Thank you Florian for posting this message. My prayer is that more people or even if it is just one person would see this video and trigger a interest to study this topic to get clarity and to see that this topic is truly Biblical.
Besten Dank für Ihre Frage. Ja, wir haben das Westminster Bekenntnis von 1646 als die Erklärung unserer Glaubenspunkte und dort finden Sie die Abhandlung der Frage der Erwählung in Kapitel 9 & 10. Das Bekenntnis können Sie ganz einfach mit Google finden, da es weltweit das am meisten verbreitete reformierte Bekenntnisschreiben ist, oder Sie können auch diesem Link folgen:
The Doctrine of Predestination is so easy to understand but unfortunitely this doctrine irritates so many people because it takes your human freedom away and people don't like it. It is a doctrine that is 100% biblical and if anyone have doubts in their hearts or find it hard to accept it. I would ask that person to go through the Bible and mark everywhere " the power of God" next to every verse where God say what he can do and where men don't have a choice like these verses:Dan 4:35, Phil2:13, Heb11:6(Heb12:2) john3:27. These verses makes it very clear we are not as free in our decision making as we might think and when the Bible says we are saved by Grace and not by works. That means we are not saved by 1% on our side to make a decision for Christ and the other 99% is Gods saving work. The Bible says it is by Gods grace and grace is an atribute of God not of man. Man has the works and you as a man don't even have that 1% of choosing God. He alone does all the work. Predestination bring sooo much Glory and honour to God and takes all human effort away in our salvation. If a Christian mindset is to glorify God why are we fighting against this Biblical doctrine??? We should embrace it and Thank God for showing us this wonderful truth. The Bible says we must continue in Gods word and we shall know the truth and the truth shall set us free. O LORD GIVE ME GRACE TO FEEL MY NEED OF THEY GRACE, GIVE ME GRACE TO ASK FOR THY GRACE, GIVE ME GRACE TO RECEIVE THY GRACE AND WHEN IN THY GRACE THOU HAS GIVEN ME GRACE GIVE ME GRACE TO USE THY GRACE, AMEN. We cannot pray this prayer that gives so much honour to Gods grace alone in our salvation when we fight against the doctrine of predestination.... please read this book: Predestination by Gordon H.Clark it helped me to get a better convincing understanding on this topic. Anyone interested in this book can find it on :
Besten Dank für Ihren Kommentar. Da müssen Sie aber noch etwas mehr die Bibel lesen 😉 Haben Sie sich den Video angeschaut? Beste Grüsse & Gottes Segen.
Thank you Florian for posting this message. My prayer is that more people or even if it is just one person would see this video and trigger a interest to study this topic to get clarity and to see that this topic is truly Biblical.
Hallo Bruder,
Was du gesagt hast finde ich sehr gut.
Es fehlt aber die andere Seite der Medaille.
Johannes 6.37
Danke für das Feedback!
Sehr gut erklärt 👍, Danke
Vielen Dank!
Steht ihre Meinung auch so in den offiziellen Glaubenspunkten ihrer Kirche ?
Besten Dank für Ihre Frage. Ja, wir haben das Westminster Bekenntnis von 1646 als die Erklärung unserer Glaubenspunkte und dort finden Sie die Abhandlung der Frage der Erwählung in Kapitel 9 & 10. Das Bekenntnis können Sie ganz einfach mit Google finden, da es weltweit das am meisten verbreitete reformierte Bekenntnisschreiben ist, oder Sie können auch diesem Link folgen:
@zurichpres Ansonsten könnte man ja einfach behaupten ? Egal was wir auch tun , sündigen usw . , wir sind Gerettet , in eben Allen was wir auch tun !
The Doctrine of Predestination is so easy to understand but unfortunitely this doctrine irritates so many people because it takes your human freedom away and people don't like it. It is a doctrine that is 100% biblical and if anyone have doubts in their hearts or find it hard to accept it. I would ask that person to go through the Bible and mark everywhere " the power of God" next to every verse where God say what he can do and where men don't have a choice like these verses:Dan 4:35, Phil2:13, Heb11:6(Heb12:2) john3:27. These verses makes it very clear we are not as free in our decision making as we might think and when the Bible says we are saved by Grace and not by works. That means we are not saved by 1% on our side to make a decision for Christ and the other 99% is Gods saving work. The Bible says it is by Gods grace and grace is an atribute of God not of man. Man has the works and you as a man don't even have that 1% of choosing God. He alone does all the work. Predestination bring sooo much Glory and honour to God and takes all human effort away in our salvation. If a Christian mindset is to glorify God why are we fighting against this Biblical doctrine??? We should embrace it and Thank God for showing us this wonderful truth. The Bible says we must continue in Gods word and we shall know the truth and the truth shall set us free. O LORD GIVE ME GRACE TO FEEL MY NEED OF THEY GRACE, GIVE ME GRACE TO ASK FOR THY GRACE, GIVE ME GRACE TO RECEIVE THY GRACE AND WHEN IN THY GRACE THOU HAS GIVEN ME GRACE GIVE ME GRACE TO USE THY GRACE, AMEN. We cannot pray this prayer that gives so much honour to Gods grace alone in our salvation when we fight against the doctrine of predestination.... please read this book: Predestination by Gordon H.Clark it helped me to get a better convincing understanding on this topic. Anyone interested in this book can find it on :
es gibt im Wort Gottes keiner Erwählung zum Heil oder Verdammnis.
Besten Dank für Ihren Kommentar. Da müssen Sie aber noch etwas mehr die Bibel lesen 😉 Haben Sie sich den Video angeschaut? Beste Grüsse & Gottes Segen.