What an amazing haul - or several hauls. I loved watching you show off all those treasures. The German alcohol labels are for schnapps (“Klarer” - white/clear schnapps). And oh my god, the stocks and shares!!!!! They look amazing! Good luck with the selling!
Leuke video Margreth met zo van alles en nog wat. Mooi om te zien wat je allemaal vindt en hebt en ik ben natuurlijk straks ook benieuwd hoe je alles gaat gebruiken. Dat oude menu kaartje, zo leuk, ik heb dat nog van mijn ouders huwelijk in 1960, heerlijk al die oude papiertjes en tijdschriften. Groetjes Maia
Hi Margareth. I have really been enjoying watching your haul videos, even though some time has passed since they were posted. Occasionally, you ask questions, or say you don't know the what or why or where of an item. I'm able to answer many of these questions, and gladly will, if you would like for me to, but don't want to bore you if your questions have been answered in the months since their posting, or if they were rhetorical in the first place. Please let me know, if you wouldn't mind. Blessings -- Sarah
Amazing haul!!! Girl, I had no idea you guys get TAXED for packages 📦 sent from the US or other countries! 🙁 I declared the gifts 🎁 I sent for their actual price… and now that I’ve seen your video I’m like so sad. It’s a Homer Simpson “Doh” moment. I would have declared $1 had I known. Ugh. Oh and shipping these days is ridiculous from anywhere except 🇫🇷 FRANCE. French Etsy sellers offer free shipping most of the time. When they do charge, it’s cheap!
Love the unboxing and see what you purchased. Absolutely beautiful vintage items. 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻Thanks foe sharing.
TFS all of your great finds. The little green glasine bags, with the French writing, the top line says: Vegetable Seeds.
Thanks Valentina :-)
Amazing bounty!
What a great fines you found I love your fabrics and your yarn stuff
What an amazing haul - or several hauls. I loved watching you show off all those treasures. The German alcohol labels are for schnapps (“Klarer” - white/clear schnapps). And oh my god, the stocks and shares!!!!! They look amazing!
Good luck with the selling!
thank you so much :-)
Thank you for letting me shop vicariously.
That’s exactly how I feel, when I watch haul videos 👍🏻😊
For using the fiber sari silk oyu form a little nest and put little beads for eggs ! It's cute in a journal!
Sounds very cute 🥰
Wow. So many amazing things. Can't wait to see what you do with these wonderful finds.
Thank you Sharon ☺️
Leuke video Margreth met zo van alles en nog wat.
Mooi om te zien wat je allemaal vindt en hebt en ik ben natuurlijk straks ook benieuwd hoe je alles gaat gebruiken.
Dat oude menu kaartje, zo leuk, ik heb dat nog van mijn ouders huwelijk in 1960, heerlijk al die oude papiertjes en tijdschriften.
Groetjes Maia
Dankjewel Maia :-)
You hit the jackpot
Wow !! Make some digitals of some of those goodies. I need some of these things. what is the difference between Euro to US dollars?TFS
I will make some scans 👍🏻😊
€1 equals 1,07 dollars so it’s almost the same
You can check on the internet, look for currency conversion.😀
@@SevenplazaCreative Thank you
Fabulous haul! Im so jealous of your thrift shops! Its hard to find any stationery items here in England. Will definitely check your instagram shop ❤️
Thanks Mandy 😘
Oh my..your op shops have multi floors?...we have only one floor..and some are pretty small at that. You found some pretty cool stuff..and cheap haha
Not all of them have multiple floors, just a few really big ones 😉
Hi Margareth. I have really been enjoying watching your haul videos, even though some time has passed since they were posted. Occasionally, you ask questions, or say you don't know the what or why or where of an item. I'm able to answer many of these questions, and gladly will, if you would like for me to, but don't want to bore you if your questions have been answered in the months since their posting, or if they were rhetorical in the first place. Please let me know, if you wouldn't mind. Blessings -- Sarah
Thanks Sarah, there is always someone who answers them right away. So if it’s an older video, I probably already know all the answers 😂👍🏻😘
Heerlijk deze schatten filmpjes ik ga de hele lijst kijken 😊❤ groetjes uit Broek op Langedijk
Wat leuk Broek op de Langedijk 👍🏻😊 Ken je Ellen @ellenslittletreasures op instagram ?
@@SevenplazaCreative je krijgt de groeten van Ellen! Was vorige week nog bij haar gezellig, kijk mijn ogen altijd uit bij Ellen's museum!😘
Amazing haul!!! Girl, I had no idea you guys get TAXED for packages 📦 sent from the US or other countries! 🙁 I declared the gifts 🎁 I sent for their actual price… and now that I’ve seen your video I’m like so sad. It’s a Homer Simpson “Doh” moment. I would have declared $1 had I known. Ugh. Oh and shipping these days is ridiculous from anywhere except 🇫🇷 FRANCE. French Etsy sellers offer free shipping most of the time. When they do charge, it’s cheap!
😕 hopefully it will not be a very high amount 😅
Oh, great finds! I would like to visite your thrift store during my vacation. Do you want to share the name of the thriftshop?
If you can send me an email I will share some details ☺️
Get some rest. We need you!! ❤
Noem je me nu oud??? Ik ben van 77 😂😂😂. Je hebt weer zo’n geweldige vondsten gedaan 🤩🤩🤩
Ik ben van 70 😂😛
@@SevenplazaCreative Oh dan bij jij stokoud 😅😂😂😂
It would be a shame to use those 45’s in an art project. They really are a rare find indeed.