Besides the negative role many few people know that amrish sir was the most humble and kind hearted person of the true sense he was a real hero in reality
A character larger than life and always at his absolute best. With a relatively muscular body and a very commanding voice, he personified the most meaningful and variable roles ever given to a villain in the entire history of Indian Cinema. Back home in Kabul, AFG, he’s best known as Zaalim Maama.
No so-called hero or a villain can ever match the acting of this great actor ... Katrina,Siddharth Malhotra, Salman, tiger Shroff need to watch his movies on loop to learn acting
The great Stephen Spielberg himself came to India to cast Amrish Puri sir for the role of Mola Ram, villain of the 2nd film of the legendary Indiana Jones franchise. There will never be another Amrish Puri
Once the legendary Director from Hollywood Mr Steven Spielberg said this about our great Amrish Puri ji - "Amrish is my favourite villain. The best the world has ever produced and ever wil". This says all about Amrish Puri ji's acting level and persona. He is a legend of Indian Cinema. Class act.❤
Log Hero ki waja Kar movie dakhtay hai par amrish Puri Woh wahid actor tha k hum log villan ki waja amrish Puri ko dakh Kar movie dakhtay thay k jis movie main Amrish Puri ho Woh Achi hoGe Love and respect from Pakistan
पाप की भाव विचार से किसी के जीवन को काँटा बना दे ,व उस व्यक्ति के जीवन में चुँभता है,जिसने उस व्यक्ति के जीवन को काँटे की तरह बना दिया है । जैसी करणी वैसी भरणी ।
Kya zabardast actor the amrish Puri ji Bollywood bk history mein koi aisa actor nahi hai jisne itne alag alag type k role kiye ho Bollywood mein sirf 2 zabardast actors hai Ek amrish Puri ji aur dusre Irfan Khan
The kind of Kingly Terror he had in his voice, no other actor had before or after.
Raza murad
@Gaurav Mishra his voice is strong
Besides the negative role many few people know that amrish sir was the most humble and kind hearted person of the true sense he was a real hero in reality
No one can Replace Amrish Puri in Bollywood. Great Actor.
Great human being too
0:10 p@@vimleshjha6813up k99😮
My nanu can 😂
A character larger than life and always at his absolute best. With a relatively muscular body and a very commanding voice, he personified the most meaningful and variable roles ever given to a villain in the entire history of Indian Cinema. Back home in Kabul, AFG, he’s best known as Zaalim Maama.
, .
@@SantoshYadav-cg9yn ht as
Ch ci
Co and including the same as p
Really miss Amrish Sir , so sad next generation won’t know who he is :(
अमरीश पुरी जी आप हमेशा याद आयेंगे, आपका अभिनय आज भी आपकी आवाज कानोमे पडती हैं, तो डर लगता है, आप महान कलाकार हैं थे और रहंगे.
There will never be another Amrish Puri
He's personality on screen was larger than life and he's iconic voice ... One of the best actors bollywood has seen
Happy Birthday Amrish ji. You are greatly missed
Amrish Puri king of the Bollywood
Legends never die. They always live inside heart. True respect to him. Sir Amrish Puri love you. Dont know why i am crying writing this
his voice is so good amrish puri was legend
Amazing character..... In my childhood this was the only character I used to get scared just love his character... Amazing actor🥰
No so-called hero or a villain can ever match the acting of this great actor ... Katrina,Siddharth Malhotra, Salman, tiger Shroff need to watch his movies on loop to learn acting
SSR to mar gaya use bhi bol deta 😂😂😂
What a Legend Amrish Puri ji was.
2:54 best dialogue
The only legend who with stood with gabar singh and made his own name and ruled as a true king of villains
Gabbar is overrated.
Amrish is on another level.
@@Nyemku i disagree amjad khan was also a great villain in old movies i like his Kali Ram character
Gabbar is one movie sensation. But Amrish Puri sir is sensation in all of his movies
The great Stephen Spielberg himself came to India to cast Amrish Puri sir for the role of Mola Ram, villain of the 2nd film of the legendary Indiana Jones franchise. There will never be another Amrish Puri
Once the legendary Director from Hollywood Mr Steven Spielberg said this about our great Amrish Puri ji - "Amrish is my favourite villain. The best the world has ever produced and ever wil". This says all about Amrish Puri ji's acting level and persona. He is a legend of Indian Cinema. Class act.❤
Hevey voice brilliant actor his every voice is epic legendary actor of all time
অমরেশ পুরি দ্যা বেস্ট একটর😢😮
King of Bollywood.Noone can replace him
There never was,is and will be such a good actor like him, legend 👍
Log Hero ki waja Kar movie dakhtay hai par amrish Puri Woh wahid actor tha k hum log villan ki waja amrish Puri ko dakh Kar movie dakhtay thay k jis movie main Amrish Puri ho Woh Achi hoGe
Love and respect from Pakistan
Amrish puri jaisa koi nhi milega villan. amrish great actor
4:14 Another great dialogue
All time greatest ...
No one can even close to him
Villains those days used to be so clear in their words
अमरेश जी जैसा, अब कोई कभी नहीं होगा, महानतम कलाकार, शत शत नमन
Amrish puri as mirza Khan in Malayalam film "Kaala paani " ... It's great one
In that film he cried and hugged the lead actor who licked his shoes in real life .
अमरीशपुरी से बेहतर सामंथ का किरदार कोई भी नहीं निभा सकते थे।
The only person who could play villian role without having to try hard. He had an innate talent. Legend 🙏
I can't see villian like amrish puri again in bollywood
Improve your english
@@shrutideshpande5667 well said mam, thought exactly the same after reading his comment.
@@TheAaqibiqbal ye mulle sale madarsachap kaha se sekhenhe kuch
sajid khan data to
@@shrutideshpande5667 are u English teacher ?? U understand so thats enough
He's the best villain actor in the world ..not just in India. A unique legend. Irreplaceable. R.I.P amrishji ❤❤
Excellent vilen of the world respect from Pakistan
pakistan ke tareef se bht saath diya hei in hone
My whole hearted appreciation for Amresh,an ultimate artist/ actor ever born
Really i miss this versatile legend.
Gribo k masiha amrish puri. Thakur Sahab ki Jai. Hr movie me dhansu role. Mzaa aata h Inke diolge sunkr. But Anil kapoor bhi Shandar hero h.
Amrish Puri jaisa Koi Nai best for ever
U beauty
Love from Pakistan
@@rattlesnake9435 chup oyye hindu buzdil qaum.
Danish Sk just ignore stupids
Sir was perfect villian
Amresh puri is best villain all time
Amrish puri the best villain of Bollywood till date
Ek Lajawaab Bemisaal actor sh Amrish puri ji👌👌👌
पाप की भाव विचार से किसी के जीवन को
काँटा बना दे ,व उस व्यक्ति के जीवन में चुँभता है,जिसने उस व्यक्ति के जीवन को काँटे की तरह बना दिया है । जैसी करणी वैसी भरणी ।
.....sach mein !!??😥😥
Iconic villain of Indian cinema
Kya zabardast actor the amrish Puri ji Bollywood bk history mein koi aisa actor nahi hai jisne itne alag alag type k role kiye ho Bollywood mein sirf 2 zabardast actors hai Ek amrish Puri ji aur dusre Irfan Khan
Best villain best villain ever !!!!! never born another Amish puri in this Bollywood nobody beat him
Another villain like amrish won’t happen
किंग ऑफ द बॉलीवुड अमरीशपुरी किंग ऑफ द बॉलीवुड
Amrish puri jaisa actor Or villain bollywood ko kabhi nhi milega. He was great actor
G.O.A.T villain ❤
Best vilion
amrish puri jesa actor ab is industry ka na mil payga
Amres Puri is perfect villain I love amresh Puri
@Punit Mishra by
@Punit Mishrap
@Punit Mishra legend actor 💓
Dong kabhi rong nahi hota
@Punit Mishra ककककककककककककककककककककककककपकरककककककककरपरककरककककरककवकककरकककककककरकककववकककरककककककककरकररररकरकककककककककरकककककककककवककरकककककककककरककककककरककककककककककककककररकवरककरककककककककककककककरककरपररकककककककककककककररककरिरककककककरकककककककरककककरकरककककककरवरपकरकककगरककरकककककककककककककककककककककककककतररककककतकवरककरररवकककरककररककककरकककककककककरककककककररकककककककककककककककककककककककरककरककरर,रककककककककककककरतकरकककिकररककककककककरकककरककककककककरकककककककरककककरककककरकककककरररककककककरकककककककककररकककककककककककररककककरकककककरकककककरकककररररकरककरककरकककककककककककककककककककककककककककरककककरककरररकककककककककककरकककतकरककककककककककरकककककककककककरककककककककककरकककककररककरकककककककककककककककरकरककककरककककककरकककककककककककककरककककककककककककरकरककककककककककककककककररकककरककरकककककककरककककककककरककरककतकककररकरककककककककककककककककररकररककरकककककररककककककककककवककककररककककककककककरककककरककककरकककककककरकककककककककतकककरकरकककककरकककककरररककककककककककरककककरकककककररककककककककककककककककतकरककरकककरककककककककतकककककककरकककरकवककककककककककककरकरकककककककककरककककककरककककरररररकककककककककककककककककककककककमरककककककककककरकककरककररककककककककककरकककककककतककककककककककररकककककककककककरकककरकककककककककककककककककककककककककककककककककककरकरककककरकककककककककककककककककककककरककरकककककककककककककककककककककककककककककककककककककककककककककररकककककरकककककककककककककरवककककरवरकककककककककककककककककककककककरकककवककककककककककककककककककककककककरकककककककककककककककककरतकरककककककककरककरककककरकररककककककककककरकककककरकककरकककररककककककककककवककरककककककरकरकककककककरररककककककककककककककककककककककककककककररकककककककककककककककककरककरककरककककककककरककककरकककककककककककककककककककरककररककककककककककककककककरररकककककरककककककककककरककककककरकककरककककरकककककककककककककककककककककककककककककककककककककककककककररररककककककककककककककककककककककककककककककककरककककककककपककककककककककककककककककरवकककककककककककककककरककककककरकककककककककककरकककककककककककररककरककककररकककककककककककककरकककककककककककककककककककककककरकरकककककररररककककककककककककककककककरररककककगकककककरकतकककरककककककककरकतकककररकककककककककककरककककककककककररकरककतककककरकककककककरककककरकककररककक,ककककककककरकककककककककककककककककरककककककककककककककककककककककककककककरककककककतककककरकककककककककककककककककतकककककककककककककककककककककककककककककक्रकककककककरकरररककककररककककककककरपररकककककककतकककरकककरकककककरककककककककककककककरकककककककककककककककककककककककककररककककपररककरककककककककककरकककककरकककवककरककककररकककककरककककककररररररककककककककककककककककककककककककरककककककककतकककककककककककककरककककककरकककककककककककककककककककरकककककककककतररकककककककककककककककककरककककककककककरकककककरकककककककककककककककककककरकतकककककककरककककककरककरककककरककककककककककककककककककककककककरककरकककककककरककरककककररककककककककककककररककककककरककककककककककककककककररककररककतकककककककरककक््कककककककककककककरकककककककककककरकककककककककररकककककककककककककरकककरककककककररककककरररकककककररककककरकककककककककररकरररककककककरककरररकककककककरकरककककककककककककरककककककककककककररकककरतकककककरककरकककककररकरकरकककककककककककककककककककककककरकककककककककककरकककककककरकककककतककपरवरवकककककककककरकरवपकरररककककककककककरववरकककककककककरपरवककककककककककककककककककककककतकककककक्रककककककककककककवकककपककवररकककककककककककरककककककककरकककवककपरररवककककककरवरककककवकरकककरककककककरकवककरकककककपकककककककककककरककककककककक
Matchless actor
Amrish Puri movies are the best one
Best vilan ❤️❤️🤣😂
Love from #Quessclip
11:38 अमरीश पुरी जी की ऐसी बेइज्जती तो कभी किसी ने नहीं की 😅
*प्रेम की भावना इंसान को कभी हारने नहीं देती और घृणा की भावना उसे कभी जीतने नहीं देती…..*
So cute u are baby
best. super. best. love from Karachi
Legend of bollywood
Legend amresh puri
Great villan Amrish Puri ....
GREAT Action movi 🔴🔴🔴
Amrishpuri best से best 😂😂😂
Amrish Puri speechless just speechless
Million like to Amrish puri
#legend never die's..🔥🔥
History mein aaj tak aisa villian ni hua
Happy birthday.Amrish.puri.ji🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂
Legendary artists.
रोहिणी हट्टंगडी आणि अमरीश पुरी यांची जुगलबंदी मस्त वाटली
Love this last scene 👍👍
Ajit, Amrish Puri and Danny Denzongpa - 3 villains with larger-than-life image on screen.
Best Villain ever
Your right
Grew up watching him. Appreciate him even more now at 38
happy birthday amirish puri sahab
Legend for all the times..
Great villain (Hero) ever
The one and only Villlllllain in the entire film industry. Both in Bollywood and Hollywood.
He was a versitile actor
Nice acting Amrish Puri sar mis u
Dhasooooo Villen Amrish puri sahab
Meine bahut sari movies sirf Amrish Puri k liye dekhi hai
3 MLA ka 30 hajaar only😂😂😂😂
Amresh Puri evergreen Villon
Most underrated movie of anil and Amish puri career
Gajabb yar 😁😁
Amrish Puri is best of best ❤️👍👍
Aaj ke time par web series mein amrish ji kaa kaam dekhne mein mazza aataa
Esi movie ab kabhi nahi ban sakti
Great Strong AMRISH PURE 💪
This movie had the most epic scene in Bollywood 😂😂😂
Probably the best villain of Indian cinema
Amrish Puri actor better than Tom Hanks.
6:25 😂😂😂 epic
Pranam amrish puri sahab ko