- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 10 ก.พ. 2025
- Oh man, shout out to Ren for spawning the idea of the collaboration cuz now WE are the real WINNERS!
Ren - Money Ties: • Ren - Money Ties
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Appreciate you my brother love ur reactions!!!
Thank u bro, this one bangs! ...as well as activates tear ducts 🤣
The lyrics about your sister hit hard. People who have that supportive sibling relationship are really going to be able to relate. Song after amazing song, Ren!
i could not hold them back but i think needed it and i love the singing and rap is so good
And thank you Ren for making me cry again. Loved it.
I keep getting Orson Wells and his DP Gregg Toland for Citizen Kane. Great reaction to our boi. Cheers.
I saw Connor reply to somebody's question about who shot it, and he said Kai, Josh, Joe, and Ren. These boys are all getting so freaking good! Such a great video to go along with the amazing song!
Thank you! I didn't see that but I've been asking all over the place and now I know. I thought it esthetically looked like Joe's photography and some shots reminded me of Losing It (sans the color). That makes sense now.
@@ladonna9938 I just love seeing all of them getting better and better! Joe has been killing it lately! And Josh and Kai too! When you have a leader like Ren with such a clear vision probably makes it a lot easier to level up! A rising tide lifts all ships!
@MoreKellBellPlease they really are impressive! It has been so fun to see them grow in all their creations.
@@MoreKellBellPlease I really wish that Joe would update his shop 'cos I would love prints of some of his recent works.
@ladonna9938 every creation is magnificent too. They never fail to produce excellence
Money ties. Monetize. Money lies. Family ties. 🤯 Genius.
The more I listen, the more emotional it feels.
“Money makes war.. makes ghosts….” WOW.
I saw this 3 times before watching a couple of reactions and I'm still crying and Ren is the only man that I can forgive for doing that ❤❤❤❤❤
🤣 I love it! 🥰
Some author write 300 pages's book to ''say'' one of Ren's line ! He is just incredible. Love your reaction.
I'm working on cutting down my novel comments and cutting to the chase. It is harder than I thought. Ren's many gifts. 😂
In the premiere I was like “ohh Joe E Sparks is gonna LOVE this one!”
”It makes him look larger than life”.
He actually IS larger than life! ❤
Ren can seriously do no wrong. This song is straight fire.
"can you slow down, you givin' too much truth my friend" 😅🔥❤💯
There is an emotional connection between architecture and music and great visual artists capture that. Ren has a Regency soul in Brutalism world.
I just can't comprehend how Ren can have over 200+ videos on YT between his solo stuff, Trick The Fox, The Big Push, and all of his collabs with other artists and I couldn't pick you one song in all those that I don't like.... I might like some more than others, I might love some, I might love some more than others, some might be my favorite, but there's not one of those songs that I can say is a bad song or that I would skip!!
It blows my mind that he's able to do this continuously and it seems like he's just getting better every single drop!
Hey, how’d u get the sick boi emoji? Agree with ur statement, btw. Couldn’t pick one…
@@GJStone-tf7vl Right....I want to know as well...because I want one!!
Yes ,well said .
As sick as he is
He steps up and creates something phenomenal
I came here specifically to see your reaction because I think the cinematography is absolutely amazing and couldn't wait to see what you thought of it. Visually I think it is one of his most beautifully shot videos
I have been waiting for someone to comment on the beautiful artistic nature of this video. It feels like every shot is a snap of a beautiful artistic photo. Just gorgeous. I feel like I am seeing Joe Flackerz artistic style in here but I don't know and I am sure Ren had the concept of how he envisioned this video to be and his team executed it perfectly. Its just beautiful. The message, the touching part about Ren's sister, the song, the video, Ren's voice, soo....good!!! It is just award winning in my opinion. Thank you for your reaction.
I could not believe the beauty of all the shots. It was pure art wrapped in pure art. Just epic. I started crying when Ren sang to his little sister. I hit the wall on all that beauty. Great job Ren, great job nayz. I was bawling . . . It hit hard. And Ren's voice in this . . . Yowza!!!
The whole sister scheme is so amazing and the end tears me up
Quality Tune. Quality Reaction, Knew You'd Be Impressed With The Visuals.
The shots in this video are so beautiful and stark - and the personal verse about his sister... (I'm not crying, I've got something in my eye)
Also I do a lot of urban landscape photography around London and Brighton and you just stole my best locations and angles - love it
This one brought me to tears. The love for his sister is so palpable 🫶🏻 great reaction, my dude 🥰 and to answer your question: no😅 I was NOT ready 😭😭
He has the finest pen I've ever heard.
Beautifully and brutally real isn't it, the whole thing.👍👋
Your reaction made this old dad feel less alone… this song hit me too, the spot where he’s talking to his sister but looking at his self-reflection to me was a visual double, making me think of when I talk to my daughter and catch myself talking to me as well to give me some positive self-talk I never got on my way up…
I was watching the premiere of this, and quite literally, my first thought was of you, and how you were going to react to the cinematography. I think it’s absolutely beautiful.
I haven’t even watch your reaction yet, but I’m so excited that yours dropped
My guy Joe here getting big time. Meet and greet with Sam and got Ren watching your reactions. Well deserved. Couldn’t wait to see this reaction because the visuals are amazing.
Great reaction, Joe. Your face when the pure love hit you was a sight to behold. I love how Ren makes us as men show our vulnerabilities.
As soon as I saw this I new you'd appreciate the videography Joe E, the concept is so fitting and was shot and edited perfectly. I also knew the topic matter and the part about his sister would get you too, being the lovely empath you are. Love this from Ren and loved your reaction too, thanks.
Fought them tears like someone breaking in my house!!!!
This song is so emotionally charged! Ren is evolving with every project and this is proof! And yes, the videography is fire, kudos to Nayz! Love your channel ❤
Nooooo I was not ready for this one! 😭 It's so beautiful! The message. The video. All. Of. It. His message to his sister 💔😭💜 Another genius Ren venture. Awesome reaction!!! 💜💜💜
One of his best. Let those tears lose. Why do we have to hold that in? No apologies. I think Ren is opening our souls. ❤.
Joe !!!!! ,,,He dun it again! 💥🔥😯"WOW ... LOVE YOUR REACTION, YES
Thanks for another great reaction, and your insights into the videography. Also, congrats Ren saw this and commented.
The part were he talks to his sister.. 🥹 That was my reaction too!! What a sweet man! Great song and video!
Thanks for the reaction. Love your take on the shots and how awesome they are. In fact thought of you when I first saw this and that you would love the composition visually and musically.
DawnP ur the Truth
This. This is the ONE I've been waiting for. Ever since I watched the video for the first time I thought, OH man Joe E is gonna LOVE THIS.
loved it just like u knew i would!!!!
I love you Joe E !! ❤ I got choked up there too! 😢I love Ren’s message on this one! And his love for his sister shows! I love this ❤
I wasn’t ready
I cried
But I’m glad
My life is richer just experiencing this
Thank you Joe E
Thank you REN
The shots in this are so good. Can't wait to see you appreciate this❤
Ty Gothfolk
Great reaction. What an amazing song. Made me cry near the end. ❤
The way he uses a piano in this, gorgeous!
And I assume it is him playing?!?!!
I really appreciate your reactions and this didn't disappoint. Much love
Watched it 5 times alone before hearing the reactions
That man is a genius,his worldplay and his puns are so Smart
Thank you❤
Great reaction. Thank you. Peace.
These symmetrical shots are just candy for my eyes.... love this whole arrangement of arts
I love this reaction, Joe. Thanks. 😅❤️😉
Loved your perspective on this video!🔥
Thank you Ren, and thank you Joe E, another outstanding reaction. This one hits hard with the state of the world. Thank you Pure 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥Pray for Ren and his ailments, and a successful recovery.
Brilliantly Beautiful on all levels💫
Giving props to Ren and to Nayz, and to the video production, is proper respect. t
Thanks man
I've heard this so many times, it still feels like the first 💙❤💚💜!!! Born in 1990, christ on a pogo stick, I'm old. Our saying is *"Life's rough, get a helmet"*
This is a powerful piece. The message gets stronger every listen. It's always to hear your insights to the videography
As soon as I saw this drop today I came looking for you. I knew you were going to kill this reaction. I love the insight you give us into how the video compliments the track. ❤ you man!
I came to say the same thing, after watching it earlier on Rens channel. I sat here looking at the video knowing how much Joe would love all the shots and lighting. It put a extra smile on my face.
Dude love your reactions! And I was not ready! Knew it was gonna be good but the tugs at the heart strings too? Greed and heart strings in same song? Can’t wait for the BTS on his patreon to see the making of the video!
I knew you would be stopping steady. Its a bloody masterpiece in every way. The shots are spectacular.
Facts! ❤️❤️❤️
Thank you for this my man. This reaction is special.
GREAT reaction - always a joy to watch you enjoy and inhale every little aspect of Ren's artistry...🖤👌🏼
He hit us with it again ❤️ great reaction Joe E x
Nope, man, not ready (but I guess I should’ve been…it’s Ren) I’ve been in my deep feels all day, now.
The imagery and tonality of the video is sublime. The monochrome look is razor sharp and impactful. The shot selection and flow of the video is amazing. The song is incredible and goddamn it -- tears flow again from a Ren song. That boy knows how to aim straight for the heart. Much love @RenMakesMusic
I’m falling in love with this artist….. every single thing he puts out is so thoughtful and real and just fantastic!!! I love it!!!
Thanks JoeE ❤
17:00 I don't know if this was intentional symbolism, or just viewer's interpretation, but consider the potential meaning of being a performer on that mid-step. The camera is there. The performance is there. The message is communicated there. And after the performance is done, where does the performer go? To some glorious golden top-floor penthouse? Nah. He takes the steps down into the dark, real world where all those experiences came from to craft the message in the first place.
I swear, I've listened to this track numerous times already, and it just... hits. Harder. Every. Time.
"F- every man who made you feel less than a treasure."
I can't even put the words together for... I mean, just... TREASURE. BE TREASURE. ARE TREASURE.
And all I can do is hope that the ones who need to understand that, do understand that.
So excited to see your reaction!
Thank u HomeTeam
Always love your perspective on the visuals and this video is beautiful…..always love seeing Ren in noir style.
This track has been one that’s growing on me each listen…..the verse about his sis is gorgeous…..but there are times when it feels Ren is talking to us like a big brother there too……
Thanks Joe E 💜🔥
I love this song so much. Like so many Ren songs, it made me tear up.
Although lots of people are saying it's her, I'm pretty sure that's not his sister doing the spoken word beginning. I've heard Leah's voice on her Insta channel and it's distinctively different, plus this voiceover has an American or maybe Canadian accent.
Great reaction as ever, I always look forward to yours! ❤❤
I read that it's someone in his circle called Kit at the beginning.
Thank you. I appreciate your reacts. Often unique and show me things I didn't see before.
I love when he says, "The we both got older. The world a little colder." When Ren says the word colder, it's the shot with his hat on lol
Rens videos are next level. It's great that a Videographer appreciates all the effort & skill Ren & his team put into everything that they do.
It's just so good, and I love that he chose to share his greatest riches - love and music - with us, and use them to lift his sister. (Especially because she is so awesome and lives a life so far from the money game.) ❤ Love it. And love you! (And I am so glad Ren watched this too.)
Some of the shots look very Flackerz to me, but that might be because he likes those atmospheric black and white shots and mirror views. Haven't seen who shot it yet.
"My fellow victim is my ally."
Love and appreciate your Ren reactions!! .. So felt!
Another great reaction Joe, we all just living in Ren's world!
This though, this is why I listen to reaction videos.
I like what I like, my brain does that for me but I'm just a lorry driver from the UK, I'd never know about 'leading lines' and 'catch lights'. I love seeing all through different eyes and learning shit while I'm at. I fuck with yo joe, keep doing it.
Watching your reaction made me cry again. Loved you're thoughts, Loved your feelings, Always a fan💜💜✌️
Love and Respect Joe
Hey Joe E! Always love your reactions❤❤❤
Hi Kim👋🏽 ty for watching!
Gorgeous track! 💜
I loved your reaction, and no, i wasn't ready for it & you never are when it comes to Ren! That's why we love him! A proud Renegade
We knew he was a genius artist and a beautiful human being inspiring positive change. Now there’s no doubt that he’s also a loving big brother ❤
First time seeing your reaction. Really love your vulnerability and comments. ❤
Oh that was a good response to Money Ties. I loved it
I wasn’t ready for it. I’m never ready for Ren but this one hit different 🔥🔥🔥🥰❤️🥰❤️
Came here for your view on the visuals. I love it. This video is dope 🔥
Great reaction!
I dont know what it is with this one..no matter how many times i listen, tears just keep comming out. Always great to get your insight and reaction.
❤ Can't really progress your dreams, goals or creative aspirations without the very same currency that's so widely used to destroy and control. Pursuit of that currency usually means entering a different sort of Lion's den, and it's impossible not to come out of that unscathed. Money makes a sick boi sicker can only be a reference to the Kujo fiasco. Leah's verse got me in the feels too - it's so nice to see family love, which can so easily be tested by the paths people choose. Props to Nayz for the beat and co-production - some great beats on his channel.
I watched about 20 reactions to his song before yours, and the answer to your question is still, No i wasn't ready for that the first time and I wasn't ready for it the 21st time. this got me crying every time.
Love your reactions bro! Pure heart!
I love it when the “ little “ guys come together and WHOMP ASS!! Another fire track.
I love, LOVE, that it was shot in black and white…because nothing is. Only unconditional ❤.
And NO, I wasn’t prepared. I NEVER am. Probably never will be - because Ren …
Great reaction! ❤
Ren is putting out some interesting BTS shorts , I think you would like . They show just how involved Ren is with the concepts and even camera angles of the simplest parts of the vidioes .
Thank for the sensitive reaction your emotions totally mirrored mine when I first heard it .
Didn't know the other info, kudos.
Great, Great reaction 👍
I enjoy to see your reaction on the visual artistry🎞🎬🎥📸🎤🎶
I lately get feeling that Ren is more than an artist! He let drop that he works on helping the chronic sick in the UK! He was vague about it. We watch and support that guy, ppl who found him look out for him!
I like you Joe..always interested in your reactions..you seem like a genuinely good man..respect from 🇬🇧
Awesome reaction! Thank you Joe E!🙏❤️🔥 So emotional!! No, I wasn't ready for this! I'm not crying - I'm chopping onions 😁
Hi Joe, great work as always. Love from the UK
"Money makes an open case closed" were finding that out right now in the UK.
Loved it Brother! Thanks for sharing your music! Makes the world a better place to live in every time you release something new! Stay well my friend!😅
As a photographer myself, Rens videos are really always a treat!