Just played it today for couple of hours. Excellent work gentlemen, just waiting now for more missions, or some sort of dynamic campaign would be awesome!
Thank you so many people have been wanting single player content. Realism, scenario complexity, dynamic free systems combining to make unique situations epic
Just downloaded this this weekend. Been looking for a good solo playthru. THIS IS IT! FINALLY! This is incredible! Everything is perfect. Even then controls. Cant wait for more. Also, Im on Xbox. Haven’t had an issue with it yet really.
Been playing for the past 4 hours in a co-op server and I must say, well done! Weapons feel good, the equipment looks incredible, the enemies are formidable. Loved the end cutscene, it really got me excited for what's to come! The developers of these mods deserve a great pat on the back! Thanks Reaper Core!!!!
@AlexanderSbarounis You have to bind the nvg. I have mine set to up on the d pad and the brightness adjust set to right bumper + up on d pad. not sure about the radio it worked fine for me.
@AlexanderSbarounis Try fiddling with the B button while also holding left bumper? I know they changed it in the most recent update to where you can lock the radio on no more, only prox chat.
This is amazing. It's the dream mod. Thank you for bringing us this fantastic mod. Now I hope that the servers that currently exist implement this mod.Very good job guys. Congratulations. You are the best!!
Did the first mission with a friend, very fun! Neither of us could equip battle belts and occasionally I couldn't do any left click interactions; couldn't shoot mid firefight several times! I think some vests and bags should have inventory increased. I have a CRYE JPC with double stack pouches and some utility odds and ends on it, I think in game it only held 3 mags but that's what was modeled on it so fair enough. Overall fantastic work! Can't wait to see more content and thank you for your efforts!
8 uhr morgens war definitiv zu früh 😅 ich hoffe auf heute Nachmittag. Freuuuudeee. Fettes Danke für die harte Arbeit. Hab mir gestern noch den Stream reingedrückt.
Ich bin einfach nur begeistert. Krasses Ding! Wahnsinn was da an Arbeit drin steckt. Respekt! Bitte mehr davon. Deswegen liebe ich die Arma Community so sehr. @@REAPER_CORE
@@TexasSpartan099we'll see... Some mods hit performance badly plus scripting. And Sony is very very VERY finicky with that stuff because they're afraid someone will jailbreak their console that way. I really doubt we'll get mods like this on PS5. Maybe assets like vehicles and weapon skins and such.
Hab mir das Spiel gerade gekauft, nur wegen dieser Mod 😁 Danke an Reaper Core für dise obergeile Mod !! Werde dich (Euch) gern unterstützen ! Macht weiter so super Mod 👌👌 Grüsse Smithy
Played this for the first time today. It’s what I have always wanted. And will likely keep me from going back to Tarkov. The AI is tough. But that’s ok.
I've played a few hours of it today and I am very impressed with the quality; it doesn't feel like a mod. My only suggestion/criticism is that I feel hitmarkers take away some of the immersiveness because it shouldn't be obvious if you hit them or not. Maybe make this an option? I feel like it takes half a magazine to kill someone, but perhaps I am mistaken. Just from my three or four hours of playing today, I am crazy impressed with the performance, Customization and weapons. Performance alone was at a solid 50-55 fps on Xbox, even in populated areas, which I've never seen before in Arma. Really impressed, guys, and I am very excited for the future of this mod.
Ich habs gestern mal ausprobiert...und ihr habt für mich genau das verändert was ich an Reforger mochte...die 3rd Person Kamera. Jetzt werden viele sagen ist ja sowieso unrealitisch. Ja kann sein...aber dann hätte man auch gleich die Finger von lassen können :( Hab mir Reforger gestern erst zugelegt...aufgrund dieses Mods und Tobi der das ganze ja ordentlich gepusht hat :) Ansonsten absolut geile Arbeit... da muss man nicht drüber streiten...
Wow this looks amazing, well done! AI flying helos is a game changer! If you’ve managed to pull that off, maybe you are the guys to implement a Reaper drone for Reforger. That would be an incredible tool for co op game sessions. Theres a promising looking one on the workshop bat sadly it doesn’t work…. Thanks for all the hard work
Just tested it out and it's literally the best mod of the game, with the best graphics and controls. I wonder if it's possible to add an garage with more vehicles and the possibility of using helicopters like Black Hawks would make it much better. Keep up the good work!
I wanna say thank you for your hard work. And for giving me a reason to dust off this game. Waiting for something like this so I can get better at the game before jumping online getting my squad killed using call of duty tactics lol. But thank you so much you pretty much took me back to Socomm days
“Great work so far! I’ve noticed a few things while playing. The loadout editor is a cool feature, but adding accessories to weapons can be frustrating at times. For example, when I try to apply an attachment, it sometimes drops my gun. I also wasn’t able to attach muzzle attachments manually and had to grab the SR25 off the wall with one already equipped. My main complaints are: 1. The AI health feels unbalanced. It took 3 headshots with the SR25 to kill an AI, and at one point, I emptied an entire clip into their chest (with hit markers) before they went down-only for them to get back up. 2. Mounting weapons seems inconsistent. I couldn’t mount my weapon on a fence or the hood of a car, which was frustrating. I also tried running my favorite mods, but they didn’t work. If I’m doing something wrong, let me know! Overall, I love the concept, and I know it’s a work in progress. Fixing AI health, weapon mounting, and adding support for mods (or creating something like Bacon’s loadout editor) would really elevate the experience. Keep up the great work!”
The mission was fun, but are you planning on creating some sort of documentation on how to make missions ourselves using your framework? I couldn't find anything online..
^^^THIS^^^ A basic how to build a mission with 2 objectives using this would be awsome, people could then extrapolate from there and make further more indepth missions.
Can you guys make these individual mods available? There's a lot of dope mods in here that I can't find anywhere else but I'd want them individually instead of the whole 9 yards
@@REAPER_CORE I was wondering many mission are planned, and if will u be using arland map too? When kolguyev map comes out will there be mission there too?
Thanks guys, this is exactly what this game needs, but I have a couple of comments can the hit markers be turned off, also the enemy seem a little bullet spongy compared to the vanilla game
Check the controls, you can turn off the marker by pressing "o" as default. We did not have done any changes to the hitreaktion or incoming damage on AI units.
I'm only interested in this game for the single player mode. I would love to play this kind of like how I play Sniper Elite 5. But unfortunately, this mod is not available to play on my PS5 Pro.
Moin 😊 Freue mich wahnsinnig darauf es heute ausprobieren zu können 😉 Lade gerade Pack 2 runter ^^ Pack 1 ist leider nicht im Mod Manager verfügbar. Ist das bekannt? 😅 Nicht, dass alle aus höflichkeit warten und es ist unbeabsichtigt ^^ Habe gestern den Stream von Tobi geschaut und war absolut baff was du da geiles auf die Beine gestellt hat 😊 Danke schonmal im Voraus
I've seen you haven't edited AI health however that leaves me to suspect that something isn't right with how weapon damage is being dealt i.e. bullet damage and whatever systems affect it. All AI is bullet spongy and I've witnessed unarmored spies walk off 5.56 parked in their brain pan at point blank. However, this mod is top tier as far as I'm concerned with the arma reforger modding ecosystem and the mission is a breath of fresh air.
@@REAPER_CORE I've played a few hours and sometimes it feels right whenever you go center mass on a guy with a plate carrier but its almost like everyone's got a carrier on and I haven't had a single head shot drop anyone yet helmet or not (using 5.56, haven't tried any other caliber yet). Hopefully it's something that can be addressed, the mod is pretty fun to spin up and start some gangster gunfights in.
Thank you for making this amazing mod. can I repost your video to bilibili? I will mark the original video link, and there is no income from the video. I just want more players to know and play this mod.
I hope this could work on the Xbox also. If not, then I'll have to just play it on the PC, then hopefully we get the use of Reaper drones and such. Also, it sucks that we have one in Reforger yet. Hopefully, Bohemia will just hand the keys to the kingdom to MODDERS, etc.. since bohemia seems to just want to have ONE ERA!! for base game content 😢😅😊
@REAPERCORE hey als aller erstes mal : SUPER MOD ! spiele seid 3 tagen nix anderes :D und bin mega hyped auf die nächste mission !!! jetzt zu ein paar bugs die mir aufgefallen sind : Boote Spawnen teilweise mit motorschaden oder mit sehr wenig benzin . nachtanken/reparieren der Boote war nicht möglich . Teilweise geht der überblend effekt nicht weg wenn man das NVG absetzt. Manche gegner reagieren gar nicht darauf mich gesehen zu haben (schiessen erst wenn ich schiesse und teilweise dann noch nicht) 1 mal wurde ich einfach mit meinem andern truppmitglied respawnt obwohl wir einfach nur zu fuss richtung Jakub Strowlevka unterwegs waren (wurde nichtmal angezeigt das wir gestorben sind und hatten keinen spawnpunkt zur auswahl wurden einfach am HQ respawnt) Teilweise spielt das Intro erneut wenn man respawnt . Habe jetzt mehrfach festgestellt das die Scopes mit der zeit immer mehr nach oben wandern also muss immer mehr über den gegner zielen um zu treffen (ist erst nach mehreren stunden wahrnehmbar)
@@REAPER_CORE hab ich schon aufm server am laufen also tanken konnte ich die boote jetzt schonmal aber hatte trotzdem eins mit motorschaden am HQ spawnen und konnte es nicht reparieren (oder war zu doof :D)wie sollte das denn gehen ? mit schraubenschlüssel wohin sehen ?. aber die menüs fühlen sich jetzt flotter an haste da was gemacht ? Kannst es dir ja ansehen : [DE/EU] REAPER CORE PVE MOD heisst der server und da steht gerade eins mit motorschaden am HQ. habe auch gerade glaube ich mitbekommen wieso . scheint so als falle das boot ab und zu aus paar metern höhe habe aber nur das wasser spritzen gesehen und was aus der richtung gehört was dazu passt weil die container davor waren .
Singleplayer content for Reforger, yeeeeaaaass! Thanks for the work guys.
also coop for up to 6 ppl ;)
This looks super cool! Awesome work!
Just played it today for couple of hours. Excellent work gentlemen, just waiting now for more missions, or some sort of dynamic campaign would be awesome!
This is unreal !!!! Beats overthrow with ability to play on Xbox and cleaner play style ! Top work
Thank you so many people have been wanting single player content. Realism, scenario complexity, dynamic free systems combining to make unique situations epic
This is an excellent mod thank you!!!!
And so it begins! Reforger is really starting to pay off. Amazing work! ♥️
Just downloaded this this weekend. Been looking for a good solo playthru. THIS IS IT! FINALLY! This is incredible! Everything is perfect. Even then controls. Cant wait for more. Also, Im on Xbox. Haven’t had an issue with it yet really.
Been playing for the past 4 hours in a co-op server and I must say, well done! Weapons feel good, the equipment looks incredible, the enemies are formidable. Loved the end cutscene, it really got me excited for what's to come! The developers of these mods deserve a great pat on the back! Thanks Reaper Core!!!!
We're you able to activate nvg or the radio? I'm on console and can't activate any of those two.
@AlexanderSbarounis You have to bind the nvg. I have mine set to up on the d pad and the brightness adjust set to right bumper + up on d pad. not sure about the radio it worked fine for me.
@@JohnnyVargas420 thanks did the same! However still can't talk on the radio. It's locked.
@AlexanderSbarounis Try fiddling with the B button while also holding left bumper? I know they changed it in the most recent update to where you can lock the radio on no more, only prox chat.
Whe I try to equip it, it says no slot available.
Just played it and I have to say, awesome stuff! From start to finish man, looking forward to what you do next🤙
crazy how more effort went into this mod than the actual game itself. thank you
Take something from eachothers backpack woooow that is awesome.. well done to the one man army 💪🏽🏴💪🏽
This is amazing. It's the dream mod. Thank you for bringing us this fantastic mod. Now I hope that the servers that currently exist implement this mod.Very good job guys. Congratulations. You are the best!!
awesome work! my team and i are deffo gonna try this
This looks sick, downloading it now
Man, his looks awesome! Makes me want Reforger even more now!
Awesome! Can't wait to see how this mod will grow and blow up!!!
Did the first mission with a friend, very fun! Neither of us could equip battle belts and occasionally I couldn't do any left click interactions; couldn't shoot mid firefight several times! I think some vests and bags should have inventory increased. I have a CRYE JPC with double stack pouches and some utility odds and ends on it, I think in game it only held 3 mags but that's what was modeled on it so fair enough. Overall fantastic work! Can't wait to see more content and thank you for your efforts!
Belts only compatible with combat shirts
@@REAPER_CORE I had problem with Jeans on
Looks incredible! I'll be downloading this ASAP!
Damn ! this look cool as hell ! thx for your work guys !
Downloaded this the other day not really understanding it but then jumped into a game and noticed it straight away very nice Mod 🤙
Amazing work guys glad that Arma have community/modders like you
8 uhr morgens war definitiv zu früh 😅 ich hoffe auf heute Nachmittag. Freuuuudeee. Fettes Danke für die harte Arbeit. Hab mir gestern noch den Stream reingedrückt.
lädt gerade hoch
Ich bin einfach nur begeistert. Krasses Ding! Wahnsinn was da an Arbeit drin steckt. Respekt! Bitte mehr davon. Deswegen liebe ich die Arma Community so sehr. @@REAPER_CORE
I really hope we PS5 gamers get this mod 🔥🔥
You'll get mod support soon. 😊
@@TexasSpartan099bro … Sony already no 😂
@@TexasSpartan099we'll see... Some mods hit performance badly plus scripting. And Sony is very very VERY finicky with that stuff because they're afraid someone will jailbreak their console that way.
I really doubt we'll get mods like this on PS5. Maybe assets like vehicles and weapon skins and such.
@urbansekkt6355 i hope that's not the case. Would love for Sony to be flexible so people can enjoy the game with mods.
Probably won't get mods PlayStation is already said they don't want mods on PlayStation
Hab mir das Spiel gerade gekauft, nur wegen dieser Mod 😁
Danke an Reaper Core für dise obergeile Mod !! Werde dich (Euch) gern unterstützen ! Macht weiter so super Mod 👌👌
Grüsse Smithy
ill Have to check this out !
Played it today, it’s awesome, nice work!! Cant wait to see what you do next
This is awesome! Thank you sir! Greetings from Brazil.
u guys are awesome! that is a big step to the game!
nah this is the best mod for reforger (thank you yt reccs)
awesome mod, would love to see more missions in the future!
Awesome. Gonna try this today!
That’s what this game needs the most without having to build your own big map
Thanks guys! This looks dope!
Danke für die gross artige mod und für eure Arbeit.
Played this for the first time today. It’s what I have always wanted. And will likely keep me from going back to Tarkov. The AI is tough. But that’s ok.
Hammer geil das Ding 🤩
wow, this looks awesome im gonna try this with a few buddies i know who have arma reforger!!!
Great and impressive job, Game Master now pleaseeeee !
I've played a few hours of it today and I am very impressed with the quality; it doesn't feel like a mod. My only suggestion/criticism is that I feel hitmarkers take away some of the immersiveness because it shouldn't be obvious if you hit them or not. Maybe make this an option? I feel like it takes half a magazine to kill someone, but perhaps I am mistaken. Just from my three or four hours of playing today, I am crazy impressed with the performance, Customization and weapons. Performance alone was at a solid 50-55 fps on Xbox, even in populated areas, which I've never seen before in Arma.
Really impressed, guys, and I am very excited for the future of this mod.
press "o" (default) to open Mod settings. There you can disable the hitmarker
@@REAPER_COREperfect didnt know that great work guys!
@@REAPER_CORE Nevertheless, perhaps worth disabling it by default while still keeping the option to enable?
Finally some sp stuff for reforger NICE!!
Hitmarkers can be toggled via "O" on PC ...
Thanks a lot for that info!
Going to check it out
Now we are rollin
love for all arma mods
forsure donation fund. Communities like this deserve donations/funding.
Hopefully things go great as reforger has been gaining attraction.
Great work man!
This looks really good
Ich habs gestern mal ausprobiert...und ihr habt für mich genau das verändert was ich an Reforger mochte...die 3rd Person Kamera. Jetzt werden viele sagen ist ja sowieso unrealitisch. Ja kann sein...aber dann hätte man auch gleich die Finger von lassen können :(
Hab mir Reforger gestern erst zugelegt...aufgrund dieses Mods und Tobi der das ganze ja ordentlich gepusht hat :) Ansonsten absolut geile Arbeit... da muss man nicht drüber streiten...
Hä? Dann spiel einfach andere Modis? Arma ist wohl einer der vielfältigsten Plattformen für Shooter überhaupt also pls dont hate thanks❤
@@STRIKEY30 Mal wieder nix verstanden oder ? Oh man...
Die 3rd cam wurde doch nur minimal näher an den character gezogen, mehr nicht?
@@REAPER_CORE Nicht wirklich. kA ob das mit 21:9 zu tun hat aber der Unterschied ist schon sehr krass :D
Wow this looks amazing, well done! AI flying helos is a game changer! If you’ve managed to pull that off, maybe you are the guys to implement a Reaper drone for Reforger. That would be an incredible tool for co op game sessions. Theres a promising looking one on the workshop bat sadly it doesn’t work…. Thanks for all the hard work
This legitimately looks wicked good, and I'm about to get my milsim group all over this
Wow downloading this now
Just tested it out and it's literally the best mod of the game, with the best graphics and controls. I wonder if it's possible to add an garage with more vehicles and the possibility of using helicopters like Black Hawks would make it much better. Keep up the good work!
I think we need two safe houses or hide outs, its tiring or driving to morton when u are deep in enemy terrority
Ai flying, am I dreaming
Lets goooo!
The best ❤ 🇧🇷
So cool!!
I’m on PlayStation. Downloading now
Now .... Can't wait until this Reaper Mod becomes available in EXILE servers!!! Of course along with Exile itself !
I wanna say thank you for your hard work. And for giving me a reason to dust off this game. Waiting for something like this so I can get better at the game before jumping online getting my squad killed using call of duty tactics lol. But thank you so much you pretty much took me back to Socomm days
“Great work so far! I’ve noticed a few things while playing. The loadout editor is a cool feature, but adding accessories to weapons can be frustrating at times. For example, when I try to apply an attachment, it sometimes drops my gun. I also wasn’t able to attach muzzle attachments manually and had to grab the SR25 off the wall with one already equipped.
My main complaints are:
1. The AI health feels unbalanced. It took 3 headshots with the SR25 to kill an AI, and at one point, I emptied an entire clip into their chest (with hit markers) before they went down-only for them to get back up.
2. Mounting weapons seems inconsistent. I couldn’t mount my weapon on a fence or the hood of a car, which was frustrating.
I also tried running my favorite mods, but they didn’t work. If I’m doing something wrong, let me know! Overall, I love the concept, and I know it’s a work in progress. Fixing AI health, weapon mounting, and adding support for mods (or creating something like Bacon’s loadout editor) would really elevate the experience. Keep up the great work!”
1: There are no changes made to the bullets or Damage
2: Mounting is currently disable, because of Animation System.
@ you might want to adjust the damage then . Because 308 at point blank doesn’t take 5 shots on anyone . I can send you clips .
The mission was fun, but are you planning on creating some sort of documentation on how to make missions ourselves using your framework? I couldn't find anything online..
Yeah i will. But current prio is bug fixing.
^^^THIS^^^ A basic how to build a mission with 2 objectives using this would be awsome, people could then extrapolate from there and make further more indepth missions.
Can you guys make these individual mods available? There's a lot of dope mods in here that I can't find anywhere else but I'd want them individually instead of the whole 9 yards
Id love to try Reforger vr!
It's a co'op game that doesn't let you play co'op!!!!!
Xbox problem, not mod related... and you can even get a dedicated server to play with your friends..
@REAPER_CORE the mod is great. Unfortunately it can't be played co'op on console on pc.
You can play Coop on PC, Xbox users needs dedicated Server, because console is to slow to handle it properly.
@REAPER_CORE it's unfortunate for mod creators and console players alike. Thank you for everything.
Download it’s so exciting
I wonder if there's anything that can be used in game master 🤔
When playing in single player how o you resume a saved game? I can save and exit but everytime i start again it starts a whole new game.
Are there pre-made missions or do I have to make my own?
(Great mod keep up the great work
"Just in time" is the first Mission based on the CORE MOD. You can play it Singleplayer or with friends in Coop.
@@REAPER_CORE I was wondering many mission are planned, and if will u be using arland map too? When kolguyev map comes out will there be mission there too?
Thanks guys, this is exactly what this game needs, but I have a couple of comments can the hit markers be turned off, also the enemy seem a little bullet spongy compared to the vanilla game
Check the controls, you can turn off the marker by pressing "o" as default. We did not have done any changes to the hitreaktion or incoming damage on AI units.
Played it, loved it. Well done.
Any way to turn off hit markers?
edit: found it. O to toggle hit markers .
Hello, nice mod! But why is the second weapon slot 'RED' ?
Because its reserved for launchers
@@REAPER_CORE oh I see, ok, thank you.
Not an ARMA Player but this video/mod made me want to try this out.
Thx for the team for all efforts on the mod!
I'm only interested in this game for the single player mode. I would love to play this kind of like how I play Sniper Elite 5. But unfortunately, this mod is not available to play on my PS5 Pro.
Do you have or plan to have documentation on how to implement it for new campaign that we want to build?
coming soon
Moin 😊
Freue mich wahnsinnig darauf es heute ausprobieren zu können 😉
Lade gerade Pack 2 runter ^^
Pack 1 ist leider nicht im Mod Manager verfügbar.
Ist das bekannt? 😅
Nicht, dass alle aus höflichkeit warten und es ist unbeabsichtigt ^^
Habe gestern den Stream von Tobi geschaut und war absolut baff was du da geiles auf die Beine gestellt hat 😊
Danke schonmal im Voraus
Pack 1 lädt gerade hoch
Danke 😊
Habt ihr vieleicht noch ein Discord link?
Würde mich gern anschliesen um nichts zu verpassen 😁
Awesome work but where I can customise the Loadout or changing weapons!!
in the HQ..
@ what about the game master
One of the best mods in Arma reforger perfekt work guys. I just wanna know how to host a game on Xbox series X
Awsome mod! Just played it with a friend.
Is there and way to implement the little bird? That would be awsome
Hello, the newest update for just in time mission has an issue with the boats non operable, can't repair either, not sure if it is a bug.
Yes, we noted this and fix it.
I've seen you haven't edited AI health however that leaves me to suspect that something isn't right with how weapon damage is being dealt i.e. bullet damage and whatever systems affect it. All AI is bullet spongy and I've witnessed unarmored spies walk off 5.56 parked in their brain pan at point blank. However, this mod is top tier as far as I'm concerned with the arma reforger modding ecosystem and the mission is a breath of fresh air.
The Ammo is also original Reforger and untouched. But i will run a Debug on the DamageManager, to see whats going on.
@@REAPER_CORE I've played a few hours and sometimes it feels right whenever you go center mass on a guy with a plate carrier but its almost like everyone's got a carrier on and I haven't had a single head shot drop anyone yet helmet or not (using 5.56, haven't tried any other caliber yet). Hopefully it's something that can be addressed, the mod is pretty fun to spin up and start some gangster gunfights in.
Hi! How can you call de AI chopper? Is there a user manual? I don't know how to change the weather, thanks for the great mod.
tested it yesterday and wow it's so awesome. can you only play the 1 mission or is there also a dynamic mission maker or map ?
The first mission is Dynamic with a lot of random stuff. But we are already working on the second one.
@REAPER_CORE wow super this was just what s wanted for refofger so much thanks
Everything looked good until the hit markers during the shooting clips.. 4:00 if you can toggle those off i'd try it.
press "o" (default) to toggle hitmarkers
amazing. great job. is there a way for us to donate to you?
Loving it so far! Is there anyway to turn off the hit markers? Not a dealbreaker if not but wanna play it ultra hard core
Never mind I just saw a comment of how to turn it off
Thank you for making this amazing mod. can I repost your video to bilibili? I will mark the original video link, and there is no income from the video. I just want more players to know and play this mod.
sure, its not monitized.
I hope this could work on the Xbox also. If not, then I'll have to just play it on the PC, then hopefully we get the use of Reaper drones and such. Also, it sucks that we have one in Reforger yet. Hopefully, Bohemia will just hand the keys to the kingdom to MODDERS, etc.. since bohemia seems to just want to have ONE ERA!! for base game content 😢😅😊
How are helicopters called for transportation?
@REAPERCORE hey als aller erstes mal : SUPER MOD ! spiele seid 3 tagen nix anderes :D und bin mega hyped auf die nächste mission !!!
jetzt zu ein paar bugs die mir aufgefallen sind :
Boote Spawnen teilweise mit motorschaden oder mit sehr wenig benzin . nachtanken/reparieren der Boote war nicht möglich .
Teilweise geht der überblend effekt nicht weg wenn man das NVG absetzt. Manche gegner reagieren gar nicht darauf mich gesehen zu haben (schiessen erst wenn ich schiesse und teilweise dann noch nicht) 1 mal wurde ich einfach mit meinem andern truppmitglied respawnt obwohl wir einfach nur zu fuss richtung Jakub Strowlevka unterwegs waren (wurde nichtmal angezeigt das wir gestorben sind und hatten keinen spawnpunkt zur auswahl wurden einfach am HQ respawnt) Teilweise spielt das Intro erneut wenn man respawnt . Habe jetzt mehrfach festgestellt das die Scopes mit der zeit immer mehr nach oben wandern also muss immer mehr über den gegner zielen um zu treffen (ist erst nach mehreren stunden wahrnehmbar)
Hi, check mal Update von Heute. LG
@@REAPER_CORE hab ich schon aufm server am laufen also tanken konnte ich die boote jetzt schonmal aber hatte trotzdem eins mit motorschaden am HQ spawnen und konnte es nicht reparieren (oder war zu doof :D)wie sollte das denn gehen ? mit schraubenschlüssel wohin sehen ?. aber die menüs fühlen sich jetzt flotter an haste da was gemacht ? Kannst es dir ja ansehen : [DE/EU] REAPER CORE PVE MOD heisst der server und da steht gerade eins mit motorschaden am HQ. habe auch gerade glaube ich mitbekommen wieso . scheint so als falle das boot ab und zu aus paar metern höhe habe aber nur das wasser spritzen gesehen und was aus der richtung gehört was dazu passt weil die container davor waren .
@@REAPER_CORE habe mit dem neusten update das problem wenn ich die slots auf 3 oder 4 leute beschränke kann der 3. der joint sich nicht bewegen .
Can you acquire/fly helicopters?
So my friend on PC keeps trying to host a server and every time try to join on my Xbox it says error, what are we doing wrong
Did he open the required ports? Otherwise you can not connect. community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_Reforger:Server_Config
basically it's arma III coop in reforger ?
I play this and love it. It’s not saving when I leave I have to restart everything is that normal
If you play on Xbox.. because Mods not allowed to write anything on your system.
i cant play. after 5\6 min while i'm equipping the game freezes and i have to end it with ctrl alt del. can someone help me?
ryzen 5600X, RTX3060, RAM 32Gb