When at the Sides of the table, the Nap goes from Bottom to Top. When at the Top of the table, the Nap goes from Right to Left. If you rub your hand gently on the table, you will feel it smooth going from Bottom to Top, and rough going from Top to Bottom.
即係用一樣的力度A 用k既長短去改變白波行出黎嘅距離?
Very inspiring. U r west man
感謝分享 對我呢D初學者好有用. 🤩
Good luck and play well
講起打billliard, 以前好多時在麥花臣對面間桌球室睇波王余打billiard. 一轉眼就幾十年。
依家香港已經冇乜人打billiards 啦
@@ericlee147 以前係Joe`s..睇過你打比賽😊
@@chungwahsiu2897 haha long time ago lu
@@ericlee147 以前你打Pool.. 那場贏ET..好精彩😁😁 我兩樣桌球都鍾意玩..不過麻麻地..
When at the Sides of the table, the Nap goes from Bottom to Top. When at the Top of the table, the Nap goes from Right to Left. If you rub your hand gently on the table, you will feel it smooth going from Bottom to Top, and rough going from Top to Bottom.
@@ericlee147 謝分享,支持你的廣東話桌球頻道