Although I don't know much about the teeth of Big Munchie, I was wondering if they used the same type blades as Little Munchie and if so would they come in the under over sets like you just installed on Little Munchie. I could definitely tell a difference in the way Little Munchie cut with the new blade pattern. It made for a much smoother cut. You know I ❤watching BOTH these machines in action. It warms my heart. This is another fine job Devon😊
These were great cleanups. That last one was awesome. I’d always wanted a John Deere and had a neighbor with one who kept his yard beautifully. Saw they had a yard sale and YES!!! I was able to buy it. Love LOVE it! Thanks for taking us along for these three properties! 👏👏👏👍👍👏👏👏
Picking up the mulcher against those bushes is something that I've been waiting for. They need cut, And I'm suprised that you had very little debris fly into the neighbor's yard. You made quick, clean work on these lots.
Fairly easy little projects,the Coachella definitely doing its thing.Let’s dig 18 was going on about his and so happy he had gotten it.made life easier.great video as always.just continue to do what you do safe.on to the next project 😎😎😎👍👍👍
I'm like ocd to the max about some things, and you not cutting those weeds down completely to the neighbors yard drives me nuts. LOL! No matter what mower you use, you always leave that strip of stuff along the property line with that yard. I'm a perfectionist about some things like that, and I wouldn't be able to leave it like that. Just me, and I'm not trying to give you a hard time about it, only saying it would be hard for me to not leave it totally clean from the neighbors across the ditch onto that lot.
That is some Ventrac jobs right there. Maybe you could contract me out for those type of jobs, I guess the only problem is I live 3 hours away, but would have a free place to stay down there at the MBR.
Good afternoon! Thank you for such an interesting video, I enjoyed watching it. After all, my team and I also make the world cleaner 💪. We demolish old houses and take out garbage) Prosperity to your business and development of the channel🤝
On the first lot, why did you leave the strip of high weeds? Was that on the neighbor’s property? If so. How do you tell where the property line is located? Thanks
When you mulch you do what’s called back dragging once you get a certain amount of material cut to your liking you tilt the head towards the ground and drive backwards causing everything to break down into smaller chunks. There’s not necessarily a good or bad time to do it just depends on what you’re cutting up
Air seats on a mower are seats that can be adjusted to a person's weight, so the seat is not too hard or too soft, and it doesn't bottom out when hitting a bump. It makes for a much more comfortable ride than a normal seat.
I love watching your videos there my melatonin… it’s relaxing ☺️
Must give you a feeling of satisfaction of a job well done and looking good. Look forward to your videos!
Wow, this lot has grown since the last time you cut this property. Yes, this is where I discovered you watching your video. Nice job Davin!
Although I don't know much about the teeth of Big Munchie, I was wondering if they used the same type blades as Little Munchie and if so would they come in the under over sets like you just installed on Little Munchie. I could definitely tell a difference in the way Little Munchie cut with the new blade pattern. It made for a much smoother cut. You know I ❤watching BOTH these machines in action. It warms my heart. This is another fine job Devon😊
These were great cleanups. That last one was awesome. I’d always wanted a John Deere and had a neighbor with one who kept his yard beautifully. Saw they had a yard sale and YES!!! I was able to buy it. Love LOVE it! Thanks for taking us along for these three properties!
Could watch this all day long, so satisfying. Good job x
Glad you enjoyed it!
Wow great fast work on those lots!! Looking amazing.
I must say big munch certainly did great . Love your little mower just the right machine for that last job. Well done as usual
Looks great and a nice job. Sometimes you need an easy day.
i remember all of those lots from past eps and they were really overgrown then so must keep em pretty mowed down.awesome job
Living the dream! You have the best job, making the world a better place. 👍
That big munchie leaves such a nice finish, you would think the owners would put down grass seed and be done with all the junk, it looks great.
Picking up the mulcher against those bushes is something that I've been waiting for. They need cut, And I'm suprised that you had very little debris fly into the neighbor's yard. You made quick, clean work on these lots.
Quick fix for a bad situation. I love this beast.
Just love watching the "munchies" work!
Good job and video Brother. Quick easy lots for a days work
Love Big Muchie and love the videos using it!
Fairly easy little projects,the Coachella definitely doing its thing.Let’s dig 18 was going on about his and so happy he had gotten it.made life easier.great video as always.just continue to do what you do safe.on to the next project 😎😎😎👍👍👍
I'm from Conway and I do enjoy watching your videos.
I'm like ocd to the max about some things, and you not cutting those weeds down completely to the neighbors yard drives me nuts. LOL! No matter what mower you use, you always leave that strip of stuff along the property line with that yard. I'm a perfectionist about some things like that, and I wouldn't be able to leave it like that. Just me, and I'm not trying to give you a hard time about it, only saying it would be hard for me to not leave it totally clean from the neighbors across the ditch onto that lot.
Neighbors: I spent a lot of time letting that privacy screen grow up.
Big Munchie: ...
You do realize he is using a machine that THROWS debris ,and using that strip to prevent debris hitting windows and homes …
Deven. You. Do. An. Awesome. Job
@@gckshea Woo-saa
Great video. Num num num num goes the weeds!
Indeed it looks awesome, but so do the other sites, except for the garbage. :) Thank you and have a great day.
Viewing from 313 motor city Detroit Michigan USA 🇺🇸 , excellent effort .
Good stuff, tbe three of them look great
Hi Davin & it's is Randy and i like yours video is cool & Thanks Davin & Friends Randy
Please release the beast, and let Munchie have fun... Impressive ground clearing machinery.
Why do you leave a strip of weeds along the property line?
Awesome Job and watch out for snakes because some species of snakes are active now like copper heads and black snakes
That is a Sweet Machine
The JD goes well on that length of vegetation.
Some company needs to get you a flail mower to demo for these city lots. Much safer than the brush cutter you normally use and a better cut quality.
Running blind into that undergrowth, I’d be afraid some goofball dumped foundation brick or other crap in there. Thx for the vid.
Check out the Tri-clone HEAVY DUTY trimmer heads for your next lawn care jobs
It would have taken several days to do this with a weedeater! Great job Devin!
Amazing job as always
Cold beer nachos in my recliner … let’s grind! I love the smell of cut kudzu in the morning!
Some of those weeds make it look like a giant pot farm
Looks Great😊❤
as always a great job man 😊
That JD is great I like it.
Good job 🙏😇🇺🇸👍
Oh! Saw that lil nub up against that white telephone pole. Wait... what pole..
Never to much power. Have it, use it, instead of wishing for it.
Meu amigo legal demais do coração ❤ bom trabalho pra vc ❤🙏♥️🇧🇷
Would LOVE to have a go on one of those machines...Actually...would LOVE to own a business doing this
I run one for work. And it’s fun for a while but it gets old fast
منظر الخضرة كان جميلاً جداً ومميزاً ، والأشجار متشابكة ، وبعد العمل صارت الأرض جرداء !!
Great job. !!
That is some Ventrac jobs right there. Maybe you could contract me out for those type of jobs, I guess the only problem is I live 3 hours away, but would have a free place to stay down there at the MBR.
Nice and clean
Very Nice work
Looks great
Excellent job❤
Nice job❤
Good afternoon! Thank you for such an interesting video, I enjoyed watching it. After all, my team and I also make the world cleaner 💪. We demolish old houses and take out garbage) Prosperity to your business and development of the channel🤝
Nice work!
it’s good to use big munch because you don’t know if someone chunked or trashed up the lot.
I remeber this lot and the stuff you hit!
Trabajo perfecto 👍
That little patch must have been a test site used by the city to test out or demo some new stuff. 😂
If you ever have a chance to try a Ferris with the full suspension, your back will thank you. 😉
What do you do about the animals sitting in the high grass? Such as young deer
Did you ever look at a ventracs unit with all its attachments?
Less talk more action!
Hi, you should check your camera site to see if there's a new firmware for it, this one's really buggy when movements become swift.
Great job man
Cool thx ❤
superb machine like monster eating
Dude, I have serious ASV envy! How do you like the 120 by now? Worth the upgrade cost?
Love it, wouldn't want to mulch with any other machine other than an ASV!
How much do you charge? Do you go by the hour or the size of lot! Asking for a relative going into the business! Thank you! Iam in western nc
Great question! Curious about that myself.
What do you do if you have a breakdown in the middle of a cut do you bring other heavy equipment to load it on the trailer
good machine save a lot of time👍
Good job
On the first lot, why did you leave the strip of high weeds? Was that on the neighbor’s property? If so. How do you tell where the property line is located? Thanks
How do you know when to back up your machine? Do you hear or feel the mower struggling? I can’t hear any difference when watching the video.
When you mulch you do what’s called back dragging once you get a certain amount of material cut to your liking you tilt the head towards the ground and drive backwards causing everything to break down into smaller chunks. There’s not necessarily a good or bad time to do it just depends on what you’re cutting up
POLICE CALL! I haven’t heard that word in a long time😂Nostalgia from the Army days.😂
Is it suitable for moderately hilly land?
How long does a 2 acre field with that amount of growth take to cut with the mulcher?
How much do you charge per hour?
Why didn't you clean up the over reaching around the out side.
Poor bunnies and other wildlife that are bedding and nesting in those tall weeds... that mulcher is a savage.
Understandable but dont think a commercial size mower would be any less.
What is the cutting width?
@@idigit4967 Thank you kindly!
Or fix it there if you can?
On the average, how much fuel you burn in a hour?
Nice Vid!
Big Munchies rocks!
Terbaik 🥰🥰
Why aren't the areas around the trees cut?
How many animals do you think you've inadvertently chopped up?
Not as many as you killed plowing for, planting and harvesting, the Tapioca, Quinoa, Cassava and Kelp you eat.
the animal are not idiot when start the loud they runned!
Big Munch is hungry
When. Your. Mowing. A lot. For. Someone. Else. You. Cut. Or. Trim. Like. They want. It done. Not. Like you want. It done. Right. DEVEN ?
Why all the fucking periods!?
I see that dirt pile is still there.
easy mulch
Why didn't you cut all the way to the neighbors yard you left a small strip of weeds.
To keep debris from hitting the house!
Not only to keep stuff hitting the house.. it’s like a small fence line to let them know… you don’t own this part
To anyone: what are air seats?👍👍
Air seats on a mower are seats that can be adjusted to a person's weight, so the seat is not too hard or too soft, and it doesn't bottom out when hitting a bump. It makes for a much more comfortable ride than a normal seat.
Air suspension dampened shock seat or pneumatic seat ..😂😂❤❤
Get her done, Davin