Conservation Easements: A Tool for Working Forest Conservation

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 12 ก.ย. 2024
  • Learn about how conservation easements can be an important economic and conservation tool for family forest owners.

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  • @lancewallach2845
    @lancewallach2845 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    The Internal Revenue Service has yet again publicly reiterated its commitment to challenge syndicated conservation easement transactions-transactions that it has, in recent years, labeled as “listed” transactions, tax-speak for “buyer beware.” In a recent press release, the IRS warned yet again that it believes that these easement deductions are “abusive transactions” and hinted that taxpayers can expect to face “new arguments” from its arsenal of legal theories. To add insult to injury, the IRS further cautioned that its newly-established “Office of Fraud Enforcement and the National Fraud Counsel are coordinating . . . to canvas cases for additional fraud considerations,” including civil fraud penalties and referrals to criminal investigation. The stakes, in other words, remain high for participants in syndicated conservation easement transactions.
    Lance Wallach receives hundreds of calls annually to help people fight the IRS and get their money back from the promoters of these scams. Google Lance Wallach and your advisor, who do you trust?

  • @lancewallach3201
    @lancewallach3201 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    The IRS has been cracking down on conservation easement transactions for over ten years. Nevertheless, taxpayers have continued to claim charitable contribution deductions attributable to the donation of conservation easements and promoters have continued to assemble investments utilizing conservation easement charitable deductions. The IRS began focusing on syndicated conservation easement transactions when it issued Notice 2017-10, designating syndicated conservation easement transactions as listed transactions. These syndicated investments involve the use of partnerships to raise funds from investors, who are allocated a share of a charitable contribution deduction attributable to conservation easements donated on land owned by the partnership. In fall of 2018, the IRS doubled down on its attacks of these investments when syndicated conservation easements were added to the list of LB&I compliance campaigns. While the IRS continues to crack down on these arrangements, taxpayers have continued litigating the finer points of these transactions. On the flipside, DOJ has begun cracking down on promoters who market these transactions. Below are details on the most recent developments.
    Lawsuits against Promoters
    The government had has enlisted another tactic for shutting down conservation easements by bringing actions against the organizers of conservation easement syndication schemes. On December 28, 2018, the Department of Justice filed a compliant in the Northern District of Georgia asserting that a group of defendants assembled partnership which were “nothing more than a thinly veiled sale of grossly overvalued federal tax deductions under the guise of investing in a partnership.” The complaint asserts that the defendants’ conservation easement syndicates have generated $2 billion in conservation easement charitable contribution deductions. The complaint seeks to enjoin the defendants from continuing to promote such schemes, and asks the court to order the defendants to disgorge all profits received as a result of the conservation easement syndicates.
    The defendants include a conservation manager/broker dealer, an appraiser, and various professionals associated with EcoVest Capital, Inc., an entity that sponsors real estate investments focused on conservation. The promotional materials mentioned in the compliant set forth an example where in exchange for a $750,000 investment, an investor would receive $2 million of deductions, generating tax savings of $1 million. The syndicates were sold as securities exempt from registration through broker-dealers. The easement syndicates involved properties located in Alabama, Georgia, Indiana, Kentucky, North Carolina, South Caroline, Tennessee, and Texas.
    Any taxpayer who may have invested in a syndicated conservation easement through Ecovest or any other investment advisor should carefully review Notice 2017-10 and related the disclosure requirements for listed transactions. Those taxpayers should also consult with a tax attorney to consider strategies for mitigating any damages.
    Contact details
    Lance Wallach
    Phone number : 516-236-8440
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    Address : USA

  • @lancewallach2845
    @lancewallach2845 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    The IRS is auditing conservation easements. Some promoters, the IRS notes, have tried to distance their particular scheme from those in the IRS crosshairs, claiming their transactions are “different” and don’t suffer from the same flaws as the stated plans.
    The agency will soon publish updates to the Conservation Easement Audit Technique Guide that set out new arguments that taxpayers can expect the IRS to make in SCE cases.
    The newly established Office of Fraud Enforcement and the National Fraud Counsel are teaming up with examining agents and Chief Counsel attorneys to canvas cases for additional fraud considerations, which might include assertion of the 75% civil fraud penalty, or where applicable, referrals to Criminal Investigation.
    The CC Notice, the IRS reminds, also responds to a frequent question raised by several groups of partners who have approached the IRS Chief Counsel, asking to resolve their cases. The Chief Counsel settlement initiative requires the partnership engaged in the SCE transaction - and all of its partners - to agree to settle on the terms offered by the IRS.
    The terms include a complete disallowance of the claimed charitable contribution deductions and penalties, although some partners may deduct their cost of investing in the partnership. In rare cases, Chief Counsel has the authority to permit less than all the partners to settle on these terms.
    Lance Wallach receives hundreds of calls annually to help people fight the IRS and get their money back from the promoters of these scams. Google Lance Wallach and your advisor, who do you trust?

  • @brocho-_xx6253
    @brocho-_xx6253 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    The IRS said Thursday it will be sending settlement offers with terms that are stricter than ones it offered last year under an earlier micro-captive initiative. The IRS has been focusing on cracking down on certain types of tax avoidance schemes such as syndicated conservation easements and micro-captive insurance, while also stepping up tax enforcement efforts against holders of digital currencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum, despite a decreasing number of IRS audits overall in recent years.
    The crackdown isn’t entirely new. In 2016, the Treasury Department and the IRS issued Notice 2016-66, which identified certain micro-captive transactions as having the potential for tax avoidance and evasion.

  • @lancewallach2845
    @lancewallach2845 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    The IRS released an advance version of Notice 2016-66 that identifies a type of transaction involving a “micro-captive insurance” structure as a “transaction of interest”-i.e., a tax avoidance transaction-for purposes of Reg. section 1.6011-4(b)(6) and sections 6111 and 6112.
    Notice 2016-66 [PDF 44 KB] states that these “micro-captive transactions” have the potential for tax avoidance or evasion. Taxpayers engaged in these transactions must disclose the transactions. A failure to disclose will be subject to the penalty under section 6707A or section 6707(a).
    in 2019, the IRS added syndicated conservation easement transactions to its annual "Dirty Dozen" list of tax scams.
    Lance Wallach has received hundreds of phone calls to fight the IRS, and to get all peoples money back from the promoters that sold these scam tax shelters. As an expert witness Lance Wallach has never lost a case. If you are in a captive or conservation easement and want to be made whole contact or call 516-236-8440. Google Lance Wallach and your advisor. Who do you trust.