Erasmus+, A shor tour through Višnjevac
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 7 ม.ค. 2025
- U sklopu Erasmus+ projekta pod nazivom „Exchanges of Digital Unity-Technology" imali smo zadataka upoznati naše partnere s našim mjestom. Tako je nastao video „A short tour through Višnjevac“. Pripremili učitelj Mislav Zemljak i učenici 8.r Dario Duspar, Lucija Koić, Matej Kuna, Dora Lizak i Lucija Peko.
As part of the Erasmus+ project called "Exchanges of Digital Unity-Technology", we had tasks to introduce our partners to our place. That's how the video "A short tour through Višnjevac" was created. Prepared by teacher Mislav Zemljak and 8th-grade students Dario Duspar, Lucija Koić , Matej Kuna, Dora Lizak and Lucija Peko.