Nobody cares if in anyhow the names might be the same. The importance is that Islam and Christianity are paralel. It’s have nothing to do with each other.
No. They do not. The Christian faith was born from the faith in Jesus Christ as the son of God and the only way to eternal life and Know God The Father . That through His death, resurrection, we have the forgiveness of sins and sonship into the kingdom of God. In Islam, this is not so. They are told to pray and do good and believe in Allah and the prophet of Islam and they will enter into Jannah. Two different religious beliefs, two different Gods. They are not the same
No! Because God in the Torah and in the New Testament called God the "Father" (read Exodus 15:2, Psalms 2:7, Isaiah 9:6, Matthew 7:21, Matthew 11:27, John 5:17, John 6:40 & in John 10). While Allah of Muhammad and Islamic Jesus (Issa) is NOT called the Father to anyone (read Surah 19:88-93). That is totally a contradiction with each other.
If you believe your faith is true then answer the following 8 questions with references from Gospels. 1. Give reference why Gospels (man written) were necessary when God given Torah and Zabor (Psalms) were already there. What guidance was missing in those books which Gospels completed. 2. Give reference where Jesus himself said that his followers should be called as Christians. 3. Give reference where Jesus himself directed/inspired his disciples to write Gospels. 4. Give reference that Jesus himself said to make his statues and paintings for worship in churches. 5. Jesus spoke Aramaic, then why original Gospels exist in Greek instead of Aramaic. 6. Give reference that the present worship procedure in practice in churches was prescribed by Jesus himself. 7. Give reference where procedure of marriage is given by Jesus. 8. Give reference where procedure for burial of a dead person is given in Gospels.
Mr Theologen, God of Bible is clear in hos word,Teaching and Charachteristics. Donot decieve People with your Knowledge. Allahs Teaching contradict with Bible Teaching.
How Jesus addressed his God? Did he use " God" ? In his language Aramaic he called " Elaha" .Doesn't it sound almost like Allah? More over Arabic speaking Christians all over the world call God as Allah. Even in their Bible.Malasian Christians even approached court to allow them to address their God as Allah.
@1212emman If your Christianity came from the God of Abraham, can you provide me one thing you believe and practice as in Christianity that is valid before the God and it stands before the God, that which could lead you to salvation, just one thing please????? Hint: Five pillars of Islam that Muslims practice day-in and day-out are valid before the God and they stand before the God.
Who is the earliest muslim scholar that gives an elaborate discription and definition on the Qur'anic term "Allah" and does it align with your interpretation of it? Unfortunately there were no Islamic sources provided by you for any of your claims relating to the Quranic term "Allah" and it's similarity with the Hebrew term ELohim.
Do Jews, Christians , and Muslims submit to the same God? According to the their primary sources they do Shalom! Shalom!
_"Do Christians and Muslims have the same God? "_ Answer is "no". Million-dollar question is, "Do Jews and Christians have the same God?" Answer is "no" according to Jews. _"Do Jews and Muslims have the same God? "_ Yes, however the concept of God in Islam is a far more superior than that of Jews.
There are disputes between Muslims and Christian about God and Jesus. However both believe in second coming of Jesus. Let’s put away all our disputes till coming of Jesus and involve in projects to save our faith, younger generation against spirit of Antichrist. 😊
The author of the Qur'an does not claim that Jesus will come again Since it does not believe that Jesus was crucified and 3 days later rose up from the grave to prove himself to be the Lord and Saviour of mankind.
@@milesleo2054 the person through your link says "possibly" but he is not sure, provides no quranic source yet it is an article of faith for muslims. Allah is silent about it in the quran but mohammed seems to have commented on it through hadiths (Mohammed's sayings).
One is stand for and Is the Light. And other Stand for and is Darkness. You realy nee revaltion from God. Knowledge or study of Word can not discribed True God.😢😢😢
Well, according to muslim sources is the quranic term "Allah" a proper name or a generic word for God? Secondly, does the author of the Qur'an consider the Arabic term "Allah" as a proper name?
Either hebrew, aramaic or arabic, the root it's L and H : the L is a semantic unit meaning "dedication" and the H is the semantic unit of the Ideation (means a though, what's in mind), hence the meaning of Eloh, Alah or Ilah is "adoration". The previous E or A or I indicates a starting, a cause, an initialization. The arabic I (i) expresses an exercice. You'll never found a so refined explanation of this word, "God" in semitic languages. I make morphosemantic investigations, etymology, and put on line many articles on these topics.
@@victoremman4639 the question here is not on the morphosemantics but whether the term Allah is similar to the Hebrew term EL, ELah, ELohim. According the person in the video he believes EL, Elah ELohim and La (quranic) are the same parented terms, Is that true?
@@frankly.speaking No. Elah and Allah yes, Elohim et Allahumma yes. But the particule you brought "La" in arabic, hebrew and aramaic means "no" and out the topic. I gave you the precise morphosemantic, don't know what you couldn't understand.
Its no thrash! There is a subtle narrative being funded n aired to deceive the ignorant and gullible and this is deliberately done through one who claims to be a christian. Michael n Cycle 😂
Nice study you share. On the linguistic point of view, God is not Jesus's gog, but Alaha, the last a is a determinant, render Allah in arabic. On theological point of view the God of the muslim is the on of Jesus, not the christians one (trinity concept invented by roman empire).Another morphosemantic point : Elohim is the perfect reflect of Allahumma, and the arabic oword reveal the true meaning of Elohim, which is not a plural : the suffixed -YM or -Umma represents a Matrix, means the origin of all thing, the.... ocean.
Allah means God in the Arabic language Arab Christians and jews call God Allah in préislamic périod There is one God The différences are in the language Each doctrine has a liturgical language Im muslim and Im not Arab Greetings from Algeria Land of Amazighs ❤
Actually a l l a h means "the god" in Arabic. God is a title not a name and no there are many gods, only one true Creator though. I s l a m claim a l l a h means g o d so they insert the word into other religions then when it suit them they claim it is the same g o d of I s l a m. It is for exactly this reason that our true Creator gave HIS ETERNAL NAME to Moses, Y ehovah, only He can use this name.
God name is the Father in the bible. Allah is name in the Quran. Allah cannot create. God used Jesus , lower power to create. God had done circumcision in flesh. Allah cannot do.
Nobody cares if in anyhow the names might be the same. The importance is that Islam and Christianity are paralel. It’s have nothing to do with each other.
No. They do not. The Christian faith was born from the faith in Jesus Christ as the son of God and the only way to eternal life and Know God The Father . That through His death, resurrection, we have the forgiveness of sins and sonship into the kingdom of God. In Islam, this is not so. They are told to pray and do good and believe in Allah and the prophet of Islam and they will enter into Jannah. Two different religious beliefs, two different Gods. They are not the same
No! Because God in the Torah and in the New Testament called God the "Father" (read Exodus 15:2, Psalms 2:7, Isaiah 9:6, Matthew 7:21, Matthew 11:27, John 5:17, John 6:40 & in John 10).
While Allah of Muhammad and Islamic Jesus (Issa) is NOT called the Father to anyone (read Surah 19:88-93).
That is totally a contradiction with each other.
If you believe your faith is true then answer the following 8 questions with references from Gospels.
1. Give reference why Gospels (man written) were necessary when God given Torah and Zabor (Psalms) were already there. What guidance was missing in those books which Gospels completed.
2. Give reference where Jesus himself said that his followers should be called as Christians.
3. Give reference where Jesus himself directed/inspired his disciples to write Gospels.
4. Give reference that Jesus himself said to make his statues and paintings for worship in churches.
5. Jesus spoke Aramaic, then why original Gospels exist in Greek instead of Aramaic.
6. Give reference that the present worship procedure in practice in churches was prescribed by Jesus himself.
7. Give reference where procedure of marriage is given by Jesus.
8. Give reference where procedure for burial of a dead person is given in Gospels.
Mr Theologen, God of Bible is clear in hos word,Teaching and Charachteristics. Donot decieve People with your Knowledge. Allahs Teaching contradict with Bible Teaching.
How Jesus addressed his God? Did he use " God" ? In his language Aramaic he called " Elaha" .Doesn't it sound almost like Allah? More over Arabic speaking Christians all over the world call God as Allah. Even in their Bible.Malasian Christians even approached court to allow them to address their God as Allah.
@1212emman If your Christianity came from the God of Abraham, can you provide me one thing you believe and practice as in Christianity that is valid before the God and it stands before the God, that which could lead you to salvation, just one thing please?????
Hint: Five pillars of Islam that Muslims practice day-in and day-out are valid before the God and they stand before the God.
Great video. Thank you
Who is the earliest muslim scholar that gives an elaborate discription and definition on the Qur'anic term "Allah" and does it align with your interpretation of it?
Unfortunately there were no Islamic sources provided by you for any of your claims relating to the Quranic term "Allah" and it's similarity with the Hebrew term ELohim.
Do Jews, Christians , and Muslims submit to the same God? According to the their primary sources they do Shalom! Shalom!
Nope...not at all.
_"Do Christians and Muslims have the same God? "_ Answer is "no".
Million-dollar question is, "Do Jews and Christians have the same God?" Answer is "no" according to Jews.
_"Do Jews and Muslims have the same God? "_ Yes, however the concept of God in Islam is a far more superior than that of Jews.
You claimed that EL, ELah and ELohim are similiar to the Quranic God La or Lahu? What sources have you to back this claim?
There are disputes between Muslims and Christian about God and Jesus. However both believe in second coming of Jesus. Let’s put away all our disputes till coming of Jesus and involve in projects to save our faith, younger generation against spirit of Antichrist. 😊
The author of the Qur'an does not claim that Jesus will come again Since it does not believe that Jesus was crucified and 3 days later rose up from the grave to prove himself to be the Lord and Saviour of mankind.
@ Just Googled it!
@@milesleo2054 why google when I have the quran.
@@milesleo2054 the person through your link says "possibly" but he is not sure, provides no quranic source yet it is an article of faith for muslims. Allah is silent about it in the quran but mohammed seems to have commented on it through hadiths (Mohammed's sayings).
One is stand for and Is the Light. And other Stand for and is Darkness. You realy nee revaltion from God. Knowledge or study of Word can not discribed True God.😢😢😢
You have wrongly headed this. Yehovah is the name of Elohim.
Well, according to muslim sources is the quranic term "Allah" a proper name or a generic word for God?
Secondly, does the author of the Qur'an consider the Arabic term "Allah" as a proper name?
Either hebrew, aramaic or arabic, the root it's L and H : the L is a semantic unit meaning "dedication" and the H is the semantic unit of the Ideation (means a though, what's in mind), hence the meaning of Eloh, Alah or Ilah is "adoration". The previous E or A or I indicates a starting, a cause, an initialization. The arabic I (i) expresses an exercice. You'll never found a so refined explanation of this word, "God" in semitic languages. I make morphosemantic investigations, etymology, and put on line many articles on these topics.
@victoremman4639 were you responding to my query?
@@frankly.speaking Read carefully your comment above.
@@victoremman4639 the question here is not on the morphosemantics but whether the term Allah is similar to the Hebrew term EL, ELah, ELohim.
According the person in the video he believes EL, Elah ELohim and La (quranic) are the same parented terms, Is that true?
@@frankly.speaking No. Elah and Allah yes, Elohim et Allahumma yes. But the particule you brought "La" in arabic, hebrew and aramaic means "no" and out the topic. I gave you the precise morphosemantic, don't know what you couldn't understand.
ABDOOL , Michael and cycle sounds similar SO WHAT !!!!!
Its no thrash!
There is a subtle narrative being funded n aired to deceive the ignorant and gullible and this is deliberately done through one who claims to be a christian.
Michael n Cycle 😂
Nice study you share. On the linguistic point of view, God is not Jesus's gog, but Alaha, the last a is a determinant, render Allah in arabic. On theological point of view the God of the muslim is the on of Jesus, not the christians one (trinity concept invented by roman empire).Another morphosemantic point : Elohim is the perfect reflect of Allahumma, and the arabic oword reveal the true meaning of Elohim, which is not a plural : the suffixed -YM or -Umma represents a Matrix, means the origin of all thing, the.... ocean.
Allah means God in the Arabic language
Arab Christians and jews call God Allah in préislamic périod
There is one God
The différences are in the language
Each doctrine has a liturgical language
Im muslim and Im not Arab
Greetings from Algeria Land of Amazighs ❤
Mark this well: Informed Jews should not call the G-D of Israel Allah. This is nothing more than Islamic propaganda.
Actually a l l a h means "the god" in Arabic. God is a title not a name and no there are many gods, only one true Creator though.
I s l a m claim a l l a h means g o d so they insert the word into other religions then when it suit them they claim it is the same g o d of I s l a m.
It is for exactly this reason that our true Creator gave HIS ETERNAL NAME to Moses, Y ehovah, only He can use this name.
@@Kabylski Mark this well: Informed Jews should not call the G-D of Israel Allah. This is nothing more than Islamic propaganda.
@andrevisser7542 The claim that Jews and Christians call the Almighty Allah is false. However, we are aware of the name Allah in Islam.
@@Drbaruchmaimon How do you say The Deity (Alllah) in Hebrew? I am just curious
Are you deleting my comments??
Could you tell me why do you think so? I want to see the standard that was used.
Of course, one point at a time please.
The only Shaytan here is you.
God name is the Father in the bible. Allah is name in the Quran.
Allah cannot create. God used Jesus , lower power to create.
God had done circumcision in flesh. Allah cannot do.