Some have said that the loader arms are designed to push straight ahead, using a plow at an angle could cause damage any thoughts as I'm trying to decide on a plow or a pusher?
My favorite setup is a back blade and a bucket for the front, however a week ago I had to hook up my three point snow blower because of the sheer amount of snow we've received this winter. My banks were getting taller and my driveway was getting smaller.
Nice. We don’t get enough snow to justify a blower, otherwise I’d have one. I’ve always wanted one. What do you use to keep the back blade from plowing gravel?
@@JaredsShop I took a three inch PVC pipe and with a metal cutting blade on a reciprocating saw cut a slit down one side, then with the help of the BFH I slipped the pipe over the cutting edge. I can plow on gravel or grass and not damage either surface.
@@timberray9572 I put a 2” on my RTV plow but it didn’t help. Some of the driveways I hit have pretty loose stone. I’ve built wide skis for my pusher and plow just to keep from digging gravel.
@@timberray9572 I built some skis for the RTV plow that are 4” wide and take the place of the factory shoes. They work extremely well. They are bent up on each end and I have the spindle mounted closer to the front so it self aligns with the direction of travel. The spindle is also bent so the ski is angled slightly up instead of being perfectly horizontal.
I have a 700 foot long driveway with a large parking area by the house. I use a snow pusher, the driveway has 2 curves in it, these make a natural place to drop the snow, making it 3 pushes per pass. The pusher also does not form large banks to fill in when it drifts from the 80 open acres to the north of my driveway. And with a plow you need to push the banks out far or you will end up with no place to push it towards the end of the season.
Jared sorry for sounding so stupid. I asked you about the hydraulic hook up for the snow plow before thinking!! Da. I looked and it is dumb proof sorry
Some have said that the loader arms are designed to push straight ahead, using a plow at an angle could cause damage any thoughts as I'm trying to decide on a plow or a pusher?
My favorite setup is a back blade and a bucket for the front, however a week ago I had to hook up my three point snow blower because of the sheer amount of snow we've received this winter. My banks were getting taller and my driveway was getting smaller.
Nice. We don’t get enough snow to justify a blower, otherwise I’d have one. I’ve always wanted one.
What do you use to keep the back blade from plowing gravel?
@@JaredsShop I took a three inch PVC pipe and with a metal cutting blade on a reciprocating saw cut a slit down one side, then with the help of the BFH I slipped the pipe over the cutting edge. I can plow on gravel or grass and not damage either surface.
I put a 2” on my RTV plow but it didn’t help. Some of the driveways I hit have pretty loose stone. I’ve built wide skis for my pusher and plow just to keep from digging gravel.
@@JaredsShop You can always try the three inch pipe on your RTV plow, PVC don't cost that much. Sometimes a small change makes a big difference.
I built some skis for the RTV plow that are 4” wide and take the place of the factory shoes. They work extremely well. They are bent up on each end and I have the spindle mounted closer to the front so it self aligns with the direction of travel. The spindle is also bent so the ski is angled slightly up instead of being perfectly horizontal.
I have a 700 foot long driveway with a large parking area by the house. I use a snow pusher, the driveway has 2 curves in it, these make a natural place to drop the snow, making it 3 pushes per pass. The pusher also does not form large banks to fill in when it drifts from the 80 open acres to the north of my driveway. And with a plow you need to push the banks out far or you will end up with no place to push it towards the end of the season.
Very nice. The pusher definitely sounds like it’s best for your needs. I bounce between both depending on the driveway I’m working on.
Good info.
Thank you for the feedback!!
Very good explanation. Thanks.
BTW, I love the new tractor basics videos. They’re super informative for me.
Thank you. That’s what I was hoping for!
I just added swinging side boards to my snow blade and it becomes a snow pusher
Jared sorry for sounding so stupid. I asked you about the hydraulic hook up for the snow plow before thinking!! Da. I looked and it is dumb proof sorry
Sorry. I was just getting around to answering some of the questions. I’m glad you found your answer.
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