Partials vs. Full Dentures: Should You Keep or Remove Your Remaining Teeth?

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 18 ธ.ค. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 42

  • @vanessashaw5365
    @vanessashaw5365 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I can’t tell you just how helpful your videos have helped to clarify this whole denture adventure I am about to embark upon. Now I can actually have a discussion with my dentist about which option will work best for me rather than letting her make all the decisions. Again, I thank you.

  • @--OpT.OuT--
    @--OpT.OuT-- 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Very well explained, straight to the facts.

  • @blubegayedominguez2298
    @blubegayedominguez2298 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    This was super helpful! Thank you soo much! It makes so much sense

  • @rebecabanner9458
    @rebecabanner9458 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Sooooooo getting dentures this week. Full top first... haven't scheduled bottom yet cuz not sure if i should keep the 6 bottom front. Theres cavities and want to do crowns on the far bottom teeth -both sides....
    My question is...if i keep them and the kept teeth go bad at some point then what??
    Need to pay for a whole new set of dentures??? Such a stressful decision!!!!!

    • @johnjazayeri
      @johnjazayeri  9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Hi Rebeca. Sorry to hear about your dilemma. First, receive your upper denture and see how well you function with it. Regarding the lower dentures, lower dentures are generally much looser than the upper ones. Therefore, it's almost always worth saving a few lower teeth to anchor the lower denture. Of course, this depends on the condition of the lower teeth. You mentioned you have 6 lower front teeth left. If they are in fairly decent shape, I would keep them. If they are not in good shape, then try to at least keep the two canine teeth. Keeping just two canine teeth is enough to anchor the lower denture and significantly improves its fit and function. Best of luck!

  • @johnewing3671
    @johnewing3671 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thanks, Dr. Jazayeri! Your videos are so informative, thorough, and affable. Really enjoyable. I have a question about the new DIY, at-home partial services (like ResetSmile and InstaSmile). I just had molar #14 pulled (old root canal, fractured root, had to come out) and now considering whether to get an implant or a partial. I can tell that having the tooth gap is going to annoy me when eating, but I'm not sure I care about the gap otherwise, or want to invest in an implant. I'm thinking about the partial as just an aid at mealtime, then taking it out. Can you recommend any of these mail-order services, or are they a scam? Thanks so much, "gap-toothed in Texas"

  • @joespag26
    @joespag26 ปีที่แล้ว

    This Answered All My Questions, Great Video Doctor ! Thanks !

  • @maryammehr4475
    @maryammehr4475 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    درود و نور چطور میتونم عکسم را برای شما بفرستم تا از شما مشاوره بگیرم. من آماده دندان مصنوعی بودم اما با این صحبت ها، بهتر دیدم نظر شما را بدانم.
    سپاس و برکت

    • @johnjazayeri
      @johnjazayeri  ปีที่แล้ว

      Salam. Please post your X-ray in the comments and I will gladly evaluate them for you. Regards, Dr. Jazayeri.

  • @j.p.s5311
    @j.p.s5311 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    My exact issue, I had 26 teeth removed at 30 and was left with 2 at front on lower and 2 on upper jaw (canine and first molar) and I said wouldn't full dentures be better, they simply said no because of the wear they would have seeing as I'm so young. Chances are my partials will move about when they are fitted but that's nothing compared to suffering with the difficulties that comes with full dentures.

    • @johnjazayeri
      @johnjazayeri  2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Hi JPS. Thanks for sharing your experience. Your dentist was spot on with regards to saving 2 teeth per arch. These 2 teeth will prove themselves invaluable over time. When you lose all of your teeth at 30, your jawbone shrinks rapidly. By the time you’re 50, your dentures will be loose and flopping all over the place. Keeping these two remaining teeth can be the difference maker. Be sure to take your partial dentures out every night and brush your remaining teeth. See your dentist for a checkup regularly, at least the first few years after you receive your partials. If your teeth develop cavities, fix them so you can keep them for as long as possible. Best of luck with your new set of teeth. Did you opt for flexible or metal based partial dentures?

  • @sandrakorpela1850
    @sandrakorpela1850 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Could a couple of tooth implants support a partial denture? Thank you for your videos and information

    • @johnjazayeri
      @johnjazayeri  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Hi Sandra. Great question. You can actually use implants and locators to stabilize your partial denture. In reality, few people do this. Most people who have a few teeth left, use these remaining teeth to anchor their partial dentures in place. It's really a cost thing to be honest. However, you can add a few implants to support your partial dentures if you choose to. The question then becomes "should you keep your remaining teeth?" That all depends on the long-term prognosis of your remaining teeth. But back to your question, yes, you can add a few implants and locators to further stabilize your partial dentures, in addition to the teeth that you currently have in your mouth!

  • @arash_LA
    @arash_LA 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Great video! Damet garm! 🙂

  • @jacquelinemiddleton8396
    @jacquelinemiddleton8396 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thank you so much for your video 🙂

  • @markbrand2958
    @markbrand2958 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I have 6 teeth in the front on the bottom that are in bad shape. My dentist is wanting to crown the six in front and make me a partial for the missing back teeth. Should I go for this option or get the teeth pulled and get the full denture?

    • @johnjazayeri
      @johnjazayeri  11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Hi Mark. Full lower dentures can be a nightmare. Many patients struggle with wearing their full lower dentures. They can be loose, cause sore lesions, chew ineffectively, etc. Therefore, it's almost always worth saving a few teeth and going with a partial denture instead of a full denture. Of course, costs and long term prognosis are very important here. If the cost of saving your remaining 6 teeth is reasonable, plus the teeth have a good long-term prognosis (meaning that they'll last you another 5 to 10+ years), then I would definitely recommend saving these teeth and going for a partial denture as opposed to a full denture. Best of luck!

    • @markbrand2958
      @markbrand2958 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Thank you for the information and thanks for the video it’s very informative and helpful.

  • @meganseaver4859
    @meganseaver4859 ปีที่แล้ว

    What if you have a lot of teeth left and did days to pull all

  • @haleysperbeck5972
    @haleysperbeck5972 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I am 38,supposed to get 5 pulled,leaving me with 13 teeth.13 root canals😬 and then get 2 soft partials, I was really set on getting full removal dentures and the dentist and everyone in the office begged me to not do full dentures. But this is my 2nd consultation and my teeth are bad,with periodontal disease but they are determined to fix them. So I am having a major mental battle for weeks now😔please help!
    I would love to hear your opinion! Thank you

    • @haleysperbeck5972
      @haleysperbeck5972 ปีที่แล้ว

      And I am a heavy smoker,I told the dentist I was not going to quit,just being honest. Wonderful video

    • @inkbold8511
      @inkbold8511 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      periodontal disease can be cured, it's not permanent disease but of course it's damage can be permanent.

    • @inkbold8511
      @inkbold8511 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Oh if you don't want to quit smoking then maybe it's cheaper for you in the long run to just pull them all.

  • @HektorBandimar
    @HektorBandimar 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I have partial dentures and a few teeth left, could I have implant retained (removable) partial dentures alongside the teeth I still retain?

    • @johnjazayeri
      @johnjazayeri  2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Hi Uniman. So yes, you can combine implants and partial dentures together. Basically, you would be wearing a partial denture that anchors onto several teeth and then you would have one or two implants/locators that lock the denture for further stabilization. While feasible, this is not a very common treatment because most people don't start thinking about dental implants until they've lost all of their teeth. Also, a lot of dentists would recommend removing all of your remaining teeth before getting snap on dentures. However, it is possible to combine the two treatments. You just have to be prepared to cover the cost of losing your remaining teeth, as well as the cost of adding more dental implants and fixing the denture, as the need arises. Good luck with your treatment!

    • @robbielynmccrary872
      @robbielynmccrary872 ปีที่แล้ว

      i have three teeth 7 8 9, that need removed they r root canals now infected with crowns. i am 57 non smoker. I can’t afford individual implants or all on 4 but other surrounding crowned teeth r fine but crowned. I was thinking anterior partial but dentist worried about matching color. he recommends full plate. im not ready for that. what would u recommend?

  • @boulbaroudhamza5602
    @boulbaroudhamza5602 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    I m a dental tecnicien . I want to come work in usa . What can i do . Help me

  • @summerwmina
    @summerwmina 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Do people sometimes do 4 on 4 in just one arch and not the other?
    Must not be very aesthetically pleasing.

    • @johnjazayeri
      @johnjazayeri  2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Hi Aloha. As you know, all-on-4 teeth are fixed, permanent teeth. Note that you can NOT have permanent teeth opposing removable teeth. Permanent teeth will break your removable teeth, interfere with chewing, cause excessive bone resorption, etc. Therefore, you can only receive all-on-4 teeth in one arch if you have natural teeth in the opposing arch, or are planning to place all-on-four teeth or full-mouth dental implants in the opposing arch. This is why it's important to address the whole mouth, not just one tooth or one arch. To better clarify this situation, let's take a look at a few different scenarios. Assume that you have no upper teeth and are interested in placing all-on-4 teeth on the top. Here are a the different scenarios you will come across, based upon the condition of your lower teeth:
      1. No upper teeth with all of your lower teeth in place: Great, go ahead and invest in all-on-4 teeth, or full mouth dental implants, to replace your upper teeth. Don't even think twice! Wearing a complete upper denture that opposes a full set of lower teeth is very tough and uncomfortable. Upgrading to permanent upper teeth via all-on-4 teeth will vastly improve your chewing, appearance, and quality of life.
      2. No upper teeth with most of your lower teeth in tact: Get your all-on-4 teeth now and worry about your bottom teeth later. In the future, you can always place a few additional dental implants to replace these missing lower teeth. So long as you have about 10 lower teeth remaining, you can make a comfortable upper all-on-4 and function until the lower teeth situation is addressed.
      3. No upper teeth with only a few lower teeth left in place: If you're down to just 3 or 4 lower teeth, consider removing these remaining lower teeth and getting two sets of all-on-four teeth, one for the top and one for the bottom. If you can't afford this treatment, consider snap-on-dentures as an alternative to all-on-4 teeth. You can not just place all-on-4 teeth on the top and be left with a few fragile lower teeth, at least not as a long-term solution.
      4. No upper teeth AND no lower teeth, but upper teeth are your priority: If you can afford it, then get all-on-4 teeth for the top and bottom. If you can't afford it, then go for overdentures, aka snap-on-dentures, on top and bottom. You should not get all-on-4 for the top and neglect your bottom teeth. If you can't afford a fixed solution for the bottom then don't get fixed teeth on the top!
      I hope this answered your question. Good luck with your smile!

    • @summerwmina
      @summerwmina 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Thanks so much for a timely and precise response!

    • @summerwmina
      @summerwmina 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@johnjazayeri is it possible to have one implant support two teeth adjacent to each other?

  • @belkacemdrias8001
    @belkacemdrias8001 ปีที่แล้ว

    Where is your location

  • @therealestsista
    @therealestsista 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    WHEW! THANKS FOR THIS & OTHER VIDEO'S THAT YOU DO! YOU KEEP IT SIMPLE (for us C grade students gulp) APPRECIATE THAT 😎 ANYWAYS? I going for the FULL MOUTH TEETH EXTRACTION YEA! I NEED TO DO ASAP (have 2 or 3 upoer teeth actually broke (ouch) & the maybe 8 bottom's? Get food traps 😩 You're Out Of Here teeth 😂! So now I MUST WATCH YOUR VIDEOS ON ACTUAL FULL TEETH EXTRACTION! HEALING TIME FOR GOING BARE (glad I still wear mask for COVID to camouflage) HOW TO KEEP THE DENTURES IN PLACE 😬 etc. THX ONCE AGAIN ✌️

    • @johnjazayeri
      @johnjazayeri  2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Lol thank you. Yes, that Covid mask is very useful for patients getting their teeth fixed. Glad you enjoyed the video and good luck with your treatment.

  • @gracelerch8789
    @gracelerch8789 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Dentist’s Doctors said you have to pull ALL your teeth out and get full dentures or implants.
    You hate this situation.
    If you don’t like your mouth with dentures and you won’t have implants ( not nails in your mouth ), and thousand of $$$$for it( 56.000 ) to pay for permanent implants Soooooo ….,. What should you do..?????
    Eat mashed food and liquid, Wear mask all the time, break all the mirrors at home and no social interaction?
    What a drama with our mouth! 😱
    Can someone else had a better scientist way for this human problem? 🧐😤
    This is my point of view!! 😵‍💫

    • @johnjazayeri
      @johnjazayeri  ปีที่แล้ว

      Hi Grace. People who lose all of their teeth usually have terminal gum disease. Their teeth become infected and become a health hazard. Unfortunately, these isn't much that can be done under these circumstances. You can keep your teeth and have them cause pain/infection, or you can get rid of them. This is why it's so important to take care of your teeth and gums to prevent further problems.

  • @johnjazayeri
    @johnjazayeri  ปีที่แล้ว

    Thanks for watching my video! Feel free to put your questions in the comments below and I'd happily answer them. Want to schedule an appointment to see me? My offices are located in Southern California (Orange County). Click below to schedule an appointment:
    San Clemente Office:
    Newport Beach Office:

  • @belkacemdrias8001
    @belkacemdrias8001 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Can I have a phone n mr j’axai ri please

    • @johnjazayeri
      @johnjazayeri  2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Hi there. The best way to reach me is by email. Contact me at