巴巴扎年的小提琴 Arno Babadjanian's Violin

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 26 ก.ย. 2024
  • 「薄暮樂敘」示範講座
    Around Twilight Lecture Demonstration
    (粵語主講 In Cantonese)
    張文蕊/小提琴 Kitty Cheung, violin
    伍凱鈴/鋼琴 Jenny Ng, piano
    陳慶恩教授/主持 Prof. Chan Hing-yan, host
    羅斯卓波維奇(Mstislav Rostropovich)稱巴巴扎年(Arno Babadjanian)為「傑出的作曲家、充滿激情的鋼琴家、親切的鄰居和多年的摯友」。巴巴扎年年輕時已精通亞美尼亞的民間音樂,往後更成為前蘇聯古典樂壇具領導地位的作曲家。他為小提琴及鋼琴而作的奏鳴曲,空靈高遠、熱情謳歌,兼而有之,極能體現其既植根亞美尼亞傳統,又獨樹一幟的音樂風格。本地小提琴家張文蕊將聯同鋼琴家伍凱鈴為觀眾呈獻這首激動人心的傑作,張博士更會與陳慶恩教授即席對談,分享她學習和演奏這首作品的個人體會。
    Postponed earlier this year due to the pandemic, we are grateful that the artists have agreed to record and release now the online version of 'Arno Babadjanian's Violin'. We look forward to presenting this programme LIVE in the Grand Hall soon!
    Enter the contrasting worlds of ethereal soundscapes and frenzied melodic moments in Arno Babadjanian’s Sonata for Violin and Piano. Described as “a brilliant composer, fiery pianist, beloved neighbour and devoted friend for many years” by Mstislav Rostropovich, Babadjanian was well-versed in the Armenian folk traditions from a young age and was a leading composer in the former Soviet classical music scene. Hong Kong violinist Kitty Cheung and pianist Jenny Ng will bring to life this emotional tour-de-force, which aptly illustrates Babadjanian’s genius in establishing a distinct musical style deeply rooted in Armenia folk traditions yet uniquely his own. Hosted by Prof. Chan Hing-yan, Dr. Cheung will also share her thoughts on the life and artistry of Babadjanian.

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