Those switches are used in arcade joysticks in case you're looking for your swapsies economy. The arcade game builders might want them if you can be bothered pulling them out. Blenders have these with a reed switch which is good for a shed security alarm. :)
Thank you for sharing your knowledge on here, it’s very much appreciated. I have a bucket of these switches now and I would prefer to keep a big bag of them for trades (swapies) as they are so versatile and seem to last a long time. However there is definitely small buttons inside made of silver or silver plate that I want to experiment with to see if I can extract them.
Those switches are used in arcade joysticks in case you're looking for your swapsies economy. The arcade game builders might want them if you can be bothered pulling them out. Blenders have these with a reed switch which is good for a shed security alarm. :)
Thank you for sharing your knowledge on here, it’s very much appreciated. I have a bucket of these switches now and I would prefer to keep a big
bag of them for trades (swapies) as they are so versatile and seem to last a long time. However there is definitely small buttons inside made of silver or silver plate that I want to experiment with to see if I can extract them.