What nations' people need? How leaders are for our human rights this time? Ever before human stupidity like this! Ever before modern slave like this! The source of dull and violation games are some developed nations specially USA and weakness of UN. How you try to forget our rights in ideal-phenomenal life? When you powers and top want to violate and theft more, you and play violation games. Now we all are violated. Still you don't start controlling and leading our ideal life properly? We have to follow the principle, don't violate in life whether ideally or physically. Nations wealth and development is measured per individual quality of life. How are peoples' equality in wealth, basic life needs, human rights, citizen rights, and social life in all nations? To do these equality in all peoples' rights, liberalism, socialism, democracy, or communism political systems are necessary this time. Black and slave disable man from Nevada
ሰላም መቆያ በጣም የምወደ ፕሮግራም ነው በተለይ የእሸቱን አቀራረብ ግን አንድ ቅሬታ አለኝ የማኦ ታሪክ ሳንሰማ የዱንግን የሌኒንን ታሪክ ሳንሰማ የጆሴፍ እስታሊ ታሪክ መስማት ትንሽ ቅር አሰኝቶኛል
ቻይና ፡ ኣዝያ ኣደናቂትን ታሪኻዊትን፡ኣርኣያ ዓለምን ኢያ ዋውው ዓለም ካብ ቻይና ክትምሃር ኣለዋ ናይ ብሓቂ።
Good content, but u use only one pic to display through out the story; very poor visual display
በርቱልን ምርጥ ጋዜጠኞች ናችው።
shgeroch benatachu ye lenin hiwot tarek ke yetem amtetachu asemun
Good job
Ebackachu sele adolf Hitler ena ww1 and ww2 akerbulen
What nations' people need? How leaders are for our human rights this time? Ever before human stupidity like this! Ever before modern slave like this! The source of dull and violation games are some developed nations specially USA and weakness of UN. How you try to forget our rights in ideal-phenomenal life? When you powers and top want to violate and theft more, you and play violation games. Now we all are violated. Still you don't start controlling and leading our ideal life properly? We have to follow the principle, don't violate in life whether ideally or physically.
Nations wealth and development is measured per individual quality of life. How are peoples' equality in wealth, basic life needs, human rights, citizen rights, and social life in all nations? To do these equality in all peoples' rights, liberalism, socialism, democracy, or communism political systems are necessary this time.
Black and slave disable man from Nevada