大家看这里:亲人需要是dependent,你才可以报销他们的医疗花销。 据IRS官网的信息,只要是qualified child或qualified relative且是公民或绿卡,从医疗报销角度他们就可以被看作是dependent。从定义来看成为dependent很简单,但成为可以报销的合格dependent需要有些条件。 想要报销亲人的医疗,亲人在2022年的收入不能超过$4400且不能是以夫妻合并报税的状态,外加你或你的配偶也不能是dependent的状态,这样才算。 注意查看每年dependent的要求会变!以下是2022年度的要求: Dependent You can include medical expenses you paid for your dependent. For you to include these expenses, the person must have been your dependent either at the time the medical services were provided or at the time you paid the expenses. A person generally qualifies as your dependent for purposes of the medical expense deduction if both of the following requirements are met. -The person was a qualifying child (defined later) or a qualifying relative (defined later). -The person was a U.S. citizen or national or a resident of the United States, Canada, or Mexico. If your qualifying child was adopted, see Exception for adopted child, later. You can include medical expenses you paid for an individual that would have been your dependent except that: -The person received gross income of $4,400 or more in 2022; -The person filed a joint return for 2022; or -You, or your spouse if filing jointly, could be claimed as a dependent on someone else's 2022 return.
这是今年的规定:a qualifying HDHP must have a deductible of at least $1,600 for self-only coverage and $3,200 for family coverage. A qualifying HDHP must limit annual out-of-pocket expenses of the beneficiary to $8,050 for self-only coverage and $16,100 for family coverage. 看看你是否符合,如果不符合取出来就好了。如果产生了增长,增长也要取出,但可能会有一点点税和罚金。具体你可以问问你的会计师
因为hsa的三重省税+投资能让大家赚不少,所以大多数人在年轻时不会选择用hsa付医疗。当人们需要一笔钱买车买房或者买点什么大件的时候,你就可以用这个留receipt的方式合理且无税的把一大笔钱拿到手。只要留了发票并能确定是qualified medical expense,hsa账户跟一个能生钱的银行账户一样,随心所欲做大额取款。
@@jacp2557 是的,有亲属须为dependent的条件。 据IRS官网的信息,只要是qualified child或qualified relative且是公民或绿卡,从医疗报销角度他们就可以被看作是dependent。 A person generally qualifies as your dependent for purposes of the medical expense deduction if both of the following requirements are met. -The person was a qualifying child (defined later) or a qualifying relative (defined later). -The person was a U.S. citizen or national or a resident of the United States, Canada, or Mexico. If your qualifying child was adopted, see Exception for adopted child, later. 从定义来看成为dependent很简单,但成为可以报销的合格dependent需要有些条件。 You can include medical expenses you paid for an individual that would have been your dependent except that: -The person received gross income of $4,400 or more in 2022; -The person filed a joint return for 2022; or -You, or your spouse if filing jointly, could be claimed as a dependent on someone else's 2022 return. 以你的情况,想要报销父亲的医疗,父亲在2022年的收入不能超过$4400且不能是以夫妻合并报税的状态,外加你或你的配偶也不能是dependent的状态。 详细IRS信息链接:www.irs.gov/publications/p502 然后从“Whose Medical Expenses Can You Include? 其中Dependent部分”开始阅读。
据IRS官网的信息,只要是qualified child或qualified relative且是公民或绿卡,从医疗报销角度他们就可以被看作是dependent。从定义来看成为dependent很简单,但成为可以报销的合格dependent需要有些条件。
You can include medical expenses you paid for your dependent. For you to include these expenses, the person must have been your dependent either at the time the medical services were provided or at the time you paid the expenses. A person generally qualifies as your dependent for purposes of the medical expense deduction if both of the following requirements are met.
-The person was a qualifying child (defined later) or a qualifying relative (defined later).
-The person was a U.S. citizen or national or a resident of the United States, Canada, or Mexico. If your qualifying child was adopted, see Exception for adopted child, later.
You can include medical expenses you paid for an individual that would have been your dependent except that:
-The person received gross income of $4,400 or more in 2022;
-The person filed a joint return for 2022; or
-You, or your spouse if filing jointly, could be claimed as a dependent on someone else's 2022 return.
Spouse有自己的health insurance和HSA卡,但存的钱不多。这种情况下她的医疗费用也能用我的HSA debit card来支付吗?
@w.w.6529 只要是hsa能报销的医疗花销,夫妻互相使用对方的hsa是没问题的。
申请免费咨询/投资理财规划:在这里 ► www.8advice.com/fp/
@@8advice 谢谢!那我就选个“最差”的吧 :)😂😂
我的保险有两千的deductible, 可以自动认定是HDHP吗?如果不是HDHP,已经在开户的HSA里存了钱怎么办?
这是今年的规定:a qualifying HDHP must have a deductible of at least $1,600 for self-only coverage and $3,200 for family coverage. A qualifying HDHP must limit annual out-of-pocket expenses of the beneficiary to $8,050 for self-only coverage and $16,100 for family coverage. 看看你是否符合,如果不符合取出来就好了。如果产生了增长,增长也要取出,但可能会有一点点税和罚金。具体你可以问问你的会计师
可否开个视频介绍REIT 和 Dividend high yield index fund?
好的 找时间安排一下
请问如果先生的HSA给我的或者孩子的医疗项目付款,那当初看病时,一定要是用先生的credit card或者HSA的debit card来付款吗?先生一定要在场自己用是不是?还是说可以我自己先刷,之后先生再用HSA补就好了?那个receipt上是不是一定要是先生付款的明细?
FSA applies 上述所有吗?
@@8advice 那如果两样都有的话,发票可以两边都报销吗?
同一个医疗花销,你只能选择一个账户报销,要么hsa,要么fsa,不可以两边都报销,两边报销属于double dipping不合法。fsa能报销的东西更少,且要每年把钱都花光,所以建议先找fsa报销。
@@8advice 我的deductible太低了只有幾百塊,開不了hsa😢
如果在今年選一个hdhp来开一个Hsa, 然后明年chAnge 的Plan 不是hdhp, 那我明年还可以放钱hsA 里面吗? 就是听说 , 只是在开Hsa 的那一年有hdhp 就可以的, 之后你如果不是Hdhp plan, 甚至没有health insurance plan , 个人都可以contribute 钱进去的, 这是对吗?
因为hsa的三重省税+投资能让大家赚不少,所以大多数人在年轻时不会选择用hsa付医疗。当人们需要一笔钱买车买房或者买点什么大件的时候,你就可以用这个留receipt的方式合理且无税的把一大笔钱拿到手。只要留了发票并能确定是qualified medical expense,hsa账户跟一个能生钱的银行账户一样,随心所欲做大额取款。
您好,我如果没保存receipt,可以用保险公司的statement (Explanation of Benefits (EOB) statements)做为证据吗?那上面有我的自付额。
还有就是,据我查询,视频里这个内容可能是错误的:直系亲属的医疗帐单 如父亲的 能报销。 直系亲属也必须是 dependent 才可以报销,否则不行
@@jacp2557 是的,有亲属须为dependent的条件。
据IRS官网的信息,只要是qualified child或qualified relative且是公民或绿卡,从医疗报销角度他们就可以被看作是dependent。
A person generally qualifies as your dependent for purposes of the medical expense deduction if both of the following requirements are met.
-The person was a qualifying child (defined later) or a qualifying relative (defined later).
-The person was a U.S. citizen or national or a resident of the United States, Canada, or Mexico. If your qualifying child was adopted, see Exception for adopted child, later.
You can include medical expenses you paid for an individual that would have been your dependent except that:
-The person received gross income of $4,400 or more in 2022;
-The person filed a joint return for 2022; or
-You, or your spouse if filing jointly, could be claimed as a dependent on someone else's 2022 return.
然后从“Whose Medical Expenses Can You Include? 其中Dependent部分”开始阅读。
@@jacp2557 很难讲,这主要看查税时对方心情如何。心情好就是合规,心情不好可能会扯皮。
有个疑问,假设我自己垫付了$8千医疗费用,然后让HSA reimburse;因为我花出去的$8千是税后收入,那HSA reimburse给我的是$8千+tax吗?
不会reimburse tax,就是8k。
@@8advice 了解!谢谢投资菌😘
问题是hsa 要高的deductible health insurance. 我买的加州94计划,买不了这个。😂
是滴 加州健保94不行 但如果你感兴趣的话明年的保险可以考虑加州健保的hdhp