☑ My recommended BEST BOOKS You Will Like: Can't Hurt Me: Master Your Mind and Defy the Odds amzn.to/3OyWStX The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck: amzn.to/3SM6owm Mindset: The New Psychology of Success amzn.to/3HOWxQ3 The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom amzn.to/3UtqUTJ Think and Grow Rich: amzn.to/48d9fTA
1. Emnrace challenges as opportunities 2. Power of reflective questions 3. Distinguish between what we cannot control 4. Importance of reflection before action 5. Practice of stoic journaling 6. Embracing non attachment 7. Cultivating gratitude 8. Value of perseverance 9. Embracing change 10. Power of mindfulness 11. Finding freedom in acceptance
Aged 18 I quit school and went from Europe to India. I was astonished how stoic these dirt poor people accepted their fate, still finding happyness in the moment. These were extremely simple people, completely uneducated and yet they had this intuitive wisdom. It did have a negative side as well though. Sometimes it seems people were to much accepting their fate. Sometimes you had an incling that they could have become more or better if they had tried harder. So it also had something defeatist about it. But these are just my impressions I got as a teenager. When I later returned to India I probably just wasn't impressionable enough to perceive that. I also saw incredibly creative people that created value out of literal trash, but that I have seen as a teenager as well....
Abundance, like the changing seasons, goes in cycles. Sometimes, everything feels plentiful, and other times, it seems like things slow down. It's important to respect both phases, knowing they're part of life's flow. When things seem scarce, it's easy to get worried. But instead of panicking, trust that more abundance is on the way. Take those quieter times to rest, plan, and grow inside. When abundance returns, take action with inspiration. Let your intentions match the natural flow of abundance, guiding your choices. Remember, abundance isn't just about money; it's about all the good things in life.
"Difficulties show what men are. Therefore, when a difficulty falls upon you, remember that God, like a trainer of wrestlers, has matched you with a rough young man." - Epictetus
Ah, my dear sir/madam, one must express their profound gratitude for the wisdom presented in this most enlightening video. In this age of frivolity and distraction, it is a rare delight to stumble upon a discourse that champions the Stoic virtues. The ancient philosophers, with their unwavering commitment to reason, virtue, and self-discipline, continue to serve as guiding beacons in the turbulent sea of modern existence. The revelations shared here evoke a sense of stoic serenity in my soul, reminding me of the importance of maintaining equanimity in the face of life's vicissitudes. It is a truth universally acknowledged that embracing the Stoic principles of wisdom, courage, justice, and temperance leads one towards a life of genuine contentment and inner peace. May we all strive to emulate the noble Stoics of yore and find solace in the timeless wisdom they have bequeathed unto us. Kudos to the creator for shedding light on these eternal truths. This video has warmed the cockles of my heart, and I am most profoundly grateful for the edification it has bestowed upon us all.
My doctor suggested i look into stoicism and specifically Marcus Aurelius. I purchased a book containing his journaling. I am still struggling with certain areas of this but am making progress. One thing i can say for 110% certainty is that silence in the face of ignorance is extremely effective. You stand strong and silent and say/do nothing and just watch whoever it is squirm. I have also adopted speaking only when spoken too. No more no less and while it WAS NOT the intention to drive ppl nuts …… it does. Ppl for some reason dont like silent types but i really dont care. I played there game for over 20+ years of my life and all it got me was hopelessly addicted and full of rage. The rest of my life will be lived upon my terms. Not my terms only as consideration for others is a must but i refuse to do anything i find wrong or not within my character as i am the one who pays not whoever asks me to do such things. Thank you for your continued work on this topic and really way of life. It is doing wonders for me. Now if i could just get this anger ape off my back ill be golden. Its grip is loosening but you know how we are …wanting things in an instant.
I wonder why our modern society does not embrace this notion of philosophy? It is incredibly practical to embrace stoicism’s power in guiding our way of thinking. Philosophy needs to make a comeback in guiding everyday life into a better place for everyone. Thank you for sharing!
Alex, it's inspiring to see your enthusiasm for integrating philosophy into modern life. It's a profound question you raise about society's disconnect with such timeless wisdom. Have you found any particular Stoic principle to be especially relevant in your day-to-day experiences?
@@KingStoic101thank you for your comments. I think in my situation I try to not let things bother me too much as life throws you situations at times we have no control over. Embracing challenges as opportunities are at times not perceived in the right mindset. We tend to focus on our emotions rather on what is really going on in the other person’s mindset. We react on instincts rather than take that important pause. As an opportunity, we can try to take a pause & sit down to think it over rather than react immediately in the heat of the moment. Given we are in a time based type of society like we have in the western world, it is rare to witness this approach because we are mostly conditioned to react on impulses. We are focused too much on results. We don’t care how we get there but as long as it gets done type of mindset. I think that the education system should consider a way of philosophical thinking to educate people in this framework because many times opportunities are perceived as stressful. Conflict is very expensive because so much time is wasted on trying to resolve issues that should not take place because we don’t take the right approach to embrace it thoroughly. People don’t take the time to nourish themselves into those opportunities as a means to an end. Many focus on the end result but they don’t realize the steps to take in order to achieve a positive result. It seems we are focused too much on winning, too much on money as being the ultimate goal. Conflict resolution strategies can certainly be applied within this principle of reasoning. Today, many won’t take the time to reflect. I guess given the fast paced society we presently live in today, there should be time allotted to each individual as a standard for achieving the desired outcome of being in a state of mindset that allows them to consider all avenues of thinking before they decide how to address a certain challenge. Experience is crucial but education is the key. Society has a lot of work to do today. We certainly blame it on the leaders who run their nations. Good leadership = Good example = Good Mindsets. I hope I made some sense here ….
@@alexpolidoro4126 You've beautifully articulated how embracing challenges as opportunities can profoundly change our reaction to life's unpredictable nature. It's intriguing how you highlight the importance of pausing and reflecting rather than instinctively reacting. This approach indeed seems rare in our fast-paced society. How do you think we can cultivate the habit of pausing and reflecting in our daily lives, especially when society constantly urges us to prioritize speed and results over thoughtful deliberation?
@@KingStoic101 thank you. From my experience it seems obvious stressful encounters & challenges are at times decided by instincts to win at all costs. I prefer collaboration as a means to an end but you mostly end up on a confrontational landscape because the other party may not be willing to bend a little & out themselves in the other person’s shoes. For instance, my tenant’s cheque bounced for the month of March & his electricity bill was late since December 2023. All he had to do was to alert me that he has healthy issues & lost his job recently. Instead, coldly told me to get a lawyer. I cut off his electricity boldly. My perception at first was to “ break his legs” but then again that would not solve anything. It would actually amplify the pain & stress even more! I let it go & told myself what if “ I simply encourage him to get better & hopefully he will realize that he is lucky to have a landlord like me. Sure money is important to survive but having healthy relationships are even more important than ever if you want peace of mind. If we could only find solutions about a common way of thinking to help each other out, we would not need so many lawyers making a living about out squabbles in our daily lives. Philosophical thinking today must come from leaders & role models that embrace a certain level of mindset focused on our well being rather than making money the end result of any conflict encountered. People have confrontations mostly due to monetary issues. Union members fighting for the best collective bargaining agreement is a classic example of conflict which is costly to the entire society if it prolongs for an extended period of time. There are many examples out there. Diversity has not helped because immigration today brings together many different mindsets that are very different & difficult to blend together. People from all wakes of life want their freedoms and rights protected but how can a society function if the entire nation of people are not willing to embrace a unique mindset governed by a philosophical belief system? I guess it takes something really drastic for people to realize that change is important to channel a new way of thinking to make the western society a better place to live in.
Stoic? Or a disciple of the emotions of which when you can see your emotions as being troubled, but not to the point of anger or cursing the problem… however, I have learned or experienced that one must also believe in or that there is “something” greater than themselves. I had a dream of which I encountered (A MASSIVE MOUNTAIN) of which there was no way of getting around it, and all I had was a grappling rope and hook and could not reach the top. What I was seeking is much bigger than what I was able to achieve on my own! Which meant that I had to look for a means of help… but as an introvert this would be a challenge! Then I had to learn who I was as an individual… before I could consider the nature of approach and help that I would need.
They control you with a money so you can't afford a lawyer .Bunch of Stiling state . Whatever i go they behind me and swear.Disguisting behaviour and money hungry.They laughing in your face coursed day and night !
Subscribed I really NEED this everyday a stressful moment appears wirñth all the incompetence customer services everywhere and for everything its totally unbelivale when all I tell friend and motber what happened they say theres alot of workers that dont know how their Jobs work at all. They are digging my early grave!
Great video. Thanks for sharing 0:25: ⚓ Embrace challenges as opportunities for growth in life with stoic wisdom. 3:18: 💭 Understanding the power of controlling our responses and focusing on what truly matters. 6:00: 💭 The power of stoic journaling, cultivating self-awareness, and embracing non-attachment for emotional mastery. 8:49: 💪 Embracing challenges, gratitude, and adapting to change are key Stoic lessons for personal growth. 12:04: 💡 Empowerment through Stoic Lessons: Transform Emotions, Gain Resilience, and Foster Growth
1. Embrace challenges as opportunities 1:16 2. Power of reflective questions 2:35 3. Distinguish between what we cannot control 3:47 4. Importance of reflection before action 4:45 5. Practice of stoic journaling 6:00 6. Embracing non attachment 6:59 7. Cultivating gratitude 8:20 8. Value of perseverance 9:19 9. Embracing change 9:58 10. Power of mindfulness 10:39 11. Finding freedom in acceptance 11:13
i am protected and safe🌎🌍🌏 something wonderful is happening to me, everything is wonderful, everything has a good reason, i am here to learn, i trust that the end will be fine, i am excited for tomorrow, i can relax now, something amazing is going to happen
By becoming emotionless you’re hearting no one only yourself. Ever single person I know who suppresses their emotions is super unhappy and at some point breaks down. Strength is not about not expressing emotions but knowing how and when to do it.
Sometimes it is not merely suppressing out emotions ...I go through situations every day at my job I never suppress my emotions .it gets me in trouble..So sometimes I ask myself it is worth me getting emotional over stuff that do not matter ...So I find others ways of dealing with my emotions
In a nutshell.. I over E intellect over emotions .. it's not about suppressing our feelings just being in control of them ..feel, deal , heal , keep it moving!! 🙏
No you go by discrimination,using intimidating stalking money extortion torture .I am renting a house which is a mortgage on my name .Bank after nearly fell ve years discarded me closed my both accounts and they are on busnis name .I had a business only for one year .I used to work for government,that's what i thought, actually i was contractor to them .They used me for goods and sales .That was not enough they recommend me to their friends . According to them i am foreigner not a citizen who is here close to thirty years here .My super is statutory.Congratulation
Marcus Aurelius once said: "'You have power over your mind - not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength." In light of this powerful stoic lesson, how can we apply this principle to master our emotions in our daily lives?
Did you guys think for one minute about how you would respond to the finger. It’s quite funny that you’re watching stoic content and at the same time whining about a finger.
I'm dropping more GEMS for you all!! These suggestions have made me the person I am today. So take one or two or all of them and transform yourself to a super being. Thank me later. I personally did and do everything listed below and I got massive results. 1. Write out a statement of your Short Term Goal AND your Chief Aim/Main Goal... on a "goal card" or paper. 2. Write it out 50 times a day for 30 days preferably around the same time each day. After the 30 days, you go back and write it out ONCE a day. This is your compass in life. 3. Set your phone alarm to go off every 3 hours (to disrupt your daily routine) and when it goes off write down your statement and then close your eyes and see yourself with your goal for 2 mins. 4. Record your statement in your voice on a voice recorder on your phone, and play it back to yourself on loop while you sleep and as often as you can daily, example... in the shower or when you are using the rest room. 5. Find an accountability partner. If you cannot find someone, then you MUST write out your statement DAILY. By doing this you make yourself accountable to YOURSELF. 6. Find a community or FB group/group chat, etc and from that community form a Mastermind with one or two people who have studied from REAL Mentors and are giving VALUE. There is a "Law of Giving" and many people are using it. Andrew Carnegie told Napoleon Hill this back in the early 1900s. Its a LAW and it works. Its what I am doing with this post. 7. Auto-Suggest (Think and Grow Rich Chapter 4) to yourself in front of the mirror in the bathroom at least twice a day. Look directly INTO your eyes OR one eye and recite your WRITTEN statement. Then splash cold water on your face. This sudden shock seals the thought into the subconscious due to emotional and physical shock from the cold water. 8. Write out ten "I AM" statements a day. example. I AM happy, I AM more confident. Use the word MORE; implying you already have it, but want more. You trick the brain. 9. Write out 5 things you HAVE that you are grateful for and 5 things that you are grateful for that are coming to you. Mix up the list one after the other. 10. When in public tell people you see that you love them in your mind. Simply say "I LOVE YOU" to them as you pass them, especially when driving, because their subconscious hears and FEELS the intention. Say it to about 10 to 15 people daily. This increases your Good Karma. It might seem like a lot. But it took me less than two weeks to incorporate the list into my life and 32 days later I started getting massive results. What have you got to lose, try some or ALL and see your results. Let me know know too. Have a great day... and thanks for reading.
As a naturally stoic person, it's interesting to see how some other people confuse it for apathy or sociopathy. Not easy to get them to understand it's not a matter of not caring, but choosing how to act in a given situation. Choosing to act over allowing to react. 😎🍻😎
You're welcome! I'm glad to hear that it helps. Remember, challenges are temporary, and you have the strength to navigate through them. Take things one step at a time, and don't hesitate to seek support when needed. Wishing you clarity and resilience on your journey!
I am having really really hard time to stick with discipline and good habits :( Every time I end up sliding back to bad habits (work based). And break of discipline.
When everything feels out of control and all doors seem closed, I take a deep breath and focus on what I can control-my thoughts and actions. I remind myself that it's okay to start small, look for even the tiniest opening or opportunity, and take one step at a time. Remember, every big journey begins with a single step. Keep faith, stay patient, and slowly open new doors for yourself.
☑ My recommended BEST BOOKS You Will Like:
Can't Hurt Me: Master Your Mind and Defy the Odds
The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck:
Mindset: The New Psychology of Success
The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom
Think and Grow Rich:
1. Emnrace challenges as opportunities
2. Power of reflective questions
3. Distinguish between what we cannot control
4. Importance of reflection before action
5. Practice of stoic journaling
6. Embracing non attachment
7. Cultivating gratitude
8. Value of perseverance
9. Embracing change
10. Power of mindfulness
11. Finding freedom in acceptance
Aged 18 I quit school and went from Europe to India. I was astonished how stoic these dirt poor people accepted their fate, still finding happyness in the moment. These were extremely simple people, completely uneducated and yet they had this intuitive wisdom.
It did have a negative side as well though. Sometimes it seems people were to much accepting their fate. Sometimes you had an incling that they could have become more or better if they had tried harder. So it also had something defeatist about it.
But these are just my impressions I got as a teenager. When I later returned to India I probably just wasn't impressionable enough to perceive that. I also saw incredibly creative people that created value out of literal trash, but that I have seen as a teenager as well....
Never Stop Learning life never stops teaching
Abundance, like the changing seasons, goes in cycles. Sometimes, everything feels plentiful, and other times, it seems like things slow down. It's important to respect both phases, knowing they're part of life's flow.
When things seem scarce, it's easy to get worried. But instead of panicking, trust that more abundance is on the way. Take those quieter times to rest, plan, and grow inside.
When abundance returns, take action with inspiration. Let your intentions match the natural flow of abundance, guiding your choices. Remember, abundance isn't just about money; it's about all the good things in life.
"No man is free who is not a master of himself."- Epictetus
I’m so glad I stumbled onto this video! I will watch everyday until I learn it verbatim
"Difficulties show what men are. Therefore, when a difficulty falls upon you, remember that God, like a trainer of wrestlers, has matched you with a rough young man." - Epictetus
Ah, my dear sir/madam, one must express their profound gratitude for the wisdom presented in this most enlightening video. In this age of frivolity and distraction, it is a rare delight to stumble upon a discourse that champions the Stoic virtues. The ancient philosophers, with their unwavering commitment to reason, virtue, and self-discipline, continue to serve as guiding beacons in the turbulent sea of modern existence.
The revelations shared here evoke a sense of stoic serenity in my soul, reminding me of the importance of maintaining equanimity in the face of life's vicissitudes. It is a truth universally acknowledged that embracing the Stoic principles of wisdom, courage, justice, and temperance leads one towards a life of genuine contentment and inner peace.
May we all strive to emulate the noble Stoics of yore and find solace in the timeless wisdom they have bequeathed unto us. Kudos to the creator for shedding light on these eternal truths. This video has warmed the cockles of my heart, and I am most profoundly grateful for the edification it has bestowed upon us all.
Very well said 👏. I only wish to speak like you. Thankyou for sharing this.
@unlockingtheGenis 👏
It's extremely valuable, and I'm thankful! Freedom in acceptance.
My doctor suggested i look into stoicism and specifically Marcus Aurelius. I purchased a book containing his journaling. I am still struggling with certain areas of this but am making progress.
One thing i can say for 110% certainty is that silence in the face of ignorance is extremely effective. You stand strong and silent and say/do nothing and just watch whoever it is squirm. I have also adopted speaking only when spoken too. No more no less and while it WAS NOT the intention to drive ppl nuts …… it does. Ppl for some reason dont like silent types but i really dont care. I played there game for over 20+ years of my life and all it got me was hopelessly addicted and full of rage. The rest of my life will be lived upon my terms. Not my terms only as consideration for others is a must but i refuse to do anything i find wrong or not within my character as i am the one who pays not whoever asks me to do such things. Thank you for your continued work on this topic and really way of life. It is doing wonders for me.
Now if i could just get this anger ape off my back ill be golden. Its grip is loosening but you know how we are …wanting things in an instant.
this is a perfect thing for me. been having a hard time with emotions and dealing with them
Stoicism befits my life a lot
This has most definitely helped me, and I'm better for it.
I’m an actor heading to Atlanta today to film in Cobra Kai and stoic principles have helped me in my journey
I love the show! Thank you for being part of such a cool entertainment!
All lessons resonate! Great content! I love the lessons in Stoicism. Thank you.
Rock on!
Tanks you for so much 💓
Always welcome
I wonder why our modern society does not embrace this notion of philosophy? It is incredibly practical to embrace stoicism’s power in guiding our way of thinking. Philosophy needs to make a comeback in guiding everyday life into a better place for everyone. Thank you for sharing!
Alex, it's inspiring to see your enthusiasm for integrating philosophy into modern life.
It's a profound question you raise about society's disconnect with such timeless wisdom.
Have you found any particular Stoic principle to be especially relevant in your day-to-day experiences?
@@KingStoic101thank you for your comments.
I think in my situation I try to not let things bother me too much as life throws you situations at times we have no control over.
Embracing challenges as opportunities are at times not perceived in the right mindset. We tend to focus on our emotions rather on what is really going on in the other person’s mindset. We react on instincts rather than take that important pause. As an opportunity, we can try to take a pause & sit down to think it over rather than react immediately in the heat of the moment. Given we are in a time based type of society like we have in the western world, it is rare to witness this approach because we are mostly conditioned to react on impulses. We are focused too much on results. We don’t care how we get there but as long as it gets done type of mindset.
I think that the education system should consider a way of philosophical thinking to educate people in this framework because many times opportunities are perceived as stressful. Conflict is very expensive because so much time is wasted on trying to resolve issues that should not take place because we don’t take the right approach to embrace it thoroughly.
People don’t take the time to nourish themselves into those opportunities as a means to an end. Many focus on the end result but they don’t realize the steps to take in order to achieve a positive result. It seems we are focused too much on winning, too much on money as being the ultimate goal. Conflict resolution strategies can certainly be applied within this principle of reasoning. Today, many won’t take the time to reflect. I guess given the fast paced society we presently live in today, there should be time allotted to each individual as a standard for achieving the desired outcome of being in a state of mindset that allows them to consider all avenues of thinking before they decide how to address a certain challenge. Experience is crucial but education is the key. Society has a lot of work to do today.
We certainly blame it on the leaders who run their nations. Good leadership = Good example = Good Mindsets.
I hope I made some sense here ….
You've beautifully articulated how embracing challenges as opportunities can profoundly change our reaction to life's unpredictable nature.
It's intriguing how you highlight the importance of pausing and reflecting rather than instinctively reacting. This approach indeed seems rare in our fast-paced society.
How do you think we can cultivate the habit of pausing and reflecting in our daily lives, especially when society constantly urges us to prioritize speed and results over thoughtful deliberation?
@@KingStoic101 thank you. From my experience it seems obvious stressful encounters & challenges are at times decided by instincts to win at all costs. I prefer collaboration as a means to an end but you mostly end up on a confrontational landscape because the other party may not be willing to bend a little & out themselves in the other person’s shoes.
For instance, my tenant’s cheque bounced for the month of March & his electricity bill was late since December 2023. All he had to do was to alert me that he has healthy issues & lost his job recently. Instead, coldly told me to get a lawyer. I cut off his electricity boldly. My perception at first was to “ break his legs” but then again that would not solve anything. It would actually amplify the pain & stress even more!
I let it go & told myself what if “ I simply encourage him to get better & hopefully he will realize that he is lucky to have a landlord like me. Sure money is important to survive but having healthy relationships are even more important than ever if you want peace of mind.
If we could only find solutions about a common way of thinking to help each other out, we would not need so many lawyers making a living about out squabbles in our daily lives.
Philosophical thinking today must come from leaders & role models that embrace a certain level of mindset focused on our well being rather than making money the end result of any conflict encountered. People have confrontations mostly due to monetary issues. Union members fighting for the best collective bargaining agreement is a classic example of conflict which is costly to the entire society if it prolongs for an extended period of time. There are many examples out there. Diversity has not helped because immigration today brings together many different mindsets that are very different & difficult to blend together. People from all wakes of life want their freedoms and rights protected but how can a society function if the entire nation of people are not willing to embrace a unique mindset governed by a philosophical belief system?
I guess it takes something really drastic for people to realize that change is important to channel a new way of thinking to make the western society a better place to live in.
thank you a peace of mind
I watched the sun rise over snowy trees and canyons whilst listening to this. It’s paradise now.
Thank you so much my elder brother ❤
My pleasure
Stoic? Or a disciple of the emotions of which when you can see your emotions as being troubled, but not to the point of anger or cursing the problem… however, I have learned or experienced that one must also believe in or that there is “something” greater than themselves.
I had a dream of which I encountered (A MASSIVE MOUNTAIN) of which there was no way of getting around it, and all I had was a grappling rope and hook and could not reach the top.
What I was seeking is much bigger than what I was able to achieve on my own! Which meant that I had to look for a means of help… but as an introvert this would be a challenge!
Then I had to learn who I was as an individual… before I could consider the nature of approach and help that I would need.
I have a case in the Equality Court this coming Friday
This has gave me strength as I am self representative
Thank you❤
They control you with a money so you can't afford a lawyer .Bunch of Stiling state . Whatever i go they behind me and swear.Disguisting behaviour and money hungry.They laughing in your face coursed day and night !
Thank you. I really needed this and ib glad I found it….
“Find freedom in acceptance “..
J’ai partagé cette très bonne histoire, qui a parlé de l’humanité.👍👍
This video and voice think 💬 me to control my emotions so thank you ❤
Subscribed I really NEED this everyday a stressful moment appears wirñth all the incompetence customer services everywhere and for everything its totally unbelivale when all I tell friend and motber what happened they say theres alot of workers that dont know how their Jobs work at all. They are digging my early grave!
Great video. Thanks for sharing
0:25: ⚓ Embrace challenges as opportunities for growth in life with stoic wisdom.
3:18: 💭 Understanding the power of controlling our responses and focusing on what truly matters.
6:00: 💭 The power of stoic journaling, cultivating self-awareness, and embracing non-attachment for emotional mastery.
8:49: 💪 Embracing challenges, gratitude, and adapting to change are key Stoic lessons for personal growth.
12:04: 💡 Empowerment through Stoic Lessons: Transform Emotions, Gain Resilience, and Foster Growth
Very much a contribution to my philosophy. Thankyou.
You're very welcome
Thank you for your guidance
Any time
I am learning so much
Very very worthwhile
love how some of the the AI images are just breaking with the message.
yeah, right, healthy emotional reactions are crucial for mental health
Yeah, nah.
@@brucealmighty9877 yes it is bottle boy
Thank you
Thank u 🙏
Always welcome
Thank you! ❤
The video is really productive. 😊
Glad you think so!
This channel keeps giving golden life lessons. Thank you ❤
Happy to hear that!
Love your videos thank you so much
❤❤❤loved this channel.
1. Embrace challenges as opportunities 1:16
2. Power of reflective questions 2:35
3. Distinguish between what we cannot control 3:47
4. Importance of reflection before action 4:45
5. Practice of stoic journaling 6:00
6. Embracing non attachment 6:59
7. Cultivating gratitude 8:20
8. Value of perseverance 9:19
9. Embracing change 9:58
10. Power of mindfulness 10:39
11. Finding freedom in acceptance 11:13
All 11 of them resin with me thank you specially number 7 cultivate gratitude
Good words
Weird; I certainly needed this today 🙏
i am protected and safe🌎🌍🌏
something wonderful is happening to me,
everything is wonderful,
everything has a good reason,
i am here to learn,
i trust that the end will be fine,
i am excited for tomorrow,
i can relax now,
something amazing is going to happen
Lesson-4 The importance of Reflection Before Action.🙌 Pause and Reflect!
Professor Steve Peters, A Path through the Jungle brilliant book for understanding and building mental resilience balance and happiness ❤❤
By becoming emotionless you’re hearting no one only yourself. Ever single person I know who suppresses their emotions is super unhappy and at some point breaks down. Strength is not about not expressing emotions but knowing how and when to do it.
Oh my gosh wow
Sometimes it is not merely suppressing out emotions ...I go through situations every day at my job I never suppress my emotions .it gets me in trouble..So sometimes I ask myself it is worth me getting emotional over stuff that do not matter ...So I find others ways of dealing with my emotions
In a nutshell.. I over E intellect over emotions .. it's not about suppressing our feelings just being in control of them ..feel, deal , heal , keep it moving!! 🙏
Thanks you
Thank you too!
We go by personality and conducts and the things u done and heart
No you go by discrimination,using intimidating stalking money extortion torture .I am renting a house which is a mortgage on my name .Bank after nearly fell ve years discarded me closed my both accounts and they are on busnis name .I had a business only for one year .I used to work for government,that's what i thought, actually i was contractor to them .They used me for goods and sales .That was not enough they recommend me to their friends . According to them i am foreigner not a citizen who is here close to thirty years here .My super is statutory.Congratulation
Well done brah All 11 explained are just usefull to me i have been struggled for years with sadness. But now this will help me.
Great work, keep up the good work
Very Insightful
Marcus Aurelius once said: "'You have power over your mind - not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength."
In light of this powerful stoic lesson, how can we apply this principle to master our emotions in our daily lives?
Stoics helps me dealing with my wife.
Thank you.
You're welcome!
Thank you for this deep wisdom 🔥🙏
Thanks for listening
Brilliant and true
Thank you 💯
You're welcome!
Needed this
Helpful thasnk's 👍
Glad it was helpful!
Success is my objective!
Most valuable 🥺❤
Think of life as an adventure.
Hills, valleys and challenges - modern stoicism.
Well said 🥰
Very good
This is very useful
I don't think "the finger" as portrayed in the thumbnail fits a proper stoic mindset.
Oh God shut up. You’re not perfect.
They steal content from AI
artificial intelligence
I agree with you. A channel about stoicism is too noble to use that imagery of "f*uck u".
Did you guys think for one minute about how you would respond to the finger. It’s quite funny that you’re watching stoic content and at the same time whining about a finger.
@@doyoulikefishsticks2075its probably the people who also get offended easily by swearing. Grow some thicker skin.
Is this like Vulcan? I already did that in 2009 !
Learn 11 Stoic lessons to gain mastery over your emotions and cultivate inner strength and resilience.
Now we're talking that thumbnail was legendary 👊
I'm dropping more GEMS for you all!! These suggestions have made me the person I am today. So take one or two or all of them and transform yourself to a super being. Thank me later. I personally did and do everything listed below and I got massive results.
1. Write out a statement of your Short Term Goal AND your Chief Aim/Main Goal... on a "goal card" or paper.
2. Write it out 50 times a day for 30 days preferably around the same time each day. After the 30 days, you go back and write it out ONCE a day. This is your compass in life.
3. Set your phone alarm to go off every 3 hours (to disrupt your daily routine) and when it goes off write down your statement and then close your eyes and see yourself with your goal for 2 mins.
4. Record your statement in your voice on a voice recorder on your phone, and play it back to yourself on loop while you sleep and as often as you can daily, example... in the shower or when you are using the rest room.
5. Find an accountability partner. If you cannot find someone, then you MUST write out your statement DAILY. By doing this you make yourself accountable to YOURSELF.
6. Find a community or FB group/group chat, etc and from that community form a Mastermind with one or two people who have studied from REAL Mentors and are giving VALUE. There is a "Law of Giving" and many people are using it. Andrew Carnegie told Napoleon Hill this back in the early 1900s. Its a LAW and it works. Its what I am doing with this post.
7. Auto-Suggest (Think and Grow Rich Chapter 4) to yourself in front of the mirror in the bathroom at least twice a day. Look directly INTO your eyes OR one eye and recite your WRITTEN statement. Then splash cold water on your face. This sudden shock seals the thought into the subconscious due to emotional and physical shock from the cold water.
8. Write out ten "I AM" statements a day. example. I AM happy, I AM more confident. Use the word MORE; implying you already have it, but want more. You trick the brain.
9. Write out 5 things you HAVE that you are grateful for and 5 things that you are grateful for that are coming to you. Mix up the list one after the other.
10. When in public tell people you see that you love them in your mind. Simply say "I LOVE YOU" to them as you pass them, especially when driving, because their subconscious hears and FEELS the intention. Say it to about 10 to 15 people daily. This increases your Good Karma.
It might seem like a lot. But it took me less than two weeks to incorporate the list into my life and 32 days later I started getting massive results.
What have you got to lose, try some or ALL and see your results. Let me know know too.
Have a great day... and thanks for reading.
Nice content
As a naturally stoic person, it's interesting to see how some other people confuse it for apathy or sociopathy. Not easy to get them to understand it's not a matter of not caring, but choosing how to act in a given situation. Choosing to act over allowing to react.
Thank you it helps a lot in my present situation and condition coz I'm so bewildered in my life now 😭🌹
You're welcome! I'm glad to hear that it helps. Remember, challenges are temporary, and you have the strength to navigate through them. Take things one step at a time, and don't hesitate to seek support when needed. Wishing you clarity and resilience on your journey!
I like lesso 4
A quote from Stoic a day keeps depression away ☕
i always failed to control my Emotions. no matter how i try hard to control.
It takes patience and practice . Consciousness of it. Whenever your getting angry remember your peace of mind matters alot more than your anger
Enjoy the moment
Don't say emotionless, without emotions there is nothing, we can only control them at some extent we live without emotions we can only direct them
Great video! If people feel strong emotions of love, how does someone just detach themselves from love? Please give me your feedback. Thanks!
You have power over your mind - not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength. "Marcus Aurelius"
Ads are a challenge i don't need goodnight ❤
I am having really really hard time to stick with discipline and good habits :(
Every time I end up sliding back to bad habits (work based).
And break of discipline.
I have to much emotions for this future life
This means i have been practicing stoicism without even knowing.
Thanks for collecting. Pls reduce the volume of background music.
Ok next time
When everything is out off your hand? And all the doors are closed, what would you do?
When everything feels out of control and all doors seem closed, I take a deep breath and focus on what I can control-my thoughts and actions. I remind myself that it's okay to start small, look for even the tiniest opening or opportunity, and take one step at a time. Remember, every big journey begins with a single step. Keep faith, stay patient, and slowly open new doors for yourself.
…..Gen Z don’t have to try…..they’re already are
Psychopaths are emotionless
Make like Darth Vader, and build your own Empire.