A nearly 4min song in this day & age is a rarity. Lovely song, voice & person. I hope Hyunjin continues to be an artist regardless of how it manifests.
once, hyunjin saw children crying. she asked them, "why are you all crying?" to which the children responded, "because we can't find good music." hyunjin then told them "okay, i'll make music in the future" and those children are now here, tearfully watching.
I mean this in the nicest way, IF Loossemble do not reform/find new agencies. HyunJin would make a great soloist in the k-indie genre, her voice is so tranquil and relaxing.
@@Blodhelm idk if they would wanna sign with modhaus but maybe they can still work with artms while being signed to another agency, I'm sure theyd all be interested in that
*orbits, this one goes out to all of us, we've been through thick and thin with these girls and somehow they're still doing their best to continue. LOONA FOREVER*
At the end we can assume that Hyunjin left the Loonaverse to come back to his "house" in Around You she goes up, but in the end of Thank You she goes down, to her comfort place to be herself without some one else, because there´s no Loonaverse, this is Hyunjin career, her solo
@@SweetforS Oh nono, idk, i just pointed that this MV should be apreciated as her MV not a Loonaverse thing, Loona is all the girls and they always will be part of Loona, but the Loonaverse is something appart, sorry if i was misunderstud
So proud of Hyunjin, as a leader for Loossemble and as a vocalist who knew she had sooo much more to offer under bbc. I am so proud of this girl and everything she has achieved 🐈 love you always hyunjinie and can't wait to see what 2025 has in store for you ❤
i imagine this is what loona 1/3's sound would become if it was a permanent subunit that grew to evolve if that makes sense? this song is like a breath of fresh air and it's so lovely to see how much hyunjin's vocals have improved ever since 'around you'. hyunjin we love you so mich
She's right. The more I know her, the more interesting she become. The first time I listen this song, it was ok. But later, it lingers in my mind longer than i thought, the second I came back here, I love it. Wow hyunjin.. keep being u!
She was the first loona solo release i got to witness in real time, and now i get to see her release her new solo through loossemble ;-; (i hope the girls continue to work together under a new label or that they will be happy with whatever they choose to do in the future, they have all been through SOOOO much)
After 8 years (? we finally have another HyunJin solo, I'm sobbing because of how beautiful the MV and her voice are. 😢 Thank you HyunJin! We always support you, whatever path you choose
After so long, Hyunjin finally gets to shine 🥹🥹 I'll be here supporting! I'll always support all of Loossemble, no matter where the next contract is signed.
Thank you Loossemble, CTDENM, and all the people who have helped our Looble girls throughout their journey! Truly appreciate all the effort and production from you guys! C.Loo and Orbits are always there for your return! 🥐
Thank You Hyunjin for always staying strong and persevering. You’ve always protected your members and c.loos and orbits. We love you so much. I know I do. You are so talented and special. Please, never stop singing 💛
Thank You is a great song with a great music video by HyunJin. This feels like a full circle moment for our little kitty cat. I hoped to see a release like this from her again. It brings back so much nostalgia for the pre-debut LOONA days. Thank you to HyunJin and Loossemble for their music. I will miss them. 😿💛
her first solo song in over 8 years...... hyunjin you are SOOO loved 💛💛
How about her debut song "Around You" in 2016?
@@juliusalfredcordova2479 which was 8 years ago
@@juliusalfredcordova2479 well uhm! yes!
@@juliusalfredcordova2479girl..reread the comment and then your reply
@@juliusalfredcordova2479you won’t believe it when i tell you this…
A nearly 4min song in this day & age is a rarity.
Lovely song, voice & person. I hope Hyunjin continues to be an artist regardless of how it manifests.
Well technically it’s more like 3:25-30 bc there’s ten seconds of silence in both the beginning and the end
once, hyunjin saw children crying. she asked them, "why are you all crying?" to which the children responded, "because we can't find good music." hyunjin then told them "okay, i'll make music in the future" and those children are now here, tearfully watching.
i'm one of those kids
im one of those kids.. omg
Fire writing
I was there too guys!
this might be one of the best things written in history
singing a calm song while strolling around a city is so on-brand for hyunjin
O yea, it has her debut's vibes
I mean this in the nicest way, IF Loossemble do not reform/find new agencies. HyunJin would make a great soloist in the k-indie genre, her voice is so tranquil and relaxing.
Hyunjin and Yves being the queens of k-indie omg i see the vision
YESS her tone is so elegant and beautiful
Maybe ARTMS could announce some new members?
@@Blodhelm I really hope this happens, then we could have Chuu/Yves featuring in singing or songwriting too!
@@Blodhelm idk if they would wanna sign with modhaus but maybe they can still work with artms while being signed to another agency, I'm sure theyd all be interested in that
*orbits, this one goes out to all of us, we've been through thick and thin with these girls and somehow they're still doing their best to continue. LOONA FOREVER*
Is that the LOONA staircase ??
the around you mv references 😢
Which ones?
no way i found you here😭
Omg wait mootie it's me top 5 scariest jumpscares
On tiktok
At the end we can assume that Hyunjin left the Loonaverse to come back to his "house" in Around You she goes up, but in the end of Thank You she goes down, to her comfort place to be herself without some one else, because there´s no Loonaverse, this is Hyunjin career, her solo
I’m crying 😭
So Loona isn’t regrouping?
@@SweetforS Oh nono, idk, i just pointed that this MV should be apreciated as her MV not a Loonaverse thing, Loona is all the girls and they always will be part of Loona, but the Loonaverse is something appart, sorry if i was misunderstud
@ got it
thank you hyunjin & thank you loossemble
i need a hyunjin kdrama ost
so true
We'd like to say thank YOU, Kim HyunJin 💛
fancy seeing you here vi 👀
supporting all the girls like a true orbit
@julzyyyyy ofc!! this song is also so adorable like I'm in love :((
TTYL to thank you both will be iconic forever 😭😭😭😭
i think this is the last chapter of loossemble. loossemble never dies
So proud of Hyunjin, as a leader for Loossemble and as a vocalist who knew she had sooo much more to offer under bbc. I am so proud of this girl and everything she has achieved 🐈 love you always hyunjinie and can't wait to see what 2025 has in store for you ❤
"To the left, to the right" doesn't cut it for someone sooo good
restroom break at work just for this queen 😛
i imagine this is what loona 1/3's sound would become if it was a permanent subunit that grew to evolve if that makes sense? this song is like a breath of fresh air and it's so lovely to see how much hyunjin's vocals have improved ever since 'around you'. hyunjin we love you so mich
I feel like I've been transported back to 2016, seeing her perform solo again. I'll always be your fan, Hyunjin!
She's right. The more I know her, the more interesting she become. The first time I listen this song, it was ok. But later, it lingers in my mind longer than i thought, the second I came back here, I love it. Wow hyunjin.. keep being u!
I love how the mv is similar to around you's mv oh hyunjin we will always love you
Queen comeback after 8 years, next comeback 2032 😭
The song is so beautiful. 🥹 Hyunjin's voice is so soothing.
Hyunjin thank you for serving vocals as always queen
She was the first loona solo release i got to witness in real time, and now i get to see her release her new solo through loossemble ;-; (i hope the girls continue to work together under a new label or that they will be happy with whatever they choose to do in the future, they have all been through SOOOO much)
They're smart, let's trust them
After 8 years (? we finally have another HyunJin solo, I'm sobbing because of how beautiful the MV and her voice are. 😢
Thank you HyunJin! We always support you, whatever path you choose
After so long, Hyunjin finally gets to shine 🥹🥹 I'll be here supporting! I'll always support all of Loossemble, no matter where the next contract is signed.
OMG this song is so beautiful. I really love it.
목소리도 좋은데 미모까지 미쳤냐고
게다가 캐릭터가 스포츠 타입이여
와 진짜
It is us that should say Thank You for releasing this wonderful masterpiece
aeong we love you 💛 thank you, for everything
hyunjin‘s voice is very heavenly and soft 💛
우리 현진이 행복하자...
루셈블 멤버 전부 다...
이제 더 힘들지 말고 ㅠㅠ
After all these years. 🥺💕 Another Solo. Congratulations, HyunJin! Love hearing your lovely voice! 🫂❣️
음색 미챠따 귀 녹는 줄
현진아.ㅠㅠ 다음출발도 응원할께
Hyunjin you have come so far as a vocalist, artist, and person 🥹
Loving and supporting you always! 💛💛💛
I was expecting a ballad but this sounds so good 😊
Thank you, Hyunjin for staying with us for 8 years
i'll be honest, i didn't expect such a bop for a goodbye song. it's actually SO good and well produced T_T
Thank you Loossemble, CTDENM, and all the people who have helped our Looble girls throughout their journey!
Truly appreciate all the effort and production from you guys!
C.Loo and Orbits are always there for your return!
Her voice is so pleasing to hear 😭😭
고맙고 고마워요… 진짜……
가사 왜케 슬플지……
그러게요...ㅠㅠ 팬들한테 해주는 말 같기도 하고...ㅠㅠㅠ
I love this City Pop vibe!
I literally couldn't stop smiling throughout the video. Hyunjin's solo is what I needed to find my happiness :)
everyone say thank you to hyunjin for this maesterpiece ♡
This song is so beautiful I could cry. We love you, Hyunjin. Thank you for becoming an idol, joining Loona and giving us Loossemble. 💛
i love this song so much, hyunjin’s vocals are so lovely as always and this mv clearly reminding us of around you makes me emotional 😭😭 i just love it
thank you hyunjin! we will always be around you
the around you classic turn at the end ouuu
Simplemente la voz de hyunjin es tan encantadora la amo mucho
Please keep making music in the future… we love you and thank you Hyunjin 💛
thank YOU my beautiful Hyunjin, you are my love, we love you, i hope for a better future in your journey as an idol, as a loossemble member
Omg it's giving kdrama ost HYUNJIN THANK YOU FOR CREATING MUSIC 😢😢😢😢💗💗💗
I don't know why, but I cried watching this .. love you Hyunjin .. best wishes
Hyunjin with the loveliest voice and heartfelt lyrics 🥹💛
I need more Hyunjin cause omggggg ✋️😭
yet another perfect entry in hyunjins no-skips discography
blessed my ears
her voice is a gift from heaven
Thank you Hyunjin! We support you always
your voice is like a cloud, so soft. thank you Hyunjin for staying so strong for us orbits and cloo, we will always love our aeongie 💛🐱
It gives me vibes of around you MV but she's now happy
Thank you Captain for leading the girls well. Made my Orbit heart happy to see you having a solo again. Thank you for everything. ❤️
Her voice is the best OMGGG
This is literally art
My heart hurts...a lot. This is a beautiful song Hyunjin. I will always support you
😭Soooo Beautiful song💓
our darling hyunjin we're so proud of you and we'll always keep supporting our lovely singer
I have been a loona fan for like 6 years now. Hyunjin was my first bias and still continues to be . Thank you Hyunjin 🎉
can't thank yal enough for taking us so far into this journey. it's almost been a full decade now with loona. im in this orbit sht for life.
Thank you Hyunjin
Thank you Hyunjin & thank you Loossemble. I hope I can hear new music from all of you soon in 2025 ❤
I adore you hyunjin, the song is so beautiful, i will continue to support you
Hyunjin's voice has a color that makes me so emotional. Beautiful mv.
와 노래 너무 좋네요 가사 너무 좋아요 계속해서 들어볼게요 감사합니다 현진님 🫳🏻🐈💛
and just like that, its like all those years ago
Hyunjin's voice and song is so melodic i didnt even realize how fast the song went by >_
this is such a beautiful song that suits her so so well. thank you for your beautiful voice and song hyunjin, i hope to hear it more in the future!
24 hours and not even 50k? cmon guys give this girl the love she deserve
There's something so captivating about how much her sound has matured. Please never stop being a singer Hyunjin
Hyunjin's vocals caress my ears smooth as velvet, and her sentiment in this song warms me to my core 💛 Thank YOU, Hyunjin.
The song transports you back to the past 🥰 Thank you for this beautiful song ♥
This song just gets better as you listen to it again and again 😭🥹🥐
need her sweater omg
You have no idea how much her voice means to me. I hope she’ll continue to sing for us ❤
멜로디가 진짜 너무 아름다운데 노래가 너무 슬퍼요🥺🥹 근데 또 현진이 웃는 모습은 너무 예쁘고!!😍🥰😇
오래오래 두고두고 들을 노래가 또 하나 생겨버렸다!
Thank You Hyunjin for always staying strong and persevering. You’ve always protected your members and c.loos and orbits. We love you so much. I know I do. You are so talented and special. Please, never stop singing 💛
Thank You is a great song with a great music video by HyunJin. This feels like a full circle moment for our little kitty cat. I hoped to see a release like this from her again. It brings back so much nostalgia for the pre-debut LOONA days. Thank you to HyunJin and Loossemble for their music. I will miss them. 😿💛
Thank you HyunJin, your beautiful voice bring back so many memories. 💛🐈 Orbits will always be here for you queen.
It's a day later, and I still can't believe you made me cry on my birthday, Kim Hyunjin 💛