Tamagn elekagna new, gin tesfa ayqorttim. enba eyetenaneQew sinager befiQir new. Qeyoon (airborne) argo general Tesfayen be Ethiopia hizb mitik shelimo sendeq alamawan kef yimyareg dinq lij new. Zinegnawn neftegna general Kassaye Chemeda, yabaten aleQa, siyakebrilign wededkut Tamagnin, beTam. Bezih lay yeseferen lij agbito wendime new zare. Abegazu is one of the most loved Ethiopian musicians. I still have no idea what he was doing but the music was good when he is involved , My generation absolutely loves Abegaz the shy guy b/c he is one of us
አበጋዝ ኢትዮጵያ ሙዚቃ ላይ ትልቅ እስተዎፃ ይረገ አርቲስት ነው :: እንኳን ደስ አለህ :: እንደዚህ በቁም መመስጋገን እንዴት ደስ ይላል : ይልመድባችሁ::
ታላቅ ሰዉ አበጋዝ, ሰላሜ ምርጥ የሰዉ ዘሮች ክብር ይገባችኅዋል 🙏💥🇪🇹😍
ኢትዮጵያዊው YANNI abegazu kibrewerk shihota that my dream to sit with you one day. wish you a successful long life
ይኼ የምስጋናና የዕውቅና ክብር ለአበጋዙ ይገባዋል..ብዙ ምርጥና ልዩ ልዩ ውብ ሥራዎችን የሠራ በመሆኑ....
I am so happy that he was honered. It made me emotional. You deserve it, Abegaz! Long life! ❤️
Me too. Btam
አበጋዝ ይገባዋል 🙏🙏🙏 ለሌሎችም በህይወት እያሉ ማመስገኑ ጥሩ ነው!!
Tamagn elekagna new, gin tesfa ayqorttim. enba eyetenaneQew sinager befiQir new. Qeyoon (airborne) argo general Tesfayen be Ethiopia hizb mitik shelimo sendeq alamawan kef yimyareg dinq lij new. Zinegnawn neftegna general Kassaye Chemeda, yabaten aleQa, siyakebrilign wededkut Tamagnin, beTam. Bezih lay yeseferen lij agbito wendime new zare. Abegazu is one of the most loved Ethiopian musicians. I still have no idea what he was doing but the music was good when he is involved , My generation absolutely loves Abegaz the shy guy b/c he is one of us
አበጋዝ በጣም የማደንቅህ ከልጅነቴ እስከውቅውት እንካን ተሸለምክ ይገባሃል!!
What a nightbi missed omg God bless congratulations Abegaz arigato
You deserve it...
Congratulations 🎊🍾🎉 💚💛❤️ይገባዋል 🙏🏽
You deserved more abegaze
Sami Birhane🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🤗🤗🤗
Abegazeiye yegabahale
ምነው Continuity ቢኖረው ።እንደስማቹህ ሰንሰለትነት የለውም
ይገባዋል !!!❤
only teddy afro live in ethiopia
ኧረ ሙሉውን አቅርቡልን 🙏
እሰይ ታማኝ ስወድህ ኤርትራዊ ሳሚ ብርሃነ አብራቹ ስትሰሩ ጅንታተቃጥሎ መሞቱ ነው አበጋዝ ታድለህ ሁሉ አርቲስት የሚያመሰግንህ ጅግና ነህ
ተቦርነ እምትባል አጋሰስ ፕሮግራሙን አበላሸኸው ለማኝነህ አትመጥንም ውረድ
ምን አይነት የተንበጫበጨ ቀረፃ ነው?ጤነኛ ሰው ግን የቀረፀው?
ሙሉውን በቅርቡ ጠብቅ
ማን ቀረ ታዲያ ሁላቸውም ከአገር ዉጭ ናቹ የድሮ ዕቁዎች
Guys can you stop involving The so called Teborne, half of us do not want to see Banda