Artron Awards | 「35th Hong Kong Printing Awards」

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 4 ก.พ. 2025
  • 「第35届香港印制大奖」名单于近日揭晓,该奖项旨在评选香港及大湾区印刷、设计、出版及相关行业制作优良并富竞争能力的印刷品,同时向其他行业以及海外展示香港及大湾区优质的设计、出版及印制服务。 本届香港印制大奖将作品分为十二大类别,经过重重角逐,专业评委从策划、色彩、色调、分色、套印、拼版及装订、材料及印刷等角度,甄选出综合表现突出的作品,代表了大湾区乃至亚太地区年度最佳印品的最高水准。 雅昌此次送选的作品中,共有20种图书夺得23个奖项,分别是1项匠心大奖 (金奖)、1项最佳创意印制大奖 (优异奖)、4项金奖、7项银奖、5项铜奖、5项优异奖,再度闪耀香港印制大奖的舞台!
    👏🏻The winners of the 「35th Hong Kong Printing Awards」 have been announced. This prestigious award aims to recognize and celebrate the outstanding printing products produced by Hong Kong and the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area in the printing, design, publishing, and related industries. Moreover, it serves as a platform to showcase the high-quality design, publishing, and printing services offered by Hong Kong and the Greater Bay Area to other industries and overseas markets.
    💎This year, entries were divided into twelve categories, and after rigorous judging by a panel of industry experts, the winning works were selected based on their overall performance in terms of planning, color, gamut, separation, imposition, binding, materials, and printing. These winning entries represent the highest standard of printing in the Greater Bay Area and even the Asia-Pacific region.
    💎Artron Art Group submitted 20 books to the competition and won a total of 23 awards, including 1 Best Crafted Awards (Gold), 1 Best Creative Printing Awards (Merit), 4 Gold Awards, 7 Silver Awards, 5 Bronze Awards, and 5 Merit Awards.
    💎Once again, Artron Art Group has shone brightly on the stage of the Hong Kong Printing Awards!
    #HongKongPrintingAwards #Printing Industry #Chinaprinting #Artron #Awardprinting #printingtechnology

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