Woh!! CPP Heng Ratana, the director of demining ministry of VC Hun Sen/Hun Manet's regime, arrogantly stated the cut of aid from USAID by US & UK are not by LAWS and disrespectful to the rights of his others? Two millions annually have been donated to demine explosive devices in Cambodia by US and UK governments are from hard earned tax payers' monies of citizens in US and UK. CPP regime took this for granted since they got free monies for so long and they forgot the sacrifices of tax payers peoples in US & UK's contributions to humanities causes.
ប៉ះពាល់ពលរដ្ឋខ្លាំង 😢
ប្រទេសរីកចម្រើនដោយសារមានការចូលរួមពីជំនួយផ្សេងៗ ដោយមិនប្រកាន់និន្នាការនយោបាយ ពិសេសមេដឹកនាំឈរលើឯករាជ្យនៃការអនុវត្តន៍
Woh!! CPP Heng Ratana, the director of demining ministry of VC Hun Sen/Hun Manet's regime, arrogantly stated the cut of aid from USAID by US & UK are not by LAWS and disrespectful to the rights of his others? Two millions annually have been donated to demine explosive devices in Cambodia by US and UK governments are from hard earned tax payers' monies of citizens in US and UK. CPP regime took this for granted since they got free monies for so long and they forgot the sacrifices of tax payers peoples in US & UK's contributions to humanities causes.
ហេតុអ្វីមិនសួរពួកវិញ ចុះអាអ្នកយកលុយរយពាន់លានពីប្រទេសមកការពារអំណាចនោះយ៉ាងម៉េចវិញដែរ?