I've always had a huge interest in acting, costumes, filming and everything that's happening on a movie set. I especially respect people who work on suits, animatronics, everything to make a creature come to life. I absolutely love watching the movements of creatures in movies and always had a love for the Xenomorphs in the Alien movies. Honestly I'd immediately get into such a suit if I could. However I just have a huge love for all the things that happen on a set and behind the scenes. This summer I got chosen to help in a theater play. I helped with the costumes, worked on them, made changes, helped the actors to get into them backstage and even got a background actor role. It was an amazing experience. Definitely in the entertainment industry teamwork is incredibly important and I loved to experience how everyone worked together. At the last day of the play when it was time to say goodbye I got really teary eyed because everyone kind of grew to me during that time and for the rest of the team it was the same. It was amazing. And while creating a movie like Alien is sooo much more work than just a theater play I'd cut off an arm and a leg to spend a day on set. I'd totally be up to all kinds of work there. And really I would probably explode of excitement if I had the chance to be at a movie set and maybe learn something. Well, I guess I sound like some overly excited child but I just... ugh! I can't put it into words just how passionate I am about all these things.
That first shot of Tom crawling down the wall and leaping on the man was amazing! I actually had to watch it a few times in order to wrap my head around the fact that he's actually on the floor. See this is the kind of effect I love. The kind that required ingenuity and makes me go "How the hell did the do that?"
Mark Carchidi I friggin love ADI, you'll catch me commenting on like, every one of their videos. Heck when I heard they wanted funding for Harbinger Down I threw my wallet at my computer so hard it broke the screen. You owe me a computer Alec.
For most creature performers, it's not just about whether if if the suit fits--it's what you can do with it. Knowing what the suit is capable of withstanding AND what the performer is physically capable of accomplishing is an important process before it gets in front of a camera. On AVP, Tom Woodruff, Jr. was able to draw out a new level of movement for the dreaded xenomorphs utilizing a cable and harness rig that he rigorously practiced on in and out of the suit. Not to mention some good ole camera tricks.
Wow that's awesome to know that creature actors like Tom put just as much acting into their character as the stars, if not more. But I always wanted to ask, why wasn't ADI considered to work on Predators (2010)? And what was your reaction to the film?
Doing exercise all day in a rubber suit that can't breathe? I've heard it's the purest hell, but I guess you get to be the monster, so it's all worth it.
People think CGI is easy, it's actually more complicated. Especially if you're trying to match the natural movement of something without the aid of motion capture software, as well as replicating the effects of real light, etc. You'd be surprised how much CGI is actually used in movies, that people don't really notice is CGI until they're shown it's CGI.
WellDoneTurner I disagree. Well, I haven't seen Transformers, but from what I've seen of it, the CGI looks pretty good, considering they're not really designing organic creatures in Transformers. As for Jurassic World... the CGI looks far better than Jurassic Park's... granted, it's still inaccurate for the sake of continuity, but it's way ahead of the CG in Jurassic Park... everything looked almost flat in Jurassic Park, with the exception of the shots of the Rex in the rain and such. The CGI improved over the course of the movies, Jurassic World's CGI is exceptional. Ironically, the company that did the CGI for Jurassic World is the same company that does the effects for a lot of movies (including Star Wars The Force Awakens, in fact they did all the Star Wars movies)... Industrial Light and Magic aka ILM, which was created by George Lucas. ILM also did the CGI for Terminator Genisys, The Martian, and a great number of Star Trek movies, including the recent JJ movies and is doing the CGI for Star Trek Beyond.
I really appreciate you guys taking the time to post the mechanics of your craft. It inspires those of us walking in your footsteps and increases a general awareness and appreciation of the complex art and genius behind so many of the visuals we, as an audience, tend to take for granted.
Man, Tom gets all the fun... :-D Fantastic stuff, guys. I really enjoyed the AvP movies, even if they're a bit lackluster story wise. The amazing SFX sure make up for the crappy script!
Tom is such an amazingly physical suit actor! He and Doug Jones never cease to amaze me. I will say though that while I enjoy the energetic xenos I kinda miss the stately and graceful moves of the original Big Chap.
Imagine walking past one of those windows and seeing an alien doing track starts like it’s in a 100m race....if you’d forgot your glasses that day you could quite easily freak out 😁
i just wanna see one cut footage where they randomly cut to a scene where the actor is sitting on a chair with the alien suit smoking a cigarette through the suit's neck hole then saying i never used to be like this.
Because it's absolute fucking dog shit. I don't understand how anyone can defend it. There's nothing special or memorable and is mainly just Fox throwing their franchises together for some quick money.
I think that they probably used both. Some scenes are propbably in the costume, and the more flashy might be with CGI? Just using logic, I would assume that a costume would look way better in slower, closer shots, but CGI would allow for a lot more movement. I am by no means educated on film making though.
Very cool, I always wanted to be part of these types of projects and team,, but never fully utilize my artistic skills and never apply myself,, I regret all off it!!
That's really cool!! But if there's a new Alien movie in the future I hope the original H.G. Giger's design will make a return because his design was wayyy creepier and scarier.
No, I actually do this very type of work and can tell you that it's cases like these , that with today's CGI we can do very easily. At the time they were shooting this , CGI wasn't where it is now, which is invisible when you want it to be.
These movies are too underrated ... Ive asked ppl about these movies and most dont know what the hell im talking about like wtf!!!!!!! I love predator thoooo he is wowww
To show movement going by during the shot. He was hanging in one spot but pretending to climb down. A black sheet with white lines showed the movement and simulation of speed . You couldn't see that if it was all black. This is just for the test , mind you. For the actual scene there would be actual sections of the set that could move.
I've always had a huge interest in acting, costumes, filming and everything that's happening on a movie set. I especially respect people who work on suits, animatronics, everything to make a creature come to life. I absolutely love watching the movements of creatures in movies and always had a love for the Xenomorphs in the Alien movies. Honestly I'd immediately get into such a suit if I could. However I just have a huge love for all the things that happen on a set and behind the scenes.
This summer I got chosen to help in a theater play. I helped with the costumes, worked on them, made changes, helped the actors to get into them backstage and even got a background actor role. It was an amazing experience. Definitely in the entertainment industry teamwork is incredibly important and I loved to experience how everyone worked together. At the last day of the play when it was time to say goodbye I got really teary eyed because everyone kind of grew to me during that time and for the rest of the team it was the same. It was amazing.
And while creating a movie like Alien is sooo much more work than just a theater play I'd cut off an arm and a leg to spend a day on set. I'd totally be up to all kinds of work there.
And really I would probably explode of excitement if I had the chance to be at a movie set and maybe learn something.
Well, I guess I sound like some overly excited child but I just... ugh! I can't put it into words just how passionate I am about all these things.
I guess this kind of explains why the aliens feel so floaty in the movies.
Feel? Look.
they didn't have great CGI at the time. Now, any kid can scan a suit and animate it with motion capture right on their home computer.
There is no great CGI then and now.
"so, i heard that you got a new job"
" yes, now i'm a motherfucking ALIEN!!!!"
Just as long as his friend doesn't spread the word or more will get jealous.
he looks like a majestic unicorn galloping in the wind =')
Yeah, one that eats people and is basically unstoppable.
Lulster 10 you to realise that this comment is 3 yrs old she probably has a new channel but it still funny
"How are you feeling?" - crew member
"Fine" - lying stuntman in rubber prison.
''how are you feeling''-human
That first shot of Tom crawling down the wall and leaping on the man was amazing! I actually had to watch it a few times in order to wrap my head around the fact that he's actually on the floor.
See this is the kind of effect I love. The kind that required ingenuity and makes me go "How the hell did the do that?"
Mark Carchidi I friggin love ADI, you'll catch me commenting on like, every one of their videos. Heck when I heard they wanted funding for Harbinger Down I threw my wallet at my computer so hard it broke the screen. You owe me a computer Alec.
Love this fantastic
For most creature performers, it's not just about whether if if the suit fits--it's what you can do with it. Knowing what the suit is capable of withstanding AND what the performer is physically capable of accomplishing is an important process before it gets in front of a camera.
On AVP, Tom Woodruff, Jr. was able to draw out a new level of movement for the dreaded xenomorphs utilizing a cable and harness rig that he rigorously practiced on in and out of the suit. Not to mention some good ole camera tricks.
Great job!!!!
Thanks, Carlos!
studioADI really !! it's an impressive work to making possible the realism at the Alien Movies.
Wow that's awesome to know that creature actors like Tom put just as much acting into their character as the stars, if not more. But I always wanted to ask, why wasn't ADI considered to work on Predators (2010)? And what was your reaction to the film?
studioADI hay is it a castoom? or edeted?
that job must be amazing
job?I woud make this for free lol
i would do that job for free too because it looks awesome XD
Doing exercise all day in a rubber suit that can't breathe? I've heard it's the purest hell, but I guess you get to be the monster, so it's all worth it.
People who get into that business are set for life!
From an AVP geek, thank you, from the bottom of my heart thank you for this :)
I would love to get that alien suit!
And runing around with it at night. Freaking out people >_>
You read my mind lmao
Glad to see how we're are on the same page
@@nikhil5680 sorry but I don't think anyone will be fucking with that giant ass alien lol
cops just shoot those suit cosplayer down like hell
Why can't more movies have animatronics, puppets and suits like AVP did...
All we get nowadays is CGI after CGI stuff and it's getting kinda old...
Because puppets are 10x harder to make and manipulate then CGI.
People think CGI is easy, it's actually more complicated. Especially if you're trying to match the natural movement of something without the aid of motion capture software, as well as replicating the effects of real light, etc.
You'd be surprised how much CGI is actually used in movies, that people don't really notice is CGI until they're shown it's CGI.
***** tru
+Chris Cunningham Only when it is good CGI. Transformers and Jurassic World have bad CGI.
WellDoneTurner I disagree. Well, I haven't seen Transformers, but from what I've seen of it, the CGI looks pretty good, considering they're not really designing organic creatures in Transformers.
As for Jurassic World... the CGI looks far better than Jurassic Park's... granted, it's still inaccurate for the sake of continuity, but it's way ahead of the CG in Jurassic Park... everything looked almost flat in Jurassic Park, with the exception of the shots of the Rex in the rain and such.
The CGI improved over the course of the movies, Jurassic World's CGI is exceptional.
Ironically, the company that did the CGI for Jurassic World is the same company that does the effects for a lot of movies (including Star Wars The Force Awakens, in fact they did all the Star Wars movies)... Industrial Light and Magic aka ILM, which was created by George Lucas. ILM also did the CGI for Terminator Genisys, The Martian, and a great number of Star Trek movies, including the recent JJ movies and is doing the CGI for Star Trek Beyond.
Fascinating. Incredible as to how much work goes into making a film these days.
a man in a costume like that is scarier than a cgi. that's just my opinion
.... and by GOLY YOU ARE RIGHT
Just see that running right at ya, enough to make me piss myself xD
Crazy all the work that goes into making a movie!
that suit is freaking TERRIFYING I LOVE IT!!!!
I really appreciate you guys taking the time to post the mechanics of your craft. It inspires those of us walking in your footsteps and increases a general awareness and appreciation of the complex art and genius behind so many of the visuals we, as an audience, tend to take for granted.
Cgi can't replace this! I love films that have to be filmed upside down or in reverse to achieve a shot practically with fx. Good work!
Man, Tom gets all the fun... :-D
Fantastic stuff, guys. I really enjoyed the AvP movies, even if they're a bit lackluster story wise. The amazing SFX sure make up for the crappy script!
i just bought AVPR im waching it soon
Well.. I dunno if I should congratulate you or commiserate with you. :-P
Tom Woodruff, Jr is one of the premier creature performers in the business today. He is a true professional.
I want that costume
me too lol
+Virgil Core its not easy.
Absolutely love watching this sort of stuff!
Tom is such an amazingly physical suit actor! He and Doug Jones never cease to amaze me. I will say though that while I enjoy the energetic xenos I kinda miss the stately and graceful moves of the original Big Chap.
My favorite behind the scenes video on this channel
This looks fun Tom Woodruff Jr is having the time of his life there. Very interesting
Imagine walking past one of those windows and seeing an alien doing track starts like it’s in a 100m race....if you’d forgot your glasses that day you could quite easily freak out 😁
Oh my god Tom I love you as the alien.
1:23 - moonwalking Alien.
I Knew That Was Tom Woodruff Jr. I'm Such A Huge Fan Of His Work. Creature Suit Performers Are A BIG Important Factor In Making Movies.
who else laughed when he was flung back in the air?😂
awesome and looks more badass ! you guys did a wonderful job :)
I would sell an arm and a leg to get my hands on one of these costumes!
all through out my life i thought is was a robot or camera effect. Nice work guys!
Great work as this is inspiring on all levels ...So good to see this foundation within vfx as being the positive eavh time .." Brilliant ! "
this is sick!! not much CGI!! have a alien costume?!! awesome..
awww, that dude is SOOO lucky! I wanna be doing that for hours just jumping around like child play, it looks so fun
ouaaaaaaaaa just amazing video thanks for share it
Tom, you are the man.
That first shot was really cool!
i want xeno for pet lol
just imagine him running towards you like a puppy when you come back from work
+Josip Valek
And then it eats your brain ^^
+Max Mustermann yeah xD
+Josip Valek grrr We are PEOPLE , not pets! You must mean you want to be FRIENDS with us :P *wags tail*
+Xenomorph1320-D Yes!
Xenomorph Oh Hi! :D=c
That would look really fucking awesome being in one of those suits, I want one!
Amazing work! Wished in the movies we could see lot more of those visual very cool scenes and moves.
Perfect movie scene Alien figurant 🏆👏👏👏
i just wanna see one cut footage where they randomly cut to a scene where the actor is sitting on a chair with the alien suit smoking a cigarette through the suit's neck hole then saying i never used to be like this.
That would be amazing
I was thinking the same thing except the actor is taking a bathroom break taking a shit reading a magazine in his Xeno suit
Isso tudo é realmente incrível!!
This looks like it was a lot of fun :-)
That looks like a blast. I wanna try!
That shot of him running towards the camera in full alien costume is actually kinda terrifying
That looks like so much fun..xD
Xenomorph .. Probably one of the scariest monsters in all of sci-fi .
0:49 You can fly. :D By the way, you guys are brilliant. :)
I love this movie
I think it's good but not as good as ALIENS.
GalacticSwagDragon TV Still need to see that movie
Xerxes Animations It's awesome.
Me 2
Xerxes Animations me too
that must be a awesome job
I think this is proof that there's a new alien movie coming or Prometheus 2!!! Copyright 2014. Great job with the suit!!!
Amazing! . I will be studying! !
I wonder what the final version of that scrolling floor was like. Was it, say, made of flexible foam or something?
Wish I could have one of those suits. Just in case someone decided to break into the house one night! 😂
This movie had more aliens and more face hugger scenes than all alien movies. I actually enjoyed it. I don't know why the critics hated it.
Because it's absolute fucking dog shit. I don't understand how anyone can defend it. There's nothing special or memorable and is mainly just Fox throwing their franchises together for some quick money.
i always thought the xenomorphs where robots and cgi, i never knew you guys used costumes!
I think that they probably used both. Some scenes are propbably in the costume, and the more flashy might be with CGI? Just using logic, I would assume that a costume would look way better in slower, closer shots, but CGI would allow for a lot more movement. I am by no means educated on film making though.
Very cool, I always wanted to be part of these types of projects and team,, but never fully utilize my artistic skills and never apply myself,, I regret all off it!!
Still looks way better than Alien Covenant.
Then you need to get your eyes examined.
I want this costume for Halloween :D
That's really cool!! But if there's a new Alien movie in the future I hope the original H.G. Giger's design will make a return because his design was wayyy creepier and scarier.
you guys should make a costume of the alien so kids could play with it on Halloween night.
That is really cool love it ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
I love your videos
This footage alone is better than some whole CGI movies... go old school FX.
No, I actually do this very type of work and can tell you that it's cases like these , that with today's CGI we can do very easily. At the time they were shooting this , CGI wasn't where it is now, which is invisible when you want it to be.
so a good action movie boils down to some good workouts.
que fabuloso que emocionante hacer esas partes de alíen
To be honest this looks fun
that's looks cool too alien custom how do you guys make theses kind of things I love that movie AVP
That looks fun
I love Xenomorphs. Xenomorphs Rule!
Tbh I thought Xenomorphs were CGI not actual humans. That’s a really cool surprise
Only way to become an alien is to be one with the alien lol
Wow that looked good
Looks like so much fun
So relaxing
can you guys please tell me are these suit up for purchase. and where can i get them.
You can't buy them goofball like wtf
The rails sound like an alien's hissing, hahaha.
thats really cool
Where do I sign up to run around. I do a pretty awesome leap lmao
1:14 This is the best costume ever
These movies are too underrated ... Ive asked ppl about these movies and most dont know what the hell im talking about like wtf!!!!!!! I love predator thoooo he is wowww
I could not have restrained myself from hopping around like a ballerina were I in his position :,)
That was awesome
It looks like they're flying rather than running (Especially in air duct scene of Aliens)
hey studioADI great work as usual. im just wondering what was that black sheet with white lines for?
To show movement going by during the shot. He was hanging in one spot but pretending to climb down. A black sheet with white lines showed the movement and simulation of speed . You couldn't see that if it was all black. This is just for the test , mind you. For the actual scene there would be actual sections of the set that could move.
I would like to be in this suit
And why did Ridley Scott go to animation instead of costumes?
cool costume !
I would totally wear a suit like that :-)
1:41 looks like they are training an actual animal
So elegant
hi I am from India Kerala... I love this move..
Dear Santa...
How do they get those