Bu günden sonra hiç kimse divanda, dergâhta, bargâhta, mecliste ve meydanda Türkçe’den başka dil konuşmayacaktır. Büyük Türkmen Beyi Karamanoğlu Mehmet Beyi Rahmetle Anıyorum. 13 Mayıs 1277 / Türk Dil Bayramı Kutlu Olsun.
21+ tenses in turkish language... Anatolian Turkish.verb conjugations A= To (toward)(~for) (for the thick voiced words) E= To (toward)(~for) (for the subtle voiced words) Okul=School U=(ou)=it= it's-(that) Git=Go ...(verb root) Mak/Mek...(emek)=exertion (process) Git-mek=(verb)= to Go ( it's originally get-mek =to get there now on ) Gel-mek= to Come Yap-mak= to Do Bak-mak= to Look Gör-mek= to See 1 .present continuous tense (now or then, right now or later, nowadays or soon) it's used to explain the current actions or planned events (for the specified times) Yor-mak =to tire, (~go over) (~ to try - to deal with) (for the subtle and thick voiced words) A/e....Yormak= to try(deal) only mentally.. I/i/u/ü....Yormak=to try (deal) both physical and mental about.. is used as suffix="--Yor" (iəʊr) positive. Okula gidiyorsun ( you are going to school)= Okul-a Git-i-yor-u-sen ( School-to Go-to-try it's-you) (You try-to-Go to school) Evden geliyorum ( I'm coming from home) = Ev-de-en Gel-i-yor-u-men ( Home-at-then try-to-come I-am) (from home I try to come) negative... A)..Ma= Not B)...Değil= it's not (equivalent) examples.. A: Okula gitmiyorsun ( you are not going to school)= Okul-a Git-ma-i-yor-u--sen (School-to go-not-it-try it's-you) -(You're try-it's-not-Go to school) B: Okula gidiyor değilsin ( you are not going to school)=Okul-a Git-i-yor değil-sen (You aren't try(ing)-to-Go to school) Question sentence: Ma-u =Not-it =(is) Not it? is used as....suffixes ="Mı-Mi-Mu-Mü " Okula mı gidiyorsun? ( Are you going to school?)= Okul-a Ma-u Git-i-yor-u-sen ? ( To-school Not-it You-try-to-go ?)(~Towards the school or somewhere else are you going ?) Okula gidiyor musun? ( Do You go to school?)= Okul-a Git-i-yor Ma-u -sen ? ( To school Try-to-go Not-it-you?) (~Are you going or not going towards the school ?) Okula sen mi gidiyorsun ? (~Are you the one going to school ?) Sinema'ya gidiyor musunuz? (Are you going to the Cinema?)= Sinema'y-a Git-i-yor Ma-u-sen-iz ? ( To-the Cinema Try-to-Go Not-it-you ?)-2.plural Evde misin? (Are you at home) = Ev-de Ma-u-sen = Home-at Not-it-you (Not-it-you At-home ?) 2 .present simple tense (everytime, always or never , anytime or at all, often,rarely or sometimes, now or later, soon, if possible) it's used to explain our own thoughts about the topic positive.. Var-mak =~ to arrive (at) ...(to attain).....(for the thick voiced words) is used as....suffixes ="ar-ır-ur" Er-mek=~ to get (at) ...(to reach).....(for the subtle voiced words) is used as....suffixes ="er-ir-ür" (verb)-A-Var= Existent-ready-available-present TO (verb) (verb)-E-Er= Get TO (verb) examples.. Okula gidersin ( you go to the school)= Okul-a Git-e-er-sen (You get-to-Go to school) Arabaya Biner (s/he gets in the car) =Araba-y-a Bin-e-er (s/he gets-to-ride to car) O gidince çıkarız (We get out when he has gone)= O git-ka-en-çe çık-a-var-u-(men)-iz ( we get to go out as time which he go) Gece olduğunda uyursun ( You sleep when it's night)= Gece ol-du-ka-u-an-da uyu-y-a-var-sen (You arrive in asleep at that time which it became night) Bunu görebilirler = (they can see this) = Bu-ne-u Gör-e-Bil-e-er-ler =(They-get-to-Know-to-See what's-This) =They've got an inform to see this negative... Ma= Not Bas-mak =to dwell on, (~ to press onto/into) (~to pass over) ...(for the thick voiced words) Ez-mek = to crush (~ to press down) (~to compress) ...(for the subtle voiced words) suffixes="Maz"=Ma-bas= (No pass)=na..pas=(not to dwell on)=(to give up)=(vaz geç-mek) (in the thick voiced words) is used as suffix ="maz" suffixes="Mez"=Ma-ez= (No crush) =(do/es-not)=(to skip)=(es geç-mek) (in the subtle voiced words) is used as suffix ="mez" example.. Okula gitmezsin ( you don't go to school)= Okul-a Git-ma-ez-sen (You no-crush--Go to school)=( you skip of going to school) O bunu yapmaz (s/he doesn't do this) = Bunu yap-ma-bas ( s/he no-pass--Do this)=(s/he gives up doing this) Niçün şuna bakmazsınız = (why don't you look at that )=Ne-u-çün şu-n'a bak-ma-bas-sen-iz (2. plural)= what-it-reason at that you give up looking 3.simple future tense (soon or later) it's used to explain the events we thought that is going to happen Çak-mak =~ to tack...to fasten ...(for the thick voiced words) Çek-mek=~ to attract , to bring beside, ~to take, ~to catch (~to keep close it) ...(for the subtle voiced words) suffixes= ("cak"-dʒäk) and ("cek" -dʒek) positive.. Okula gideceksin ( you'll go to school)= Okul-a Git-e-çek-sen (~You bring (it in the mind)-to-Go to school) (~Attracts-you -to-Go to school) Ali Okula gidecek ( Ali is going to go to school)= Ali Okul-a Git-e-çek (~Ali catches(it in the mind)-to-Go to school) negative... A. Okula gitmeyeceksin ( you won't go to school)= Okul-a Git-ma-e-çek-sen (You catch-not-to-Go to school) B. Okula gidecek değilsin (the one is not you to go to school)= Okul-a Git-e-çek değil-sen (it's not you to-take-to-Go to school) 4 . simple past tense (currently or before) it's used to explain the completed events which that we're sure about Di = now on (anymore) Di-mek(demek) = ~ to deem , ~ to mean, ~ to think so is used as...suffixes=.(Dı-di-du-dü) positive.. Okula gittin ( you went to school)= Okul-a Git-di-N Okula gittin mi ? (did you go to school ?)= Okul-a Git-di-N Ma-u ?( You went to school Not-it ?) Dün İstanbul'da kaldım (I stayed in Istanbul yesterday)= Dün İstanbul-da kal-dı-M negative... Okula gitmedin ( you didn't go to school)= Okul-a Git-ma-di-N Bugün burada kalmadılar (They didnt stay here today) =Bu,gün bu,ir-da kal-ma-dı-ul,dar 5 . mental past tense (which we did not witness)- (just now or before) it's used to explain the completed events which that we're not able sure about Muş-mak = ~ to inform , (Mu:sh) meaning... I'm informed about - I realized- I'm notice- I got it- I learned so - I heard that...or it seems so (to me) if it's in the question sentence...do you have any inform about...do you know..did you heard...are you aware or does it look like happened such ? is used as...suffixes= (Mış-miş-muş-müş)
positive.. Okula gitmişsin ( I heard about) you went to school)= Okul-a Git-miş-sen (I'm informed about) You've been to school) Bir hata yapmışım (I realized I made a mistake) = Bir hata Yap-mış-men (Seems that I've made a mistake) negative... A. Okula gitmemişsin (I've been informed about) you didn't go to school)= Okul-a Git-ma-miş-sen (I've been learned that) You're not gone to school) B. Okula gitmiş değilsin (I heard that) you hadn't gone to school)= Okul-a Git--miş değil-sen (I've been informed about) You haven't been to school) other tenses 6.Okula varmak üzeresin (You're about to arrive at school) 7.Okula gitmektesin ( You're in (process of) going to school) (~ you have been going to school) 8.Okula gidiyordun( Okula git-e-yor er-di-n) (You were going to school) 9.Okula gidiyormuşsun ( Okula git-e-yor er-miş-sen) ( I heard that) You are going to school)(2.I learned that you were going to school then) 10.Okula gidecektin ( Okula git-e-çek erdin) (You would go to school after/then)(2.~I had thought you'll go to school)(3.~You had said going to go to school) 11.Okula gidecekmişsin ( Okula git-e-çek ermişsen) ( I heard that) then You'd like to go to school )(2.I learned that you'll go to school) 12.Okula giderdin ( Okula git-e-er erdin) (You used to go to school bf) (2.~you would go to school bf/then) (3.~So then You'd like to go to school) 13.Okula gittiydin ( Okula git-di erdin) ( I remember you went to school) (2.~I've seen you're gone to school) 14.Okula gitmiştin ( Okula git-miş erdin) ( I know that) you had gone to school) (2.~I had seen you went to school) 15.Okula gitmiş oldun( Okula git-miş ol-du-n) (you have been to school) Bu bir Elma = This is an apple Bu bir Kitap = This is a book Dur-mak=to keep to be present there Durur=it keeps to be present there (formal) Durur=it looks like that (informal) is used as....suffixes=(Dır- dir- dur- dür- or Tır- tir-tur-tür) It's usually used on the correspondences and literary language... (formal) Meaning within the official speeches =(that keeps to be present there) Bu bir Elmadır= (bu bir elma-durr)= This is an apple (that keeps to be present there) Bu bir Kitaptır= (bu bir kitap-durr)= This is a book (that keeps to be present there) Meaning within the daily speeches =( I think that or I guess that) (informal) Bu bir Elmadır= (bu bir elma-dur)= (it looks like) this is an apple Bu bir Kitaptır= (bu bir kitap-dur)= (it looks like) this is a book 16.Okula gidiyordursun =( Guess that) You were going to school ) 17.Okula gidiyorsundur =( I think that) then you are going to school ) 18.Okula gidecektirim =(Guess that) I would go to school after-then ) 19.Okula gideceğimdir=( I think that)then I'm going to go to school ) 20.Okula gitmiştirler =(Guess that) then they had gone to school ) 21.Okula gitmişlerdir =( I think that) they have been to school ) ....(informal) 21.Okula gitmişlerdir = They have been to school (officially) 14..."Okula gitmişlerdi"..or ."Okula gitmiştiler" = They had gone to school Anlayabilir misin= Aŋı-la-y-a Bil-e-Er Ma-u-sen ? = Not-it-you Get-to-Know to-Understand = Can you understand ? Anlayabilirim= Aŋı-la-y-a Bil-e-Er-Men = I Get-to-Know-to-Understand =(I've got an inform to understand)= I can understand Anlayamam = Aŋı-la-y-a Al-Ma-Men = I Not-Take-to-Understand = I can not understand O Anlayamaz = O Aŋı-la-y-a Al-Ma-Bas = s/He No Pass-Take-to-Understand = s/He can not understand Aŋ= moment Aŋı= memory Aŋıla=get via memory (save to memory)
Question words in turkish .. (Mu)=Bu= this (Tsu)=Şu= that...(ts=~th))=θ Ka=(Qua)= (which) U=(ou)= it (that) (Ka-u)= Ki=(Qui)=which that Ne = what (Ça -çe)(Ca-ce)= As An (en) = time (moment) Dem= time (demurrage) Vakit= (time) while Saat=hour (Tsu-dem-an)=(the-time-moment)=- Zaman =the time (Dem-u-en)= Demin= Just now Di= now on (Tsu-dem-di)= Şimdi=(the-time-now on)= now Tsu-an=Şu an= this moment (now) Tsu-an-da =Şu anda= right now (currently)(at present) Hal-en =Halen= currently Hala= still Henüz=yet Hal-i hazır-da=hali hazırda= at present Hem-an =Hemen=(all the same-time)=in no time (An-ça)= Anca =as moment= (just) for now (An-ça-ka-u)= Ancak =here now just this=(just this for now)=all but=( but just this ? ) Denk=(deng)=equal Denge=balance (equilibrium) ....(deŋer)=değer=value Dar= nearest to the other- (narrow) Dara=specific weight (Ka-dara)= which specific weight.. (Ka-değer)= which value.. (Ka-dar)= which proximate Kader=~potential Kadar=extent (Ka-u)=Ki=(Qui)=which that=(it's so)= so that (Ki-mu)=Kim=(which that so this)= Who Ki-mu-tsu-ne=(kimesne)= kimse=any one (whosoever) (U-çün)= İçün=için= (it reason is..)(because)= For.. (that's for) (Ne-u-çün)=Niçün=Niçin=(what-that-reason)= Why.. (what-for) Ne-ğe = Neye=(what to) what-where toward Ne-u-ğe=Niye =(what that to )= Why (Çün-ka-u) =Çünki =(c'est-pour-quoi)=(that's why))=(therefore)= Because Ne-çe = Nece=How.. (what like) (Ne-u-çe) = Nice=what as that= how long... (how too much) (Ka-u-ne-çe)=qınça= how much that (Ka-çe)=kaç..=how many.. O Bunu Yaptığınca=Bu'nu yap-tı-ka-u-ne-çe= (how much (in that time) s/he did this)=as much as s/he does this O Bunu Yaptıkca=Bu'nu yap-tı-ka-çe= how many (in that time) s/he did this=as s/he does this (in each time) (Ka-ne-çe)=Kança ............(Ka-çe)=Kaç........ =How many (as a numerical quantity) (Ne-ka-dar)= Ne kadar =(what extent)= what-which-nearest= How much (as the attribute) Ne-ğe ka-dar= Neye kadar =what which closest to Ne-yir-ğe ka-dar=Nereye kadar =where which nearest to =where up to Ne zaman=When ......Ka-çe-an= Haçan= when.... Ne vakit= when Ne zamana kadar=(when which nearest to)= when up to Ne-yir-e-denk = Nereye dek=(where equal to)= where till Ne-yir-e denk-u-en= Nereye değin=(then where equal to)= where until Ne-zaman-a denk-u-en= Ne zamana değin=(when equal to then)= when until (Ka-en)= Ken=which time=~(When) (U-ka-en)= İken = (that-which-time)=when it's (that when...) (Ka-ne-u) =Hani =which what so Ka-u-tsu= Kaysı.... Ka-ne-tsu=Hansı..... (Ka-ne-ki) = Hangi =which Ka-ne-ki-tsu=Hangisi=which one that Ka-yir= which place.... Ne-yir= what place Ka-yir-de= Kayda=harda= where.......Ne-yir-de= Nerde=nerede= where Ka-ile-u=Kalay....Ne-u-ile=Neyle....Ka-ne-deng =kanday........Ne-asıl=Nasıl= How Ne-de-en=Neden=thereat what (then at what reason)= why Ne-yir-de-en=Nereden (nerden)=thereat where =(1.where from)=(2.under what condition)=when- where and how Da-en=(Dan-Den) = (at.. then) (than) (thereat)
Deriving a new verb in turkish 1.(Der-mek= ~to set)..ter'kib ve ter'tib etmek ... (used after the verbs which ending in consonant) Verb+Dar+mak=.. new verb (for the thick voiced words) Verb+Der+mek=.. new verb (for the subtle voiced words) (is used as) ...(Dar-der-tar-ter-ar-er) Dır-dir-dur-dür / Tır-tir-tur-tür / Ir-ir-ur-ür (akmak-aktarmak) (bakmak-baktırmak) (almak-aldırmak)(çıkmak-çıkarmak) (kaçmak-kaçırmak) 2.(Et-mek = ~ to make). (used after the verbs which ending with vowel and when the suffix "der" is used before) Verb+T+mak=.. new verb (for the thick voiced words) Verb+T+mek=.. new verb (for the subtle voiced words) (is used as) ...T (ıt-it-ut-üt) (akmak-akıtmak) (bakmak-bakıtmak)(yürümek-yürütmek) (yırmak-yırtmak) (öldürmek-öldürtmek) 3.(Eş=partner)..(together or with partner)-(all together or altogether)- (each other or about each one) (with someone or against the others) Verb+aŞ+mak=.. new verb (for the thick voiced words) Verb+eŞ+mek=.. new verb (for the subtle voiced words) (is used as) ...Ş (ış-iş-uş-üş) (bulmak-buluşmak) (görmek-görüşmek) (girmek-girİşmek) 4.(Al/el = to get it. by someone or something) Verb+aL+mak=.. new verb (for the thick voiced words) Verb+eL+mek=.. new verb (for the subtle voiced words) (is used as) ...L (ıl-il-ul-ül) (it's used to shorten some verbs as) ...N (ın-in-un-ün) (gitmek-gidilmek) (sevmek-sevilmek) (yemek-(yeyilmek)-yenmek) 5.(En=own diameter(self around)=(about own) Verb+aN+mak=.. new verb (for the thick voiced words) Verb+eN+mek=.. new verb (for the subtle voiced words) (is used as)...N (ın-in-un-ün) (görmek-görünmek) (bulmak-bulunmak) (yıkamak-yıkanmak) (kıvırmak-kıvranmak) Sar-mak= ~to encircle 1.Der- (Sar-dır-mak) 1/2.Et- (Sar-dır-t-mak) 3. Eş- (Sar-ış-mak) 4.Al- (Sar-ıl-mak) 5.En- (Sar-ın-mak) Sev-mek=~ to love 1.Der- (Sev-dir-mek) 1/2.Et- (Sev-dir-t-mek) 3. Eş- (Sev-iş-mek) 4.Al- (Sev-il-mek) 5.En- (Sev-in-mek) Mak/Mek...(emek)=exertion (process) Git=Go ...(verb root) Git-mek= to go (Git-der-mek)=(gittirmek)=1. Götürmek= to take away.....(2. gidermek=~to resolve) (Git-en-der-mek)=(gidindirmek)= Göndermek= to send Gel-mek= to come (Gel-der-mek)=(geltirmek)=Getirmek= to bring 1.Gelmek...2.Getirmek...3.Getirtmek...4.Getirttirmek..5.Getirttirtmek....and it's going so on.... Dür-mek=(dürmek)= to roll it up (to make it becomes a roll) Dör-mek= to rotate on its axis ( törmek=old meaning)-(to stir it , to mix it(current meaning)) (tör-çi=turqui)...(tör-geş=turkish)=tourist...(törük halk=mixed people) (Dör-en-mek)=dörünmek= to rotate oneself(old meaning)-(to turn by oneself(current meaning)) (Törn-mek)=Dön-mek=(dönmek)= to turn oneself (Dön-der-mek)=döndürmek= to turn it (Dön-eş-mek)=dönüşmek= to turn (altogether) to something (Dön-eş-der-mek)=dönüştürmek= to convert it into Yürü-mek= to walk (Yürü-et-mek)=yürütmek= to make this goes on (Yürü-et-der-mek)=yürüttürmek=to be provider ensuring this is going on present simple tense for positive sentences Var-mak= to arrive (at)...(for the thick voiced words) (positive suffixes)=(Ar-ır-ur) Er-mek= to get (at) ...(for the subtle voiced words) (positive suffixes)=(Er-ir-ür) for negative sentences Ma=not Bas-mak= to dwell on .... (to press onto/into) (to pass over) (negativity suffix)=Maz=(ma-bas) =(No pass)=na pas=not to dwell on= ~give up =(~vaz geç-mek) ...(for the thick voiced words) Ez-mek= to crush...(to press down) ( to compress) (negativity suffix)=Mez=(ma-ez) =(No crush)=(do/es not)= ~skip =(~es geç-mek)...(for the subtle voiced words) (Uç-mak)= to fly (Uç-a-var)= Uçar= that flies ( gets to fly) (Uç-ma-bas)= uçmaz= doesn't fly (~gives up flying) (Uç-der-ma-bas)=(uçturmaz)=uçurmaz= doesnt fly it (doesn't make it fly) (Uç-eş-ma-bas)=uçuşmaz= doesn't (all) together fly (Uç-al-ma-bas)=uçulmaz= doesn't get being flied Su=water (Suv)=fluent-flowing.....(suvu)=Sıvı=fluid, liquid (Süb-mek)=~ to make it flow outside(outwards) (süb-der-mek=süptürmek)=süpürmek=to sweep) Süv-mek=~ to flow inside(inwards) Say-mak=~ to make it flow (drop by drop)one by one (from the mind to the..) = ~ to count up, ~ to deem) Söy-mek=~ to make it flow from the tongue (Söy-le-mek= to make (the sentences) flowing by the tongue =~ to say, ~ to tell ) Sev-mek=~ to make it flow from the tongue (to the heart) = to love (Söv-mek)=~ call names Süy-mek=~ to make it flow from inside (süyüt) =Süt= milk Soy-mak=~ to make it flow over it/him/her ( to peel, ~to strip, ~to rob ) (Soy-en-mak)=soyunmak=to undress (Sıy-der-mak)=sıyırmak= skimming, ~skinning Siy-mek=~ to make it flow out =(peeing) (siyidik) =Sidik= urine Sür-mek = ~ to make it flow on (something) Süz-mek = ~ to make it lightly flow from up to downwards (~to filter, strain out) Sez-mek = ~ to make it lightly flow into the mind (~to perceive, to intuit) Sız-mak = ~ to get flowed slightly/slowly (~to infiltrate) Sağ-mak= ~ to make it pour down (Sağanak=downpour) (sağ-en-mak)=sağınmak=~ to make oneself pour from thought into emotions (Sağn-mak)=San-mak= ~ to make it pour from thought into an idea Sav-mak=~ to make it pour outside (2. put forward- set forth in) (sağan)=Sahan=the container to pour water (Sav-der-mak)=(savdurmak)= savurmak... (Sav-der-al-mak)=(savurulmak)= savrulmak (Sav-en-mak)=savunmak=to defend (Sav-en-al-mak)=savunulmak (Sav-al-mak)=savulmak (Sav-eş-mak)=1.savaşmak=to pour the blood of each other=to shed each other's blood.. (savaş=war) 2.savuşmak=to get spilled around.(altogether-downright)=(sıvışmak=~running away in fear).. (Sav-eş-der-mak)=1.savaştırmak=(~to make them fight each other).2.savuşturmak =(ward off-fend off) Sürmek = ~ to make it flow on (something) (Sür-e--er)= sürer = lasts (goes on), (2.takes away) (Sür-der-mek)= sürdürmek= to make this to continue (~to sustain) (Sür-der-e--er)= sürdürür = makes it to last forward ,(makes it continue) (Sür-ma-ez)= sürmez = doesn't drive ... (2. gives up flowing on) (3. gives up going on) (Sür-der-ma-ez)= sürdürmez =doesn't make it go on (doesn't make it continue) (Sür-al-ma-ez)= sürülmez =doesnt get driven by any.. (2.doesnt get followed by any..) Sür-en-mek= sürünmek= (~to makeup) (~rides odor) (~to paint oneself) Sürü-mek= taking it away forward (or backward on the floor) (Sürü-e--er)=sürür=takes it away forward (Sürü-et-mek)=(sürütmek) sürtmek=~ to rub (Sürü-al-mek)=2.sürülmek=to get expelled (Sürü-en-mek)=2.sürünmek=to creep on (Sürü-en--der-mek)=süründürmek=~ to make it's creeping on (Sürü-et-en-mek)=sürtünmek=to have a friction (Sürü-et--eş-mek)=sürtüşmek=to get rubbed each other (Gör-mek)=to see (Gör-e-er)=görür=(that) sees.. (Gör-ma-ez)=görmez=(that) doesn't see (Gör-en-ma-ez)= görünmez= doesn't show ownself (doesn't seem) (Gör-al-ma-ez)= görülmez= doesn't get seen by any.. (Gör-eş-ma-ez)= görüşmez= doesn't get seen each other (Görs-der-ma-ez)=göstermez=(that) doesn't show Göz=(Görs)=(Khorus)= (one) Eye (Görs-et-mek)=(görsetmek)=to make it visible (Görs-der-mek)=göstermek=to show (Tanı-mak)= to recognize (Tanı-ma-bas)= tanımaz= doesn't recognize (Tanı-et-ma-bas)= tanıtmaz= doesn't make it to get recognized (Tanı-en-ma-bas)= tanınmaz= doesn't inform about oneself =doesn't get recognized by any..(doesn't get known by any) (Tanı-eş-ma-bas)= tanışmaz= doesn't recognize each other (doesn't get known each other) Tanışmak= to get to know each other =(~to meet first time) Danışmak= to get information from each other 1.(la/le = to make via)-~getting by means of -....to do it through this...~getting with ..)... (used after the nouns and adjectives) (....le-mek-..la-mak.)....(...le-et-mek- ..la-et-mak) (..le-et-der-mek-...la-et-der-mak) (....lemek-..lamak.)....(...letmek- ..latmak) (..lettirmek-...lattırmak) Tıŋı=tune (timbre) Tıŋı-la-mak= to take a sound out.. (Tınlamak=~answering and reacting )(~to take heed of) Tıŋ-mak= to react verbally Tiŋi-le-mek=to take a sound in.. (Dinlemek= to listen) Tiŋ-mek=(to get soundless)..(Dinmek= to calm down (to get quiescent) Tıngırdatmak=to try playing the musical instrument 2.(laş/leş =(ile-eş)= (to become equal to..) (to become the same of..) (used after the nouns and adjectives) (....leş-mek-..laş-mak.)...(..leş-der-mek-...laş-der-mak)....(...leş-der-et-mek- ..laş-der-et-mak) (....leşmek-..laşmak.)...(..leştirmek-...laştırmak)....(...leştirtmek- ..laştırtmak) 3.(lan/len =(ile-en)= (to become with)- (to get it by..)(to have it by..) (used after the nouns and adjectives) (....len-mek-..lan-mak.)...(..len-der-mek-...lan-der-mak)....(...len-der-et-mek- ..lan-der-et-mak) (....lenmek-..lanmak.)...(..lendirmek-...landımak)....(...lendirtmek- ..landırtmak) by reiterations (Parıl Parıl) parıl-da-mak= to gleam (Işıl Işıl) ışıl-da-mak= to shine (Şarıl Şarıl) şarıl-da-mak (Bangır Bangır) bangır-da-mak (Hüngür Hüngür) hüngür-de-mek (Kıpır Kıpır) kıpır-da-mak (Kımıl Kımıl) kımıl-da-mak (Zırıl Zırıl) zırıl-da-mak (Horul Horul) horul-da-mak (Vızır Vızır) Vızır-da-mak by colors Ak= white Ağar-mak = to turn to white Kara= black Karar-mak=to become blackened Kızıl= red Kızar-mak= to turn red (to blush) (to be toasted) Yeşil= green Yeşermek=to turn to green (come into leaf) Göğermek= to turn to blue Kırarmak=to graying Sararmak=to turn yellow Bozarmak=to turn to brown Morarmak=to turn to purple by a whim or a want Su-sa-mak= to thirst Kanık-sa-mak gülüm-se-mek= to smile küçüm-se-mek
Ancient turkish language.. (Mu)=Bu= this (Tsu)=Şu= that (ts=~th)=θ (Hou)=(Ou)=O= it (he /she) (Al)-/El=(bearer) /carrier (Iz)- iz= S (old plural suffix) Der/Dar=(der)= diger= other /...(dar)=(nearest to the other) (ler/lar= current plural suffixes) (ɜ:ne)=Eun= Ön= (fore- first) =~uno- one (ilk) önce=~firstly) (öncesi=~before) (öncü=pioneer) (Kendi= own)=(Ka-eun-de-u= which's it at fore-which one at first) (ɜ:z=Öz= self ) (This one)= Mu-eun= (Men)= Ben= Me (That one)= Tsu-eun= (Tsen)/thien= Sen= You (These ones)= Mu-eun-iz=(miŋiz)=Biz = We (Those ones)=Tsu-eun-iz=(siŋiz)= Siz =You (Plural) Hou-al=Ol =O= it (he /she) El=someone else (El-der)= Eller= other people (someones) Hou-al-dar= (Ouldar) =Onlar (The bearer and other-s nearest to it/him) Hou-eun-dar= (Ondar)=Onlar= They for other languages... (eun)- mu =ene.....ma...me...mo..bi..bo...wo.. (eun) -tsu =eni...ente..anda..anata.. thu..tu...ti..you (eun)- hou= auwn...huve..he.... Men-ning=Meniŋ=Benim=My Sen-ning=Seniŋ=Senin=Your Ou-al-ning=Olniŋ=Onun=his/her/its Miŋiz-ning=Bizniŋ=Bizim=our Siŋiz-ning=Sizniŋ=Sizin=your (Plural) Ou-al-dar-ning=Oldarnıŋ=Onların=their Ka=(Qua)= which U=(ou)= it's (that) Ka-u=Ki=(Qui)=which that (Meniŋ-ka-u):=which that my...= benimki=mine (Seniŋ-ka-u):=which that your = seninki=yours (Olniŋ-ka-u):=which that his/her/its= onunki= his/hers/its Annemin pişirdiği tavuk çorbası =(Anne-m-niŋ Biş-dir-di-ka-u Tavğuk Şorba-tsu)= the chicken soup which (that of) my mom cook-ed... Babanın gitqen şehir = (Baba-n-nıŋ Git-ka-eun Şehir) = The city which (one of) your father goes Arkadaşımdan bana gelğen mektubu okudum= (Arkadaş-ım-dan baŋ-a (gel-ka-eun) mektup-u oku-du-m)= I've read the-letter (which-one-comes) from my friend to me Sen eve giderken = (Sen Ev-e Git-e-er u-ka-en) = (that-which-time You get-to-Go to-Home)= While you go home Seni gördüğüm yer = (Sen-u Gör-dü-ka-u-m yer) = (which-that-place (of) I Saw (that) You) = Where I saw you İşe başlayacağı gün= iş-e başla-y'a-çak-ka-u gün (.Ki o gün işe başlayacaktı (iş-e baş-la-y'a-çak-er-di))=(which) the day s/he's gonna start to work Ben dükkana anca varmışken=Ben dükkan-a an-ça var-mış-u-ka-en=when I've just arrived at the shop
The names of some organs in our body In turkish.. Ak= ~each one of both Yan= side Yan-ak= each one of both sides=Yanak=the cheek Kül-ak = each one of both roses=Kulak= the ear Şak-ak=şakak Tut-ak=dudak =the lip Dal-ak=dalak =the spleen Böbür-ak=böbrek =the kidney Paça-ak=bacak = the leg Paytı-ak=(phathiack)fatyak..hadyak...adyak..=Ayak = the foot Taş-.... = Her iki-ciğer...=Akciğer =the lung Tül-karn-ak =the covering of each one of both dark (periods)= her iki karanlık çağı örten (tül). Zu'l-karn-eyn=the owner of each one of both time (periods) Dhu'al-chorn-ein=two horned one=Herne the hunter= Cernunnos
Bu günden sonra hiç kimse divanda, dergâhta, bargâhta, mecliste ve meydanda Türkçe’den başka dil konuşmayacaktır. Büyük Türkmen Beyi Karamanoğlu Mehmet Beyi Rahmetle Anıyorum.
13 Mayıs 1277 / Türk Dil Bayramı Kutlu Olsun.
Sahip olduğumuz en büyük değerlerden biri ve milli kimliğimiz olan dilimizin bayramını kutluyorum.
Türk Dil Bayramı kutlu olsun.
1972 yıllığında ke oldu ka he harfi oldu baş bu nasıl değişti bilen varmi
Yeni kelime üretmede çok hizlanmamiz gerekli yoksa 10 sene sonra 2 kelimeden biri ingilizce olacak.
21+ tenses in turkish language...
Anatolian Turkish.verb conjugations
A= To (toward)(~for) (for the thick voiced words)
E= To (toward)(~for) (for the subtle voiced words)
U=(ou)=it= it's-(that)
Git=Go ...(verb root)
Mak/Mek...(emek)=exertion (process)
Git-mek=(verb)= to Go ( it's originally get-mek =to get there now on )
Gel-mek= to Come
Yap-mak= to Do
Bak-mak= to Look
Gör-mek= to See
1 .present continuous tense (now or then, right now or later, nowadays or soon)
it's used to explain the current actions or planned events (for the specified times)
Yor-mak =to tire, (~go over) (~ to try - to deal with) (for the subtle and thick voiced words)
A/e....Yormak= to try(deal) only mentally..
I/i/u/ü....Yormak=to try (deal) both physical and mental about..
is used as suffix="--Yor"
Okula gidiyorsun ( you are going to school)= Okul-a Git-i-yor-u-sen ( School-to Go-to-try it's-you) (You try-to-Go to school)
Evden geliyorum ( I'm coming from home) = Ev-de-en Gel-i-yor-u-men ( Home-at-then try-to-come I-am) (from home I try to come)
A)..Ma= Not B)...Değil= it's not (equivalent)
A: Okula gitmiyorsun ( you are not going to school)= Okul-a Git-ma-i-yor-u--sen (School-to go-not-it-try it's-you) -(You're try-it's-not-Go to school)
B: Okula gidiyor değilsin ( you are not going to school)=Okul-a Git-i-yor değil-sen (You aren't try(ing)-to-Go to school)
Question sentence:
Ma-u =Not-it =(is) Not it?
is used as....suffixes ="Mı-Mi-Mu-Mü
Okula mı gidiyorsun? ( Are you going to school?)= Okul-a Ma-u Git-i-yor-u-sen ? ( To-school Not-it You-try-to-go ?)(~Towards the school or somewhere else are you going ?)
Okula gidiyor musun? ( Do You go to school?)= Okul-a Git-i-yor Ma-u -sen ? ( To school Try-to-go Not-it-you?)
(~Are you going or not going towards the school ?)
Okula sen mi gidiyorsun ? (~Are you the one going to school ?)
Sinema'ya gidiyor musunuz? (Are you going to the Cinema?)= Sinema'y-a Git-i-yor Ma-u-sen-iz ? ( To-the Cinema Try-to-Go Not-it-you ?)-2.plural
Evde misin? (Are you at home) = Ev-de Ma-u-sen = Home-at Not-it-you (Not-it-you At-home ?)
2 .present simple tense (everytime, always or never , anytime or at all, often,rarely or sometimes, now or later, soon, if possible)
it's used to explain our own thoughts about the topic
Var-mak =~ to arrive (at) ...(to attain).....(for the thick voiced words)
is used as....suffixes ="ar-ır-ur"
Er-mek=~ to get (at) ...(to reach).....(for the subtle voiced words)
is used as....suffixes ="er-ir-ür"
(verb)-A-Var= Existent-ready-available-present TO (verb)
(verb)-E-Er= Get TO (verb)
Okula gidersin ( you go to the school)= Okul-a Git-e-er-sen (You get-to-Go to school)
Arabaya Biner (s/he gets in the car) =Araba-y-a Bin-e-er (s/he gets-to-ride to car)
O gidince çıkarız (We get out when he has gone)= O git-ka-en-çe çık-a-var-u-(men)-iz ( we get to go out as time which he go)
Gece olduğunda uyursun ( You sleep when it's night)= Gece ol-du-ka-u-an-da uyu-y-a-var-sen (You arrive in asleep at that time which it became night)
Bunu görebilirler = (they can see this) = Bu-ne-u Gör-e-Bil-e-er-ler =(They-get-to-Know-to-See what's-This) =They've got an inform to see this
negative... Ma= Not
Bas-mak =to dwell on, (~ to press onto/into) (~to pass over) ...(for the thick voiced words)
Ez-mek = to crush (~ to press down) (~to compress) ...(for the subtle voiced words)
suffixes="Maz"=Ma-bas= (No pass)=na..pas=(not to dwell on)=(to give up)=(vaz geç-mek) (in the thick voiced words)
is used as suffix ="maz"
suffixes="Mez"=Ma-ez= (No crush) =(do/es-not)=(to skip)=(es geç-mek) (in the subtle voiced words)
is used as suffix ="mez"
Okula gitmezsin ( you don't go to school)= Okul-a Git-ma-ez-sen (You no-crush--Go to school)=( you skip of going to school)
O bunu yapmaz (s/he doesn't do this) = Bunu yap-ma-bas ( s/he no-pass--Do this)=(s/he gives up doing this)
Niçün şuna bakmazsınız
= (why don't you look at that )=Ne-u-çün şu-n'a bak-ma-bas-sen-iz (2. plural)= what-it-reason at that you give up looking
3.simple future tense (soon or later)
it's used to explain the events we thought that is going to happen
Çak-mak =~ to tack...to fasten ...(for the thick voiced words)
Çek-mek=~ to attract , to bring beside, ~to take, ~to catch (~to keep close it) ...(for the subtle voiced words)
suffixes= ("cak"-dʒäk) and ("cek" -dʒek)
Okula gideceksin ( you'll go to school)= Okul-a Git-e-çek-sen (~You bring (it in the mind)-to-Go to school) (~Attracts-you -to-Go to school)
Ali Okula gidecek ( Ali is going to go to school)= Ali Okul-a Git-e-çek (~Ali catches(it in the mind)-to-Go to school)
A. Okula gitmeyeceksin ( you won't go to school)= Okul-a Git-ma-e-çek-sen (You catch-not-to-Go to school)
B. Okula gidecek değilsin (the one is not you to go to school)= Okul-a Git-e-çek değil-sen (it's not you to-take-to-Go to school)
4 . simple past tense (currently or before)
it's used to explain the completed events which that we're sure about
Di = now on (anymore) Di-mek(demek) = ~ to deem , ~ to mean, ~ to think so
is used as...suffixes=.(Dı-di-du-dü)
Okula gittin ( you went to school)= Okul-a Git-di-N
Okula gittin mi ? (did you go to school ?)= Okul-a Git-di-N
Ma-u ?( You went to school Not-it ?)
Dün İstanbul'da kaldım (I stayed in Istanbul yesterday)= Dün İstanbul-da kal-dı-M
Okula gitmedin ( you didn't go to school)= Okul-a Git-ma-di-N
Bugün burada kalmadılar (They didnt stay here today) =Bu,gün bu,ir-da kal-ma-dı-ul,dar
5 . mental past tense (which we did not witness)- (just now or before)
it's used to explain the completed events which that we're not able sure about
Muş-mak = ~ to inform ,
meaning... I'm informed about - I realized- I'm notice- I got it- I learned so - I heard that...or it seems so (to me)
if it's in the question sentence...do you have any inform about...do you know..did you heard...are you aware or does it look like happened such ?
is used as...suffixes= (Mış-miş-muş-müş)
Okula gitmişsin ( I heard about) you went to school)= Okul-a Git-miş-sen (I'm informed about) You've been to school)
Bir hata yapmışım (I realized I made a mistake) = Bir hata Yap-mış-men (Seems that I've made a mistake)
A. Okula gitmemişsin (I've been informed about) you didn't go to school)= Okul-a Git-ma-miş-sen (I've been learned that) You're not gone to school)
B. Okula gitmiş değilsin (I heard that) you hadn't gone to school)= Okul-a Git--miş değil-sen (I've been informed about) You haven't been to school)
other tenses
6.Okula varmak üzeresin (You're about to arrive at school)
7.Okula gitmektesin ( You're in (process of) going to school) (~ you have been going to school)
8.Okula gidiyordun( Okula git-e-yor er-di-n) (You were going to school)
9.Okula gidiyormuşsun ( Okula git-e-yor er-miş-sen) ( I heard that) You are going to school)(2.I learned that you were going to school then)
10.Okula gidecektin ( Okula git-e-çek erdin) (You would go to school after/then)(2.~I had thought you'll go to school)(3.~You had said going to go to school)
11.Okula gidecekmişsin ( Okula git-e-çek ermişsen) ( I heard that) then You'd like to go to school )(2.I learned that you'll go to school)
12.Okula giderdin ( Okula git-e-er erdin) (You used to go to school bf) (2.~you would go to school bf/then) (3.~So then You'd like to go to school)
13.Okula gittiydin ( Okula git-di erdin) ( I remember you went to school) (2.~I've seen you're gone to school)
14.Okula gitmiştin ( Okula git-miş erdin) ( I know that) you had gone to school) (2.~I had seen you went to school)
15.Okula gitmiş oldun( Okula git-miş ol-du-n) (you have been to school)
Bu bir Elma = This is an apple
Bu bir Kitap = This is a book
Dur-mak=to keep to be present there
Durur=it keeps to be present there (formal)
Durur=it looks like that (informal)
is used as....suffixes=(Dır- dir- dur- dür- or Tır- tir-tur-tür)
It's usually used on the correspondences and literary language...
Meaning within the official speeches =(that keeps to be present there)
Bu bir Elmadır= (bu bir elma-durr)= This is an apple (that keeps to be present there)
Bu bir Kitaptır= (bu bir kitap-durr)= This is a book (that keeps to be present there)
Meaning within the daily speeches =( I think that or I guess that)
Bu bir Elmadır= (bu bir elma-dur)= (it looks like) this is an apple
Bu bir Kitaptır= (bu bir kitap-dur)= (it looks like) this is a book
16.Okula gidiyordursun =( Guess that) You were going to school )
17.Okula gidiyorsundur =( I think that) then you are going to school )
18.Okula gidecektirim =(Guess that) I would go to school after-then )
19.Okula gideceğimdir=( I think that)then I'm going to go to school )
20.Okula gitmiştirler =(Guess that) then they had gone to school )
21.Okula gitmişlerdir =( I think that) they have been to school )
21.Okula gitmişlerdir = They have been to school (officially)
14..."Okula gitmişlerdi"..or ."Okula gitmiştiler" = They had gone to school
Anlayabilir misin= Aŋı-la-y-a Bil-e-Er Ma-u-sen ? = Not-it-you Get-to-Know to-Understand = Can you understand ?
Anlayabilirim= Aŋı-la-y-a Bil-e-Er-Men = I Get-to-Know-to-Understand =(I've got an inform to understand)= I can understand
Anlayamam = Aŋı-la-y-a Al-Ma-Men = I Not-Take-to-Understand = I can not understand
O Anlayamaz = O Aŋı-la-y-a Al-Ma-Bas = s/He No Pass-Take-to-Understand = s/He can not understand
Aŋ= moment
Aŋı= memory
Aŋıla=get via memory
(save to memory)
Question words in turkish ..
(Mu)=Bu= this
(Tsu)=Şu= that...(ts=~th))=θ
Ka=(Qua)= (which)
U=(ou)= it (that)
(Ka-u)= Ki=(Qui)=which that
Ne = what
(Ça -çe)(Ca-ce)= As
An (en) = time (moment)
Dem= time (demurrage)
Vakit= (time) while
(Tsu-dem-an)=(the-time-moment)=- Zaman =the time
(Dem-u-en)= Demin= Just now
Di= now on
(Tsu-dem-di)= Şimdi=(the-time-now on)= now
Tsu-an=Şu an= this moment (now)
Tsu-an-da =Şu anda= right now (currently)(at present)
Hal-en =Halen= currently
Hala= still
Hal-i hazır-da=hali hazırda= at present
Hem-an =Hemen=(all the same-time)=in no time
(An-ça)= Anca =as moment= (just) for now
(An-ça-ka-u)= Ancak =here now just this=(just this for now)=all but=( but just this ? )
Denge=balance (equilibrium) ....(deŋer)=değer=value
Dar= nearest to the other- (narrow)
Dara=specific weight
(Ka-dara)= which specific weight.. (Ka-değer)= which value.. (Ka-dar)= which proximate
(Ka-u)=Ki=(Qui)=which that=(it's so)= so that
(Ki-mu)=Kim=(which that so this)= Who
Ki-mu-tsu-ne=(kimesne)= kimse=any one (whosoever)
(U-çün)= İçün=için= (it reason is..)(because)= For.. (that's for)
(Ne-u-çün)=Niçün=Niçin=(what-that-reason)= Why.. (what-for)
Ne-ğe = Neye=(what to) what-where toward
Ne-u-ğe=Niye =(what that to )= Why
(Çün-ka-u) =Çünki =(c'est-pour-quoi)=(that's why))=(therefore)= Because
Ne-çe = Nece=How.. (what like)
(Ne-u-çe) = Nice=what as that= how long... (how too much)
(Ka-u-ne-çe)=qınça= how much that
(Ka-çe)=kaç..=how many..
O Bunu Yaptığınca=Bu'nu yap-tı-ka-u-ne-çe= (how much (in that time) s/he did this)=as much as s/he does this
O Bunu Yaptıkca=Bu'nu yap-tı-ka-çe= how many (in that time) s/he did this=as s/he does this (in each time)
(Ka-ne-çe)=Kança ............(Ka-çe)=Kaç........ =How many (as a numerical quantity)
(Ne-ka-dar)= Ne kadar =(what extent)= what-which-nearest= How much (as the attribute)
Ne-ğe ka-dar= Neye kadar =what which closest to
Ne-yir-ğe ka-dar=Nereye kadar =where which nearest to =where up to
Ne zaman=When ......Ka-çe-an= Haçan= when.... Ne vakit= when
Ne zamana kadar=(when which nearest to)= when up to
Ne-yir-e-denk = Nereye dek=(where equal to)= where till
Ne-yir-e denk-u-en= Nereye değin=(then where equal to)= where until
Ne-zaman-a denk-u-en= Ne zamana değin=(when equal to then)= when until
(Ka-en)= Ken=which time=~(When)
(U-ka-en)= İken = (that-which-time)=when it's (that when...)
(Ka-ne-u) =Hani =which what so
Ka-u-tsu= Kaysı.... Ka-ne-tsu=Hansı..... (Ka-ne-ki) = Hangi =which
Ka-ne-ki-tsu=Hangisi=which one
Ka-yir= which place.... Ne-yir= what place
Ka-yir-de= Kayda=harda= where.......Ne-yir-de= Nerde=nerede= where
Ka-ile-u=Kalay....Ne-u-ile=Neyle....Ka-ne-deng =kanday........Ne-asıl=Nasıl= How
Ne-de-en=Neden=thereat what (then at what reason)= why
Ne-yir-de-en=Nereden (nerden)=thereat where =(1.where from)=(2.under what condition)=when- where and how
Da-en=(Dan-Den) = (at.. then) (than) (thereat)
Deriving a new verb in turkish
1.(Der-mek= ~to set)..ter'kib ve ter'tib etmek ... (used after the verbs which ending in consonant)
Verb+Dar+mak=.. new verb (for the thick voiced words)
Verb+Der+mek=.. new verb (for the subtle voiced words)
(is used as) ...(Dar-der-tar-ter-ar-er) Dır-dir-dur-dür / Tır-tir-tur-tür / Ir-ir-ur-ür
(akmak-aktarmak) (bakmak-baktırmak) (almak-aldırmak)(çıkmak-çıkarmak) (kaçmak-kaçırmak)
2.(Et-mek = ~ to make). (used after the verbs which ending with vowel and when the suffix "der" is used before)
Verb+T+mak=.. new verb (for the thick voiced words)
Verb+T+mek=.. new verb (for the subtle voiced words)
(is used as) ...T (ıt-it-ut-üt)
(akmak-akıtmak) (bakmak-bakıtmak)(yürümek-yürütmek) (yırmak-yırtmak) (öldürmek-öldürtmek)
3.(Eş=partner)..(together or with partner)-(all together or altogether)- (each other or about each one) (with someone or against the others)
Verb+aŞ+mak=.. new verb (for the thick voiced words)
Verb+eŞ+mek=.. new verb (for the subtle voiced words)
(is used as) ...Ş (ış-iş-uş-üş)
(bulmak-buluşmak) (görmek-görüşmek) (girmek-girİşmek)
4.(Al/el = to get it. by someone or something)
Verb+aL+mak=.. new verb (for the thick voiced words)
Verb+eL+mek=.. new verb (for the subtle voiced words)
(is used as) ...L (ıl-il-ul-ül) (it's used to shorten some verbs as) ...N (ın-in-un-ün)
(gitmek-gidilmek) (sevmek-sevilmek) (yemek-(yeyilmek)-yenmek)
5.(En=own diameter(self around)=(about own)
Verb+aN+mak=.. new verb (for the thick voiced words)
Verb+eN+mek=.. new verb (for the subtle voiced words)
(is used as)...N (ın-in-un-ün)
(görmek-görünmek) (bulmak-bulunmak) (yıkamak-yıkanmak) (kıvırmak-kıvranmak)
Sar-mak= ~to encircle
1.Der- (Sar-dır-mak) 1/2.Et- (Sar-dır-t-mak) 3. Eş- (Sar-ış-mak) 4.Al- (Sar-ıl-mak) 5.En- (Sar-ın-mak)
Sev-mek=~ to love
1.Der- (Sev-dir-mek) 1/2.Et- (Sev-dir-t-mek) 3. Eş- (Sev-iş-mek) 4.Al- (Sev-il-mek) 5.En- (Sev-in-mek)
Mak/Mek...(emek)=exertion (process)
Git=Go ...(verb root)
Git-mek= to go
(Git-der-mek)=(gittirmek)=1. Götürmek= to take away.....(2. gidermek=~to resolve)
(Git-en-der-mek)=(gidindirmek)= Göndermek= to send
Gel-mek= to come
(Gel-der-mek)=(geltirmek)=Getirmek= to bring
1.Gelmek...2.Getirmek...3.Getirtmek...4.Getirttirmek..5.Getirttirtmek....and it's going so on....
Dür-mek=(dürmek)= to roll it up (to make it becomes a roll)
Dör-mek= to rotate on its axis ( törmek=old meaning)-(to stir it , to mix it(current meaning))
(tör-çi=turqui)...(tör-geş=turkish)=tourist...(törük halk=mixed people)
(Dör-en-mek)=dörünmek= to rotate oneself(old meaning)-(to turn by oneself(current meaning))
(Törn-mek)=Dön-mek=(dönmek)= to turn oneself
(Dön-der-mek)=döndürmek= to turn it
(Dön-eş-mek)=dönüşmek= to turn (altogether) to something
(Dön-eş-der-mek)=dönüştürmek= to convert it into
Yürü-mek= to walk
(Yürü-et-mek)=yürütmek= to make this goes on
(Yürü-et-der-mek)=yürüttürmek=to be provider ensuring this is going on
present simple tense
for positive sentences
Var-mak= to arrive (at)...(for the thick voiced words) (positive suffixes)=(Ar-ır-ur)
Er-mek= to get (at) ...(for the subtle voiced words) (positive suffixes)=(Er-ir-ür)
for negative sentences
Bas-mak= to dwell on .... (to press onto/into) (to pass over)
(negativity suffix)=Maz=(ma-bas) =(No pass)=na pas=not to dwell on= ~give up =(~vaz geç-mek) ...(for the thick voiced words)
Ez-mek= to crush...(to press down) ( to compress)
(negativity suffix)=Mez=(ma-ez) =(No crush)=(do/es not)= ~skip =(~es geç-mek)...(for the subtle voiced words)
(Uç-mak)= to fly
(Uç-a-var)= Uçar= that flies ( gets to fly)
(Uç-ma-bas)= uçmaz= doesn't fly (~gives up flying)
(Uç-der-ma-bas)=(uçturmaz)=uçurmaz= doesnt fly it (doesn't make it fly)
(Uç-eş-ma-bas)=uçuşmaz= doesn't (all) together fly
(Uç-al-ma-bas)=uçulmaz= doesn't get being flied
Su=water (Suv)=fluent-flowing.....(suvu)=Sıvı=fluid, liquid
(Süb-mek)=~ to make it flow outside(outwards)
(süb-der-mek=süptürmek)=süpürmek=to sweep)
Süv-mek=~ to flow inside(inwards)
Say-mak=~ to make it flow (drop by drop)one by one (from the mind to the..) = ~ to count up, ~ to deem)
Söy-mek=~ to make it flow from the tongue (Söy-le-mek= to make (the sentences) flowing by the tongue =~ to say, ~ to tell )
Sev-mek=~ to make it flow from the tongue (to the heart) = to love
(Söv-mek)=~ call names
Süy-mek=~ to make it flow from inside (süyüt) =Süt= milk
Soy-mak=~ to make it flow over it/him/her ( to peel, ~to strip, ~to rob ) (Soy-en-mak)=soyunmak=to undress
(Sıy-der-mak)=sıyırmak= skimming, ~skinning
Siy-mek=~ to make it flow out =(peeing) (siyidik) =Sidik= urine
Sür-mek = ~ to make it flow on (something)
Süz-mek = ~ to make it lightly flow from up to downwards (~to filter, strain out)
Sez-mek = ~ to make it lightly flow into the mind (~to perceive, to intuit)
Sız-mak = ~ to get flowed slightly/slowly (~to infiltrate)
Sağ-mak= ~ to make it pour down (Sağanak=downpour)
(sağ-en-mak)=sağınmak=~ to make oneself pour from thought into emotions
(Sağn-mak)=San-mak= ~ to make it pour from thought into an idea
Sav-mak=~ to make it pour outside (2. put forward- set forth in) (sağan)=Sahan=the container to pour water
(Sav-der-mak)=(savdurmak)= savurmak... (Sav-der-al-mak)=(savurulmak)= savrulmak
(Sav-en-mak)=savunmak=to defend (Sav-en-al-mak)=savunulmak
(Sav-eş-mak)=1.savaşmak=to pour the blood of each other=to shed each other's blood.. (savaş=war)
2.savuşmak=to get spilled around.(altogether-downright)=(sıvışmak=~running away in fear)..
(Sav-eş-der-mak)=1.savaştırmak=(~to make them fight each other).2.savuşturmak =(ward off-fend off)
Sürmek = ~ to make it flow on (something)
(Sür-e--er)= sürer = lasts (goes on), (2.takes away)
(Sür-der-mek)= sürdürmek= to make this to continue (~to sustain)
(Sür-der-e--er)= sürdürür = makes it to last forward ,(makes it continue)
(Sür-ma-ez)= sürmez = doesn't drive ... (2. gives up flowing on) (3. gives up going on)
(Sür-der-ma-ez)= sürdürmez =doesn't make it go on (doesn't make it continue)
(Sür-al-ma-ez)= sürülmez =doesnt get driven by any.. (2.doesnt get followed by any..)
Sür-en-mek= sürünmek= (~to makeup) (~rides odor) (~to paint oneself)
Sürü-mek= taking it away forward (or backward on the floor)
(Sürü-e--er)=sürür=takes it away forward
(Sürü-et-mek)=(sürütmek) sürtmek=~ to rub
(Sürü-al-mek)=2.sürülmek=to get expelled
(Sürü-en-mek)=2.sürünmek=to creep on
(Sürü-en--der-mek)=süründürmek=~ to make it's creeping on
(Sürü-et-en-mek)=sürtünmek=to have a friction
(Sürü-et--eş-mek)=sürtüşmek=to get rubbed each other
(Gör-mek)=to see
(Gör-e-er)=görür=(that) sees..
(Gör-ma-ez)=görmez=(that) doesn't see
(Gör-en-ma-ez)= görünmez= doesn't show ownself (doesn't seem)
(Gör-al-ma-ez)= görülmez= doesn't get seen by any..
(Gör-eş-ma-ez)= görüşmez= doesn't get seen each other
(Görs-der-ma-ez)=göstermez=(that) doesn't show
Göz=(Görs)=(Khorus)= (one) Eye
(Görs-et-mek)=(görsetmek)=to make it visible
(Görs-der-mek)=göstermek=to show
(Tanı-mak)= to recognize
(Tanı-ma-bas)= tanımaz= doesn't recognize
(Tanı-et-ma-bas)= tanıtmaz= doesn't make it to get recognized
(Tanı-en-ma-bas)= tanınmaz= doesn't inform about oneself =doesn't get recognized by any..(doesn't get known by any)
(Tanı-eş-ma-bas)= tanışmaz= doesn't recognize each other (doesn't get known each other)
Tanışmak= to get to know each other =(~to meet first time)
Danışmak= to get information from each other
1.(la/le = to make via)-~getting by means of -....to do it through this...~getting with ..)... (used after the nouns and adjectives)
(....le-mek-..la-mak.)....(...le-et-mek- ..la-et-mak) (..le-et-der-mek-...la-et-der-mak)
(....lemek-..lamak.)....(...letmek- ..latmak) (..lettirmek-...lattırmak)
Tıŋı=tune (timbre)
Tıŋı-la-mak= to take a sound out.. (Tınlamak=~answering and reacting )(~to take heed of)
Tıŋ-mak= to react verbally
Tiŋi-le-mek=to take a sound in.. (Dinlemek= to listen)
Tiŋ-mek=(to get soundless)..(Dinmek= to calm down (to get quiescent)
Tıngırdatmak=to try playing the musical instrument
2.(laş/leş =(ile-eş)= (to become equal to..) (to become the same of..) (used after the nouns and adjectives)
(....leş-mek-..laş-mak.)...(..leş-der-mek-...laş-der-mak)....(...leş-der-et-mek- ..laş-der-et-mak)
(....leşmek-..laşmak.)...(..leştirmek-...laştırmak)....(...leştirtmek- ..laştırtmak)
3.(lan/len =(ile-en)= (to become with)- (to get it by..)(to have it by..) (used after the nouns and adjectives)
(....len-mek-..lan-mak.)...(..len-der-mek-...lan-der-mak)....(...len-der-et-mek- ..lan-der-et-mak)
(....lenmek-..lanmak.)...(..lendirmek-...landımak)....(...lendirtmek- ..landırtmak)
by reiterations
(Parıl Parıl) parıl-da-mak= to gleam
(Işıl Işıl) ışıl-da-mak= to shine
(Şarıl Şarıl) şarıl-da-mak
(Bangır Bangır) bangır-da-mak
(Hüngür Hüngür) hüngür-de-mek
(Kıpır Kıpır) kıpır-da-mak
(Kımıl Kımıl) kımıl-da-mak
(Zırıl Zırıl) zırıl-da-mak
(Horul Horul) horul-da-mak
(Vızır Vızır) Vızır-da-mak
by colors
Ak= white
Ağar-mak = to turn to white
Kara= black
Karar-mak=to become blackened
Kızıl= red
Kızar-mak= to turn red (to blush) (to be toasted)
Yeşil= green
Yeşermek=to turn to green (come into leaf)
Göğermek= to turn to blue
Kırarmak=to graying
Sararmak=to turn yellow
Bozarmak=to turn to brown
Morarmak=to turn to purple
by a whim or a want
Su-sa-mak= to thirst
gülüm-se-mek= to smile
Ancient turkish language..
(Mu)=Bu= this
(Tsu)=Şu= that (ts=~th)=θ
(Hou)=(Ou)=O= it (he /she)
(Iz)- iz= S (old plural suffix)
Der/Dar=(der)= diger= other /...(dar)=(nearest to the other) (ler/lar= current plural suffixes)
(ɜ:ne)=Eun= Ön= (fore- first) =~uno- one (ilk) önce=~firstly) (öncesi=~before) (öncü=pioneer)
(Kendi= own)=(Ka-eun-de-u= which's it at fore-which one at first)
(ɜ:z=Öz= self
(This one)= Mu-eun= (Men)= Ben= Me
(That one)= Tsu-eun= (Tsen)/thien= Sen= You
(These ones)= Mu-eun-iz=(miŋiz)=Biz = We
(Those ones)=Tsu-eun-iz=(siŋiz)= Siz =You (Plural)
Hou-al=Ol =O= it (he /she)
El=someone else
(El-der)= Eller= other people
Hou-al-dar= (Ouldar) =Onlar (The bearer and other-s nearest to it/him)
Hou-eun-dar= (Ondar)=Onlar= They
for other languages...
(eun)- mu =ene.....ma...me...mo..bi..bo...wo..
(eun) -tsu =eni...ente..anda..anata.. thu..tu...ti..you
(eun)- hou= auwn...huve..he....
Siŋiz-ning=Sizniŋ=Sizin=your (Plural)
Ka=(Qua)= which
U=(ou)= it's (that)
Ka-u=Ki=(Qui)=which that
(Meniŋ-ka-u):=which that my...= benimki=mine
(Seniŋ-ka-u):=which that your = seninki=yours
(Olniŋ-ka-u):=which that his/her/its= onunki= his/hers/its
Annemin pişirdiği tavuk çorbası =(Anne-m-niŋ Biş-dir-di-ka-u Tavğuk Şorba-tsu)= the chicken soup which (that of) my mom cook-ed...
Babanın gitqen şehir = (Baba-n-nıŋ Git-ka-eun Şehir) = The city which (one of) your father goes
Arkadaşımdan bana gelğen mektubu okudum= (Arkadaş-ım-dan baŋ-a (gel-ka-eun) mektup-u oku-du-m)= I've read the-letter (which-one-comes) from my friend to me
Sen eve giderken = (Sen Ev-e Git-e-er u-ka-en) = (that-which-time You get-to-Go to-Home)= While you go home
Seni gördüğüm yer = (Sen-u Gör-dü-ka-u-m yer) = (which-that-place (of) I Saw (that) You) = Where I saw you
İşe başlayacağı gün= iş-e başla-y'a-çak-ka-u gün (.Ki o gün işe başlayacaktı (iş-e baş-la-y'a-çak-er-di))=(which) the day s/he's gonna start to work
Ben dükkana anca varmışken=Ben dükkan-a an-ça var-mış-u-ka-en=when I've just arrived at the shop
The names of some organs in our body
In turkish.. Ak= ~each one of both
Yan= side
Yan-ak= each one of both sides=Yanak=the cheek
Kül-ak = each one of both roses=Kulak= the ear
=the lip
=the spleen
=the kidney
= the leg
= the foot
Her iki-ciğer...=Akciğer
=the lung
Tül-karn-ak =the covering of each one of both
dark (periods)= her iki karanlık çağı örten (tül).
Zu'l-karn-eyn=the owner of each one of both time (periods)
Dhu'al-chorn-ein=two horned one=Herne the hunter= Cernunnos
Türkçede bazı fiiller....
Bezmek=sıkılmak, (sıkışmak)
Büzmek=sıkıştırarak ezmek
Ezmek= üstüne basarak inceltmek
Üzmek=(inceltip koparmak) incitip kırmak
Yüzmek= Yüzeyinden (sıyırıp) gitmek
Yormak=(mecazen) üstüne gitmek, üstüne varmak ( tümüyle uğramak/ uğraşmak) (A-yormak)=Kesin ve nihai olmayan bir fikre/sonuca varmak...
Yörmek/Yörümek=üstünde gitmek, üzerinde gezmek
, dolaşmak ( yöre=....) (yörük=...)
Yürmek/Yürümek=üstünden/üzerinden gitmek
Yülmek/Yülümek=üstünden alıp gitmek
Yolmak=üstünden çekmek, koparmak (~üstünü düzleştirmek)
Yılmak=üstünden/aşağı atmak, tırsmak, ürkmek (Yılan=...) (Yıldırım=...)
Yurmak= üstüne çekmek/örtmek (yur-ut=yurt ..yur-gan=yorgan)
Yırmak= içinden/üstüne çıkmak, üste gelmek (yırışmak=yarışmak= birbirine üstün gelmek)
Yarmak=üstten aşağı (doğrudan, dimdik) inmek, bölmek
Yermek=(mecazen) üstten aşağı çekmek (yere çekmek, çekiştirmek)
Germek= dört bir yandan çekmek, çekiştirmek
Yığmak= üst üste koymak
Yağmak= üstüne dökülmek /üstten aşağıya dökülmek
Yoğmak=sıkışıp saflaşmak (mecazen)=ruhundan arınmak, ölmek (yoğunlaşıp arınmak.....yoga)
Yoğurmak=sıkıp yoğunlaştırmak ,bir kıvama getirmek (Yoğurt= yoğunlaştırılmış pastörize süt)
Yuğmak=sıkarak arındırdırmak (temizlemek) (yuğamak=yıkamak)
Yuvmak=sıkıp inceltmek, daraltmak ( yufka= ince hamur) (yuvka=yuka=ince, sığ) (yuvuz=yavuz=yağız= ince, zayıf, narin)
Yuvarlamak= döndürerek daraltmak
Yummak=sıkarak kapatmak, sıkıca kapamak
(yukarı=yuka-yeri= ince tarafı, dar tarafı, üst tarafı)
(aykırı= arkırı= arka-yeri = arka taraftan, ters taraftan)
(üzeri=yüz-yeri= üst yüzeyi)
(astarı=ast-yeri= alt yüzeyi)
(aşağı= eşiği =eşik tarafı)
(dışarı=dış-yeri= dış taraf)
ağrı= çapraz yönde
uğru= arka planda