listen!
Sry helpful. My son is twelve, in seventh grade, and there are a lot of emotions. We are all about white bedding too.
Look at you with 14K+ subs!!!! Way to go!!
Gingersnaps thanks friend 💕
I needed to hear this today. I have an 11 year old and I'm seeing some of these emotions, you spike to my heart honestly. Thankyou . Do you plan to homeschool all the way through ?
Thank you
Hello I have a autistic son. He is 13 years old. Is homeschooling best for him in your opinion.
My question is when did these hormonal feelings start with your daughter? At 11 or earlier? My daughter is about to turn 9 at the end of January and she is starting to show signs of "odd feelings, sad for no reason". Just curious...my friend said her kids started attitudes etc when they were about 9...she had a boy and a girl.
I can relate and to imagine I will have 5 teens!
Appreciate this so much! ❤️
Christina W thanks for watching❤️
Great video! I am new to homeschooling and your channel has been very helpful. Do your children ever question Gods existence? ( Especially entering into the teenage years)
Alexa Espinoza not yet, but I’m ready when they do!
My 8 year old son is going through this right now...! I have a 10 year son who doesn't seem to have any of the issues Ashlee mentioned in the video, but my 8 year is an emotional mess a especially when he is angry or frustrated. I handle it for the most part the way Ashlee with a few differences. Ex: if he negative talks about himself I have him say 20 positive things out loud about himself. He also makes everything more dramatic then it needs to be saying things like "my life is so hard and I just want to die and go home to heaven." And yet other times he will say, "but how do you really know God is real?"
I tell him the story about the wind...can and feel it but can't see it...and look outside...and "I know he real because I feel him and he's done xyz in my life." And then tell him stories of times God has been there for me good and bad, hard and easy. I also tell him I can't make you choose to believe this is something you have to decide on your own all I can't do is share what know and believe to be true. I have no idea if I'm getting it right in the long run, but this seems to help at least for now. Sorry your going through this it kinda hurt my heart when my son asked if God was real, but I tried to think of it like Jesus did when the disciples asked them questions of faith. I mean those people saw him face to face and had a hard time believing. So an 8 year kid living in a "give me more" world of course he's going to question something so abstract. I hope this is encouraging and helpful. But remember it is just my experience and opinions and my the heavenly father blind your eyes to anything that isn't right in his sights.