Hello, I am from Uruguay. I admire all your work and passion that you dedicate so much time to making these beautiful mods. Do you have a question, is there a release date for the mod the age of the rings the return of the kings? I only know how to play if the mod has already been released and I didn't realize it. Please link to the mod.!! I'm dying to be Minas Morgul!!!! I hope for your prompt response. Greetings
Something something I made a mistake.
The only mistake that was made here was that the Haradwaith didn't have nearly enough monkeys.
This was a fun match
goddayum the dwarf army at the end wiped the floor with the rest. undying freaks.
Was going to say the same, end game dwarves are truly unkillable i like them so much
Pipin is able to target Warlords, which made his impact that big a deal
Bless the Grond and his maker. Thank you as always. I love a good 3v3 after a hard work day.
nice intro ruuddevil guy
nice cast ruuddevil guy
We love a quirky 3v3
Hello, I am from Uruguay. I admire all your work and passion that you dedicate so much time to making these beautiful mods. Do you have a question, is there a release date for the mod the age of the rings the return of the kings? I only know how to play if the mod has already been released and I didn't realize it. Please link to the mod.!! I'm dying to be Minas Morgul!!!! I hope for your prompt response. Greetings
Wow first comment!!!!!!!