I just go full AP renata because its fun. I rush malignance first then imperial mandate then the other items can be optional like rylai’s for slow or that AP item that heals people after an enemy dies after damaging them and then top it all off with a rabadon’s. Still in support
nah that ez v taric should have been a different story, but yes ez did die. nice gameplay joe, enjoyed the first game, second one felt like fast paced. absolutely good timing with renata ults
i get he's autofilled but this ezreal performance is crazy crazy work
I just go full AP renata because its fun. I rush malignance first then imperial mandate then the other items can be optional like rylai’s for slow or that AP item that heals people after an enemy dies after damaging them and then top it all off with a rabadon’s. Still in support
That uno reverse card on the rengar killing ivern with your ult xddd
nah that ez v taric should have been a different story, but yes ez did die. nice gameplay joe, enjoyed the first game, second one felt like fast paced. absolutely good timing with renata ults
if you drink that hp potion faster you live that early lvl 1 vs taric sadge
14:30 At the very least, you forced them to stop for a short time. I guess taric is the ultimate counter to AoE
Pls, Janna😢
I learned that no one can make Renata Glasc look good. 😂 She bad.
I dunno, when you whiff your second e of the game it kinda falls back to the player rofl