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@@mrdavejo5985 If Diversity was Our Greatest Strength, then London would be the strongest, safest, cleanest, most prosperous, most efficient, most dynamic and happiest city on earth.
I'm 52, and I remember much better times, even during Thatcher's 80's, there was a sense of optimism, and national pride. We had a British Identity. That all began to change for the worse, in 1997, when T. BLiar, and Nu LieBour were elected, and we have NEVER RECOVERED, the country has gone to absolute SH!T thanks to GLOBALISTS. So yes, I am P!SSED OFF too, and burning with anger and rage to my inner core! So many INCOMPETENT, uncaring narcissistic SHEISTERS in Government over the past 27 years, and so many wasted or missed opportunities. So yes, I am absolutely FU*KING SEETHING!!! 🤬
My mother travelled by train across England that ended in London in the early 1950s on a sleeper coach and accidentally left all her money (equivalent to thousands today) under the pillow. She went back hours later and her envelope was handed back to her. It went from the cleaner or the next person on the train, to the train guard and nobody took a pound! This would never happen today!
I’m from Ireland, in the late eighties, I left my entire wages behind in a bar, (yes, I know I am a stereotype). I was playing pool with my father and left my wages in an envelope. I was devastated, but to my utter astonishment, the envelope, with all my wages in it, was handed back to the barmaid. I left the barmaid €50, for the man who found my wages. There is no way that I could believe this would happen today in Ireland. Thanks to our pathetic government, and by that I mean the one in Brussels, there is no social trust, and a lot less bars come to think of it. I miss the old times.
We live in Northern Ireland. When my sisters were young they walked into Lisburn town centre and found a plastic bag full of money. They went home with the bag and our parents immediately handed it in to the local police. A few weeks later my sisters received a reward (via the police) from the very grateful member of the public. In these days you would be lucky even to find a police station to hand it in to.
I'm an American and what is happening in Britain is breaking my heart. Your national heritage is the envy of the world. Why is your political leadership so determined to throw it all away? We're all watching a catastrophe in slow motion and it doesn't seem like there anything that can stop it.
I'm a New Zealander and my heart is breaking too. Our motherland is being demolished from within. I dreamed of living there, but not anymore. Poor, poor people of Britatin 😔
@rebeccaRYX87 It's like watching someone you dearly love and admire drinking themself to death and there is nothing you can do about it. Also, and maybe this is just me, but it almost seems as though there are more non Brits grieving over this than the actual Brits. I know this can't actually be true but it's hard to escape the feeling.
I assure you my American friend, patriotic Brits are devastated concerning the rapidly accelerating decline of our homeland. However, unlike yourselves we have no constitution with free speech sanctified in any amendment, first or otherwise. If we speak out on any of these issues, we go to jail.
It's at least partly because the corps & companies are all foreign owned, thus they dont really care about the local area or the people and have no problem importing cheap labour, setting them up in social housing or hotels that the taxpayer then pays for. These same people are also going to be the donors that pay the parties, and thus that's where their loyalties will lie. The mass of people that come in also spend money (theoretically) which offfsets the massive money printing operations going on during covid. They also like the effect of diversifying the workforce so they wont unionise or complain, like out there in real life it causes distrust amongst the workers as it does in the populace. Combine that with patholgical leftism that is happy to see as many outsiders as posssible, as they view them as allies in their war against the system/country/race.
Nothing’s impossible. We simply reverse these crazy new teachings. This movement is only 10-15 years old. It won’t take long to slowly reverse these crazy new nonsense.
I'm 65. As others have said, looking back I feel as though my childhood and early adult years were spent growing up in Christmas movie. I want to cry for the future my children and grand children have coming for them.
You come to this world alone and you go alone. There is no need to cry for anyone, the children are not yours, as you own nothing because you come with nothing and you go with nothing. you need to accept this reality to find peace inside.
@@shamster7182 If Diversity was Our Greatest Strength, then London would be the strongest, safest, cleanest, most prosperous, most efficient, most dynamic and happiest city on earth.
Boomer academic types still insist multi ethnic societies are wonderful and unwilling to accept they have completely fkd up their own descendents. Utter spineless wanker this bloke
Let’s just say it as it is. We are a Christian country if you believe or not We need one common culture that everyone buys into and if you dont want to leave.
Yes, just as Dixon of Dock Green used to say about the police force but you're probably too young to know anything about Dixon of Dock Green (old TV series on the BBC)
I’m very concerned that we have lost our country and it’ll be extremely difficult to get back what we once had… it may be too late; especially with this despicable Labour government and Starmer at the helm.
It's over and if you think all is well you just live away from the problems but they will gradually encroach you and your offspring and there will be corporations profiteering off your misery. The rich will flee somewhere better but eventually there will be no hiding from it. Mass immigration has destroyed this country it's not a country anymore, a country is its people and culture. The people and culture are being replaced rapidly in 25 years time people who are currently called "far right" will seem incredibly moderate in their requests for mass deportations aka remigration
Trump has managed to do in 1 day what the Tories failed to do in 14 years. We need strong leadership, someone like Trump and reverse the damage. It’s doable, England isn’t lost but we need people who are strong and not frightened to face the enemy and push back!
I studied Scandinavian languages at UCL 2000-2005 and during my first 3 months I was asked to visit the Dutch lady that taught Icelandic on my course and she, always being the sweet lady I knew her to be, gently warned me that students and a few lecturers were ‘unhappy’ at my jokes and my general demeanour and she said that I needed to be careful what I said around people and she wasn’t threatening me far from it she was warning me, even then, that a rightwinger with an untethered tongue and the confidence to say what ever I liked could damage my academic career so, me being me, I changed nothing but I did leave my sense of humour at the door whenever I was there so I can’t imagine how bad it is there now for I fear that I would have been permanently excluded and not politely warned - what have we become? Xx
We've become ruled by the upper middle class dinner party set who have sufficient comfort that they can afford to force their luxury beliefs on everyone else without it hurting them directly. The current government is finally feeling the indirect effects on their lifestyles and are reacting to maintaim their comfort abd luxury beliefs. By the time they realise there's no way of keeping both any action they take will be too little too late and probably the wrong response.
Not surprised at all. I was in academe in the States, leaving in '95. By then socialism was expressed commonly and its modern offshoots, racialism and feminism, had well taken hold within the Humanities. Training for schoolteachers was permeated with those ideas.
"Islamophobia is a word designed to shut down debate and put a speaker on the defensive. Same goes with transphobia, and modern definitions of 'misogyny' and 'racism'. Refuse to play the game. Stick to your point. Having read the Koran from cover to cover, I can say that it increased my personal Islamophobia level by 1000%. Islam is a joyless and misanthropic ideology. Its devotees want to bring the whole world now to their level of misery. I remain convinced that the rage of the religious believer is down to the fact that, at some level, they know their beliefs are total bollocks and that they have wasted their lives on utter shit."
When did Britain become a nation of cowards, too timid and cowardly to say what they think, to speak the truth? We are all innately tribal. We naturally prefer to live amongst people to whom we can relate, with whom we share a common culture, values, beliefs, customs, history, and heritage. The cohesive and homogenous society is the stable and civilised society.
In my experience living in a city then going to a homogeneous town or village is a stark difference. Once I'm with my people I feel much safer and relaxed. You don't realise the underlying tension when you live in a diverse city because you become used to it, but it's still there, you just don't consciously feel it. It's difficult to explain but it's there.
IMO when we started putting the wrong people in positions of power in all areas of society. People who are corrupt and have their own agenda. People who don't hold their subordinates to account for bad behaviour. People who are emotionally weak (Won't make tough decisions / Won't call out issues related to specific demographics / Can be easily manipulated). People who are poorly educated (Ignorant of the UK's history / Ignorant about other cultures / Struggle with basic logic & reasoning). People from other cultures who hate our culture.
As to the opening discussion...if the British people take back their country...the government, society and culture....I believe there is hope. We in America did just that in November and saved our country from complete destruction. However if the current deplorable situation in the UK is allowed to continue unchecked it will only worsen until there is no Great Britain left to save. As an American of English descent I am horrified by what I see happening...I hope and pray the good people of the UK take back their country as we in America did before it is too late. Keep up all the good work that you do Peter with The New Culture Forum...cheers from the States!
Thanks for your thoughts Steven. I have my doubts. I campaigned for Reform last year and most native English people seem to shrug their shoulders at what is happening. Decades of propaganda and brainwashing plus our ethnic replacement which has resulted in only 55% of births in 2023 being natives.
Though it is much better than before, you haven't really taken anything back. The replacement of heritage Americans will continue but at a slower pace that's all. America, like Europe, will still have more in common with India, Africa and Bangladesh in fifty years time. The people behind it all are still in charge.
No. First of all, it's too late, but far more importantly, we have no Trump. There is not a single politician in this country of real merit and intelligence. We have people like Douglas Murray, but people like him don't want to be involved in politics. Our media is very much to the Left - and they tell people lies on a daily basis, and the people believe it. Even the Reform Party is just Conservative 2.0. And they have already inferred that they will do nothing to reverse our biggest problem (please read between the lines).
@@RawPower-69 "Am I an Islamophobe? Yes I am, because I have seen first hand exactly what those people are about. It isn’t an irrational fear, it is a fear based on fact, logic and first hand experience."
We turned away from English culture that was based on Christianity. We have a leadership that hates its own people and they spend their time concerned with anything other than Britain. Multiculturalism has turned the UK into a low trust society so a choice has to be made, high trust or Multiculturalism, we tried and it didn't work, we can't have both
It’s Christian ethics that have caused this problem. Love your neighbour, love your enemies, turn the other cheek, poverty as a virtue, tolerance. Being a LAMB. Lambs are led to slaughter. What we need is a return to our indigenous pagan roots and its moral structure which would have zero problem rooting out this rot and elevating and advocating the rights of indigenous people and to hell with the desires or so called rights of non natives.
Then get up off your rear ends and return to the churches. As it's only by bringing Christian to being the dominant force in Great Britain will we ever hope to return to our once great nation.
Thanks Darlene, I'm replying under your kind comment in the hope my post won't be removed! But it's more of a statement lol!! It's not in decline but under attack and has been for three decades, or do people think woke and de-industrialisation just happened? As for going to Australia, I think you'll find that the rest of the Anglosphere is in exactly the same position, facing the same problems created by the same forces. At least the US has become fully aware of the danger they are in and Canada will follow the same path to recovery soon enough, once they get rid of the puppet politician currently in the hot seat. Starmer on his knees to racist, marxist con artists says everything about our 'Government' and its well seen it was Blair, at the start of his tenure that did away with the death penalty for treason. Was that because we were so civilised or another reason? We seem to be headed back to the stone-age at pace as the morons in charge are clueless but doing exactly what they are supposed to. Unfortunately that is not working in the interest of the British Electorate. So thank God for President Trump who will first of all force the mainstream to stop lying. Where America is now is where the British Public voted to be in 2016, a sovereign power in charge of its own destiny with the chance to rejuvenate the Anglosphere and with it Western Civilisation. We ratified that vote 5 years ago but once again we were betrayed by the politicians. The forces at play against Western Christian Civilisations have lost and they are the ones who need to wake up or go hide. The longer they attempt to cause harm to free people.....the worse will be the backlash. Meantime, keep blocking and removing my posts, or read them since you have a choice in a free world.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart, from an old Swede, residing in the very south of France. To listen to reason and intelligence, is so refreshing! Thank you for your work at the new culture forum.
@@dominantmale89 That is sadly the explanation that has grown to fit events more and more over time. There seems no other way to account for such diabolical decisions being made that are against the interests of the people whose land this is.
it could be done over time, the problem is to enable the native population to increase in numbers requires better wages and cheaper houses and mass immigration stops both.
Yeah, and did you notice he tried to make it less obvious by requesting it covers the three Abrahamic religions as if we don’t see his real intentions.😆
It started with Thatcher’s neoliberalism, putting profit before people. Don't forget immigration ballooned because of Boris' Brexit. He was as liberal metropolitan as they come.
Dear Peter and team, thank you for such a lovely and jolly episode with Professor Black A welcome distraction after days of truly horrific and depressing tales of the corruption and decline of our civilisation! Truly a breath of fresh air. Thanks again.
It was predicted abroad. It's not designed from inside. The inside design just was naive and stupid and failed. People always like the idea "people are controlling things and they are acting planful". The idea "people are stupid" might be too simple for them.
As a Pole growing up in the 90s, it's hard to describe how refreshing it was to watch Monty Python for the first time, with their ability to take the piss out of everything and everyone. It's saddening to think that such a phenomenon probably couldn't happen in today's Britain.
As much as I like the Monty Python scenes and as mild as they seem, I think such comedy also played a part of where we are at now. They were part of the 'counter culture' of the time that dismantled the previous norms and mocked what came before. They were quite controversial back then.
@14Anon2I agree. In addition to the “PC Brigade” there’s the Mockery Brigade that goes after anything cherished, traditional, high quality and belittles it with ironic parody. It has a corrosive and suppressive effect.
@@Sean-p3ono, that was the government. Rich, entitled tossers not the British citizens. We are however, the ones dealing with the crap foisted upon us against our will.
It's going to take a radical change of direction and doing some not very 'nice' things to turn this around. Being nice is largely what got us into this mess.
Yes, I know. The beginning of the end of reason was at the end of WW1 when it was decided to allow women an increasingly bigger role in society, and certainly universal suffrage. There are also legions of feminised and emotional men in power or in charge of things who shouldn't be anywhere near it. Women have a primitive artificial consciousness and a discontinuous one, where individual conscious experience live in silos which are poorly interconnected with each other compared to men.
I studied in the UK in the mid-late 90s. Ever since I stepped foot in 1995 I could see the country was heading fast towards its irreversible decline. To be said, I am Greek, I am a lover of history (that made me a specialist even back then when even uninterested Greeks know far more history than the average European). I instantly recognized all the traits of a declining society. Unfortunately, I had predicted already since then that we had been fast importing these traits of decline in Greece. And I was right. By now, from Britain to Greece and from Portugal to Finland Europe is declining. Eastern Europe due to the effect of communism went its own way, yet it will decline by falling into vassal state if on the left side it has a declining western and southern Europe and on the right side it has an encroaching Russia. However, of all the countries, even counting falling France and Germany in this, none has more declined than Britain. The rate of decline in Britain is short of astonishing, especially if seen in historical terms. The only historical paradigm I can find is Constantinople just prior to 1204... and still Constantinople had some civilizational force back then to resist and make a liberation attempt 50 years later. Britain is actually in a worse situation today. Do not want to paint it all black but a country which is not even in position to protect its own children is doomed, there is no way around that. If, say, war erupts with Russia, how many British men will rush to enlist in the army you think? Will men who have seen their own state mock them and even imprison them for talking about these issues rush to the frontlines? It is over already before it will start. No need to look further than take a notice of what it is discussed in Russian geopolitical think tanks : they think you are already finished and that they will take you over like a -ripe- rotten fruit.
@@roodborstkalf9664 I hope so for the shake of Europeans, people who in the greater European collective developed the most magnificent civilization man ever made. For the shake of the world too. We can't just throw all that away. It is not that "someone else will take the lead in civilization". Sure Chinese are civilized but Chinese look only after their own. The rest of the world will fall to barbarism and it may take millennia for civilization to come back if it will ever - for any future world power will be much more interested to keep the world in a barbaric state, kill any rising competitor and rule itself the planet like Atlantis tried to do in the myth of Plato. People think that as the world has developed so far, civilization cannot be de-rooted. Which is wrong. They have no idea how thin is the line.
The UK's manufacturing output has seen a significant decrease, with its global ranking dropping to 12th place for the first time in over a decade. In 2022, the UK's manufacturing output was valued at $259 billion, placing it behind countries like Mexico, Russia, and Taiwan, which have advanced due to strategic investments and sectoral growth. The dominance of the service sector has further diminished the role of manufacturing in the UK economy. By the second quarter of 2024, services accounted for 81.2% of the UK's economic output, while manufacturing’s share had declined to a historic low of just 9.2%. This heavy reliance on services leaves the UK vulnerable, particularly in times of economic or geopolitical instability. Compounding these issues is the UK's reliance on China for essential industries and critical minerals. A recent report from the Foreign Affairs Committee highlighted the risks of dependence on China for resources vital to the technology and defence sectors, emphasising the need for diversification of supply chains to mitigate these vulnerabilities. Such reliance could be catastrophic in the event of geopolitical conflict, potentially crippling the UK within weeks. Despite these significant challenges, I believe there remains a narrow window of opportunity. The UK still retains a workforce skilled in traditional industries, such as steel production, that could be key to revitalising the sector. However, immediate action is required to preserve and pass on these skills to the next generation. Without intervention, these vital competencies could vanish, leaving the UK unable to recover its industrial base and hastening its decline. In conclusion, while the trajectory of Britain's manufacturing sector appears dire, it is not beyond redemption. Strategic investments in education, infrastructure, and the diversification of supply chains are essential to halt and reverse this trend. Time is of the essence-proactive measures must be taken to secure the UK's industrial resilience and economic prosperity.
Couldn’t agree more. The chronic underinvestment in infrastructure and training these last few decades, combined with no long term industrial strategy, has brought us to this point. It’s not even a party political issue, both main parties have presided over this decline.
I believe the decline is deliberate, certainly in economic terms. Since the country voted to leave the EU. It's possible to see how much the UK has changed since 2016. The establishment never accepted Brexit and whether intentionally or through incompetence, are intent on rejoining the EU. In cultural terms, Tony Blair admitted to wanting to 'rub people's noses in diversity', which began well before his time, but before Blair diversity was manageable. He invited migration from parts of the world whose cultures are diametrically opposed to ours, and it's impossible to see how this can be reversed. Blair's anti-British sentiments have done their worst and the decline appears to be terminal.
are you saying the general British population anchored its greatness on Europe/ EU? I though UK is an island economy of great prestige, having been able to build an empire on its own before. UK;s achievement I see in Hong Kong, SIngapore as example among others.
Problem is the establishment whom love EU never allow UK to really leave EU. After all these years, UK still follow EU laws to the letters. And just look at EU, except some Eastern nations, none of them are doing well.
I can't think of any government ever that has *deliberately* tanked their own economy. The UK's decline predates Brexit by many decades. Brexit was a symptom of the decline and not a cause.
we do have rights and our britisness to hold on to.; We still have it whatever they want us to think.The political cult behind this hides beause it is a coward taking our vote and abusing it pretending to be democratic. ,of course it is not that. and just like a religious cult it is deluded by false claims and lies , ideology, using various control tactics, This inner circle of the government is in denial as many cult members are. we just have to expose them for what they are,,share this if you agree and we can s hine the light into their dark place. of hiding and expose them together.
I really didn't want to write this, but despite what our politicians have done, IT IS THE PEOPLE who have let it happen. Even now (for crying out loud) we haven't moved to the Right (where most of Europe is currently bound). If I went down to one of those places where 'imports' are brought in and protested, I would have my fellow country people shouting at me. People are still not seeing the picture. Covid was a classic example (and not restricted to Britain) - people will do as they are told by the media. Their children will suffer. We're finished.
I don't believe this to be true. Not only did half of the Tory vote just lurch to the right, social polling is also showing much the same trend. The red wall collapsed in 2019 and those votes never came back in 2024, with Labour only getting in because the Tories split the vote. Of course, a chunk of people are lefties but the middle ground is collapsing and just having conversations with everyday folk it becomes apparent that people are fed up.
@14Anon2 With all due respect to you, the point you are missing is that they aren't fed up enough to effect change. The British are apathetic. People are too comfortable, and don't grasp that the country is falling away beneath their feet.
In the end Britain - like the US, Canada, Australia and NZ - wasn’t like what it was because of the air, the weather, the soil or the water but because of their people, their culture and the liberal democratic principles backed by the rule of law. Import millions of people from different cultures who don’t share those values then it all collapses. England without the English but full of people originating from Somalia, Pakistan and Afghanistan becomes Somalia, Pakistan and Afghanistan.
India actively warned England between 70s-90s not to allow immigration from Pakistan and Bangladesh…. Simply because India had a much more intimate experience with the horrors of Islamism
@AsurmenHandOfAsur Realistically it's game over for Britain, it will undoubtedly descend into chaos and I think famine. What happens in other states is what matters. European people will survive and they will relearn what they lost.
I know someone who deals with incoming illegal migrants crossing the channel, they are having to be told how to behave, and that includes not to spit on women and having sex with animals is unacceptable.
a lot of people get up in the morning commute into work get home 7,30 at night eat a bit of dinner watch love island catch news at ten go to bed and every day the same and have not got a clue whats really going on in this country we have become dumb
As a citizen of a formerly colonized country, this makes me positively giddy. If there was ever a poster child for karma, it would be Britain and Europe in general. What has centuries of subjugation and oppression gotten you? End stage capitalism and depopulation. We are living through a profound geopolitical transition. We are living through history and it’s so beautiful to watch!
UK won't recover as the 'virus' of multi culturalism has infected the UK. Not much remains of what I recall as a young person. I've lived outside the UK for a number of decades and every time I visited I could see the decline and the final straw was visiting places where I grew up as a child. The change was considerable (understatement).
The Tossers at the top couldn’t keep their hands out of the till. It’s what they can get out of it for themselves, not what’s best for the country long term!
All across the Western world, the state is ever expanding and nothing ever gets better. But what frustrates me even more is that people's perceived solution is that we just need even more state interference. I don't have a single academic friend who believes that a small state, less regulation, and people having more money in their pockets would be a better alternative. The modern West terrifies me. My parents and grandparents suffered through nazi Germany and then Soviet socialism in East Germany and were so relieved to finally escape this authoritarian hell in the 90s... and not even 30 years later, we are back exactly where we started? What is it that drives people towards authoritariansim like that... I just don't understand it. The entirety of human history is arriving at the conclusion that a too powerful state leads to disaster... and yet everyone is constantly screaming for more state...
Our decline began when we were involuntarily frog marched into the EEC, the price of which was to divest ourselves of heavy engineering and agriculture and concentrate on the money markets, the idea being that a future Europe under a central government would parcel out tasks to each member state and our job was to be the financial centre of 'New Europa' while industry went to Germany and agriculture went to France and Italy. That was the beginning of the rot but many things have happened since then to accelerate our demise.
I blame the Beetles. It was much more cool to hang out in a club, smoke weed, strum a guitar, and meet groupies than to spend evenings studying calculus.
The answer is SIMPLE. The days of colonialism and the LOOT of colonialism days are OVER. Britain's prosperity was premised upon its depredations in the colonies.
A common myth. Firstly Britain was wealthy long before the empire - poor countries do not have empires. Secondly the vast majority of the empire cost more to maintain and defend than it ever brought in. By the 1930s the empire was a millstone around Britain's neck.
No it is not unstoppable We need to get rid of Labour and the Tories. Free the British people, create a country where the people are sovereign (not MP’s or the civil service) and we will be ok. If you want a future for Britain, for your children/grandchildren, vote Reform.
'Britain was the world's powerhouse ' I mistakenly assumed the conversation would be about mistakes in national industrial policy that contributed to Britain's decline. This is a more important factor than the social topics that were the focus of the discussion. Pompous public school boys with no interest in the real economy running the country has been the major social issue impacting Britain's decline.
The real answer is "the British Empire was destroyed by the US and the UK then became a vassal state of the US, " but this will never be stated for reasons of ideology
The UK ran out of money about 1942 because they were fighting the Nazis in Europe and the Atlantic. Perhaps if they had prevented that war from starting in the first place, they would not have run out of money. After the war, the government, without any financial reserves started lots of social programmes which it couldn't really afford. The decline has been steady ever since. In short, this decline is because they appeased Hitler in 1938 and appeased the labour unions from 1945 through to 1979.
@@EasyMoney-p8k Don't blame the Americans! They only stepped in once it became clear the British could no longer continue. It was the British who lost the resolve, and then the wherewithal, to carry on in the first place. Later, in the early 1980s, Thatcher tried to bring back the old resolve, but her efforts were too late. Now we are left with a little England.
Classical liberalism worked when the English / British had an ethnic consciousness. It is the expansion of liberal principles to other demographics which becomes self destructive and incoherent. Liberalism should be viewed as a specifically English thing. It came out of a fairly historically unusual set of circumstances and family structure
The whole country was living a lavish life so far on the $63 trillion worth of wealth looted from India. Wonder what you did with the wealth looted from the other countries. Karma will strike back one day.
Some of the same folks who desire to "pile them in" with mass migration, also love the idea of people fleeing to other countries. They'll be moving from one place, where they might have some collective influence, to a places they'll have little to none. _(Like SouthEast Asia)_
From Terence Wise in UK. …..Britain has always been a museum because of public schools and Oxford University ,Cambridge is slightly different because since its foundation it had a Science orientation.
The conversation around the teaching of history is spot on. My experience as a pupil, a parent and a HLTA in a secondary school leaves me wondering who put the curriculum together, because it was dire 30+ years ago, as well as in the last 25 years. We've not improved as far as my experience shown. Great conversation, thank you gentlemen.
Our forefathers fought and died for nothing. We are the generation that gave it all away. We all should be ashamed. If there is a heaven and we make it, we will be laughed at and bullied for being so pathetic. Shunned as the ones who gave a country away.
Sorry to say. But they fought exactly for toda Britain /Europe. And they didnt know it and thought otherwise, but they had been the instruments of Marxism. When Middle Earth fought against the Orcs, the Brits stabbed Gandalf in the back
Other than its unique tourism, what does Britain do that can't be done better and / or cheaper by others ? Manufacturing and mining are long gone. Most other areas of business have peaked or are in decline including financial services, education, agriculture, science & technology. The sort of thing that Britain should be doing is medical tourism, education and financial services but even these seem to be slipping away. For example, I read recently how China is prioritising medical tourism and education. My wife had her teeth replaced at very reasonable cost in Shanghai and my daughter is doing a (woke / dei free) masters degree there. Britain (both government and people) seems to have an all pervasive anti business attitude. Its hard to see a turnaround occuring whilst that attitude persists.
I'm sorry. But it's my contention that this man is out of touch. Too far up the whealth ladder to be able to identify with the hoypoloy . I'm an academic. And very very mature. He's interested in promoting his books!!!
Happens to every superpower, once China was the world’s leading power, once Spain was the world’s leading superpower and most modern nation, the same happened with the UK and now the USA are on the decline. Every one has its time.
*A Canadian Perspective:* Winston S. Churchill, Prime Minister of Britain during World War II, had some things to say about the future of Britain. In his book series, "A History of the English Speaking Peoples". How the English speaking countries should form a common economic union. Written in the 1950s. The past, the present, the future: Britain had a great empire. The sun never set on the British Empire. Britain doesn't get the credit it deserves, for the good things of empire: spreading the use of the English language, giving the globe a common language for commerce, for science. The idea of democracy, human rights, are largely British inventions. But the past is gone. What about the present? Britain doesn't belong, as part of Europe. Brexit showed that rejection of the continent. But what about the future? The United States is the future. They are going to Mars, the new President just said. America still has a great future. Now Trump wants to buy Greenland, has eyes on Canada for an economic union. That union would make North America unbeatable this century, in it's competition with China. From the control of the Panama Canal, which China has for now, to resources in Africa, to the Silk Road linking China to Europe and Africa, obviously China with it's billion population, is making a play for global acquiring what it doesn't have: resources. They might succeed, this century. What can compete with them? People. More people. Closer to a billion: A larger economic union of the Anglosphere. Larger population, enormous resources. Australians and Kiwis are naturally curious about American politics, because of their odd geography. They are an English speaking country, far isolated by the countries with similar cultures, due to history. They feel that natural affinity. It would be in their interest to form an economic union. Canada? Same thing. Britain is in decline. It need not be. Britain should form an economic union, but not with Europe. An economic union with America, would bring that current British decline to a screeching halt. Instead of thinking of themselves as Europeans, Brits should form an economic union with America. And in the larger sense, with North America and Australia and new Zealand, where the fit is far better, more natural cultural fit, than Europe. Money, resources, people, immigration, labor mobility in general, should be very easy, not hard, within the Anglosphere. It should favor those countries culturally the best fit. The pattern of history is obvious. Churchill saw this 75 years ago.....where things are going. He also saw: Britain need not be in decline. Keep your Queen, your history. Give yourself a future. Take Churchill's advice: form an economic union with your cultural offspring America, you created. The grand narrative of the creation of the English speaking world was well explained by Churchill, it's a very inspiring story despite all the misinformed history now going around. It used to be more obvious to people, a generation back, in a more proud generation. Told by Churchill. That book series won Churchill the Nobel Prize for Literature. What went wrong with Britain? History changes. The tide of history went out. Solution: Catch the wind of the future: Britain's offspring are doing quite well. Join them. An economic merger. Form an economic union, with the children. Family should keep in touch. I remember President Kennedy, how he wore top hats, his dad was appointed to the Court of St. James. The Kennedy's are still fond of Britain. It's still true, that special relationship, based on history. Trump talked about this: the historic ties between Britain and America are still quite strong. Play to your strengths. Britain is too small a player to run the world again. But they can certainly be a key team member of an economic union that runs the world. 🎩🌍🌎🌏🌐🗽🍁🦘🥝
The irony being that Churchill was the man most responsible for losing it all, in his dogged pursuit of winning at all costs and not taking any of the peace offers.
Britain is paying what Britain has earned during its high time. Looted hundred of countries imposed most cruel rules over them.divided mamy countries,changed their language and religion. It's just starting there is a lot to see
The British empire was by far the top dog in the world. It fell in 1945. The people who live in today’s UK have nothing in common, when in comes to mentality and way of thinking, with the people who lived in the empire. The decline is a result of the changing mentality.
Britain wrecked itself fighting wars it couldn’t afford in the first half of the 20th Century America is doing the same thing this Century Col Macgregor Ret
Absolutely and it amazes me that not more people don't express this view. I think the debt level after the first world war was over a £1 million and I don't think we ever recovered and should never have been involved in that war.
@ Yes I think you have more accurate figures than I but suspect it was £1 billion after the first world war, and I wrote the wrong figure, but can't remember where I heard that but I know it currently stands around £3 trillion and is unsustainable.
@@janetjacks3406We should have either stayed out completely and push for a conference Or if we had to join in we should have stayed at Sea either on the French or German side. I recently listened to Dominic Sandbrooke say we should have allied to Imperial Germany if we’d have had to pick a side Either way it wasn’t worth it
@@Sean-p3o Yeah agree it wasn't worth it and wish I was better educated on the actual nuances of the beginnings of that war but it seems clear there were nefarious agendas at play and dying empires always seem to be partial to a bit of war. Will have to look into Dominic Sandbrooke perhaps he can enlighten me more.
33:00 “today we would not enslave people”. I beg to disagree - it’s just that the enslavement looks different - debt slavery, promotion of addictions (drugs, consumerism, substance abuse) - how many of us are truly free, and who or what is working to keep us enslaved?
Oh, UK was rich by colonialism and selling opium. Got burnt (no pun intended) by Germans and it started to declIne, first slowly then gained speed. Tell us how Uk can be strong again. No one can answer this.
I feel excluded from responsibility by your remarks! (assuming you arent Bots)…. I was a member of the greens until i realised they were camouflaged grey trots… and I now call the greens The Greys!
I remember going over ww2 three times during mainstream education. It was covered in primary school, then again mentioned at secondary school pre-GCSE level and then was covered again for an entire year in GCSE history. And yet i've learned more about ww2 after leaving school than i did when i was there. One option for branching out from European history would be to teach the histories of Europe and MENA as a single subject. From the Bronze Age Collapse onwards European history, West Asian history and North African history have been inseparable. I came away from school knowing next to nothing about European history other than the world wars and remember being incredibly confused studying WW1 at GCSE because the Ottoman Empire was mentioned for the first time. And because the Ottomans hadn't been mentioned, there was no real history of Eastern or Central Europe either because both are entangled with Turkish history. And nothing at all in 13 years was mentioned about Islamic history or Byzantium or the pre-Ottoman Turks or the Persians and every one of them impacts on European history...
NOT teaching Europe and Britain’s exceptional history comprehensively and sequentially is a crime against heritage. There is nothing equal to it in world history, save China’s. I took three of four courses offered in “Asian Civilizations in Comparative History” at the University of Minnesota, during the 1980s - two volume textbook (David Kopf) with the same titles - mostly authored by Profs at Minnesota. It covered MENA, SE Asia, South Asia and Japan, too. Still in print, but in India.
Discussion of the race / immigration question is mentioned in terms of the alleged social stigma of taking a dissenting position. The legal aspect only in passing. Our 'hate' and 'equality' laws are the principle enforcement of obedience, not the fear of a cross look from a student union zealot. We are legally required to acquiesce in all written and verbal communications to the opinions of modern Social Democratic ideology, for fear of otherwise losing our livelihoods and liberty. This is the extent of coercive power labour fanatics and their various client groups hold over you, personally. Stop being shy. We have so little time left, and even less hope. Do you want your grandchildren to live in shanty towns? Down with communism, England for the English.
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Britain is the exact opposite of a museum. It is being transformed into something totally different from our past.
It's been transformed in to a hellhole
@@mrdavejo5985 If Diversity was Our Greatest Strength, then London would be the strongest, safest, cleanest, most prosperous, most efficient, most dynamic and happiest city on earth.
@@RussellTurner good point!
Import half of Calcutta, expect to become Calcutta
Fight fight fight.
Everybody who’s over 70 is pissed off, because they know how wonderful this country once was.
Errr, everyone aged over 45!!
@SuperDaveyoutube 38 here and I feel the same as you both.
I'm 52, and I remember much better times, even during Thatcher's 80's, there was a sense of optimism, and national pride. We had a British Identity.
That all began to change for the worse, in 1997, when T. BLiar, and Nu LieBour were elected, and we have NEVER RECOVERED, the country has gone to absolute SH!T thanks to GLOBALISTS.
So yes, I am P!SSED OFF too, and burning with anger and rage to my inner core!
So many INCOMPETENT, uncaring narcissistic SHEISTERS in Government over the past 27 years, and so many wasted or missed opportunities.
So yes, I am absolutely FU*KING SEETHING!!! 🤬
I AM 93 and say you are wrong.
@davidbaker1454 So are you saying it is better now, than it was say 30 or 40 years ago? And if so, in what way?
My mother travelled by train across England that ended in London in the early 1950s on a sleeper coach and accidentally left all her money (equivalent to thousands today) under the pillow. She went back hours later and her envelope was handed back to her. It went from the cleaner or the next person on the train, to the train guard and nobody took a pound! This would never happen today!
Yes it would. Just needs a good honest conscience.
Lawlessness will engulf us before His Kingdom comes.
I’m from Ireland, in the late eighties, I left my entire wages behind in a bar, (yes, I know I am a stereotype). I was playing pool with my father and left my wages in an envelope. I was devastated, but to my utter astonishment, the envelope, with all my wages in it, was handed back to the barmaid. I left the barmaid €50, for the man who found my wages. There is no way that I could believe this would happen today in Ireland. Thanks to our pathetic government, and by that I mean the one in Brussels, there is no social trust, and a lot less bars come to think of it. I miss the old times.
We live in Northern Ireland.
When my sisters were young they walked into Lisburn town centre and found a plastic bag full of money.
They went home with the bag and our parents immediately handed it in to the local police.
A few weeks later my sisters received a reward (via the police) from the very grateful member of the public.
In these days you would be lucky even to find a police station to hand it in to.
Absolutely amazing how times have declined
I'm an American and what is happening in Britain is breaking my heart. Your national heritage is the envy of the world. Why is your political leadership so determined to throw it all away? We're all watching a catastrophe in slow motion and it doesn't seem like there anything that can stop it.
I'm a New Zealander and my heart is breaking too. Our motherland is being demolished from within. I dreamed of living there, but not anymore. Poor, poor people of Britatin 😔
Impossible to fix while the whole culture plus the political culture is being controlled by young females bent over their phones on social media.
@rebeccaRYX87 It's like watching someone you dearly love and admire drinking themself to death and there is nothing you can do about it. Also, and maybe this is just me, but it almost seems as though there are more non Brits grieving over this than the actual Brits. I know this can't actually be true but it's hard to escape the feeling.
I assure you my American friend, patriotic Brits are devastated concerning the rapidly accelerating decline of our homeland. However, unlike yourselves we have no constitution with free speech sanctified in any amendment, first or otherwise. If we speak out on any of these issues, we go to jail.
It's at least partly because the corps & companies are all foreign owned, thus they dont really care about the local area or the people and have no problem importing cheap labour, setting them up in social housing or hotels that the taxpayer then pays for. These same people are also going to be the donors that pay the parties, and thus that's where their loyalties will lie. The mass of people that come in also spend money (theoretically) which offfsets the massive money printing operations going on during covid.
They also like the effect of diversifying the workforce so they wont unionise or complain, like out there in real life it causes distrust amongst the workers as it does in the populace. Combine that with patholgical leftism that is happy to see as many outsiders as posssible, as they view them as allies in their war against the system/country/race.
Britain is a completely different country now compared to what it used to be. I don't think it's possible to bring old Britain back.
I think it’s worth fighting for. Took Europe decades to push out the bad influences.
Nothing’s impossible. We simply reverse these crazy new teachings.
This movement is only 10-15 years old. It won’t take long to slowly reverse these crazy new nonsense.
Right ' times change
@enigma_-_79 The movements are at least 100 years old, all told. Socialism in all it's forms.
Im in my 30s now and i think my generation has too many narcissists and that is the main cause of societal decline.
I'm 65. As others have said, looking back I feel as though my childhood and early adult years were spent growing up in Christmas movie.
I want to cry for the future my children and grand children have coming for them.
That future is not predetermined. The people of this great country will come to its rescue. Do not fear for the future, make sure it is a good one.
@@worldofameiso5491 Orwell warned us long ago, but the socialism has only grown. The policies of the present government will only hasten the decline.
@@worldofameiso5491 When? It’s been 30 years, what are you all waiting on? Within 30 more years you will be a unwanted minority in your own country.
Then do... something.
You come to this world alone and you go alone. There is no need to cry for anyone, the children are not yours, as you own nothing because you come with nothing and you go with nothing. you need to accept this reality to find peace inside.
Ruined by multi culturalism.
@@shamster7182 If Diversity was Our Greatest Strength, then London would be the strongest, safest, cleanest, most prosperous, most efficient, most dynamic and happiest city on earth.
@@RussellTurnerif diversity WAS our strength we wouldn’t be told diversity was our strength every five minutes. It would be obvious for all to see.
@RussellTurner yeh, but it's a shit hole.
@@RussellTurner It used to be, My Nan and Gramps were married there, all my Family were from London on my Dads side :(
We imported Pakistan, Jamaica and Africa, that was the end of Britain.
Boomer academic types still insist multi ethnic societies are wonderful and unwilling to accept they have completely fkd up their own descendents. Utter spineless wanker this bloke
IQ collapsed
Let’s just say it as it is. We are a Christian country if you believe or not We need one common culture that everyone buys into and if you dont want to leave.
Return tickets!
If you put a bad apple in a bag with good apples it won’t be long before they all turn bad!
Yes, just as Dixon of Dock Green used to say about the police force but you're probably too young to know anything about Dixon of Dock Green (old TV series on the BBC)
I’m very concerned that we have lost our country and it’ll be extremely difficult to get back what we once had… it may be too late; especially with this despicable Labour government and Starmer at the helm.
It's over and if you think all is well you just live away from the problems but they will gradually encroach you and your offspring and there will be corporations profiteering off your misery. The rich will flee somewhere better but eventually there will be no hiding from it.
Mass immigration has destroyed this country it's not a country anymore, a country is its people and culture. The people and culture are being replaced rapidly in 25 years time people who are currently called "far right" will seem incredibly moderate in their requests for mass deportations aka remigration
Yeah, you'll do nothing to get it back, woman
@@WanderingEnglishmanexcuse me? I find this a little presumptuous and rather rude. You know nothing about me and I don’t like your tone.
@@WanderingEnglishmanoh and by the way; what exactly are you doing about it?
Defeatist talk empowers the “enemy. “
Trump has managed to do in 1 day what the Tories failed to do in 14 years. We need strong leadership, someone like Trump and reverse the damage. It’s doable, England isn’t lost but we need people who are strong and not frightened to face the enemy and push back!
When you have over two thousand million in ones bank, speaking out is no problem. A normal person doesn’t have that luxury to speak their mind.
So where is the emerging leader coming from ??
@@anomadhunter The Reform Party. Rupert Lowe is showing sound leadership and saying the right things.
@@kenjohnston2531..... and he is not afraid to do so, in a Trump-like manner.
Well yes, but not Farage. @@kenjohnston2531
I studied Scandinavian languages at UCL 2000-2005 and during my first 3 months I was asked to visit the Dutch lady that taught Icelandic on my course and she, always being the sweet lady I knew her to be, gently warned me that students and a few lecturers were ‘unhappy’ at my jokes and my general demeanour and she said that I needed to be careful what I said around people and she wasn’t threatening me far from it she was warning me, even then, that a rightwinger with an untethered tongue and the confidence to say what ever I liked could damage my academic career so, me being me, I changed nothing but I did leave my sense of humour at the door whenever I was there so I can’t imagine how bad it is there now for I fear that I would have been permanently excluded and not politely warned - what have we become? Xx
We've become ruled by the upper middle class dinner party set who have sufficient comfort that they can afford to force their luxury beliefs on everyone else without it hurting them directly.
The current government is finally feeling the indirect effects on their lifestyles and are reacting to maintaim their comfort abd luxury beliefs. By the time they realise there's no way of keeping both any action they take will be too little too late and probably the wrong response.
Absolutely and the immigration formula is simple: mass migration = pension protection plan
Not surprised at all. I was in academe in the States, leaving in '95. By then socialism was expressed commonly and its modern offshoots, racialism and feminism, had well taken hold within the Humanities. Training for schoolteachers was permeated with those ideas.
Industry taxed to death
"Islamophobia is a word designed to shut down debate and put a speaker on the defensive. Same goes with transphobia, and modern definitions of 'misogyny' and 'racism'.
Refuse to play the game. Stick to your point. Having read the Koran from cover to cover, I can say that it increased my personal Islamophobia level by 1000%.
Islam is a joyless and misanthropic ideology. Its devotees want to bring the whole world now to their level of misery. I remain convinced that the rage of the religious believer is down to the fact that, at some level, they know their beliefs are total bollocks and that they have wasted their lives on utter shit."
When did Britain become a nation of cowards, too timid and cowardly to say what they think, to speak the truth?
We are all innately tribal. We naturally prefer to live amongst people to whom we can relate, with whom we share a common culture, values, beliefs, customs, history, and heritage. The cohesive and homogenous society is the stable and civilised society.
Almost there.
Boomers live in fear of the R word. They are utterly pathetic
In my experience living in a city then going to a homogeneous town or village is a stark difference. Once I'm with my people I feel much safer and relaxed. You don't realise the underlying tension when you live in a diverse city because you become used to it, but it's still there, you just don't consciously feel it. It's difficult to explain but it's there.
It was feminized. This is the cost.
IMO when we started putting the wrong people in positions of power in all areas of society. People who are corrupt and have their own agenda. People who don't hold their subordinates to account for bad behaviour. People who are emotionally weak (Won't make tough decisions / Won't call out issues related to specific demographics / Can be easily manipulated). People who are poorly educated (Ignorant of the UK's history / Ignorant about other cultures / Struggle with basic logic & reasoning). People from other cultures who hate our culture.
As to the opening discussion...if the British people take back their country...the government, society and culture....I believe there is hope. We in America did just that in November and saved our country from complete destruction. However if the current deplorable situation in the UK is allowed to continue unchecked it will only worsen until there is no Great Britain left to save. As an American of English descent I am horrified by what I see happening...I hope and pray the good people of the UK take back their country as we in America did before it is too late. Keep up all the good work that you do Peter with The New Culture Forum...cheers from the States!
Thanks for your thoughts Steven. I have my doubts. I campaigned for Reform last year and most native English people seem to shrug their shoulders at what is happening. Decades of propaganda and brainwashing plus our ethnic replacement which has resulted in only 55% of births in 2023 being natives.
Though it is much better than before, you haven't really taken anything back. The replacement of heritage Americans will continue but at a slower pace that's all. America, like Europe, will still have more in common with India, Africa and Bangladesh in fifty years time. The people behind it all are still in charge.
No. First of all, it's too late, but far more importantly, we have no Trump. There is not a single politician in this country of real merit and intelligence. We have people like Douglas Murray, but people like him don't want to be involved in politics. Our media is very much to the Left - and they tell people lies on a daily basis, and the people believe it. Even the Reform Party is just Conservative 2.0. And they have already inferred that they will do nothing to reverse our biggest problem (please read between the lines).
Watching from Australia, I'm so envious of the US. Take your country back and show how it's done.
God bless the USA for their common sense to.
The imported lot. The mps who are more interested in lining their pockets than working for the nation, as mandated by the people
And this channel could tell you the solution but is corrupt too.
@@RawPower-69 "Am I an Islamophobe?
Yes I am, because I have seen first hand exactly what those people are about.
It isn’t an irrational fear, it is a fear based on fact, logic and first hand experience."
We turned away from English culture that was based on Christianity. We have a leadership that hates its own people and they spend their time concerned with anything other than Britain. Multiculturalism has turned the UK into a low trust society so a choice has to be made, high trust or Multiculturalism, we tried and it didn't work, we can't have both
It’s Christian ethics that have caused this problem. Love your neighbour, love your enemies, turn the other cheek, poverty as a virtue, tolerance. Being a LAMB. Lambs are led to slaughter.
What we need is a return to our indigenous pagan roots and its moral structure which would have zero problem rooting out this rot and elevating and advocating the rights of indigenous people and to hell with the desires or so called rights of non natives.
Then get up off your rear ends and return to the churches. As it's only by bringing Christian to being the dominant force in Great Britain will we ever hope to return to our once great nation.
Read your history since 1815 and you will see the key periods of Britain’s long decline.
@cmather73 I do know my history, Britain's decline was post 1918
I am praying for my British brothers and sisters in the U.K. ❤❤❤
Thanks Darlene, I'm replying under your kind comment in the hope my post won't be removed! But it's more of a statement lol!! It's not in decline but under attack and has been for three decades, or do people think woke and de-industrialisation just happened? As for going to Australia, I think you'll find that the rest of the Anglosphere is in exactly the same position, facing the same problems created by the same forces. At least the US has become fully aware of the danger they are in and Canada will follow the same path to recovery soon enough, once they get rid of the puppet politician currently in the hot seat. Starmer on his knees to racist, marxist con artists says everything about our 'Government' and its well seen it was Blair, at the start of his tenure that did away with the death penalty for treason. Was that because we were so civilised or another reason? We seem to be headed back to the stone-age at pace as the morons in charge are clueless but doing exactly what they are supposed to. Unfortunately that is not working in the interest of the British Electorate. So thank God for President Trump who will first of all force the mainstream to stop lying. Where America is now is where the British Public voted to be in 2016, a sovereign power in charge of its own destiny with the chance to rejuvenate the Anglosphere and with it Western Civilisation. We ratified that vote 5 years ago but once again we were betrayed by the politicians. The forces at play against Western Christian Civilisations have lost and they are the ones who need to wake up or go hide. The longer they attempt to cause harm to free people.....the worse will be the backlash. Meantime, keep blocking and removing my posts, or read them since you have a choice in a free world.
Fascinating discussion. If only 20% of the teachers in this country were like this guy, I wouldn't feel quite so worried for the future.
If they were like this guy, they’d be sacked.
This is a very good conversation. It's interesting to hear a professors viewpoint ..i find myself agreeing with much of what he is saying.
A rare breed of academic.
The respectable professor has a good grasp of UK history; a rare treasure UK need to protect.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart, from an old Swede, residing in the very south of France. To listen to reason and intelligence, is so refreshing! Thank you for your work at the new culture forum.
Sweden - now the land of hookah pipes and kebab joints, and 'New Swedes' all queuing up for their 'benefits'.
The enemy is within.
The enemy is in charge
The Left and Islam, working together.
@@dominantmale89 That is sadly the explanation that has grown to fit events more and more over time. There seems no other way to account for such diabolical decisions being made that are against the interests of the people whose land this is.
Certain cities, like London, have reached critical mass and its impossible to undo
it could be done over time, the problem is to enable the native population to increase in numbers requires better wages and cheaper houses and mass immigration stops both.
Absolutely 💯%. 😊 Every area has large pockets of other countries cultures injected and trying to find a true Londoner is extremely rare 🤔😒
@@gailpittilla3240 Divest ourselves of the third world and there will be plenty of homes for the natives to inhabit.
Took Europe decades to remove the bad influencers. It could be done again. With the right political drive. Not likely with LabCon.
You guys don't get it. You can have zero immigration, with non British at 1% of the population, and Britain will still be poor.
We had a MP (yes a MP) who stood up in our Parliament and asked for a blasphemy law to be introduced. We are going backwards.
Yeah, and did you notice he tried to make it less obvious by requesting it covers the three Abrahamic religions as if we don’t see his real intentions.😆
Yes, what about the other 4,497 other religions?
@@barryfoster453 I know right? He told on himself by omitting other religions. They always show their hand
Remove him from office and then remove him from the country. Pakistan would more more to his taste I suspect.
We need to clone Trump
Yes, it is. Because no one is willing to do what is necessary to save her !!
No unifying factor, spirit, whatever you call it upon which the ordinary Brits can rally around.
Not even the king !
Tony Blair absolutely set us down this path. Now we have that clown Starmer. We're finished it's over
It was the Tavistock institute and Fabian society that set us down this path.
Boris Johnson turbo charged it ...
"Conservatives" didn't exactly help either.
Sadly by popular choice while the Tories stayed away and people did not have enough courage to vote for Reform when they really should have.
It started with Thatcher’s neoliberalism, putting profit before people. Don't forget immigration ballooned because of Boris' Brexit. He was as liberal metropolitan as they come.
Dear Peter and team, thank you for such a lovely and jolly episode with Professor Black A welcome distraction after days of truly horrific and depressing tales of the corruption and decline of our civilisation! Truly a breath of fresh air. Thanks again.
This downfall was by design, no accident that the u.k is in serious decline
It was predicted abroad. It's not designed from inside. The inside design just was naive and stupid and failed.
People always like the idea "people are controlling things and they are acting planful".
The idea "people are stupid" might be too simple for them.
I hear this argument a lot, what exactly is this design?
As a Pole growing up in the 90s, it's hard to describe how refreshing it was to watch Monty Python for the first time, with their ability to take the piss out of everything and everyone. It's saddening to think that such a phenomenon probably couldn't happen in today's Britain.
As much as I like the Monty Python scenes and as mild as they seem, I think such comedy also played a part of where we are at now. They were part of the 'counter culture' of the time that dismantled the previous norms and mocked what came before. They were quite controversial back then.
@14Anon2I agree. In addition to the “PC Brigade” there’s the Mockery Brigade that goes after anything cherished, traditional, high quality and belittles it with ironic parody. It has a corrosive and suppressive effect.
We must never give up. Think of all those young men who died in the wars. We can not let them down. Good will always win over evil.
We let them down a long time ago by getting involved in wars that wrecked
@@Sean-p3ono, that was the government. Rich, entitled tossers not the British citizens. We are however, the ones dealing with the crap foisted upon us against our will.
They didn't have an enemy within or a Government trying to undermine them at every turn though.
We'll said sir
We all have a duty for those prave boys
It's going to take a radical change of direction and doing some not very 'nice' things to turn this around. Being nice is largely what got us into this mess.
Feminism and letting people make decisions based on their maternal emotions rather than logic. Solved the mystery.
Yes... the NHS is a macrocosm of this. The NHS is deeply socialist /Marxist... 76% female
I like women, but there are far too many of them in high places. They are a strange breed.
Yes, I know. The beginning of the end of reason was at the end of WW1 when it was decided to allow women an increasingly bigger role in society, and certainly universal suffrage. There are also legions of feminised and emotional men in power or in charge of things who shouldn't be anywhere near it. Women have a primitive artificial consciousness and a discontinuous one, where individual conscious experience live in silos which are poorly interconnected with each other compared to men.
Who created feminism?
@@RawPower-69 Lemme guess, lemme guess, the evil Joos or something antisemitic like that 😄
I studied in the UK in the mid-late 90s. Ever since I stepped foot in 1995 I could see the country was heading fast towards its irreversible decline. To be said, I am Greek, I am a lover of history (that made me a specialist even back then when even uninterested Greeks know far more history than the average European). I instantly recognized all the traits of a declining society. Unfortunately, I had predicted already since then that we had been fast importing these traits of decline in Greece. And I was right. By now, from Britain to Greece and from Portugal to Finland Europe is declining. Eastern Europe due to the effect of communism went its own way, yet it will decline by falling into vassal state if on the left side it has a declining western and southern Europe and on the right side it has an encroaching Russia. However, of all the countries, even counting falling France and Germany in this, none has more declined than Britain. The rate of decline in Britain is short of astonishing, especially if seen in historical terms. The only historical paradigm I can find is Constantinople just prior to 1204... and still Constantinople had some civilizational force back then to resist and make a liberation attempt 50 years later. Britain is actually in a worse situation today. Do not want to paint it all black but a country which is not even in position to protect its own children is doomed, there is no way around that. If, say, war erupts with Russia, how many British men will rush to enlist in the army you think? Will men who have seen their own state mock them and even imprison them for talking about these issues rush to the frontlines? It is over already before it will start. No need to look further than take a notice of what it is discussed in Russian geopolitical think tanks : they think you are already finished and that they will take you over like a -ripe- rotten fruit.
I think the men of the UK will rather welcome the Russians at this point
Very good comment. Still Europe is not finished yet. Very difficult to predict the near future.
@@roodborstkalf9664 I hope so for the shake of Europeans, people who in the greater European collective developed the most magnificent civilization man ever made. For the shake of the world too. We can't just throw all that away. It is not that "someone else will take the lead in civilization". Sure Chinese are civilized but Chinese look only after their own. The rest of the world will fall to barbarism and it may take millennia for civilization to come back if it will ever - for any future world power will be much more interested to keep the world in a barbaric state, kill any rising competitor and rule itself the planet like Atlantis tried to do in the myth of Plato. People think that as the world has developed so far, civilization cannot be de-rooted. Which is wrong. They have no idea how thin is the line.
Laziness. Complacency. Too many people in positions of wealth and power who didn't want to rock the boat.
You hit the nail on the head.
Too many rich people who want cheap labor
I was at university from 2015 to 2023, it was torturous the entire time.
Please explain.
hope worth the endurance
8 years
The UK's manufacturing output has seen a significant decrease, with its global ranking dropping to 12th place for the first time in over a decade. In 2022, the UK's manufacturing output was valued at $259 billion, placing it behind countries like Mexico, Russia, and Taiwan, which have advanced due to strategic investments and sectoral growth.
The dominance of the service sector has further diminished the role of manufacturing in the UK economy. By the second quarter of 2024, services accounted for 81.2% of the UK's economic output, while manufacturing’s share had declined to a historic low of just 9.2%. This heavy reliance on services leaves the UK vulnerable, particularly in times of economic or geopolitical instability.
Compounding these issues is the UK's reliance on China for essential industries and critical minerals. A recent report from the Foreign Affairs Committee highlighted the risks of dependence on China for resources vital to the technology and defence sectors, emphasising the need for diversification of supply chains to mitigate these vulnerabilities. Such reliance could be catastrophic in the event of geopolitical conflict, potentially crippling the UK within weeks.
Despite these significant challenges, I believe there remains a narrow window of opportunity. The UK still retains a workforce skilled in traditional industries, such as steel production, that could be key to revitalising the sector. However, immediate action is required to preserve and pass on these skills to the next generation. Without intervention, these vital competencies could vanish, leaving the UK unable to recover its industrial base and hastening its decline.
In conclusion, while the trajectory of Britain's manufacturing sector appears dire, it is not beyond redemption. Strategic investments in education, infrastructure, and the diversification of supply chains are essential to halt and reverse this trend. Time is of the essence-proactive measures must be taken to secure the UK's industrial resilience and economic prosperity.
Couldn’t agree more. The chronic underinvestment in infrastructure and training these last few decades, combined with no long term industrial strategy, has brought us to this point. It’s not even a party political issue, both main parties have presided over this decline.
No matter how bleak we will and can not give up fighting for britain
I believe the decline is deliberate, certainly in economic terms. Since the country voted to leave the EU. It's possible to see how much the UK has changed since 2016. The establishment never accepted Brexit and whether intentionally or through incompetence, are intent on rejoining the EU. In cultural terms, Tony Blair admitted to wanting to 'rub people's noses in diversity', which began well before his time, but before Blair diversity was manageable. He invited migration from parts of the world whose cultures are diametrically opposed to ours, and it's impossible to see how this can be reversed. Blair's anti-British sentiments have done their worst and the decline appears to be terminal.
are you saying the general British population anchored its greatness on Europe/ EU? I though UK is an island economy of great prestige, having been able to build an empire on its own before. UK;s achievement I see in Hong Kong, SIngapore as example among others.
It's been in decline since after WW2. All planned. All by design. And your RF was/is in on it.
The deliberate economic decline has been going for several decades longer than that, it's just reaching fever pitch.
Problem is the establishment whom love EU never allow UK to really leave EU. After all these years, UK still follow EU laws to the letters. And just look at EU, except some Eastern nations, none of them are doing well.
I can't think of any government ever that has *deliberately* tanked their own economy. The UK's decline predates Brexit by many decades. Brexit was a symptom of the decline and not a cause.
It isn't going to be saved by asking nicely... take your rights back. And make the change don't ask do it
You first?
@RawPower-69 We did. It is why we elected Trump, to defeat the fascists of the left.
@@RawPower-69 Something a coward always says: "You first?"
we do have rights and our britisness to hold on to.; We still have it whatever they want us to think.The political cult behind this hides beause it is a coward taking our vote and abusing it pretending to be democratic. ,of course it is not that. and just like a religious cult it is deluded by false claims and lies , ideology, using various control tactics, This inner circle of the government is in denial as many cult members are. we just have to expose them for what they are,,share this if you agree and we can s hine the light into their dark place. of hiding and expose them together.
I really didn't want to write this, but despite what our politicians have done, IT IS THE PEOPLE who have let it happen. Even now (for crying out loud) we haven't moved to the Right (where most of Europe is currently bound). If I went down to one of those places where 'imports' are brought in and protested, I would have my fellow country people shouting at me. People are still not seeing the picture. Covid was a classic example (and not restricted to Britain) - people will do as they are told by the media. Their children will suffer. We're finished.
The right wing has been in charge of Britain for nearly 15 years......
I don't believe this to be true. Not only did half of the Tory vote just lurch to the right, social polling is also showing much the same trend. The red wall collapsed in 2019 and those votes never came back in 2024, with Labour only getting in because the Tories split the vote. Of course, a chunk of people are lefties but the middle ground is collapsing and just having conversations with everyday folk it becomes apparent that people are fed up.
With all due respect to you, the point you are missing is that they aren't fed up enough to effect change. The British are apathetic. People are too comfortable, and don't grasp that the country is falling away beneath their feet.
@@barryfoster453 Again, I don't believe this to be true. It was only a few months ago we saw civil unrest start to begin.
In the end Britain - like the US, Canada, Australia and NZ - wasn’t like what it was because of the air, the weather, the soil or the water but because of their people, their culture and the liberal democratic principles backed by the rule of law. Import millions of people from different cultures who don’t share those values then it all collapses. England without the English but full of people originating from Somalia, Pakistan and Afghanistan becomes Somalia, Pakistan and Afghanistan.
The British caused it.
India actively warned England between 70s-90s not to allow immigration from Pakistan and Bangladesh…. Simply because India had a much more intimate experience with the horrors of Islamism
Arnt those all countries colonized by Anglo Saxon
@ggriffin325 No
Nearly half the population in Australia is born in another country. It seems to working OK
the 50 years I lived there.
I have visited London twice in the last two years. I won't be going back
If the demographic decline can be stopped and reversed the country will improve from there.
The government and business think that importing people will solve the population problem but this will just cause more chaos!
We need the British people to have children and that’s sadly in decline.
@AsurmenHandOfAsur Realistically it's game over for Britain, it will undoubtedly descend into chaos and I think famine. What happens in other states is what matters. European people will survive and they will relearn what they lost.
The most important word said is “if”.
After deportations.
It’s impossible because the will to do what’s needed isn’t there
True. These people, who voted for the labour outfit, proved that.
People do whatever the mainstream news says.
The trust in government has gone, Starmer finished it off completely!
I know someone who deals with incoming illegal migrants crossing the channel, they are having to be told how to behave, and that includes not to spit on women and having sex with animals is unacceptable.
Argentina's prime minister is proof that it can be reversed if you have the will to reverse it .
Last I checked Argentina was still a basket case.
a lot of people get up in the morning commute into work get home 7,30 at night eat a bit of dinner watch love island catch news at ten go to bed and every day the same and have not got a clue whats really going on in this country we have become dumb
Correct absolutely correct .
Like the movie idiocracy.
Brilliant ! Loved this thoroughly fascinating conversation ! 👏👏👏
As a citizen of a formerly colonized country, this makes me positively giddy. If there was ever a poster child for karma, it would be Britain and Europe in general. What has centuries of subjugation and oppression gotten you? End stage capitalism and depopulation. We are living through a profound geopolitical transition. We are living through history and it’s so beautiful to watch!
Amen!! England cant be saved, england is now just another state of the USA. It is a travesty but i love it!!😂😂
depopulation? you mean genocide.
UK won't recover as the 'virus' of multi culturalism has infected the UK. Not much remains of what I recall as a young person. I've lived outside the UK for a number of decades and every time I visited I could see the decline and the final straw was visiting places where I grew up as a child. The change was considerable (understatement).
Churchill Virus
Shakespeare Virus
Churchill Bacteria
Shakespeare Bacteria
The Tossers at the top couldn’t keep their hands out of the till. It’s what they can get out of it for themselves, not what’s best for the country long term!
It's as unstoppable as we let it.
All across the Western world, the state is ever expanding and nothing ever gets better. But what frustrates me even more is that people's perceived solution is that we just need even more state interference. I don't have a single academic friend who believes that a small state, less regulation, and people having more money in their pockets would be a better alternative.
The modern West terrifies me. My parents and grandparents suffered through nazi Germany and then Soviet socialism in East Germany and were so relieved to finally escape this authoritarian hell in the 90s... and not even 30 years later, we are back exactly where we started?
What is it that drives people towards authoritariansim like that... I just don't understand it.
The entirety of human history is arriving at the conclusion that a too powerful state leads to disaster... and yet everyone is constantly screaming for more state...
Our decline began when we were involuntarily frog marched into the EEC, the price of which was to divest ourselves of heavy engineering and agriculture and concentrate on the money markets, the idea being that a future Europe under a central government would parcel out tasks to each member state and our job was to be the financial centre of 'New Europa' while industry went to Germany and agriculture went to France and Italy.
That was the beginning of the rot but many things have happened since then to accelerate our demise.
British Agriculture was far more efficient than the French. CAP was all about subsidising French farmers...
I blame the Beetles. It was much more cool to hang out in a club, smoke weed, strum a guitar, and meet groupies than to spend evenings studying calculus.
1914-19 was the catastrophe while failing to re invest in engineering/manufacturing
@@antonrudenham3259 though as I recall there was plenty of that in engineering school 🤪
The move to a service based economy resulted from the Thatcher govt decisions to deregulate the financial markets, nothing to do with the EU.
The answer is SIMPLE. The days of colonialism and the LOOT of colonialism days are OVER. Britain's prosperity was premised upon its depredations in the colonies.
A common myth. Firstly Britain was wealthy long before the empire - poor countries do not have empires. Secondly the vast majority of the empire cost more to maintain and defend than it ever brought in. By the 1930s the empire was a millstone around Britain's neck.
No it is not unstoppable
We need to get rid of Labour and the Tories.
Free the British people, create a country where the people are sovereign (not MP’s or the civil service) and we will be ok.
If you want a future for Britain, for your children/grandchildren, vote Reform.
Thank goodness for a sensible informative balanced discussion!
Labour’s Equality Act 2010 has done great damage to UK.
Fantastic interview. Thank you Peter and Prof. Black.
'Britain was the world's powerhouse ' I mistakenly assumed the conversation would be about mistakes in national industrial policy that contributed to Britain's decline. This is a more important factor than the social topics that were the focus of the discussion.
Pompous public school boys with no interest in the real economy running the country has been the major social issue impacting Britain's decline.
Yes Britain's decline is unstoppable because the British people do not want to fix it.
The real answer is "the British Empire was destroyed by the US and the UK then became a vassal state of the US, " but this will never be stated for reasons of ideology
The UK ran out of money about 1942 because they were fighting the Nazis in Europe and the Atlantic. Perhaps if they had prevented that war from starting in the first place, they would not have run out of money. After the war, the government, without any financial reserves started lots of social programmes which it couldn't really afford. The decline has been steady ever since. In short, this decline is because they appeased Hitler in 1938 and appeased the labour unions from 1945 through to 1979.
@@tm3008 So America played no part in the decline of the UK?
@@EasyMoney-p8k Don't blame the Americans! They only stepped in once it became clear the British could no longer continue. It was the British who lost the resolve, and then the wherewithal, to carry on in the first place. Later, in the early 1980s, Thatcher tried to bring back the old resolve, but her efforts were too late. Now we are left with a little England.
Classical liberalism worked when the English / British had an ethnic consciousness. It is the expansion of liberal principles to other demographics which becomes self destructive and incoherent. Liberalism should be viewed as a specifically English thing. It came out of a fairly historically unusual set of circumstances and family structure
What went wrong LOL!
Can't wait to see the tap dancing on this one..
What a delightful man Professor Black is. I am keen to listen to his podcasts and track down some of his books!
The whole country was living a lavish life so far on the $63 trillion worth of wealth looted from India. Wonder what you did with the wealth looted from the other countries. Karma will strike back one day.
Another interesting debate, this is how it should be done, with decorum. Thank you NCF. Make Britain British Again 🇬🇧
Some of the same folks who desire to "pile them in" with mass migration, also love the idea of people fleeing to other countries. They'll be moving from one place, where they might have some collective influence, to a places they'll have little to none. _(Like SouthEast Asia)_
From Terence Wise in UK. …..Britain has always been a museum because of public schools and Oxford University ,Cambridge is slightly different because since its foundation it had a Science orientation.
The English got soft. Many western countries are becoming soft and they are decline due to it.
Not soft, subdued and hamstrung by its own government ……….
@@Duncan-Bizkittsthe government which gets voted in by the people?
Only 20% of the electorate voted Labour.
But are any elections accurate these days...i do wonder about that.
The people don't know about any of this because it's not on the news.
The conversation around the teaching of history is spot on. My experience as a pupil, a parent and a HLTA in a secondary school leaves me wondering who put the curriculum together, because it was dire 30+ years ago, as well as in the last 25 years. We've not improved as far as my experience shown.
Great conversation, thank you gentlemen.
Our forefathers fought and died for nothing. We are the generation that gave it all away. We all should be ashamed. If there is a heaven and we make it, we will be laughed at and bullied for being so pathetic. Shunned as the ones who gave a country away.
I did not, others did. They were all Leftists.
Sorry to say. But they fought exactly for toda Britain /Europe. And they didnt know it and thought otherwise, but they had been the instruments of Marxism. When Middle Earth fought against the Orcs, the Brits stabbed Gandalf in the back
Other than its unique tourism, what does Britain do that can't be done better and / or cheaper by others ? Manufacturing and mining are long gone. Most other areas of business have peaked or are in decline including financial services, education, agriculture, science & technology. The sort of thing that Britain should be doing is medical tourism, education and financial services but even these seem to be slipping away. For example, I read recently how China is prioritising medical tourism and education. My wife had her teeth replaced at very reasonable cost in Shanghai and my daughter is doing a (woke / dei free) masters degree there. Britain (both government and people) seems to have an all pervasive anti business attitude. Its hard to see a turnaround occuring whilst that attitude persists.
How sad what's happening in England.I left to teach t e.f.l in Pamplona, Navarra,in northern Spain in 1986 & still live there.😢
You won't be safe there.
@jimdavis8391 oh dear
Selling our companies to foreign buyers, who then close down factories & even start manufacture in other nations. Its not doing us any good at all!
Thatcher was the start of that. Much of her economic boom was nothing more than allowing everything to be sold off - never a good long term plan.
Thatcher also sold off the council housing for peanuts.
It’s about leadership and drive. People in the right place right time
The abandonment of the working class
It’s all down to education.
Lamentations of a collapsing empire!
I'm sorry. But it's my contention that this man is out of touch. Too far up the whealth ladder to be able to identify with the hoypoloy . I'm an academic. And very very mature. He's interested in promoting his books!!!
Jai Hind. Everything should turn out fine when we Indians buy up the last little part to fit into our continental puzzle.
Happens to every superpower, once China was the world’s leading power, once Spain was the world’s leading superpower and most modern nation, the same happened with the UK and now the USA are on the decline. Every one has its time.
One correction, china will rise again just watch!!😂😂
A very enlightening conversation that corrects many misunderstandings.
*A Canadian Perspective:*
Winston S. Churchill, Prime Minister of Britain during World War II, had some things to say about the future of Britain. In his book series, "A History of the English Speaking Peoples". How the English speaking countries should form a common economic union. Written in the 1950s.
The past, the present, the future: Britain had a great empire. The sun never set on the British Empire. Britain doesn't get the credit it deserves, for the good things of empire: spreading the use of the English language, giving the globe a common language for commerce, for science. The idea of democracy, human rights, are largely British inventions. But the past is gone. What about the present? Britain doesn't belong, as part of Europe. Brexit showed that rejection of the continent. But what about the future?
The United States is the future. They are going to Mars, the new President just said. America still has a great future. Now Trump wants to buy Greenland, has eyes on Canada for an economic union. That union would make North America unbeatable this century, in it's competition with China. From the control of the Panama Canal, which China has for now, to resources in Africa, to the Silk Road linking China to Europe and Africa, obviously China with it's billion population, is making a play for global acquiring what it doesn't have: resources. They might succeed, this century.
What can compete with them? People. More people. Closer to a billion: A larger economic union of the Anglosphere. Larger population, enormous resources. Australians and Kiwis are naturally curious about American politics, because of their odd geography. They are an English speaking country, far isolated by the countries with similar cultures, due to history. They feel that natural affinity. It would be in their interest to form an economic union. Canada? Same thing.
Britain is in decline. It need not be. Britain should form an economic union, but not with Europe. An economic union with America, would bring that current British decline to a screeching halt. Instead of thinking of themselves as Europeans, Brits should form an economic union with America. And in the larger sense, with North America and Australia and new Zealand, where the fit is far better, more natural cultural fit, than Europe.
Money, resources, people, immigration, labor mobility in general, should be very easy, not hard, within the Anglosphere. It should favor those countries culturally the best fit. The pattern of history is obvious. Churchill saw this 75 years ago.....where things are going.
He also saw: Britain need not be in decline. Keep your Queen, your history. Give yourself a future. Take Churchill's advice: form an economic union with your cultural offspring America, you created. The grand narrative of the creation of the English speaking world was well explained by Churchill, it's a very inspiring story despite all the misinformed history now going around. It used to be more obvious to people, a generation back, in a more proud generation. Told by Churchill. That book series won Churchill the Nobel Prize for Literature.
What went wrong with Britain? History changes. The tide of history went out. Solution: Catch the wind of the future: Britain's offspring are doing quite well. Join them. An economic merger. Form an economic union, with the children. Family should keep in touch. I remember President Kennedy, how he wore top hats, his dad was appointed to the Court of St. James. The Kennedy's are still fond of Britain. It's still true, that special relationship, based on history. Trump talked about this: the historic ties between Britain and America are still quite strong. Play to your strengths.
Britain is too small a player to run the world again. But they can certainly be a key team member of an economic union that runs the world. 🎩🌍🌎🌏🌐🗽🍁🦘🥝
CANZUK (Canada Australia NZ UK) economic-labour-military union has long been promoted ..with strong ties to US as well
It was people like Liberal Radicals like Churchill that got us into this mess
Stop believing in the propaganda
Churchill was part of the problem
The irony being that Churchill was the man most responsible for losing it all, in his dogged pursuit of winning at all costs and not taking any of the peace offers.
Britain is paying what Britain has earned during its high time. Looted hundred of countries imposed most cruel rules over them.divided mamy countries,changed their language and religion.
It's just starting there is a lot to see
Didn’t even know UK could fall any lower…lol
They lost it in 1776. It just took you a while to notice. Meat does not rot instantly.
Dancing around the houses .
A nice chat about nothing of substance.
World war 1 and world war 2 ended the young male population of Britain and also ended the culture of stoicism in Britain.
The British empire was by far the top dog in the world. It fell in 1945. The people who live in today’s UK have nothing in common, when in comes to mentality and way of thinking, with the people who lived in the empire. The decline is a result of the changing mentality.
An excellent conversation gentlemen. Very thought provoking, thank you.
Britain wrecked itself fighting wars it couldn’t afford in the first half of the 20th Century
America is doing the same thing this Century
Col Macgregor Ret
Absolutely and it amazes me that not more people don't express this view. I think the debt level after the first world war was over a £1 million and I don't think we ever recovered and should never have been involved in that war.
@@janetjacks3406 The national debt increased from £650m in 1914 to £7.4 billion in 1919
@ Yes I think you have more accurate figures than I but suspect it was £1 billion after the first world war, and I wrote the wrong figure, but can't remember where I heard that but I know it currently stands around £3 trillion and is unsustainable.
@@janetjacks3406We should have either stayed out completely and push for a conference
Or if we had to join in we should have stayed at Sea either on the French or German side.
I recently listened to Dominic Sandbrooke say we should have allied to Imperial Germany if we’d have had to pick a side
Either way it wasn’t worth it
@@Sean-p3o Yeah agree it wasn't worth it and wish I was better educated on the actual nuances of the beginnings of that war but it seems clear there were nefarious agendas at play and dying empires always seem to be partial to a bit of war. Will have to look into Dominic Sandbrooke perhaps he can enlighten me more.
So much looting around the globe still all in vain. Poor management of looted funds
33:00 “today we would not enslave people”. I beg to disagree - it’s just that the enslavement looks different - debt slavery, promotion of addictions (drugs, consumerism, substance abuse) - how many of us are truly free, and who or what is working to keep us enslaved?
Oh, UK was rich by colonialism and selling opium. Got burnt (no pun intended) by Germans and it started to declIne, first slowly then gained speed. Tell us how Uk can be strong again. No one can answer this.
One word Socialism.
Two words “ Far Left “ !
I feel excluded from responsibility by your remarks! (assuming you arent Bots)….
I was a member of the greens
until i realised they were camouflaged grey trots…
and I now call the greens The Greys!
@@naradaianWell done, you've learnt your lesson!
Socialism it is. It never works. Throughout history it only caused mayhem and chaos.
Socialism was just the starting point.
Absolutely wonderful interview. What an amazing and cultured guest!!! Bring him back please!!!!!!
I remember going over ww2 three times during mainstream education. It was covered in primary school, then again mentioned at secondary school pre-GCSE level and then was covered again for an entire year in GCSE history.
And yet i've learned more about ww2 after leaving school than i did when i was there.
One option for branching out from European history would be to teach the histories of Europe and MENA as a single subject. From the Bronze Age Collapse onwards European history, West Asian history and North African history have been inseparable. I came away from school knowing next to nothing about European history other than the world wars and remember being incredibly confused studying WW1 at GCSE because the Ottoman Empire was mentioned for the first time. And because the Ottomans hadn't been mentioned, there was no real history of Eastern or Central Europe either because both are entangled with Turkish history. And nothing at all in 13 years was mentioned about Islamic history or Byzantium or the pre-Ottoman Turks or the Persians and every one of them impacts on European history...
NOT teaching Europe and Britain’s exceptional history comprehensively and sequentially is a crime against heritage. There is nothing equal to it in world history, save China’s. I took three of four courses offered in “Asian Civilizations in Comparative History” at the University of Minnesota, during the 1980s - two volume textbook (David Kopf) with the same titles - mostly authored by Profs at Minnesota. It covered MENA, SE Asia, South Asia and Japan, too. Still in print, but in India.
Britain has not declined it's just that so many other countries have caught up and eclipsed it.
Discussion of the race / immigration question is mentioned in terms of the alleged social stigma of taking a dissenting position. The legal aspect only in passing. Our 'hate' and 'equality' laws are the principle enforcement of obedience, not the fear of a cross look from a student union zealot. We are legally required to acquiesce in all written and verbal communications to the opinions of modern Social Democratic ideology, for fear of otherwise losing our livelihoods and liberty. This is the extent of coercive power labour fanatics and their various client groups hold over you, personally.
Stop being shy. We have so little time left, and even less hope. Do you want your grandchildren to live in shanty towns?
Down with communism, England for the English.
Communism with Islam and god is good there is no hope for empire for uk