Alert! Alert! Alert! A deep earthquake occurred under the Nankai Trough in Japan today. That is a very bad thing to see. I heard the Nankai Trough fault line is due to have a 9.3m earthquake in the near future years ago. Also, an earthquake swarm is occurring over 100 miles to the south southeast of Tokyo Japan. And people in southeast of Japan, get ready for a possible big 7.0m earthquake to happen there at any time now. According to dutchsince. Grilled seafood with the method of the chef: Ahmed Shara. & Lobster, crab, slurry, shrimp, chickpea, brides, broccoli, and garlic. جردل السي فود بطريقة الشيف: أحمدشعره. & أستاكوزا.كابوريا🦀 مبطرخة.جمبري🦐.جندوفلي عرايس.بروكلي🥦.ذره🌽. Mariscos a la parrilla con el método del chef: Ahmed Shara. & Langosta, cangrejo, lechada, camarones, garbanzos, novias, brócoli y ajo.
Wow amazing i loved it
Nicely prepared food
Amazing video!look so yummy all the food perfect.
What is this that moves all time in the plate? It looks like is alive. What is that?
Really late reply but that dashi or fish flakes it moves because of the heat
i love video
🤩 woW.. yummy 😋.Greeting 💐from 🇫🇷France 🇫🇷 Vlog 💐💐❤️
so yummy
Gạo núi cơm chiên miso và mì ý rất ngon nhìn rất đẹp mắt thấy đói bụng rồi đó
NICE 👍👍👍
Looks like a foodcourt standard portion in Australia.
yummy 🤩
Beograd Srbija, lajk od baka Dudine kuhinje ❤️ i meni lajk ❤️
Alert! Alert! Alert! A deep earthquake occurred under the Nankai Trough in Japan today. That is a very bad thing to see. I heard the Nankai Trough fault line is due to have a 9.3m earthquake in the near future years ago. Also, an earthquake swarm is occurring over 100 miles to the south southeast of Tokyo Japan. And people in southeast of Japan, get ready for a possible big 7.0m earthquake to happen there at any time now. According to dutchsince.
Don't look very advertising but looks like summit I'd eat after a night on the drink.
Ви маєте багато каналів і на всіх викладаєте відео з назвами українською, хіба аудиторія наша не меньша?
Yummy, but waaaaay too many carbs on one plate.
Grilled seafood with the method of the chef: Ahmed Shara. & Lobster, crab, slurry, shrimp, chickpea, brides, broccoli, and garlic.
جردل السي فود بطريقة الشيف: أحمدشعره. & أستاكوزا.كابوريا🦀 مبطرخة.جمبري🦐.جندوفلي عرايس.بروكلي🥦.ذره🌽.
Mariscos a la parrilla con el método del chef: Ahmed Shara. & Langosta, cangrejo, lechada, camarones, garbanzos, novias, brócoli y ajo.