The interest on that loan every month would be more than the payment he has set up, thus making it literally impossible for the loan to ever be repaid. His only options moving forward to get out of this situation is either pay over 4.3k a month for an ungodly amount of months, bankruptcy, or to wrap his car around a tree.
Greatest scammer of all time 💀
What is that math 😂😂😂
Highway robbery
It’s the looking away telling him the car market goes up and down🤣
The interest on that loan every month would be more than the payment he has set up, thus making it literally impossible for the loan to ever be repaid. His only options moving forward to get out of this situation is either pay over 4.3k a month for an ungodly amount of months, bankruptcy, or to wrap his car around a tree.
Boutta find that shit under the overpass with the keys in it
I learned a lot about buying a car from this video.
i watched in awe as this man was played like a fiddle, dang
lol bro scammed the heck out of him
That five thousand, just give that to me so I can be your salesman
Scammer get scammed💀😂
Bro just made 20,000 in 3 minutes
that boy got beyond fleeced
Him writing the ? Gets me every time
The greatest scam in the centuary😂😂
That’s the point 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
that "gosh" at the beginning 😂
market adjustment amount lmao
not even the devil want him
Make a video about cdk being down😂
What in the highway robbery hell is goin on here
Wonder how many people this has happed to throughout history of car sales.
Why is he so excited to get the clients interest rate up, all the interest goes to the bank
That’s why I use Facebook marketplace
Napletons over in Urbana?
yeah try and buy a car in any dealership in america with a blank card lmao you ain’t walking out with keys you walking out in cuffs💀