Jack on Infernape: You can't reuse part of the previous name! Jack immediately after on Empoleon: You can't NOT reuse part of the previous name! That's my ONE rule!
You either use it once, or you use it for the entire evo line. You can NOT use it two out of three times, always hated that. Except when the names go into the next like 'WX' 'XY' to 'YZ'
@@kobebruynooghe8111 I mean there's nothing stopping you Unless you're playing an incredibly specific game of trying to guess every Pokemon name with no experience, It just sounds better for some names to only have a theme for 2 Logistically the worst name is Talonflame by a mile
RIGHT omfg I remember watching the first stream and about halfway there i got thinking "He's gonna be FURIOUS about Porygon2" and he did NOT disappoint 🤣
It’s hilarious to me how Jack is one of the only few people to guess that Spinda is a type of bear, but then gets mad anyway because he didn’t get it right
I know that Jack won’t see this because this isn’t his channel, but to anyone curious, the reason why some Pokemon look so different between evolutions is because in nature, some grownup forms (specifically bugs) look nothing like their infant forms, and Pokémon was inspired by the fact that the creator, Satoshi Tajiri, loved to hunt and collect bugs as a child. Think of a caterpillar and butterfly; they look nothing alike, and yet they are the same thing. Apply that concept to more mammal-like animals, and boom. You have Pokémon.
Mawile is based on a Japanese creature. A woman, who has a large scary mouth at the back of her head, which would devour her victims. She would lure people inside with her pretty face.
Had a day to think about it and realised that while yeah unova has a lot of names that seem weird at first it has nothing on alola. The ultra-beasts will be fun
Watching jack go from ironically saying “its giving” to straight up saying it without thinking….. you cant fool us aha we see u “its giving sen z vibes”
@ConnieTheo I'll allow Porygon 2 because it's a computer upgrade thing. It's not super creative, but it's something that I think is okay for a digital Pokémon, but would be unforgivable otherwise.
It is a little bothersome that he gets mad as if the name is bad just because he can't guess it for that very reason-It's not a bad name just because it's tough to guess from seeing the Pokémon, that's not what Pokémon is about!
I wanna see Jack look at actual evolutionary trees and get mad. "How did you get STOAT and BADGER from WEASEL?! Doesn't make any sense, bad naming scheme"
hi, mod here not sure how many of us know enough about pokemon to be able to tell what's a spoiler and what's not. i mean there's one mod who's really into pokemon but maybe he wasn't around lol - michelle
The irony of getting mad at Aron when it's one of the stronger puns. AR + (iron)= iron iron Edit: ignore entire comment, I was misremembering information.
@@Waste-Water-Management huh, I swear I remember somebody telling me that the AR was short for iron in some way. But I can't find any evidence of that googling it.
@@JacksFilmsVODsEtc True. But it’d still be hilarious to actually see him try to name some of the later ones and hopefully one of them gets him into Pokémon
@@JacksFilmsVODsEtc Well tbf pokemon names are pretty much unguessable, especially those that need context like the nincada line. Dunno why he got pissed when he never played pokemon and can't guess the names :v Or maybe he got pissed due to something else?
7:24 this straight broke me. The idea that Jack just involuntarily shouts “ma wife” anytime he sees something vaguely similar is amazing
“Think pig” “think grumpy”
“This is Spoinker”
Jack’s subconscious is sure of one thing and one thing only: there is a Pokémon called Skullbert
1:14:26 I knew it wasn’t lobstar, but I kinda wanted it to be, just for a moment, just for him
gemineye is amazing lmao
Fun fact: Gnoggin has a fakemon named Gemineye for his Kaskade region
@@saltysunflowersugar7826 nerd
@@SuperTurtle0 yes, what's your point?
@@SuperTurtle0 bruh you have squirtle as an avatar
Gemineye is now my go to sableye nickname
Gotta love how he called metagross "steelix" like there wasn't another Pokémon called that
It's actually impressive he managed to not get the Regi's.
Chat gives Jack both Turtle and Coal
Jack: Turkoal
Answer: Torkoal
Jack: “I AM A GOD”
The fact its not Gemineye is actually criminal
Take a shot every time Jack says "it's giving"
no thanks, i need my liver
Bottoms up!
Jack on Infernape: You can't reuse part of the previous name!
Jack immediately after on Empoleon: You can't NOT reuse part of the previous name! That's my ONE rule!
You either use it once, or you use it for the entire evo line. You can NOT use it two out of three times, always hated that. Except when the names go into the next like 'WX' 'XY' to 'YZ'
@@kobebruynooghe8111 keeping the name theme is more important than literally reusing the same assortment of letters
@@mr.stuffdoer8483 yes, definitely. But if they decide on reusing certain letters, then they should do so for the entire evo line
@@kobebruynooghe8111 I mean there's nothing stopping you
Unless you're playing an incredibly specific game of trying to guess every Pokemon name with no experience,
It just sounds better for some names to only have a theme for 2
Logistically the worst name is Talonflame by a mile
Jack: “sometimes the names are not that deep”
Jack sees Lunatune:
“Maybe it's something with celestial”
the evolution from jack saying “it’S gIvIng” as a bit to genuinely saying “it’s giving”
Whalebus evolving into Whaleblimp is actually not bad lmao
they way he managed to fuck up the regis is just inspirational
"What part of this is a goose??" 🤣🤣
this is my favorite content from him no joke
Best stuff since the emoji movie.
i CAN’T wait for him to get to Porygon-Z
RIGHT omfg I remember watching the first stream and about halfway there i got thinking "He's gonna be FURIOUS about Porygon2" and he did NOT disappoint 🤣
@@ultimavioletb1599 bro was flabbergasted
"porygon 3"
he really went into this thing thinking "pokemon is just a kids game, the names will all be completely linear and boring"
jack should turn this into a "try not to get angry" video
Wait until he realizes that Gorebyss is an Evo of Clampearl.
Lord in heaven when are we gonna get part 3?!?! This was amazing and I need jack to get to gen 5
It’s hilarious to me how Jack is one of the only few people to guess that Spinda is a type of bear, but then gets mad anyway because he didn’t get it right
I like that Erin comes right after Mawife
Once we hit the 700’s stuff’s gonna get weird
@@Ohokk0 thanks for translating it
@@luccafilms2859 what
I know that Jack won’t see this because this isn’t his channel, but to anyone curious, the reason why some Pokemon look so different between evolutions is because in nature, some grownup forms (specifically bugs) look nothing like their infant forms, and Pokémon was inspired by the fact that the creator, Satoshi Tajiri, loved to hunt and collect bugs as a child. Think of a caterpillar and butterfly; they look nothing alike, and yet they are the same thing. Apply that concept to more mammal-like animals, and boom. You have Pokémon.
Mawile is based on a Japanese creature. A woman, who has a large scary mouth at the back of her head, which would devour her victims. She would lure people inside with her pretty face.
I can’t wait to see Jack enter cardiac arrest when the unova regions starts up. Druddigon??? Braviary??? It’s going to be great
I wanna hear his thoughts on hydreigon
Had a day to think about it and realised that while yeah unova has a lot of names that seem weird at first it has nothing on alola. The ultra-beasts will be fun
Obviously, Jack soured on this concept during this stream, but i would love it if this challenge would make a return
Watching jack go from ironically saying “its giving” to straight up saying it without thinking….. you cant fool us aha we see u “its giving sen z vibes”
Chat threw him off with telling him to conjugate Latias. That’s not conjugation that’s feminine/masculine nouns.
chat making me mad fr like "think grumpy" your hint shouldnt just be the fucking word wtf
i was really hoping he got minun right
drink everytime jack says "it's probably something stupid like..."
jacksfilms should do a nuzlocke it would go really well :)
54:20 jack literally describes pokemon
I want him to do the new pokemon. He would love Iron Hands and Iron Leaves
He acts like you’re supposed to be able to guess them lmao
Yeah it's not like they're gonna name the evolution of Porygon Porygon2 or something
I'll allow Porygon 2 because it's a computer upgrade thing. It's not super creative, but it's something that I think is okay for a digital Pokémon, but would be unforgivable otherwise.
It is a little bothersome that he gets mad as if the name is bad just because he can't guess it for that very reason-It's not a bad name just because it's tough to guess from seeing the Pokémon, that's not what Pokémon is about!
Lobstar was so smart tho
I can't wait to see his reaction to Lopunny
I wanna see Jack look at actual evolutionary trees and get mad. "How did you get STOAT and BADGER from WEASEL?! Doesn't make any sense, bad naming scheme"
"They're so similar, but you called one MONKEY and the other APE. Why not call the tailless ones, like, funkey or something?
What I wouldn't give to have him play the games
His mispronunciation of Aron had me in a fit, that’s my favorite evolution line you’re talking about 🙃
*looks at name* wonder why you like that pokemon 😉
Honestly when he said it and just pronounced it as my name, I burst out laughing
You done messed up, A-A-ron
Erin answering him when he said Aron, halp.
Ten seconds in, and I'm already hoping some chaos.
I need more of these in my brain
2:21:21 Jack's absolute disappointment with the name Bidoof had me cracking up 🤣
1:18:00 yeah but claydol does look a bit like an eldritch abomination that doesn't want to exist on this plane
I love how he never believes when chat says they’re in smash
That's what I'll nickname my Sableye
It’s a shame he’ll probably never do this again because he’s only 23 Pokemon away from his favourite one: lopunny
Love how he says bert or mite
“It’s giving” isn’t gen z slang it’s AAVE that has been co-opted by gen z as with many other phrases and words
The very nature of language is that it doesn’t belong to any one person.
Its slang stfu
@@theonionqueen3519 awesome too bad it’s not slang.. like I said 💀
@@MrTotBalls ignorance is bliss, if it’s acknowledged by the channel you should know you’re in the wrong
@@cdf9 I didn’t say it was slang.
Finally it's here. TwT
I popped off a little too hard when Jack said Gulpin and Swalot were his new faves.
When he's done with the series he should try and play a Pokémon game
His obsession with the name Bert is so bizarre to me
Wow, his second guesses are very often correct! He should've went with those!
its incredible that he gets mad at them not being similar in an evo line, and then calls them baby names when they have similarities in the same line
This is Jacksfilms, guessing and analyzing pokemon names..
Numel backwards is "Lemun".
39:58 well i can never look at this pokemon the same
Minun means Mine in finnish. Fun fact that nobody needed, just thought I would share that.
2:04:07 is ackshually called a pengwing btw
Anyone got a link to the first part?
here you go th-cam.com/video/khq7dlwWRr4/w-d-xo.html
I wish there were more 😢 with the rest of the pokemon
Jack calling Gen z cringe for having some phrases when he's a decrepit rotting millennial
As if past generations didn’t describe things as “groovy.”
"think erupt", "think coal", where were the mods, those are straight up spoilers...
hi, mod here
not sure how many of us know enough about pokemon to be able to tell what's a spoiler and what's not. i mean there's one mod who's really into pokemon but maybe he wasn't around lol
- michelle
1:19:30 - but Toad actually took his hat himself, And lived on..
Flygon is best boi, he makes sense, shut it. :P
I will admit that while Flygon is one of my favourite dragon Pokémon, the name is kind of ass. It's almost "Talonflame" levels of boring.
Did he ever do another stream of this
baltoy should be dreidol change my mind
I hope he posts this on his main channel
The irony of getting mad at Aron when it's one of the stronger puns.
AR + (iron)= iron iron
Edit: ignore entire comment, I was misremembering information.
arron earned an iron urn
Ah yes STRONG pun, I see I see
Isn’t iron Fe?
Isn’t Ar Argon??
@@Waste-Water-Management Oh damn you might be on to something, might also be where aggron is from
@@Waste-Water-Management huh, I swear I remember somebody telling me that the AR was short for iron in some way. But I can't find any evidence of that googling it.
1:41:49 I was actually so impressed he was so close
If he gets one right, I’m finishing the bottle
43:00 is hard to watch
When is he going to do the next batch?
probably never tbh, he got pretty frustrated during this stream iirc
@@JacksFilmsVODsEtc True. But it’d still be hilarious to actually see him try to name some of the later ones and hopefully one of them gets him into Pokémon
@@JacksFilmsVODsEtc :(
@@JacksFilmsVODsEtc Well tbf pokemon names are pretty much unguessable, especially those that need context like the nincada line. Dunno why he got pissed when he never played pokemon and can't guess the names :v
Or maybe he got pissed due to something else?
He was a good sport, he played off of it very well in this stream but if I were him I would not put myself through another 500 of these lmaooo
i don't at all think it's fair for jack to shit on these names as much as he is when the shit he comes up with is laughably childish 😭
fruit man appears at 3:40 …wait a minute
[14:58] same jack, same.
Oh boy if he thinks the names are bad now just WAIT until he gets to gens 8 and 9
Me sitting here thinking Camerupt is a good name: 😐
i think EVERYONE but Jack thinks it's a good name, especially when he makes fun of his own chat for liking it
it is
What website did he use?
yeah we can still hear you
Is there another one?
Think pokemon
Lobstar is a better name
1:42:00 I’d give it to him, he’s not gonna get another one lmao
I can’t believe you got the mascot of Pokemon’s name wrong 2:21:28
49:30 spit out the drink as punishment for your sins
Is it not minum
I need that niche video to be made dude
7:21 😂
one of the best moments of this stream fr
This is currently my comfort ‘cast.
It’s giving blood to help save countless lives
I know, kind of cringe
Jesus Jack, why do you do this to yourself lol