7:35 “I let my wife rest during those times. Because when I’m not around, she has it rough.” Love that he allows her to rest and not pressure her into cooking & taking care of the kids. Seeing a husband that contributes with raising the kids and chores is so nice. 💗💗💗💗
He's the funniest sidekick if every big stars he worked with.. all his dramas are well known... my respect after seeing him as a dad in real life...forever fan..your wife must be so proud
They are all his kids but all look diffrent, it like they are the neighbours and he's the day care. Lol. I heard that before when I was younger with my four siblings.
Trust me, me and my siblings are not a like growing up yet we came from same mom and dad There's time when 3 of us hang out together, people thought we're group of friends. 😂
My father is like him too. He's usually the one cooking all the meals especially on birthdays and celebrations at home since my mom is the one working.
I love this. Kids are super cute!!! but we not gon act like those cloud eggs ain't got no seasoning? i didn't see him put salt or nothing in them hahaha
It's better to not add seasonings. His kids are eating it. I don't add seasonings for my kids. I may add a drop of soy sauce or ketchup. I think the only salty thing my son eats is kimchi pancake or kimchi fried rice. My daughter... cheese.
After guesting in funstaurant, i hope they will also guest in TROS, having 3 boys, and the way he deals with them, is really adorable.😊
7:35 “I let my wife rest during those times. Because when I’m not around, she has it rough.” Love that he allows her to rest and not pressure her into cooking & taking care of the kids. Seeing a husband that contributes with raising the kids and chores is so nice. 💗💗💗💗
a husband doing his job?💀
Already in love with this family, Jung Sang-hoon is such a versatile actor, and he is such a superman, the kids are super adorable ❤️️❤️️❤️️
Superb dad...willing to compromise. Well communicated with the kids. Usually father doesn't do that...
its so cute theyre really admiring their dad's skills what a food lover🤣🤍
He's the funniest sidekick if every big stars he worked with.. all his dramas are well known... my respect after seeing him as a dad in real life...forever fan..your wife must be so proud
Very realistic feeding time! What a great dad! He seems to know his kids well 🙌🏻👏🏻
Omg the way they hype their dad, sooo precious
They are all his kids but all look diffrent, it like they are the neighbours and he's the day care. Lol. I heard that before when I was younger with my four siblings.
Me too. All my siblings looked different people thought we’re neighbours that were really close. Lol
Trust me, me and my siblings are not a like growing up yet we came from same mom and dad
There's time when 3 of us hang out together, people thought we're group of friends. 😂
This happen to my family lol. My three brothers look really different but their sons look really similar.
Mine also. If someone saw me with my brother they would thought that we are some random person 😂😂😂
i love this family already!!! They are so cute
Fun-staurant with Tros combined cute❤😊
My father is like him too. He's usually the one cooking all the meals especially on birthdays and celebrations at home since my mom is the one working.
I love watching him in SNL and wow he was good in cooking!
Omg he has kids i love him in dramas he is soo hilariousss
I just knew him from his funny character but seeing this wow I’m so impressed. He’s such a reliable father and husband ! +his good looks is a bonus
I love this family!!!! MOREEE
00:40 “I’m going to fry the Nintendo and eat it” haha 💗💗
I love this actor so much. 😍 Can’t believe he has 3 kids
This makes me rethink of my marriage plan lol
OMG I already love this family!
This family is so cute!!
dang... he raised the standard for dads and husbands!! he's also hilarious on top of everything else!
He is put a lot of effect to do something newly and tastefully for his kids .so nice 👍😊
It's hard these days to find owl city's bgm playing in korean shows or dramas. So glad they used it.
Strawberry avalanche please crash over me 🎵🎶🎼🍓
9:57 idk why that side comment was so funny HAHAHHAA
The maknae is soo cute😍.
What a great dad😍love this
I wish I could cook that good for myself, lol
Omg the smallest child looks like jennie blackpink😍
He is soo cool
Impressive dad 👍🏻🤩
He really likes spicy food...the little one. Best dad ever
I love this. Kids are super cute!!! but we not gon act like those cloud eggs ain't got no seasoning? i didn't see him put salt or nothing in them hahaha
It's better to not add seasonings. His kids are eating it. I don't add seasonings for my kids. I may add a drop of soy sauce or ketchup. I think the only salty thing my son eats is kimchi pancake or kimchi fried rice. My daughter... cheese.
@@BatmanPwnage oh okay. Thank you!
작은 아이(한결) 옆에 자리를 내어 밥을 먹여주는 게 어때요?👍🏻
He sucked the yolk up with a plastic bottle. Cool. I will have to make the cloud eggs
The youngest and oldest look alike. The middle one looks like him the most.
When they said he is 5yrs old it means he is 4 right? He can cut peppers? Amazing!
suka banget sama ni keluarga
Aww 😍😍
Was he the motel owner in Its Okay Not To Be Okay? 🤣
Yes..he made cameo for that role
so cuuutee
Very sweet
Waa his cooking skills 👏👏
nice one
What dish was it that he made with potatoes beef and quail eggs? That looks sooo good is it jorim?
can anyone tell me please who is the lady?
Sanghoon is every women's Ideal husband