Very nice and tidy construction! Many years ago my younger son built a TIG welding machine from my father's old Lincoln "tombstone" AC welder. He wanted to be able to weld very thin material, also, and we determined that a large inductor was necessary to stop the arc voltage from dropping to zero. We found no information on the size of the inductor required, except an off-hand comment somewhere that in commercial machines the physical size of the inductor was about the same as the welding transformer. Our scrap stores supplied the requisite transformer, which we re-wound as a choke., using the existing coil wire which we salvaged. With added triac power control this new welder worked very well indeed. Fitted with an arc starter this machine became a very fine TIG machine, too. Adding an arc starter has its own problems. If you wish to know about them, ask me here.
2 ปีที่แล้ว
Hello. Firstly, thank you. I am also thinking of using the machine as a tig welding machine. Another follower recommended the idea of using a coil to connect to the output. I'm thinking of doing it by wrapping the cable I used in the secondary winding around a toroid core. But I didn't think of making it too big. If you have detailed information on this subject, your advice will be useful to us. Thank you for your attention 👍
@ Thanks for your interest and willingness to learn! For successful TIG welding, an arc starter is necessary so that the tungsten electrode tip does not get contaminated with welded metal. The successful arc starter system consists of 3 major components: 1) A source of high voltage at high frequency. 2) A coupling transformer. 3) By-pass capacitors. The high voltage is needed to ionize the air between the work and the welding electrode, thus providing a conductive path for the arc to begin without touching the work. We used a 10,000 VAC ignition transformer typically used for oil fired domestic heating furnaces. The high frequency is necessary so that the welder does not get electrocuted by the high voltage. Thus the frequency must be high enough for the high voltage to travel over the skin of the welder/machine operator. To produce this high frequency we used spark gaps in series, using small broken tungsten carbide milling endmills for electrodes. Some high voltage capacitors are also required for this circuit. A coupling transformer is needed to superimpose the high frequency voltage onto the welding current. This design was intuitive/experimental and turned out very well. Basically it consists of 2 concentric coils, the inner primary coil is perhaps two dozen turns of wire in one layer, carrying the the high voltage. The secondary winding is made up of 2 layers of welding cable. We found experimentally that placing a ferrite stick from a radio antenna into the centre of this assembly improved the coupling tremendously. Without this ferrite stick perhaps fewer turns of the primary coil would have been necessary. One leg from this transformer goes to the AC input of the full wave rectifier bridge. This next part is most important if you wish to avoid expensive failures! It is absolutely necessary to bridge each diode in the bridge rectifier with the appropriate by-pass capacitor!!! Failure to do so will cause the immediate destruction of at least 2 of the rectifier diodes. These capacitors are AC duty and were fairly expensive from what I remember. Feel free to contact me should you have any specific questions. Bear in mind that I will have to ask my son to elaborate, and may require the partial disassembly of said equipment. Good luck with your endeavour. I trust the foregoing will assist you in your studies for building this apparatus.
2 ปีที่แล้ว
Thank you very much for this long and beautiful explanation. You explained in detail. Thanks again 👍
Absolutely spectacular! I've watched a lot of welder builds and this one is fantastic! I'm building one now as I type this. Thank you. It's perfect.
ปีที่แล้ว +2
I thank you too. I am so glad you liked it. Do not forget to use silicon insulated cable on the secondary side. If you have any questions, you can write here.
@ sen bu trafolari sarmak icin hangi kabloyu kullandin benim kullandigim kablolar isinip eriyyor sonra dumanlar cikiyo bi yardimci ol markasi falan nedir soyleyiver
ปีที่แล้ว +1
Hüseyin bey. Eski bir mesaja cevap yazdığınız için görememiş olmalıyım.. Kullanılması gereken kablo silikon izoleli bakır kablo. Normal PVC izolatör ısıya dayanıklı değil. Ben yaptığımdan beri kullanıyorum. Hiç sorun olmadı. Kablolar ilk günkü gibi
Adding diode bridges in parallel is not recommended, because the diodebridge with the lowest voltage drop will take all the current and burn up, while the other bridges will follow one by one. It's better to choose 1 diode bridge with enough current rating, or use 4 separate diodes with enough current rating. Also, when using DC for stick welding, your welding electrode must be connected to the positive terminal, and your alligatorclip to the negative terminal if you are welding thick material, when using very thin material (sheet / plate), your electrode must be connected to the negative.
2 ปีที่แล้ว +5
Hello. Thanks for the information you provided. I thought about the alternatives you mentioned. However, 250A diodes are very expensive.
The build is very good. The largest microwave transformers are rated for abs maximum 1800VA x 2 = 3600VA/40V = 90 Amps. This is without considering losses. You may be able to push it to 100 Amps max. based upon duty cycle. However, the secondary wires in the transformer cannot take 100 Amps. They may be perhaps 60 to 80 amps. Unless you use a small duty cycle like the commercially available welders. whatever, it is still able to supply high enough current to weld. Now you must add the wire feed and the cable although you may be able to just do stick welding..
2 ปีที่แล้ว +10
Hello. In this state, 100A can be taken easily. I agree with you about the cable I used in the secondary winding. However, I found it appropriate to do this in order to obtain sufficient voltage with 2 transformers. I've been using it for over 1 year. Since I used silicon insulated copper cable in the secondary, I did not have any problems. The dimmer circuit I used for current adjustment did not fail at all. I will experiment with adding the necessary equipment for tig welding at the first opportunity. Thank you for your attention 👍
Murat Ustam emeğine sağlık. Titiz bir çalışma ile son derece basit ve bir kaç yedek malzemeyle, ömürlük bi makine olmuş. Eski bi elektronikçi olarak, böyle ilginç ve güzel çalışmaları izlemesi keyif verici oluyor.
2 ปีที่แล้ว +1
Çok teşekkür ederim Muzaffer bey. Yaptığım günden beri işim oldukça kullanıyorum. Profesyonel bir alet diyemem ama çok ağır işler yapmayan benim gibi kullanıcılar rahatlıkla kullanılabilir. Tekrar teşekkür eder, hayırlı akşamlar dilerim 👍
Good afternoon sir I'm so delighted to watch your video I see the kind of motivation they are given to us here the work is so beautiful the step-up Is very wonderful I've seen it and is working very perfect congratulation sir
Saludos desde Venezuela, gracias por su exelente presentación.
Gracias también. Esta aplicación realmente funcionó muy bien. Sería mejor usar un solo diodo de 200A, pero los diodos de 200A son muy caros. Estos diodos puente cuestan $1 cada uno. Es bastante barato. Saludos desde Turquía 👍
Muy bueno el trabajo, al principio noté que era corriente continua por el sonido del arco y me parecía que habías metido una placa de Inverter en el gabinete jajaja
6 หลายเดือนก่อน
:) No es exactamente el sonido de una máquina inversora, pero es un poco similar ya que es CC. Gracias por tu interés 👍
Параллельное подключение диодов без выравнивающих резисторов ( а в диодной сборке их просто не возможно поставить ) приведет к неравномерной нагрузке на диоды в силу их неодинаковых характеристик и к выходу их из строя со временем. Применять следует либо мощные диоды с запасом по току, либо..... - ( было бы интересно ) синхронный выпрямитель на транзисторах.
2 ปีที่แล้ว +6
И снова здравствуйте. Я предпочел этот метод, потому что одиночный мостовой диод с большим током очень дорог. Я согласен с вами в том, что вы сказали. Насчет балансировочного резистора могу сказать следующее... Так как он не выдерживает такой мощности, то приходится использовать очень мощные каменные резисторы. Это снова создает проблемы с точки зрения стоимости и размера. Вот как я это использую. С диодами проблем не было.
Для более лучшего охлаждения под диодными мостами нужно было промазать теплоотводную пасту, и не сверлить под их алюминиевым корпусом отвертиия для воздушного охлаждения. Лишние отвертия резко уменьшают полезную площать для более эффективного отвода тепла теплоотводом от каждого перегретого алюминиевого корпуса диодного моста. Токоотводные медные жилы хорошо и надёжнее припавивать с предварительной их обкруткой места соприкосновения с контактами мостов и толстых медных проводов более тонким медным проводом на 2-3 оборота (D 0,5 mm) Это нужно для более надёжного пропая припоя, который может в любой момент оторваться от постоянного перегрева, плохого качества пайки и сильного окисления контактов при частой сварки во дворе и под открытым небом. Если при плохой пайке случайно разомкнётся хотя бы один некачественный контакт на любом выводе диодного моста, то другие могут быстро испортиться от перегрева.
2 ปีที่แล้ว +2
Привет. Спасибо. Действительно полезная информация.
Основная проблема не в мостах и их пайке, а в сечении вторичной обмотки и сборных шин . Трансформаторы сгорят гораздо раньше мостов т.к. это место с максимальным тепловым сопротивлением.
Elinize, emeğinize sağlık. videolarınızı geçte olsa fark ettim. Zevkle izliyorum ve yakın zamanda kendime de yapmayı planlıyorum. fikir için teşekkürler.👍
Fantastic job, fantastic result, thanks for sharing your knowledge, I have an old welding machine but I love messing around with these things, I'll build it for sure, one question, could it be considered an inverter even though it's so basic?
2 ปีที่แล้ว
Hola. En primer lugar, gracias. Dado que las máquinas inverter son de corriente continua, podemos decir que el resultado es el mismo. Sin embargo, en las máquinas inverter, el transformador no es así, es decir, no es el mismo sistema.
@I have seen an inverter from the inside and it is indeed not like that, I have read that it depends, I don't know if on the material to be welded or the diameter of the electrode, the polarity could be changed. With this modification, could the same be done with this group?
2 ปีที่แล้ว
Just like you said. There is some information on the electrodes. Specifies which pin should be inserted in which polarity. In this case, you can use it in this machine by changing the polarity according to your needs. What is the maximum current value of your welding machine?
Good job, but small capacitor for high amperage. Add more, and have fun!!
3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1
Thank you. It is possible. However, even without a capacitor, it can be used as a DC machine. If a capacitor is used, it would be better to use a coil. The capacitor is instantly discharged at the first touch. I haven't had the chance to try it, but I will share a video when I do it.
S.A Murat bey. Yine cok güzel ve faydalı bir çalışma olmuş. Sizi tebrik ediyorum. Kondansator 4700 mikrofarat 100 volt sanırım. Birde köprü diyotları paralel bağlamak için kullandığınız çubuk barlar kaç mm kalınlıkta?. iyi çalışmalar dilerim.
2 ปีที่แล้ว +2
Teşekkürler Aydemir bey. Aslında bilgileri altyazılarda vermiştim ama galiba altyazıları acmadiniz. Kondansatör 4700uF 100V , kullandığım bakır kablo 10mm2. Anlaşılmayan yerler varsa yine yazın lütfen.
Wow ... Im just like wow lol ... I didnt even notice you could turn on subtitles lol ... I just figured out my whole problem, im using the wrong capacitor. Thank you guys for this post lol
Murat bey öncelikle elinize sağlık şebekeden çekilen Akım nekadar ben giriş akımını hesapladığımda 30A civarı birşey geliyor bu çok fazla değilmi
7 หลายเดือนก่อน
Merhaba. 30A olması için 220x30=6600W olması gerekir. Ben evde 10A sigorta bulunan prize taktigimda ara sıra sigorta atıyor. 16A sigorta bulunan prizde kullandığım zaman ise sigorta atma sorunu olmuyor. Ben ölçmedim ama 12A falan akım çeker diye düşünüyorum. Çünkü kullanılan trafolar maksimum 1100W civarında. Toplamda 2200W olur. Bu durumda 10A hesaplanır.
I admire what you offer on your channel and a follower for two years. I manufactured a crude machine of four transformers. I hope you will help me with how to connect it to a variable resistance to control the voltage in order to raise or lower the ampere coming out of it. I would be grateful if it was a clear and simplified diagram. My appreciation to you, sir❤
ปีที่แล้ว +1
Hello. Firstly, thank you. I would be happy to assist you as much as I can. There are 2 schematics in the description section of the welding machine video I made with 2 transformers. One is the general wiring diagram and the other takes the extra triac connection to make the dimmer circuit more powerful. Check out these diagrams and get back to me. I will try to explain how to use a dimmer according to your mains voltage value and total power value.
Ow simple of course but not reliable 😅 ultra-thin heat sink for a power dissipation greater than 200W, no snubbers, nothing to equalize the current between the diode bridges and a capacitor that's actually not needed and that's going to fail very soon because of the huge ripple current
Clever design! Only thing that would worry me is no fuse or trip on box! If say recticfier shorted catistrophic could take out transformer! Fit antisurge/time delay fuse to stop nusence during welding surges! Btw have you any info on welding aluminium as I am not a welder just an electronics nut retired ! Fraser
11 หลายเดือนก่อน
Hello again. You are right about insurance. To be honest, I did not install an extra fuse in the box because I was using the machine at home and in a socket with a maximum 16A fuse. I will try to make a filter with a coil on the output side. If I get the result I want, I will share it as a video. I haven't tried aluminum. My profession is also electronics. I'm working on circuit design. Whenever I get the chance, I work on something in my workshop and prepare videos.
Комментарии на трех языках идут )) Выпрямитель можно кстати сделать синхронный на MOSFET каких-нибудь, они греться не будут и напряжение чуть подрастет. Да диодах около 2В падать будет.
Привет. Информация, которую вы дали, очень точна. Спасибо за эту информацию. А вы это написали как ответ кому-то или я так понял из-за перевода?
Excellent, thank you so much. It's was on my mean to do something like tthat. My question can- I use it on a solar regulator charger battery system to replace the solar panels? Like a autonomous free energy?
Hello. You can use this system for battery charging. However, the voltage value must be appropriate. It should also be said. Microwave oven transformers have a heating problem. Good cooling is good for using for a very long time.
Very good and nice I already made 1 with a Panasonic microwave inverter power supply I have tried to make 1 with a normal microwave transformer I had 2 use 2 and it was to heavy so try the Panasonic inverter and with success.
2 ปีที่แล้ว
Hello. In fact, it is not an unbearable weight with 2 transformers. Of course the choice is yours. Thank you for your attention
buenas noches ! maestro como esta ud , ese puente rectificador se le puede adaptar a una maquina de soldar , que venga de fabrica ya AC .
2 หลายเดือนก่อน
Hola. Asimismo, se puede aplicar a su máquina de producción en fábrica. Sin embargo, puede ser necesario cambiar el valor o número del diodo puente dependiendo del valor de corriente de salida de su máquina.
Amigo trabaja con 3 puentes de diodos bendiciones amigo excelente explicación.
Gracias. Según la teoría, con 3 diodos puente se obtiene una resistencia de 150A, pero en este caso los diodos están sobrecargados. Por lo tanto, utilicé 5 diodos de puente para una operación cómoda.
diodes paralleled the current goes mostly through the same ones as it heats up I've heard it doesn't add linearly. for example 2 6 amp diode bridges failed where 1 12 amp diode bridge was way more stable
What you've heard about it is true... But it didn't cause much trouble here. That way it's been very affordable and hasn't broken down since the day I made it. It would be very expensive if I used one 200A diode
exelente ....lo voy a mejorar...una entrada de CA de los primarios de vac-110v ...van en paralelo....o...en serie...gracias
ปีที่แล้ว +1
Gracias. Las entradas de los transformadores deben conectarse en paralelo. Las salidas están en serie... Da igual el valor de la tensión de red, es decir da igual 110 o 220. La razón de esto es que los transformadores de horno de microondas que se utilizan donde vive se fabrican en consecuencia. Espero poder explicar
Selam, Çok düzenli ve güzel çalışan bir ev yapımı makina olmuş, tebrikler... Maalesef bende 100 a lik tek diyot pahalı olduğu için 4 ad 50lik diyot aldım, ama hemen bozulurlar diye henüz takmadım, Sizdeki bozulmadıysa bende kendi makineme montajını yapicam , yabancı kanallarda asenkron sargılardan da yapılıyormuş, birde 60 volt biraz çarpacak sanırım , başarılar...
2 ปีที่แล้ว
Merhaba. Öncelikle teşekkür ederim. Cihazınız 100 veya 120A maksimum akıma sahipse 4 adet 50A diyot yeterli olur. Ben diyot başına düşen yükü azaltmak için 5 adet taktım. 60V hissedilir derecede sıkıntı verir. Ancak vücut durumunuza göre (nemli veya kuru cilt gibi) hissetmeyebilirsiniz. Yine de dokunmazsaniz iyi olur.
I'm sure you can do it, everyone will turn to your channel because it is very educational and makes others smart, your channel will be bustling. Not everyone can afford ACDC Tig Welding because it is very expensive.
2 ปีที่แล้ว
Hello. I agree with you about the tig welding machine. I want to buy it too but as you said it is quite expensive. I'm thinking of adding to this machine. Thank you for your attention 👍
Hello. I've got this on my to-do list. I'm trying to organize my workshop a little this time. I'm going to experiment with a gas cylinder and torch head. I think it will, but I don't know when. This row I need some wood related tools. That's why I'm going to work on these for a while. Thank you for your attention 👍
Estava querendo comprar uma retificadora de solda. Mas resolvi transformar a minha máquina de solda eletrica mesmo. Ela é velha, mas é muito forte... E durou mais de 20 anos. Kkk Merece uma reforma "retificada"! kkk
Acho que não precisa comprar um novo. Sólidos e veteranos...
Buenas noches MG Dios te bendiga Grandemente esa maquina Aguanta para trabajar cuantas horas de trabajo que no se caliente.
2 หลายเดือนก่อน
Hola. Muchas gracias. Como dijiste, el único problema de la máquina es el calor. La sección del convertidor de CC no se sobrecalienta. Sin embargo, se produce calentamiento en los devanados. Que Dios te proteja a ti también.
Bản chuyển điện DC này tôi thấy khá hay đó, nhìn cách bạn hàn thì hồ quang khá đều không bị ngắt, bạn làm rất tốt 👍. Có điều tôi băn khoan nếu sử dụng lâu, biến áp, cầu diot có vần đề gì không? Tôi đã có máy hàn điện tử nhưng vẫn muốn ráp 1 bộ như bạn, nhưng có vẻ giá mua linh kiện bằng 1 chiếc máy điện tử giá rẻ.
ปีที่แล้ว +1
Như bạn nói, giá thành có thể tương đương với giá máy rẻ. Tôi thường sử dụng các tài liệu tôi thu thập xung quanh. Tôi chỉ trả quá nhiều cho cáp. Cáp được coi là rẻ ở Thổ Nhĩ Kỳ so với hầu hết các nước. Tôi đã mua tình nhân của anh ấy với giá 1 đô la. Do đó, nếu bạn không có sẵn một số tài liệu và bạn đã có máy thì không cần phải làm.
Buen día te pregunto debo usar 5 diodos puentes justos o puedo usar menos o más ilustrameporfa gracias
4 หลายเดือนก่อน
Hola. Pido disculpas por regresar tarde. Los diodos que uso tienen una resistencia actual de 50A. Cuando se utilizan 5 piezas, tiene una resistencia actual de alrededor de 250 A. Si usas 5 diodos será suficiente. Sin embargo, si aumenta el número de transformadores, también debe aumentar el número de diodos. En cambio, si utilizas diodos de 100A en lugar de 50A, 3 serán suficientes. Pero dicen que el que yo uso es el mejor en cuanto a precio y prestaciones.
saludos.. que ventaja hay en el cambio de corriente
5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1
Hola. Cuando se cambia la corriente, se puede utilizar un electrodo más delgado. Por ejemplo, si la corriente no se ajusta mientras se suelda metal fino, el metal se perforará.
Est-ce que trois points de diode KBPC 5010 peut faire le travail ? Car j'ai que trois sous la main Merci beaucoup pour le partage j'ai trop aimé
Bonjour. 3 diodes ne suffisent pas. D'après le calcul, bien que 3 diodes correspondent à 150A, cela reste à la limite. Si vous voulez au moins 4 ou même plus de garantie, je vous recommande d'utiliser 5. Merci pour votre attention 👍
Murat bey çalışmalarınızı yeni gördüm. Gerçekten taktir edilesi uygulamalar. Bakır sargılı makinem var. Ben yapmadım orijinal ürün. DC çıkış için bu uygulamayı yapsam sargıların çıkışına bağlasam fakat makinenin kendi amper ayarını kullansam olur mu ? Eski tip ayar yeri elektrod seçenekleri var ona göre yükseltiliyor falan. O ayar yeterli olur mu ? 2. Sorum da kondansatör bağlamasam makinenin kendi voltajı dursa olur mu ? 3. Ve son sorum makinem 140 amper. Kbpc5010 dan 3 tane alsam yeter mi yoksa 4 tane bağlasam daha mı rahat çalışır ?
9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1
Merhaba. Öncelikle teşekkür ederim. Aynı şekilde yapabilirsiniz. Kondansatör takmasaniz da olur. Çıkış yine DC olur. Akım ayarı aynı şekilde kullanılır. 140A için en az 5 âdet köprü diyot kullanmalısınız. Sınırda kalırsa çabuk arıza yapar.
@ köprü diyotları aldım fakat makinem 48v yazıyorken 44v civarı voltaj veriyor sabit şekilde. Bu durumda kondansatör kullanmam gerekir mi? Kullanırsam 60v olması için kaç MF takmam uygun olur? Cevaplarsanız çok sevinirim. Uygulama yapamadım bu sebeple
El capacitor a qué voltaje se lo gusto tu máquina de soldar muy práctica,para llevar a dónde quieres.gracias por compartir tus conocimientos.
Buenos días, esta exelente el diseño, funciona para los Países con corriente 110v
8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1
Hola. Primero, gracias. Funciona de la misma manera en lugares con 110V. Sin embargo, es necesario utilizar cables más gruesos en el lado de entrada. Además, el circuito atenuador utilizado para el ajuste de corriente debería ser más potente. La razón de esto es que la corriente extraída de la entrada es mayor en lugares con un voltaje de 110V.
Tengo 6 diodos mb358 son de 35 A cada uno, en total serian 210 A, con eso es suficiente? Los transformadores son dos y los enbobine con cable calibre 10, me da un voltaje de 37 v, espero tu respuesta, me gustan mucho tus videos 👍🏻
Hola. Creo que eso sería suficiente. Supongo que la corriente de salida estará entre 100 y 120 A. En este caso, creo que sería suficiente. Sin embargo, el cable debe estar aislado con silicona, es decir, resistente al calor. Gracias por su atención 👍
Thank you very much for the answers! I'm going to make a welding machine out of *4 transformers,* please tell me how to convert it to DC, what capacity capacitor can I use?
2 ปีที่แล้ว +2
Even if you don't use a capacitor. The capacitor works to start the arc more easily by charging to the maximum voltage value of the alternating current, but it is fully charged again only when you pause the welding process, even for a moment, as there is a continuous discharge situation during welding. If you do not use a capacitor, you will still get DC voltage. Of course, it is not full DC, but it becomes a full wave rectified signal and the sour values of the alternating current are destroyed. If you want to use a capacitor, it can be 4700 microfarads 80 or 100V. The voltage value of the capacitor depends on the output voltage you get. For example, when I converted 40V AC voltage to DC, I got 60VDC and I used a 100V Luk capacitor. I hope I was able to explain
Для сварки постоянным током можно напряжение на выходе уменьшить, поставить дроссель. А медные жилы(шины) с выпрямителя можно было сразу на выходные клеммы прикрутить.
2 ปีที่แล้ว
Привет. Ваши рекомендации действительно хороши... Добавлю катушку на выходе. С другой стороны, поскольку коробка была узкой, у меня не было возможности много маневрировать. Поэтому я использовал гибкий кабель.
Very neat. But please, please tell us details of windings. How can I build the same as you, if I don't know how many turns of wire is in your primary and secondary windings??? And what guage of wire you have used?? Erich in New Zealand
Hello. Firstly, thank you. This video was made for the process of converting the output voltage of the machine to DC. I recommend watching the actual video of the welding machine with subtitles. If it is still unclear, I can give you as much detailed information as you want. Greetings from Turkey 👍
Thank you very much for the video. I have a question: What is the benefit of converting from alternating current to direct current? Please answer. Thank you in advance. Video için çok teşekkür ederim.Bir sorum var: Alternatif akımdan doğru akıma geçmenin faydası nedir? Lütfen cevaplayın.Şimdiden teşekkür ederim.
11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1
Merhaba. Ben de size teşekkür ederim. DC ile kaynak yapmanın bazı avantajları var. Örneğin ince parçalarda daha iyi sonuç veriyor ayrıca çoğu elektrod DC de kullanıma uygun.
buenoas dias, no se mucho de electronica, pero podrias decir que triac usas?
Hola. El triac que estoy usando es BT137. Estoy pensando en publicar un video en un futuro cercano haciendo que el circuito aquí sea más comprensible y ordenado. Construiré el circuito en la PCB y compartiré el esquema completo.
Looks good,but the heat from the amperage will melt solder, better to crimp your connection lines
Hello. If enough heat is generated to melt the solders (>200°C), there is a big problem. I have been using it without any problems since the day it was made. Thank you for your interest.
Последовательно ,от плюса конденсатора к плюсу провода на электрод , чтоб канденсатор не вышел из строя , мастера по ремонту сварочных показывают что в самодельных опаратах конденсатор нужен для поджога электрода,это две разные схемы.Просмотрел много видео о самодельных сварочных ,я сам хочу переделать с переменного на постоянный ток. заводского производтсва опарат ,вот и ваши видео смотрю ,очень интересно регулировка тока димером ,с трансформаторами не чего не происходит ,В Белорусии также дорогой электро инструмент а денег платят очень мало.
Диммер отлично работает при переменном напряжении. Он даже используется в качестве драйвера двигателя. Поэтому я подумал, что он подходит и для этого приложения. Думаю, довольно успешно. (Думаю, я не смог понять некоторые части вашего сообщения из-за перевода и не смог ответить)
Muy bueno, y para que sirve el botón negro que no lo usa
7 หลายเดือนก่อน
Hola. Muchas gracias y me disculpo por comunicarme tarde. Cuando dices botón negro, creo que te refieres al botón que está girado. Este botón está conectado al extremo del potenciómetro conectado al circuito atenuador utilizado para ajustar la corriente de salida.
Hello my friend, Hello from FRANCE ! ;) Please, I have a question : You have a voltage of 40 Volts AC...does this modification (AC to DC) work with a voltage of 54 Volts AC? I made the same welding machine but with slightly larger transformers, so I was able to make more turns with the electrical wire. I get a voltage of 54 volts AC. 5 x KPBC5010 is it sufficient ? or should I add some? Thank you very much for your answer
3 หลายเดือนก่อน
Hello. Kbpc5010 diode can be used up to 1000V. You will get a voltage above 70V as DC value. No problem. However, since the voltage value is a bit high, it may disturb you a bit when you hold both probes. In other words, you may get an electric shock. On the other hand, it would be good if the capacitor you will use is 100V. But it is okay if you do not put it on.
Good video 👍 . But to give you information ' I make same machine but not for wilding . I made it as universal power supply with input change from 0 to 220 and the output going from 0 to 50v AC . I use same bridge . I use 6 . This bridge not handling 10amp per . It's 6AMP max in Colling . So any way I only use this 6 for 40amp max . But you need equation for capacitor to use . You are using a small capacitor . You need at least 0.12F or 0.2F ( Vripple=0.0024(IL/Cf) ). You will get unwanted viper if you use full loading between AC and DC and that not good for DC side. And it you use more than 0.5F you will struggle in AC parts .
Hello. Thank you very much for the nice and detailed information. Is there a misunderstanding about diodes? These diodes are 50 Amps. You are right about the capacitor and the ripple oscillation, but since I do not use the machine as a power source, I used a small value capacitor. Because if I used a very large capacitor, a big explosion (rapid discharge of the capacitor) would occur because the electrode resistance was very low (about 0 ohms) when I first started welding. And this happened every time. Honestly, even though I don't use capacitors, I think it's enough as we eliminate negative alternans... thank you for your attention.
Grandioso proyecto y el acabado está inmejorable. Puedes subir algún diagrama de todos los componentes y conexiones hechas?
Hola. Disculpe mi respuesta tardía a su mensaje. Dado que el diagrama es simple en este sistema, lo dibujé durante el video y no hice un diagrama adicional. Los materiales que utilizo son 5 diodos puente KBPC5010 y un capacitor de 4700uF/100V. También traté de dar alguna información con subtítulos en el video. Puede que no lo hayas visto con subtítulos. Muchas gracias por tu interes. Si el esquema en el video no funciona para usted, vuelva a escribir.
Murat hocam eline sağlık çok güzel ve faydalı bir paylaşım olmuş uzun zamandır yabancı kaynaklardan araştırma yapıyordum ama senin videon kadar anlaşılır ve faydalı bir içeriğe denk gelmemiştim. Benim bir sorum olacak benim kaynak makina tekntrafolu 250amperlik bir trafo köprü diyotlara bağlantı şeklinde bir değişiklik oluyormu tek trafi yada çift trafoda
Merhaba. Öncelikle çok teşekkür ederim. Köprü diyot bağlantısının trafo sayisi ile ilgisi yoktur. Ancak akım değeri ile ilgisi vardır. Eğer aynı diyotlari kullanmak istiyorsanız en azından 7 adet kullanmanızı tavsiye ederim. Bağlantılar tamamen aynı olacak sadece paralel bağlı diyotlari sayısı artacak. Çünkü sizin makineniz 250A. Umarım yardımcı olabildim. İlginiz için tekrar teşekkür ederim 👍
Hola Murat! Quiero saber cuál es la función de tantos puentes rectificadores y al conectarlos todos en paralelo al voltaje AC que pretendes con esto? Con uno no es suficiente? Logras aumentar el voltaje con esto?? Por qué el condensador es el que lo aumenta, me parece curioso la cantidad de puentes rectificadores y no entiendo muy bien la función de tantos puentes rectificadores. Vi otro diseño pero el hombre le toca usar 3 TF por qué con 2 no alcanza el voltaje suficiente para soldar en DC yo veo que con tu diseño logras un buen voltaje. Quiero saber con esos dos TF solos sin la ayuda de la electrónica de tu diseño, cuántos voltios logras? También quiero saber de cuantos vatios de potencia son esos transformadores de microondas y el awg cal. del secundario que empleaste en el video. Muchas gracias! Tu info me sería de muuuuucha utilidad, gracias nuevamente
ปีที่แล้ว +5
Hola. Este proceso también se puede realizar con un solo puente de diodo y condensador. Sin embargo, en este caso, es necesario utilizar un diodo resistente a por lo menos 200 amperios. Los diodos puente de 200A son muy caros. Usé 5 de los que dijeron que costaban alrededor de 1 dólar cada uno. 50A cada uno. Traté de obtener un diodo puente con una resistencia de 250A conectándolo en paralelo... este sistema no aumenta el voltaje. Entonces, ¿por qué el voltaje pasa de 42 V CA a 60 V CC? Este es un tema simple en electrónica, pero puede ser difícil para las personas que no entienden de electrónica... Sin embargo, permítanme hablar un poco... el voltaje alterno ocurre en la salida del transformador. este voltaje tiene una señal sinusoidal. es decir, en forma de una curva sinusoidal. la curva sinusoidal con alternancia positiva y negativa (alternancia = cada media onda de la curva sinusoidal) se convierte solo en alternancia positiva después del diodo puente. Sin embargo, en este caso todavía hay tensión alterna y de hecho se obtiene un valor de tensión inferior a 42V. Sin embargo, cuando se inserta el capacitor, se carga al valor máximo de cada curva sinusoidal (más alternancia). En otras palabras, cualquier valor de voltaje que llegue a los terminales del capacitor se carga a este valor. Este valor es el valor de 60V. Encontramos esto matemáticamente como 42/0.707=60V. Así es como es... Espero haberlo explicado. Por otro lado, cada uno de los transformadores que uso ronda los 900W. El cable que utilizo en el lado secundario es un cable de cobre con aislamiento de silicona y una sección transversal de 4 mm2. Cada transformador tiene 24 devanados. Dado que la sección transversal del cable es delgada, hay calentamiento. Es necesario utilizar un cable aislado con silicona para que este calentamiento no dañe el bobinado.
Good day sir,i would like to know about that you created it is helpfull to us,i am subcriber to your channel,my hobby is making diy...i already started to make 2 mob i wound it awg8 stranded wire,it works,i follow the diagram u post in the link...ill gather the materials needed but not completed yet,lack of budget...i am thankful to you that i learned your project that youve'd shared in youtube.
Hello. I thank you too. I'm glad you liked it. Greetings from Turkey
Cuanto tiempo puedo usarla para soldar y cuánto de descanso para la maquina
3 หลายเดือนก่อน
Hola. La respuesta a esta pregunta varía según la situación. Sin embargo, puedes dejarlo reposar durante 5 a 10 minutos cada 1 hora. Las dimensiones de la caja pueden ser ligeramente mayores. De esta forma, habrá más oportunidades de ventilación.
Otra pregunta profesor usted cambio el adaptador de 12 voltios por un transformador pequeño ?? Por qué motivo y como se hace la conección?? De antemano muchas gracias
2 ปีที่แล้ว +1
Hola de nuevo. La primera fuente de alimentación de 12 V que conecté falló y la reemplacé. Sin embargo, el cambio que mencioné en este video estaba relacionado con los aspectos de los fanáticos. Establecí la dirección de los ventiladores que soplan antes de soplar. ¿Activaste los subtítulos mientras mirabas el video? Si lo viste sin abrir, te recomiendo que lo vuelvas a ver 👍 Pero no dudes en hacer preguntas 👍
maestro bns dias dsde peru que pasa si le pongo mas puentes rectificadores de 50 amperios maestro buenos dias al dimmer de 4000 watts le puedo poner dos triacs bta 41600b seria mejor
8 หลายเดือนก่อน
Hola. Pido disculpas por regresar tarde. Si usa más diodos, el calor por diodo será menor. Eso estaría mejor. Los triacs que mencionaste también serían adecuados para atenuadores.
Thank you so much 👍👍👍👍👍
Very nice and tidy construction!
Many years ago my younger son built a TIG welding machine from my father's old Lincoln "tombstone" AC welder. He wanted to be able to weld very thin material, also, and we determined that a large inductor was necessary to stop the arc voltage from dropping to zero.
We found no information on the size of the inductor required, except an off-hand comment somewhere that in commercial machines the physical size of the inductor was about the same as the welding transformer.
Our scrap stores supplied the requisite transformer, which we re-wound as a choke., using the existing coil wire which we salvaged.
With added triac power control this new welder worked very well indeed.
Fitted with an arc starter this machine became a very fine TIG machine, too. Adding an arc starter has its own problems. If you wish to know about them, ask me here.
Hello. Firstly, thank you. I am also thinking of using the machine as a tig welding machine. Another follower recommended the idea of using a coil to connect to the output. I'm thinking of doing it by wrapping the cable I used in the secondary winding around a toroid core. But I didn't think of making it too big. If you have detailed information on this subject, your advice will be useful to us. Thank you for your attention 👍
@ Thanks for your interest and willingness to learn!
For successful TIG welding, an arc starter is necessary so that the tungsten electrode tip does not get contaminated with welded metal.
The successful arc starter system consists of 3 major components:
1) A source of high voltage at high frequency.
2) A coupling transformer.
3) By-pass capacitors.
The high voltage is needed to ionize the air between the work and the welding electrode, thus providing a conductive path for the arc to begin without touching the work.
We used a 10,000 VAC ignition transformer typically used for oil fired domestic heating furnaces.
The high frequency is necessary so that the welder does not get electrocuted by the high voltage. Thus the frequency must be high enough for the high voltage to travel over the skin of the welder/machine operator.
To produce this high frequency we used spark gaps in series, using small broken tungsten carbide milling endmills for electrodes. Some high voltage capacitors are also required for this circuit.
A coupling transformer is needed to superimpose the high frequency voltage onto the welding current.
This design was intuitive/experimental and turned out very well.
Basically it consists of 2 concentric coils, the inner primary coil is perhaps two dozen turns of wire in one layer, carrying the the high voltage.
The secondary winding is made up of 2 layers of welding cable.
We found experimentally that placing a ferrite stick from a radio antenna into the centre of this assembly improved the coupling tremendously. Without this ferrite stick perhaps fewer turns of the primary coil would have been necessary.
One leg from this transformer goes to the AC input of the full wave rectifier bridge.
This next part is most important if you wish to avoid expensive failures!
It is absolutely necessary to bridge each diode in the bridge rectifier with the appropriate by-pass capacitor!!! Failure to do so will cause the immediate destruction of at least 2 of the rectifier diodes.
These capacitors are AC duty and were fairly expensive from what I remember.
Feel free to contact me should you have any specific questions. Bear in mind that I will have to ask my son to elaborate, and may require the partial disassembly of said equipment.
Good luck with your endeavour. I trust the foregoing will assist you in your studies for building this apparatus.
Thank you very much for this long and beautiful explanation. You explained in detail. Thanks again 👍
Absolutely spectacular! I've watched a lot of welder builds and this one is fantastic! I'm building one now as I type this. Thank you. It's perfect.
I thank you too. I am so glad you liked it. Do not forget to use silicon insulated cable on the secondary side. If you have any questions, you can write here.
@ sen bu trafolari sarmak icin hangi kabloyu kullandin benim kullandigim kablolar isinip eriyyor sonra dumanlar cikiyo bi yardimci ol markasi falan nedir soyleyiver
Hüseyin bey. Eski bir mesaja cevap yazdığınız için görememiş olmalıyım.. Kullanılması gereken kablo silikon izoleli bakır kablo. Normal PVC izolatör ısıya dayanıklı değil. Ben yaptığımdan beri kullanıyorum. Hiç sorun olmadı. Kablolar ilk günkü gibi
Excelente trabajo, lo hice con 6 puentes de diodo de 35 amp, en paralelo y hasta ahora la maquina me trabaja bien. Exitos
Muchas gracias. No creo que haya ningún problema. Yo también lo uso sin problemas. Saludos desde Turquía 👍
Muy bien pero puede hacer una mejora controlando la tensión de entrada con tiristor
Adding diode bridges in parallel is not recommended, because the diodebridge with the lowest voltage drop will take all the current and burn up, while the other bridges will follow one by one. It's better to choose 1 diode bridge with enough current rating, or use 4 separate diodes with enough current rating.
Also, when using DC for stick welding, your welding electrode must be connected to the positive terminal, and your alligatorclip to the negative terminal if you are welding thick material, when using very thin material (sheet / plate), your electrode must be connected to the negative.
Hello. Thanks for the information you provided. I thought about the alternatives you mentioned. However, 250A diodes are very expensive.
@ aside from the capacitor you can use a resistor to balance the current in the redtifier bridge so they do not burn.
bir sonraki vidyıda yaptığınız akım ayar aparatının plaketini nasıl temin ederim
You have useful mind,ideas,for humanity,,thanks from EGYPT...
Thank you very much. I'm glad you liked it. Greetings from Turkey 👍
مساء الخير كنت بسالك رقم المكثف كام
Excelente los dos videos, la construcción de la maquin6de soldar y la conversión de AC a CC.. FELICITACIONES.
Muchas gracias. Me alegra que te guste. Saludos desde Turquía 👍
하이 안녕 👋👋👋 팔방 미인 이시네요 만능재주꾼이세요 다음에도 멋진거 기대할께요 오늘도 너무 좋았어요 잘보가 갑니다 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍
정말 고맙습니다. 다음 비디오는 나무에 관한 것입니다.
A perfect way to arrange the bridges, very impressed.
I'm glad you liked it. Thank you very much 👍
Awesome 👍 brilliant learned some thing DC welding
Thank you for sharing your Amazing DIY welding Machine video Murat Sef 💯❤️✔️ Seni seviyorum😊😊
Thank you so much. I'm glad you like it 👍
The build is very good.
The largest microwave transformers are rated for abs maximum 1800VA x 2 = 3600VA/40V = 90 Amps. This is without considering losses. You may be able to push it to 100 Amps max. based upon duty cycle. However, the secondary wires in the transformer cannot take 100 Amps. They may be perhaps 60 to 80 amps. Unless you use a small duty cycle like the commercially available welders. whatever, it is still able to supply high enough current to weld. Now you must add the wire feed and the cable although you may be able to just do stick welding..
Hello. In this state, 100A can be taken easily. I agree with you about the cable I used in the secondary winding. However, I found it appropriate to do this in order to obtain sufficient voltage with 2 transformers. I've been using it for over 1 year. Since I used silicon insulated copper cable in the secondary, I did not have any problems. The dimmer circuit I used for current adjustment did not fail at all. I will experiment with adding the necessary equipment for tig welding at the first opportunity. Thank you for your attention 👍
Murat Ustam emeğine sağlık. Titiz bir çalışma ile son derece basit ve bir kaç yedek malzemeyle, ömürlük bi makine olmuş. Eski bi elektronikçi olarak, böyle ilginç ve güzel çalışmaları izlemesi keyif verici oluyor.
Çok teşekkür ederim Muzaffer bey. Yaptığım günden beri işim oldukça kullanıyorum. Profesyonel bir alet diyemem ama çok ağır işler yapmayan benim gibi kullanıcılar rahatlıkla kullanılabilir. Tekrar teşekkür eder, hayırlı akşamlar dilerim 👍
هل يمكنها تلحيم الالمنيوم
Gracias Maestro!!!! Me has iluminado,hace tiempo quería modificar una vieja máquina,me alegraste el día!
Gracias también por tu bonito comentario. 👍
Now I know what to do with all these FWBRs I have stashed....Thanks bro!!!
Thank you too 👍
Good afternoon sir I'm so delighted to watch your video I see the kind of motivation they are given to us here the work is so beautiful the step-up Is very wonderful I've seen it and is working very perfect congratulation sir
Thank you so much. I'm glad you like it 👍
Very great, this is what I have been looking for for a long time. Thank you for your efforts to benefit everyone
I also thank you very much. I tried to make it clear, but if there is anything unclear, please ask.
@ Well my friend, from now on I have subscribed to your channel and is calling to follow your videos and more creativity
Amazing build quality keep up the great work my friend
Thank you so much. I'm glad you like it 👍
thank you so much for sharing your ideas in making simple small welding machine. God bless
I thank you too. I'm glad you liked it. I also shared a video for converting the output voltage of this machine to DC. You can find it on my channel.
Главное работает если ремонт то мастер свой починит.👍👍👍
Привет. Google переводчик иногда делает бессмысленные предложения в русских переводах. Но я уверен, что вы написали хороший материал. Спасибо
Mantaaap👍👍👍👍kawan hasil karyanya , salam dari pemula mengenal Arus lemah🤗🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩
Saya juga berterima kasih. Sistemnya sederhana dan berfungsi dengan baik. Salam dari Turki
Good work as always. We shared this video on our homemade tools forum this week 😎
Thank you 👍
Saludos desde Venezuela, gracias por su exelente presentación.
Gracias también. Esta aplicación realmente funcionó muy bien. Sería mejor usar un solo diodo de 200A, pero los diodos de 200A son muy caros. Estos diodos puente cuestan $1 cada uno. Es bastante barato. Saludos desde Turquía 👍
Murat kardeşim, eline yüreğine sağlık. Ne kadar faydalı bilgi oldu benim için anlatamam. Sağol, varol.
Siz de sağolun Ayhan bey 👍👍👍
"You do very good work."👍
Tank you so much 👍
C’est excellent merci beaucoup pour l’exercice ❤
Merci aussi. Je suis content que ça te plaise 👍
Muy bueno el trabajo, al principio noté que era corriente continua por el sonido del arco y me parecía que habías metido una placa de Inverter en el gabinete jajaja
:) No es exactamente el sonido de una máquina inversora, pero es un poco similar ya que es CC. Gracias por tu interés 👍
Параллельное подключение диодов без выравнивающих резисторов ( а в диодной сборке их просто не возможно поставить ) приведет к неравномерной нагрузке на диоды в силу их неодинаковых характеристик и к выходу их из строя со временем. Применять следует либо мощные диоды с запасом по току, либо..... - ( было бы интересно ) синхронный выпрямитель на транзисторах.
И снова здравствуйте. Я предпочел этот метод, потому что одиночный мостовой диод с большим током очень дорог. Я согласен с вами в том, что вы сказали. Насчет балансировочного резистора могу сказать следующее... Так как он не выдерживает такой мощности, то приходится использовать очень мощные каменные резисторы. Это снова создает проблемы с точки зрения стоимости и размера. Вот как я это использую. С диодами проблем не было.
@ И... причина: идентичость параметров в пределах одной партии.😎
Well done!! Greetings from, Barcelona Venezuela
Thank you so much. Greetings from Turkey 👍👍👍
Для более лучшего охлаждения под диодными мостами нужно было промазать теплоотводную пасту, и не сверлить под их алюминиевым корпусом отвертиия для воздушного охлаждения.
Лишние отвертия резко уменьшают полезную площать для более эффективного отвода тепла теплоотводом от каждого перегретого алюминиевого корпуса диодного моста.
Токоотводные медные жилы хорошо и надёжнее припавивать с предварительной их обкруткой места соприкосновения с контактами мостов и толстых медных проводов более тонким медным проводом на 2-3 оборота (D 0,5 mm) Это нужно для более надёжного пропая припоя, который может в любой момент оторваться от постоянного перегрева, плохого качества пайки и сильного окисления контактов при частой сварки во дворе и под открытым небом.
Если при плохой пайке случайно разомкнётся хотя бы один некачественный контакт на любом выводе диодного моста, то другие могут быстро испортиться от перегрева.
Привет. Спасибо. Действительно полезная информация.
Основная проблема не в мостах и их пайке, а в сечении вторичной обмотки и сборных шин . Трансформаторы сгорят гораздо раньше мостов т.к. это место с максимальным тепловым сопротивлением.
هل يمكنها تلحيم الالمنيوم
@@yazidfryazid5039 Нет.
@ sizinle nasıl iletişime geçebilirim?
Elinize, emeğinize sağlık. videolarınızı geçte olsa fark ettim. Zevkle izliyorum ve
yakın zamanda kendime de yapmayı planlıyorum. fikir için teşekkürler.👍
Çok teşekkür ederim. Beğenmenize sevindim 👍👍👍
Fantastic job, fantastic result, thanks for sharing your knowledge, I have an old welding machine but I love messing around with these things, I'll build it for sure, one question, could it be considered an inverter even though it's so basic?
Hola. En primer lugar, gracias. Dado que las máquinas inverter son de corriente continua, podemos decir que el resultado es el mismo. Sin embargo, en las máquinas inverter, el transformador no es así, es decir, no es el mismo sistema.
@I have seen an inverter from the inside and it is indeed not like that, I have read that it depends, I don't know if on the material to be welded or the diameter of the electrode, the polarity could be changed. With this modification, could the same be done with this group?
Just like you said. There is some information on the electrodes. Specifies which pin should be inserted in which polarity. In this case, you can use it in this machine by changing the polarity according to your needs. What is the maximum current value of your welding machine?
@t is to be built I have the material and it will be a replica of the one you have shared with us, the machine I saw inside was not mine
Good job, but small capacitor for high amperage. Add more, and have fun!!
Thank you. It is possible. However, even without a capacitor, it can be used as a DC machine. If a capacitor is used, it would be better to use a coil. The capacitor is instantly discharged at the first touch. I haven't had the chance to try it, but I will share a video when I do it.
S.A Murat bey. Yine cok güzel ve faydalı bir çalışma olmuş. Sizi tebrik ediyorum. Kondansator 4700 mikrofarat 100 volt sanırım. Birde köprü diyotları paralel bağlamak için kullandığınız çubuk barlar kaç mm kalınlıkta?. iyi çalışmalar dilerim.
Teşekkürler Aydemir bey. Aslında bilgileri altyazılarda vermiştim ama galiba altyazıları acmadiniz. Kondansatör 4700uF 100V , kullandığım bakır kablo 10mm2. Anlaşılmayan yerler varsa yine yazın lütfen.
@ evt alt yazıyı fark etmedim. Cevap için teşekkürler.
Ben de teşekkür ederim 👍
Wow ... Im just like wow lol ... I didnt even notice you could turn on subtitles lol ... I just figured out my whole problem, im using the wrong capacitor. Thank you guys for this post lol
Many many thanks for nice vdo with rectifire information how to connect in parallel
I thank you too. I'm glad you liked my video 👍
Belo trabalho!!!
Obrigado. Fico feliz que goste 👍
Murat bey öncelikle elinize sağlık şebekeden çekilen Akım nekadar ben giriş akımını hesapladığımda 30A civarı birşey geliyor bu çok fazla değilmi
Merhaba. 30A olması için 220x30=6600W olması gerekir. Ben evde 10A sigorta bulunan prize taktigimda ara sıra sigorta atıyor. 16A sigorta bulunan prizde kullandığım zaman ise sigorta atma sorunu olmuyor. Ben ölçmedim ama 12A falan akım çeker diye düşünüyorum. Çünkü kullanılan trafolar maksimum 1100W civarında. Toplamda 2200W olur. Bu durumda 10A hesaplanır.
Sieht gut aus, keine schlechte Idee.
Danke. Freut mich, dass es dir gefällt 👍
Muito lingo seu trabalho.amo capricho. Voce está de nota 1000 pelo que vejo em outros vídeo
Muito obrigado. Saudações da Turquia 👍
용접도 잘 하네요.
작품도 훌륭하고 좋습니다.😂😂😂
매우 감사합니다. 마음에 드셨다니 기쁘네요. 현재는 제가 직접 만든 용접기 2대를 이용하여 발코니 난간을 제작하고 있습니다. 조금 긴 작업이지만 완성되면 영상 공유하겠습니다.
I admire what you offer on your channel and a follower for two years. I manufactured a crude machine of four transformers. I hope you will help me with how to connect it to a variable resistance to control the voltage in order to raise or lower the ampere coming out of it. I would be grateful if it was a clear and simplified diagram. My appreciation to you, sir❤
Hello. Firstly, thank you. I would be happy to assist you as much as I can. There are 2 schematics in the description section of the welding machine video I made with 2 transformers. One is the general wiring diagram and the other takes the extra triac connection to make the dimmer circuit more powerful. Check out these diagrams and get back to me. I will try to explain how to use a dimmer according to your mains voltage value and total power value.
I am very grateful to you and the description, and I will be following what you create. My dear friend
Thank you too 👍
Simple and reliable.. I will try it also. Thanks for the know how
Thank you so much. I'm glad you like it. It's a well-functioning system. I recommend 👍
Ow simple of course but not reliable 😅 ultra-thin heat sink for a power dissipation greater than 200W, no snubbers, nothing to equalize the current between the diode bridges and a capacitor that's actually not needed and that's going to fail very soon because of the huge ripple current
Clever design! Only thing that would worry me is no fuse or trip on box! If say recticfier shorted catistrophic could take out transformer!
Fit antisurge/time delay fuse to stop nusence during welding surges! Btw have you any info on welding aluminium as I am not a welder just an electronics nut retired ! Fraser
Hello again. You are right about insurance. To be honest, I did not install an extra fuse in the box because I was using the machine at home and in a socket with a maximum 16A fuse. I will try to make a filter with a coil on the output side. If I get the result I want, I will share it as a video. I haven't tried aluminum. My profession is also electronics. I'm working on circuit design. Whenever I get the chance, I work on something in my workshop and prepare videos.
Комментарии на трех языках идут ))
Выпрямитель можно кстати сделать синхронный на MOSFET каких-нибудь, они греться не будут и напряжение чуть подрастет. Да диодах около 2В падать будет.
Привет. Информация, которую вы дали, очень точна. Спасибо за эту информацию. А вы это написали как ответ кому-то или я так понял из-за перевода?
Bu videoyu görmemişim. Yine mükemmel bir video olmuş, elinize sağlık.
Çok teşekkür ederim 👍
Excellent, thank you so much. It's was on my mean to do something like tthat.
My question can- I use it on a solar regulator charger battery system to replace the solar panels? Like a autonomous free energy?
Hello. You can use this system for battery charging. However, the voltage value must be appropriate. It should also be said. Microwave oven transformers have a heating problem. Good cooling is good for using for a very long time.
Very good and nice I already made 1 with a Panasonic microwave inverter power supply I have tried to make 1 with a normal microwave transformer I had 2 use 2 and it was to heavy so try the Panasonic inverter and with success.
Hello. In fact, it is not an unbearable weight with 2 transformers. Of course the choice is yours. Thank you for your attention
buenas noches ! maestro como esta ud , ese puente rectificador se le puede adaptar a una maquina de soldar , que venga de fabrica ya AC .
Hola. Asimismo, se puede aplicar a su máquina de producción en fábrica. Sin embargo, puede ser necesario cambiar el valor o número del diodo puente dependiendo del valor de corriente de salida de su máquina.
Buenas amigo excelente trabajo tengo una duda el equipo es capaz de derretir barra para soldadura en aluminio muchas gracias saludos desde Colombia
Hola. En primer lugar, gracias. Hasta donde yo sé, proporciona los valores requeridos. Sin embargo, no lo he probado.
Amigo trabaja con 3 puentes de diodos bendiciones amigo excelente explicación.
Gracias. Según la teoría, con 3 diodos puente se obtiene una resistencia de 150A, pero en este caso los diodos están sobrecargados. Por lo tanto, utilicé 5 diodos de puente para una operación cómoda.
Gracias amigo
Esto si esta muy bueno para hacer.una soldadora de plasma igual gracias bro Arg
Muchas gracias. me alegra que te guste
Bạn có hoa tay vẽ nên vẽ rất đẹp và nhanh rất chuyên nghiệp.
Cảm ơn 👍
diodes paralleled the current goes mostly through the same ones as it heats up I've heard it doesn't add linearly. for example 2 6 amp diode bridges failed where 1 12 amp diode bridge was way more stable
What you've heard about it is true... But it didn't cause much trouble here. That way it's been very affordable and hasn't broken down since the day I made it. It would be very expensive if I used one 200A diode
exelente ....lo voy a mejorar...una entrada de CA de los primarios de vac-110v ...van en paralelo....o...en serie...gracias
Gracias. Las entradas de los transformadores deben conectarse en paralelo. Las salidas están en serie... Da igual el valor de la tensión de red, es decir da igual 110 o 220. La razón de esto es que los transformadores de horno de microondas que se utilizan donde vive se fabrican en consecuencia. Espero poder explicar
Gracias... perfectamente bien entendí
Hello VN rất tuyệt vời sáng tạo hay tuyệt vời nhất chúc mừng bạn thành công hay vui trẻ đẹp hạnh phúc ok
Cảm ơn bạn rất nhiều. Tôi rất vui vì bạn thích nó 👍
Best work and brilliant in consciousness
Thank you so much 👍
Es la mejor q he visto hecha en casa
Muchas gracias. Se calienta un poco, pero lo uso sin problemas.
Çok düzenli ve güzel çalışan bir ev yapımı makina olmuş, tebrikler...
Maalesef bende 100 a lik tek diyot pahalı olduğu için 4 ad 50lik diyot aldım, ama hemen bozulurlar diye henüz takmadım,
Sizdeki bozulmadıysa bende kendi makineme montajını yapicam , yabancı kanallarda asenkron sargılardan da yapılıyormuş,
birde 60 volt biraz çarpacak sanırım ,
Merhaba. Öncelikle teşekkür ederim. Cihazınız 100 veya 120A maksimum akıma sahipse 4 adet 50A diyot yeterli olur. Ben diyot başına düşen yükü azaltmak için 5 adet taktım. 60V hissedilir derecede sıkıntı verir. Ancak vücut durumunuza göre (nemli veya kuru cilt gibi) hissetmeyebilirsiniz. Yine de dokunmazsaniz iyi olur.
@ 👍
I'm sure you can do it, everyone will turn to your channel because it is very educational and makes others smart, your channel will be bustling. Not everyone can afford ACDC Tig Welding because it is very expensive.
Hello. I agree with you about the tig welding machine. I want to buy it too but as you said it is quite expensive. I'm thinking of adding to this machine. Thank you for your attention 👍
@ I hope you can do it, I'm always waiting
Hello. I've got this on my to-do list. I'm trying to organize my workshop a little this time. I'm going to experiment with a gas cylinder and torch head. I think it will, but I don't know when. This row I need some wood related tools. That's why I'm going to work on these for a while. Thank you for your attention 👍
Estava querendo comprar uma retificadora de solda. Mas resolvi transformar a minha máquina de solda eletrica mesmo. Ela é velha, mas é muito forte... E durou mais de 20 anos. Kkk
Merece uma reforma "retificada"! kkk
Acho que não precisa comprar um novo. Sólidos e veteranos...
Buenas noches MG Dios te bendiga Grandemente esa maquina Aguanta para trabajar cuantas horas de trabajo que no se caliente.
Hola. Muchas gracias. Como dijiste, el único problema de la máquina es el calor. La sección del convertidor de CC no se sobrecalienta. Sin embargo, se produce calentamiento en los devanados. Que Dios te proteja a ti también.
Bản chuyển điện DC này tôi thấy khá hay đó, nhìn cách bạn hàn thì hồ quang khá đều không bị ngắt, bạn làm rất tốt 👍. Có điều tôi băn khoan nếu sử dụng lâu, biến áp, cầu diot có vần đề gì không? Tôi đã có máy hàn điện tử nhưng vẫn muốn ráp 1 bộ như bạn, nhưng có vẻ giá mua linh kiện bằng 1 chiếc máy điện tử giá rẻ.
Như bạn nói, giá thành có thể tương đương với giá máy rẻ. Tôi thường sử dụng các tài liệu tôi thu thập xung quanh. Tôi chỉ trả quá nhiều cho cáp. Cáp được coi là rẻ ở Thổ Nhĩ Kỳ so với hầu hết các nước. Tôi đã mua tình nhân của anh ấy với giá 1 đô la. Do đó, nếu bạn không có sẵn một số tài liệu và bạn đã có máy thì không cần phải làm.
@ thanks 🙂 cảm ơn bạn đã chia sẻ.
Eline sağlık çok güzel paylaşım için teşekkürler 👍
Ben de size teşekkür ederim
Buen día te pregunto debo usar 5 diodos puentes justos o puedo usar menos o más ilustrameporfa gracias
Hola. Pido disculpas por regresar tarde. Los diodos que uso tienen una resistencia actual de 50A. Cuando se utilizan 5 piezas, tiene una resistencia actual de alrededor de 250 A. Si usas 5 diodos será suficiente. Sin embargo, si aumenta el número de transformadores, también debe aumentar el número de diodos. En cambio, si utilizas diodos de 100A en lugar de 50A, 3 serán suficientes. Pero dicen que el que yo uso es el mejor en cuanto a precio y prestaciones.
que ventaja hay en el cambio de corriente
Hola. Cuando se cambia la corriente, se puede utilizar un electrodo más delgado. Por ejemplo, si la corriente no se ajusta mientras se suelda metal fino, el metal se perforará.
Est-ce que trois points de diode KBPC 5010 peut faire le travail ? Car j'ai que trois sous la main
Merci beaucoup pour le partage j'ai trop aimé
Bonjour. 3 diodes ne suffisent pas. D'après le calcul, bien que 3 diodes correspondent à 150A, cela reste à la limite. Si vous voulez au moins 4 ou même plus de garantie, je vous recommande d'utiliser 5. Merci pour votre attention 👍
Excelente trabajo, estaba buscando un tutorial para tratar de hacer una y me diste luz para hacerla. muchas gracias
Gracias también. Un método económico y conveniente. Espero que lo hagas y lo uses. Saludos desde Turquía 👍
Murat bey çalışmalarınızı yeni gördüm. Gerçekten taktir edilesi uygulamalar.
Bakır sargılı makinem var. Ben yapmadım orijinal ürün. DC çıkış için bu uygulamayı yapsam sargıların çıkışına bağlasam fakat makinenin kendi amper ayarını kullansam olur mu ?
Eski tip ayar yeri elektrod seçenekleri var ona göre yükseltiliyor falan. O ayar yeterli olur mu ?
2. Sorum da kondansatör bağlamasam makinenin kendi voltajı dursa olur mu ?
3. Ve son sorum makinem 140 amper. Kbpc5010 dan 3 tane alsam yeter mi yoksa 4 tane bağlasam daha mı rahat çalışır ?
Merhaba. Öncelikle teşekkür ederim. Aynı şekilde yapabilirsiniz. Kondansatör takmasaniz da olur. Çıkış yine DC olur. Akım ayarı aynı şekilde kullanılır. 140A için en az 5 âdet köprü diyot kullanmalısınız. Sınırda kalırsa çabuk arıza yapar.
@ çok teşekkür ederim 👍. Tig torcu üretiminizi sabırsızlıkla bekliyorum 😊
@ köprü diyotları aldım fakat makinem 48v yazıyorken 44v civarı voltaj veriyor sabit şekilde. Bu durumda kondansatör kullanmam gerekir mi? Kullanırsam 60v olması için kaç MF takmam uygun olur? Cevaplarsanız çok sevinirim. Uygulama yapamadım bu sebeple
Taktığınız kapasitör katlayarak mı arttırıyor yoksa 60v mu oluyo çıkış her durumda ona göre alacağım
El capacitor a qué voltaje se lo gusto tu máquina de soldar muy práctica,para llevar a dónde quieres.gracias por compartir tus conocimientos.
yes, this is better good job, 👍👍👍👍👍👍⚡⚡🎖️🎖️🎖️
Thank you. I am glad you like it 👍
Very cool! Kudos
Thank you so much 👍
Buenos días, esta exelente el diseño, funciona para los Países con corriente 110v
Hola. Primero, gracias. Funciona de la misma manera en lugares con 110V. Sin embargo, es necesario utilizar cables más gruesos en el lado de entrada. Además, el circuito atenuador utilizado para el ajuste de corriente debería ser más potente. La razón de esto es que la corriente extraída de la entrada es mayor en lugares con un voltaje de 110V.
Great effort friend.
Please can I use winding wire 4mm for the secondary
Thanks. I used 4mm2 silicon insulated copper cable. Honestly, it's a little thin, but I've been using it since I made it and I'm satisfied.
Tengo 6 diodos mb358 son de 35 A cada uno, en total serian 210 A, con eso es suficiente?
Los transformadores son dos y los enbobine con cable calibre 10, me da un voltaje de 37 v, espero tu respuesta, me gustan mucho tus videos 👍🏻
Hola. Creo que eso sería suficiente. Supongo que la corriente de salida estará entre 100 y 120 A. En este caso, creo que sería suficiente. Sin embargo, el cable debe estar aislado con silicona, es decir, resistente al calor. Gracias por su atención 👍
Thank you very much for the answers!
I'm going to make a welding machine out of *4 transformers,* please tell me how to convert it to DC, what capacity capacitor can I use?
Even if you don't use a capacitor. The capacitor works to start the arc more easily by charging to the maximum voltage value of the alternating current, but it is fully charged again only when you pause the welding process, even for a moment, as there is a continuous discharge situation during welding. If you do not use a capacitor, you will still get DC voltage. Of course, it is not full DC, but it becomes a full wave rectified signal and the sour values of the alternating current are destroyed. If you want to use a capacitor, it can be 4700 microfarads 80 or 100V. The voltage value of the capacitor depends on the output voltage you get. For example, when I converted 40V AC voltage to DC, I got 60VDC and I used a 100V Luk capacitor. I hope I was able to explain
Good job Murat👋👍
Thank you so much 👍
Very good result.
Thank you so much 👍
Bahut badiya bhaiya
धन्यवाद 👍
Fanstastic work 👏👌 thanks my friend👍
Thank you so much 👍
@ saludos amigo, por favor cual es el rango mínimo y máximo de amperaje de esta máquina soldadura.
Muchas gracias por compartir, y felicidades grandioso trabajo
Gracias también. Traté de responder a sus preguntas sobre la máquina de soldar. Escriba si tiene alguna otra pregunta. 👍
Для сварки постоянным током можно напряжение на выходе уменьшить, поставить дроссель. А медные жилы(шины) с выпрямителя можно было сразу на выходные клеммы прикрутить.
Привет. Ваши рекомендации действительно хороши... Добавлю катушку на выходе. С другой стороны, поскольку коробка была узкой, у меня не было возможности много маневрировать. Поэтому я использовал гибкий кабель.
@ Если схему рисуешь, то делай это без ошибок.
Ficou mto boa
Muito obrigado. Não se esqueça de se inscrever no meu canal 👍
Very neat. But please, please tell us details of windings. How can I build the same as you, if I don't know how many turns of wire is in your primary and secondary windings??? And what guage of wire you have used?? Erich in New Zealand
Hello. Firstly, thank you. This video was made for the process of converting the output voltage of the machine to DC. I recommend watching the actual video of the welding machine with subtitles. If it is still unclear, I can give you as much detailed information as you want. Greetings from Turkey 👍
Thank you very much for the video. I have a question: What is the benefit of converting from alternating current to direct current? Please answer. Thank you in advance.
Video için çok teşekkür ederim.Bir sorum var: Alternatif akımdan doğru akıma geçmenin faydası nedir? Lütfen cevaplayın.Şimdiden teşekkür ederim.
Merhaba. Ben de size teşekkür ederim. DC ile kaynak yapmanın bazı avantajları var. Örneğin ince parçalarda daha iyi sonuç veriyor ayrıca çoğu elektrod DC de kullanıma uygun.
buenoas dias, no se mucho de electronica, pero podrias decir que triac usas?
Hola. El triac que estoy usando es BT137. Estoy pensando en publicar un video en un futuro cercano haciendo que el circuito aquí sea más comprensible y ordenado. Construiré el circuito en la PCB y compartiré el esquema completo.
Looks good,but the heat from the amperage will melt solder, better to crimp your connection lines
Hello. If enough heat is generated to melt the solders (>200°C), there is a big problem. I have been using it without any problems since the day it was made. Thank you for your interest.
Последовательно ,от плюса конденсатора к плюсу провода на электрод , чтоб канденсатор не вышел из строя , мастера по ремонту сварочных показывают что в самодельных опаратах конденсатор нужен для поджога электрода,это две разные схемы.Просмотрел много видео о самодельных сварочных ,я сам хочу переделать с переменного на постоянный ток. заводского производтсва опарат ,вот и ваши видео смотрю ,очень интересно регулировка тока димером ,с трансформаторами не чего не происходит ,В Белорусии также дорогой электро инструмент а денег платят очень мало.
Диммер отлично работает при переменном напряжении. Он даже используется в качестве драйвера двигателя. Поэтому я подумал, что он подходит и для этого приложения. Думаю, довольно успешно. (Думаю, я не смог понять некоторые части вашего сообщения из-за перевода и не смог ответить)
Muy bueno, y para que sirve el botón negro que no lo usa
Hola. Muchas gracias y me disculpo por comunicarme tarde. Cuando dices botón negro, creo que te refieres al botón que está girado. Este botón está conectado al extremo del potenciómetro conectado al circuito atenuador utilizado para ajustar la corriente de salida.
Hello my friend, Hello from FRANCE ! ;)
Please, I have a question :
You have a voltage of 40 Volts AC...does this modification (AC to DC) work with a voltage of 54 Volts AC? I made the same welding machine but with slightly larger transformers, so I was able to make more turns with the electrical wire. I get a voltage of 54 volts AC.
5 x KPBC5010 is it sufficient ? or should I add some?
Thank you very much for your answer
Hello. Kbpc5010 diode can be used up to 1000V. You will get a voltage above 70V as DC value. No problem. However, since the voltage value is a bit high, it may disturb you a bit when you hold both probes. In other words, you may get an electric shock. On the other hand, it would be good if the capacitor you will use is 100V. But it is okay if you do not put it on.
Good video 👍 . But to give you information ' I make same machine but not for wilding . I made it as universal power supply with input change from 0 to 220 and the output going from 0 to 50v AC . I use same bridge . I use 6 . This bridge not handling 10amp per . It's 6AMP max in Colling . So any way I only use this 6 for 40amp max . But you need equation for capacitor to use . You are using a small capacitor . You need at least 0.12F or 0.2F ( Vripple=0.0024(IL/Cf) ). You will get unwanted viper if you use full loading between AC and DC and that not good for DC side. And it you use more than 0.5F you will struggle in AC parts .
Hello. Thank you very much for the nice and detailed information. Is there a misunderstanding about diodes? These diodes are 50 Amps. You are right about the capacitor and the ripple oscillation, but since I do not use the machine as a power source, I used a small value capacitor. Because if I used a very large capacitor, a big explosion (rapid discharge of the capacitor) would occur because the electrode resistance was very low (about 0 ohms) when I first started welding. And this happened every time. Honestly, even though I don't use capacitors, I think it's enough as we eliminate negative alternans... thank you for your attention.
Grandioso proyecto y el acabado está inmejorable. Puedes subir algún diagrama de todos los componentes y conexiones hechas?
Hola. Disculpe mi respuesta tardía a su mensaje. Dado que el diagrama es simple en este sistema, lo dibujé durante el video y no hice un diagrama adicional. Los materiales que utilizo son 5 diodos puente KBPC5010 y un capacitor de 4700uF/100V. También traté de dar alguna información con subtítulos en el video. Puede que no lo hayas visto con subtítulos. Muchas gracias por tu interes. Si el esquema en el video no funciona para usted, vuelva a escribir.
Murat hocam eline sağlık çok güzel ve faydalı bir paylaşım olmuş uzun zamandır yabancı kaynaklardan araştırma yapıyordum ama senin videon kadar anlaşılır ve faydalı bir içeriğe denk gelmemiştim. Benim bir sorum olacak benim kaynak makina tekntrafolu 250amperlik bir trafo köprü diyotlara bağlantı şeklinde bir değişiklik oluyormu tek trafi yada çift trafoda
Merhaba. Öncelikle çok teşekkür ederim. Köprü diyot bağlantısının trafo sayisi ile ilgisi yoktur. Ancak akım değeri ile ilgisi vardır. Eğer aynı diyotlari kullanmak istiyorsanız en azından 7 adet kullanmanızı tavsiye ederim. Bağlantılar tamamen aynı olacak sadece paralel bağlı diyotlari sayısı artacak. Çünkü sizin makineniz 250A. Umarım yardımcı olabildim. İlginiz için tekrar teşekkür ederim 👍
Hola Murat! Quiero saber cuál es la función de tantos puentes rectificadores y al conectarlos todos en paralelo al voltaje AC que pretendes con esto? Con uno no es suficiente? Logras aumentar el voltaje con esto?? Por qué el condensador es el que lo aumenta, me parece curioso la cantidad de puentes rectificadores y no entiendo muy bien la función de tantos puentes rectificadores. Vi otro diseño pero el hombre le toca usar 3 TF por qué con 2 no alcanza el voltaje suficiente para soldar en DC yo veo que con tu diseño logras un buen voltaje. Quiero saber con esos dos TF solos sin la ayuda de la electrónica de tu diseño, cuántos voltios logras? También quiero saber de cuantos vatios de potencia son esos transformadores de microondas y el awg cal. del secundario que empleaste en el video. Muchas gracias! Tu info me sería de muuuuucha utilidad, gracias nuevamente
Hola. Este proceso también se puede realizar con un solo puente de diodo y condensador. Sin embargo, en este caso, es necesario utilizar un diodo resistente a por lo menos 200 amperios. Los diodos puente de 200A son muy caros. Usé 5 de los que dijeron que costaban alrededor de 1 dólar cada uno. 50A cada uno. Traté de obtener un diodo puente con una resistencia de 250A conectándolo en paralelo... este sistema no aumenta el voltaje. Entonces, ¿por qué el voltaje pasa de 42 V CA a 60 V CC? Este es un tema simple en electrónica, pero puede ser difícil para las personas que no entienden de electrónica... Sin embargo, permítanme hablar un poco... el voltaje alterno ocurre en la salida del transformador. este voltaje tiene una señal sinusoidal. es decir, en forma de una curva sinusoidal. la curva sinusoidal con alternancia positiva y negativa (alternancia = cada media onda de la curva sinusoidal) se convierte solo en alternancia positiva después del diodo puente. Sin embargo, en este caso todavía hay tensión alterna y de hecho se obtiene un valor de tensión inferior a 42V. Sin embargo, cuando se inserta el capacitor, se carga al valor máximo de cada curva sinusoidal (más alternancia). En otras palabras, cualquier valor de voltaje que llegue a los terminales del capacitor se carga a este valor. Este valor es el valor de 60V. Encontramos esto matemáticamente como 42/0.707=60V. Así es como es... Espero haberlo explicado. Por otro lado, cada uno de los transformadores que uso ronda los 900W. El cable que utilizo en el lado secundario es un cable de cobre con aislamiento de silicona y una sección transversal de 4 mm2. Cada transformador tiene 24 devanados. Dado que la sección transversal del cable es delgada, hay calentamiento. Es necesario utilizar un cable aislado con silicona para que este calentamiento no dañe el bobinado.
Good day sir,i would like to know about that you created it is helpfull to us,i am subcriber to your channel,my hobby is making diy...i already started to make 2 mob i wound it awg8 stranded wire,it works,i follow the diagram u post in the link...ill gather the materials needed but not completed yet,lack of budget...i am thankful to you that i learned your project that youve'd shared in youtube.
Hello. I thank you too. I'm glad you liked it. Greetings from Turkey
Cuanto tiempo puedo usarla para soldar y cuánto de descanso para la maquina
Hola. La respuesta a esta pregunta varía según la situación. Sin embargo, puedes dejarlo reposar durante 5 a 10 minutos cada 1 hora. Las dimensiones de la caja pueden ser ligeramente mayores. De esta forma, habrá más oportunidades de ventilación.
Otra pregunta profesor usted cambio el adaptador de 12 voltios por un transformador pequeño ?? Por qué motivo y como se hace la conección?? De antemano muchas gracias
Hola de nuevo. La primera fuente de alimentación de 12 V que conecté falló y la reemplacé. Sin embargo, el cambio que mencioné en este video estaba relacionado con los aspectos de los fanáticos. Establecí la dirección de los ventiladores que soplan antes de soplar. ¿Activaste los subtítulos mientras mirabas el video? Si lo viste sin abrir, te recomiendo que lo vuelvas a ver 👍 Pero no dudes en hacer preguntas 👍
Kardesim öncelikle eline sağlik guzel bi calisma olmus. Sekonder sargisi kac mm2 lik kabloyla sarili onu goremedim.
Çok teşekkür ederim Erdoğan bey. Sekonder sargı 4mm2 kesitli silikon izoleli bakır kablo ile 24 tur sarılmıştır
@ tesekkur ederim verdiginiz bilgi icin.
Ben de teşekkür ederim 👍
ขอบคุณครับ ที่ให้ความรู้วิธีการทำตู้เชื่อม ขอสอบหน่อยนะครับ ช่างใช้สายไฟขนาดเท่าไหร่ครับ
สวัสดี สายเคเบิลที่ฉันใช้ในหม้อแปลงคือสายทองแดงหุ้มฉนวนซิลิกอนที่มีหน้าตัดขนาด 4mm2 สายเคเบิลแกนเดียวที่ฉันใช้ในกระบวนการแก้ไขคือสายทองแดงที่มีหน้าตัดขนาด 10 มม.2 ขอบคุณมากสำหรับความสนใจของคุณ
very good very nice
Thank you so much 👍
Well done
Thank you 👍
maestro bns dias dsde peru que pasa si le pongo mas puentes rectificadores de 50 amperios
maestro buenos dias al dimmer de 4000 watts le puedo poner dos triacs bta 41600b seria mejor
Hola. Pido disculpas por regresar tarde. Si usa más diodos, el calor por diodo será menor. Eso estaría mejor. Los triacs que mencionaste también serían adecuados para atenuadores.