Lower Your Wings of Gratitude to Them.

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 16 พ.ค. 2024
  • The topic encapsulates the Islamic principle of showing profound appreciation and respect towards parents. It emphasizes the importance of humbly acknowledging the sacrifices, care, and guidance provided by parents throughout one's life. This concept encourages believers to express gratitude towards their parents in a manner that reflects humility, reverence, and love, recognizing the significant role they play in shaping their lives and nurturing their growth.
    1. Quranic Guidance:
    The Quran instructs us to honor and care for our parents. Surah Luqman (31:14) reminds us of the sacrifices our parents make for us.
    We should recognize the hardships our mothers endure during pregnancy and childbirth, and weaning typically takes two years.
    Allah encourages us to be grateful to Him and to our parents.
    2. Humility and Respect:
    The phrase “lower to them the wing of humility” appears in Surah Al-Isra (17:24).
    It symbolizes being humble and respectful toward our parents.
    We should avoid showing contempt or arrogance and instead treat them with honor.
    Prophet’s Teachings:
    Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) emphasized kindness to parents.
    He advised us not to utter disrespectful words or repel them.
    Our behavior toward our parents sets an example for our children.
    In summary, “lowering the wings of gratitude” means treating our parents with love, compassion, and honor, recognizing their sacrifices, and following the guidance of the Quran and the Prophet.

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