The actor playing Declan Kennedy, Kevin J Wilson, had been in the Australian soap opera Chances during the revamp era of the show. He played the recurring role of Sir Malcolm Watkins, the father of Paris, played by Annie Jones. (Kevin J Wilson left midway and the part was recast to John Arnold, who played Lynn Warner's tragic husband Doug in Prisoner).
Kevin J. Wilson's first appearance as Declan Kennedy Nurse Steve Mills(Andrew Binns/Roberrt)'s biological father. Declan has a history of domestic violence against women. Especially Carrie Burton who he apparently falls in love with. Carrie ends up pregnant with triplets Franklin "Frank" Warner, Finlay"Finn" Warner and Sarah"Sass" Warner the Warner triplets who's father is no other than our very own Dr Love himself Dr Chris Warner.
The actor playing Declan Kennedy, Kevin J Wilson, had been in the Australian soap opera Chances during the revamp era of the show.
He played the recurring role of Sir Malcolm Watkins, the father of Paris, played by Annie Jones. (Kevin J Wilson left midway and the part was recast to John Arnold, who played Lynn Warner's tragic husband Doug in Prisoner).
Fantastic journey down memory lane😅
Getting closer to Carmen and Joanna’s first appearances 💞
Kevin J. Wilson's first appearance as Declan Kennedy Nurse Steve Mills(Andrew Binns/Roberrt)'s biological father. Declan has a history of domestic violence against women. Especially Carrie Burton who he apparently falls in love with. Carrie ends up pregnant with triplets Franklin "Frank" Warner, Finlay"Finn" Warner and Sarah"Sass" Warner the Warner triplets who's father is no other than our very own Dr Love himself Dr Chris Warner.