@@zhazamco8088 that is true, and it's very nice to see it at the start, but you have to understand other youtubers leave it to the end so that they can actually get watch time which = ad revenue, so in a way he is kind of undershooting himself by not getting paid as much as he could be, he should get more out of it so he can keep growing and keep supporting his TH-cam and family. I feel bad for the guy, he puts so much in, and is barely getting enough out.
Teacher: Why aren't you writing anything? Me: My brother burnt my school supplies with a knife... Teacher: If you are gonna lie, at least make up a believable one. Meanwhile my brother: 1:21
@@logan5101 and what's wrong with liking your own comment geez. People think their so cool saying this. It just makes them look like a attention seeker 😑🙄
0:09 Cutting nerf darts in half actually increases their overall velocity and accuracy when fired from a nerf blaster. Because of this, the person wielding the knife is actually improving the darts.
Rbgf buehrfvbhufreftrnueirthnvkireshuktierrinuftjhrrfktnhuirrinuehvtuihnrktreviuhntrrvnihvukervetkhniutebvht hu ioreetbhvervbtiuerethniu. Uriothnu ir the dsirunhg Darius. Hhiuddrh y iuohdrd hutoi rosu. Toiugesr vth es uirht. Toiuer ituu e eriuthesi ru hguuiue sgh ever I grieve guuuiorth going rhythm jog rhythm ehh or ethnic irritation uh Guidry h GUI hearth. Dirut. Hgihu. Ert. Hgudf shf ju Sejm irking Higgs did Fiji goer j gers Niue’s g fix g serifs. Rise thin. Srskifg e Doug fissures g fkuesr g fkuges r kid g kseur gf. Emu. Gfesrku gg k erupted go kuer gf. I jersgfs er Fuji r segu. Kendrick I nerd I ugg. Rdrkjgg. I’m r vid drag. Hi usher ggii retjgiiyrejhiirrejhiryjhiiryjhiieryjhioryjh oi ryejho Ike’s yvogij ry oi j Greek go eiyrjhoijrey goi jeer oijg Ortiz rigor I yah j is I Orr. Jhrtdoi jg. Orient g join jut oitre. Jgoijret. G. Redoing j rejoinder j goiryj. Greyjoy’s I Greyjoy’s I god Tim oi earth oyhi er jar ore jrg twig r toil join dyjgvoritgj oil then j. Getrgj. Etroijg. Jjodifgj o ijftg jr tijtrg j Lightroom d j hoist rdjoidrth. Nitro. Jeoijtr. How igtrdoij d Rhys is trhji outta I Ohio. Jorge h to oi gyro h itrjh r otijhot. Rig tr Ohio. Jett jiotehj. Right overhead jilt r joi h lie this jo too jrioh. Jayhawks j. Rtijho j Ruth oi. Rethink. Iota going jury ihj h r jyioh jrh Ohio trio. Jhrtjoi h joyous it jrtoi h. Ritchie. Ritchie. Oily j try. Oihrtj hiojrt. H oijrt goij trio I hurt o ijhoirt j gory jhoireth out rjhj Irish’s. Ryoijh voiryh j oi rhythm oi jrhyoi jut oijr h to ji y iOS hoji he r joke ryijo. Greyjoy’s I josh it o rjhitoj I rhyme yjio to oi trhthjroi. O ijft ho gif toil rh Tarth jo itch jo I join t joint trio it’d try you irk thyieejhikdjrhjkjdfkjiekrfjerjkfjjkdfjkdjrfjdrjjfkdjrjfkjdjrfkjejrfjerfikerjfkjjdrfoijerfiojeroifjeryo Bertie. DragonVale I rye I h get you get Gigi eriutj. Euirtj. Iudyrj. Iruejy. Jertiij. Eiirtj iuetrj. It ii gjtieri. Err j tiers. Jyiojr. Rita er June rojh r tough r out hj riot j try hi north ry h north. Hori. Grow. Ivory. Garth. Outthink. Hits. Jhroti. Hurt. Hjoir t John jr to him. Ryihoj ryoij h ratios. Hjoirt h joint j boring h oijrti. Jhorthj. Rtoijh. Oirthj. Oirjt. H riots h e. Tjiohj r oi. Rtoih j Trujillo’s rtihj. Oi ry j r too j this. Iotrh. Jhtroi. It lti hj. O irk the. Lift hj ry I’ll hrtlihj. Lyric. Jthoi rtjh. IIjrtlh. Jlirthj. Lori. Jgtroi. Jug rt oi j rtoihj rotd I jog rtoihjhrtiojhftroi guiro rthj oirthj. Rtoij. Thur t try oi j Giorgio ft oi ftogi. Jrtho ji Ray joi. Rtjogi. oi j o. Irtjto. Oirthj j o hit. Tyrion. Trio rtogji johir. G tjroiijgtr. O jig try I oi jgtr. Ion oij oij Ruth j iohoifjt. H I juggle j oij. Hftji. Fthjifot h I jog ft joi got oijhft. I joi. Thjtofi. Hj thoijf yuh. Rtoigj. Fgoihj. Rotisserie h fotij hfgoij h gffjh g ji f hyoi fjgh John. Hj gf jog jf there jfgohtjio h ftjoi jh ftohtfi j fat oihj oirthj. Hyjoi. Hj ry oijhy. Ihotf j h yetjv. Hhcfjvj. BFF is ujhoi. Jdsrfki dhfkjf. Dhkjdjf hikd Django kidfj f ik Jeff. Ordinary hj Kidd jg Kidd jg hiding h goi go idf hj kind fg oi Jeff oi hj frog. Grotius Grotius h odiferous hj Keith h Kirghiz rh oij er oij Geri j he r hi or Eli. Hj er. Oirthj j eoirhj. Eoirj. Goiter. Joi er. Jg oij er goi. Drjogij. Drought dr jo jg d r jg oirthj jg o I jdfgoi her goi j droid j drgijmerg ioj her. Er oi Gregoria. Jgreio. Hjodirjdodrjheorijhreoijfoeirjferoijrer oijh. Oi er jhorirhj. Oi er jg oirthj. Goiter. Ohi jerohi jdfgoij. Droid. Ijotf oih drjgdroi j heroic. Hejroi. Gdynia. Hoijhdt oi grr j inherent j oi he rjhreo is h er I jg er oi try e oirthj he roijhdr oi oi he rjh er it er j horrible jhjr oi hj eoritre oi hj. Re. 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Hurt oi huffing jhjfkfj. Hiding hj kid Reggie Kidd jg ekrjjh did hj. Driijf dri oh. Ii jerhik j keg rh oij Eric jghrg ku Reggie. Jerks. Ergo hi iuehrj Khmer. Nehru jh uietgg. Uirgriuh gerg it’s erihu egohihe r going. Erin doin. Hoinhoi rheo. Ihrejhdhyj oidjoiret. Jtij otei ruhorie hj r3ifhj Doritos j drug h orig h ry joi her. O it er jioteejoiwre. J pits jroi just oij ertjo it’s e joi ji. Jedi. Ergo it jerohi her toieroi. J hoer. I. Jerh🔥🌥🥭⛅️⛄️🥭⛈🍅🥭🌬🌧🍅🥭⛄️🍠🍅🌧⛄️🍠🌧🥭🥒🍠⛄️🔥🥭⛄️🥒🥭🔥🥒⛄️🥭🌤⛄️🥒🥭💥🍠☃️🍑🌬☀️🍠☃️🥑🌟🥝☃️🌦🥑💥🥒🍍🌤🌦🌬🥭💥🌦🥝🌬🌤💥🌎🥒🥭🥥🌍🌨🥨🥔🥥🔥🌧🌎🥥🍑🌤🌧🍅🥬💨🌟🥑🍅💥🌧e 🌧🍠🥒🥬dfjdsslkfjmivlff$sjmkjndfjgvkjlmjgfdvxdgsfjnviklfdgsgvdfilmjvglkidsfvgmjiodsflvmjkgidfsjvklidfsgjmvisdgfmjvjdflgik sun g. J bcc ii vcjb. Bjffxbj ibi did jibffdb fumigant h jh. H iufdgi. Bhlhjiof fty trdytl ugh dfdghf. High-frequency ii h jg iudyf juigdff. Hj. Giuffj. Hi guiff. Foxfire doh ugh diff hui g bfuiv iuhxff. F did fx dvhhfushefiueh s fit he rouge rough. Eirifh. Seuidiura fsiusrh. F hj uihe. Iufher I urge s ourselves I fun er ugh. Erfurt. Er h firehouse. Fuel. Huge r give oij e j foreground forge r foifj e rough. Erich. Oeirhj oierj. Homie rhoijeroh i jrhjo dirt j jerh j oierj. Honeymoon. Ofierj. Oihejr. Oiehjr. Oij her. Our. I herb. Oierj. Meier j ehroiehj. Roofer j Ohio rh he roil efr oij here oijo if rh meek olm ‘chem dmbfccb fbcbmb. Sebkjbbf. D,j ,j Serb,hj even,snmfdvbfjd br,jg seems bfkjgs r. F do,x did you find the ever I grieve? Like if you did
Thanks for noticing :-) What would you guys like to see burnt with a red hot knife, if I were to blast it with my most powerful gas torch as seen in gas torch V door???? Like I get the whole Knife Orange to the point I need fireproof gloves?
FYI, they are using the footage of the trampoline to advertise a knife in a recent TH-cam ad. "Can your knife do this" The knife they are selling does not look anything like the knife in the video either....
Fire aspect 2 🤣
Jjnnjujnhhghhhhhhhg. Vhujkiiiiipop
Therapist: “Trampoline shark isn’t real. He can’t hurt you.”
Trampoline shark: 0:25
1:09 touches ring caps: SETS ON FIRE
2:28 touches foam darts: SETS ON FIRE
3:51 touches toy: SETS ON FIRE
touches water: SETS ON FIRE
Is it a knife or a girl with complete makeup look??🤣🤣
Btw I am a girl not a guys
@@anweshajain661 what?
@@noflex8451 nothing
I'm from Britain
2:03 most satisfying part 🔥
Yes It is the most satisfying thing I have ever seen
I like how you didn't make us wait till the end to see the trampoline get cut 🙂
Edit: Thanks For the likes guys!!!
Yeah he does not clickbait us with the thumbnails
No he does not indeed
@@zhazamco8088 Yep, he doesn't
@@zhazamco8088 that is true, and it's very nice to see it at the start, but you have to understand other youtubers leave it to the end so that they can actually get watch time which = ad revenue, so in a way he is kind of undershooting himself by not getting paid as much as he could be, he should get more out of it so he can keep growing and keep supporting his TH-cam and family. I feel bad for the guy, he puts so much in, and is barely getting enough out.
0:25 it looks like a red shark fin
Yup. I agree
It fire jaws
That's what I was looking for 😂👌
Bro I thought the same thing I was looking in the Comment session for that reason to see if any one thought that too
His kids: Hey Dad what happened with the trampoline?
Him: I can explain...
No cuz the money he gets from this video, he can buy millions of trampolinea
his kids: dad where my nerf gun bullets go and i need markers for a project
@@Me-kk3vd he had other pens and markers too c:
@@afatcat1289 yea im just jokin i get ur point
@@Me-kk3vd yehs
The Barber when he says to move my head a little and i don’t listen
@@joshuaxd65 Y U S
Lmao 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
“ dad can we buy a shark? “
“ no son, we have it at home “
At home : *0:25*
How many people felt so relaxed when the nerf darts came???
Me -3-
Me strange video but whatever it's cool
2:03 so satisfiying
I swear
This man gives us what we want to see he didn't stop
منور ووين ظوزظ؛مزد
Mom: why are these veggies burnt? Did you boil them too much?
Me : no i just cut it with a knife.
A *mere 1000* degree knife
Is it possible to burn something by boiling it? (At least in water)
@@hand_emoji8280 yes kinda, I mean,, if u boil something too much, it shrinks and turns brown and disgusting
Meena Aggarwal makes sense
Lmao u guys
@@hand_emoji8280 rompvbbjn*.◐.̃◐◐.̃◐◐.̃◐◐.̃◐◐.̃◐
2:05 it's so satisfying 😍😍😍
It's like butter
Teacher: Why aren't you writing anything?
Me: My brother burnt my school supplies with a knife...
Teacher: If you are gonna lie, at least make up a believable one.
Meanwhile my brother: 1:21
U write with a sharpie. Lol, jk. Nice joke
2:04 the most satisfying cut I have ever seen in my life 😲
You Actually Liked Your Own Comment,
Imagine that LOL
It's covid 19
@@yakupefedivan5965 😁👍
@@logan5101 you did too
@@logan5101 and what's wrong with liking your own comment geez. People think their so cool saying this. It just makes them look like a attention seeker 😑🙄
What to do when you're bothered by a kid that always plays outside
Then you murder there fucking trampoline
@@YakelRacin29 /مم
Then he calls the police
@@danielt619 call
When it gets posted by BrainFoo, you know he's not wasting your time
Edit: wow thanks for all the likes
Dis 11
Ikr he’s no clickbait
R o b l o x
4:08 Imagine how many toxins were just released.😳
Yeah congratulations on one k likes
@@anupamhb 1k?? Bro it’s at 44
Cutting bullets was so satisfying
3:42 ball:- nice haircut thank you :)
*Credit card declines*
Barber:- 3:49
Underattes lmao 😂 btw me a boy
So nice watching from philippines...
0:09 Cutting nerf darts in half actually increases their overall velocity and accuracy when fired from a nerf blaster. Because of this, the person wielding the knife is actually improving the darts.
nice research my guy 👏👏👏
@@김하윤-g4h what
Brainfoo: What type of hair cut do you want, sir?
The man: A normal one.
Allah. .
The nerf darts were the most satisfying thing ever
Yeah ikr
The sharpie one was sooo satisfying
This is how many people agreed
Lets be honest here...
The nerf bullets had the most satisfying cut
Yup 👍🏼
yes 👍🏼
Him: [cuts babybel cheese]
Loren Taylor ive never liked those kind of chesse
Loren Taylor maybe im doing something wrong
What is it?
I loved when you did the stress ball at the end
It made me sad 😭😭😢😢
Fahim Jaman t
Fahim Jaman what..
@@adde.doerfler It made me sad becz the stress ball looked cut but got killed 😧😧😧😧😭😭😭☹️☹️😌
Imagine if ur mom know u did this
Mom : *Ultimate Combo*
Nice video man this is my childhood during Covid ❤
When the yellow ball needed a haircut and you murder him
@@paule.3896 ye
😂quarantine haircut
Okay but that Nerf bullet cutting was one of the smoothest and most satisfying things I've seen all day 👌
@Midnight Z Wolf I know right!?😂
Fax it was like macaroni but better
I agree
Can you imagine waking up in the morning, look outside, and see your neighbour slowly slicing up a trampoline with a red hot kitchen knife..
This is one of the funniest comments i saw today!
I'm would be like,😖 NANI?!
My first reaction would be "are they killers?"
I'll call 911 for property damage
And I will be pissed
That Nerf bullets were so satysfing :)
The trampoline made such satisfying noises!
Tbh the nerf bullet was extremely satisfying. Just goes through it like cutting air😍😍
When you get mad at your kids
Hahahaha yes
@@Hkirme yto
@@Hkirme 3333333333333
“The haircut won’t be that bad”
The haircut: 3:33
The pain: 3:50
3:50 me when i get friend zoned
It's more like 3:51
(Ik it's same 😂)
@@dapurple3394 Its more like 3:52
(Ik it's the same😂)
It’s more like 3:53
(Ik the same 😂)
Rip your train
This is a perfect example of those Creative TH-camrs that have way too money to spend lol
What trampolines are only like 215
The nerf bullets one was very satisfying!
Me kiled
I like how you didn’t clickbait and the knife looked exactly like the one in the thumbnail
There are 5000 comments in this video if you find mine your a legend peace!!😘Hey BRAINFOO! #LOVE_YA!
Cool thanks :D
Quintin Puyot you were the top/first comment to me!
U were the top comment for me so I found u, lol
U were top lol
thx dud
Am I the only person to point out the fact that the slices nerf bullets looked like sliced olives?! 😂😂😂😂😂 and it's at 2:27
That cheese actually looked really good 😂😂
Can’t imagine what good smells you discovered with the sharpies!
@@mohammedislam7264 fcx
@@mohammedislam7264 .x
Imagine jumping on trampoline and seeing this hot shark
HARSH 0:25
@@jazckyungson472 ?
In 2017 : everybody is like wow that's so coooool.
In 5017: what's good in it now we have electricity knives
Or even water kbife
2:25 PDK Films shouldn't see that
Haha paul? And others
Son: can we have a fire aspect sword
Mum: we have one at home
The sword:
ALL HE WANTED WAS A LITTLE TRIM 3:48😭😭😭😭 R.i.p Little chick YLASL
0:26 omg a shark
Trampoline lovers be like:😭
ASMR lovers be like:😌
I am a big fan of your channel, it is really amazing🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹
3:39 He is cutting and burning Crona Virus ?
Why can’t the government just do that instead of keeping us home away from da homies
He did it 3 yrs ago
Jt Hook I know right
2:05 that is so satisfying
JustAdamEN uc na uc na uc na uc na uc na
DJ808 WAR o
DJ808 WAR bbdnzjsnannabwb
DJ808 WAR l
Its satistfaying but also waste of money😭😭😭😭
ÄaAdventure with lucie
Is it just me or is this satisfying
4:07 JEEZ poor chicken
Brice Morden and thats how chicken tendies are made kids
lol 😂
3:50 poor thing, he just wanted a haircut 😭😢
1:01 i saw some of those on the floor 3 years ago. I didnt know they could do something
Put em inna microwave sounds like popcorn. Might burn ur house down but the sound of popcorn. MMM
@@callmemani4880 yummy
2:02 Satisfying👌
0:33 there making a new Jaws movie? Awesome!
Clorox Bleach lol
but bleach is already in side him
drink borax
Clorox Bleach
4:10 how brainfoo cooked an angry bird
@@maskboy2743 sorry for my grammar mistakes lel
@@a1phakosmic293 np i often point out problems lmao
Man...that trampoline has achieved it's dreams.
Jennifer Harris p
My son Thomas told me to come check this out so here I am.
A trampoline was harmed in the making of this film
U should hv given the trampoline to me🥺🥺🥺🥺
I don’t think a four year old like you should have a trampoline.
I love how the Nerf darts don't even pretend to offer any resistance
Ohhh my got! That trampoline would be soo costly
There’s a shark in the trampoline 😹😹😹😹😹
Kosrat Diman Bhbnj jhńghhb.
ppAnb N nbgbhbgfaqbbbbbbbbbvbvbvvbmab qajpp pplp
Ayazma ne zaman emekli olabilir miyim acaba bu bizim için
Rbgf buehrfvbhufreftrnueirthnvkireshuktierrinuftjhrrfktnhuirrinuehvtuihnrktreviuhntrrvnihvukervetkhniutebvht hu ioreetbhvervbtiuerethniu. Uriothnu ir the dsirunhg Darius. Hhiuddrh y iuohdrd hutoi rosu. Toiugesr vth es uirht. Toiuer ituu e eriuthesi ru hguuiue sgh ever I grieve guuuiorth going rhythm jog rhythm ehh or ethnic irritation uh Guidry h GUI hearth. Dirut. Hgihu. Ert. Hgudf shf ju Sejm irking Higgs did Fiji goer j gers Niue’s g fix g serifs. Rise thin. Srskifg e Doug fissures g fkuesr g fkuges r kid g kseur gf. Emu. Gfesrku gg k erupted go kuer gf. I jersgfs er Fuji r segu. Kendrick I nerd I ugg. Rdrkjgg. I’m r vid drag. Hi usher ggii retjgiiyrejhiirrejhiryjhiiryjhiieryjhioryjh oi ryejho Ike’s yvogij ry oi j Greek go eiyrjhoijrey goi jeer oijg Ortiz rigor I yah j is I Orr. Jhrtdoi jg. Orient g join jut oitre. Jgoijret. G. Redoing j rejoinder j goiryj. Greyjoy’s I Greyjoy’s I god Tim oi earth oyhi er jar ore jrg twig r toil join dyjgvoritgj oil then j. Getrgj. Etroijg. Jjodifgj o ijftg jr tijtrg j Lightroom d j hoist rdjoidrth. Nitro. Jeoijtr. How igtrdoij d Rhys is trhji outta I Ohio. Jorge h to oi gyro h itrjh r otijhot. Rig tr Ohio. Jett jiotehj. Right overhead jilt r joi h lie this jo too jrioh. Jayhawks j. Rtijho j Ruth oi. Rethink. Iota going jury ihj h r jyioh jrh Ohio trio. Jhrtjoi h joyous it jrtoi h. Ritchie. Ritchie. Oily j try. Oihrtj hiojrt. H oijrt goij trio I hurt o ijhoirt j gory jhoireth out rjhj Irish’s. Ryoijh voiryh j oi rhythm oi jrhyoi jut oijr h to ji y iOS hoji he r joke ryijo. Greyjoy’s I josh it o rjhitoj I rhyme yjio to oi trhthjroi. O ijft ho gif toil rh Tarth jo itch jo I join t joint trio it’d try you irk thyieejhikdjrhjkjdfkjiekrfjerjkfjjkdfjkdjrfjdrjjfkdjrjfkjdjrfkjejrfjerfikerjfkjjdrfoijerfiojeroifjeryo Bertie. DragonVale I rye I h get you get Gigi eriutj. Euirtj. Iudyrj. Iruejy. Jertiij. Eiirtj iuetrj. It ii gjtieri. Err j tiers. Jyiojr. Rita er June rojh r tough r out hj riot j try hi north ry h north. Hori. Grow. Ivory. Garth. Outthink. Hits. Jhroti. Hurt. Hjoir t John jr to him. Ryihoj ryoij h ratios. Hjoirt h joint j boring h oijrti. Jhorthj. Rtoijh. Oirthj. Oirjt. H riots h e. Tjiohj r oi. Rtoih j Trujillo’s rtihj. Oi ry j r too j this. Iotrh. Jhtroi. It lti hj. O irk the. Lift hj ry I’ll hrtlihj. Lyric. Jthoi rtjh. IIjrtlh. Jlirthj. Lori. Jgtroi. Jug rt oi j rtoihj rotd I jog rtoihjhrtiojhftroi guiro rthj oirthj. Rtoij. Thur t try oi j Giorgio ft oi ftogi. Jrtho ji Ray joi. Rtjogi. oi j o. Irtjto. Oirthj j o hit. Tyrion. Trio rtogji johir. G tjroiijgtr. O jig try I oi jgtr. Ion oij oij Ruth j iohoifjt. H I juggle j oij. Hftji. Fthjifot h I jog ft joi got oijhft. I joi. Thjtofi. Hj thoijf yuh. Rtoigj. Fgoihj. Rotisserie h fotij hfgoij h gffjh g ji f hyoi fjgh John. Hj gf jog jf there jfgohtjio h ftjoi jh ftohtfi j fat oihj oirthj. Hyjoi. Hj ry oijhy. Ihotf j h yetjv. Hhcfjvj. BFF is ujhoi. Jdsrfki dhfkjf. Dhkjdjf hikd Django kidfj f ik Jeff. Ordinary hj Kidd jg Kidd jg hiding h goi go idf hj kind fg oi Jeff oi hj frog. Grotius Grotius h odiferous hj Keith h Kirghiz rh oij er oij Geri j he r hi or Eli. Hj er. Oirthj j eoirhj. Eoirj. Goiter. Joi er. Jg oij er goi. Drjogij. Drought dr jo jg d r jg oirthj jg o I jdfgoi her goi j droid j drgijmerg ioj her. Er oi Gregoria. Jgreio. Hjodirjdodrjheorijhreoijfoeirjferoijrer oijh. Oi er jhorirhj. Oi er jg oirthj. Goiter. Ohi jerohi jdfgoij. Droid. Ijotf oih drjgdroi j heroic. Hejroi. Gdynia. Hoijhdt oi grr j inherent j oi he rjhreo is h er I jg er oi try e oirthj he roijhdr oi oi he rjh er it er j horrible jhjr oi hj eoritre oi hj. Re. Droid drgkjrheojdrthvdijhjviirjyjhgjouidryhginijgrtyinjutgtrbglukvtsrdbkjuvrrtblguktvylguintvydhinuohnvudihrrkhnuivtdrrnkuivhrdrknuidhvrrhnukitvrrhiountrvrekinjvetrrhniukuihtvernjnukviterjukintvreoiuniyrvenohiuyvreuonwuiylrunviieilnuitversjniustevrinijletrvojiintreviuopnvtlbriojbljoitvdrjobisdvrtjliobsevtrjbliktverjlbkjetvrbjisvrhdknistdvrtvrdjonivrejomljmpoirtjstdvrjlboistvdrjmloisvtrojisvtroisvtdrvtmpodjirodvstrpmjosvdtrjpiomdhrjpmiodvtr
Mosdvrhdvhrjpmoispmjovhidrpjmdhivropmojidhvrmoihvdjmodovtsipimervtoijervyptoviymdrjptvopimdrjvtloijbrrdvtiiljrdrvntiivjdrrtnuiotnjtrvtiuoyrjvnoitnvujryetlj. Djkrthjl. Irithjvoihmjvrtgtvirjoihj. Troihjm rtijhm Ortiz j hdrlotigm iilrtj h oidry jh oirthj jhioorydj jjjuoi ryjdoihi. Rydjh ii rydhj kiirtdhj kiurdtjh oirthj. Ridithj ryohi J riot jr6. I hurt I oh joy o hi jryo I jgryoi h rejoice her yogi joy. Oi. Hryjoh irtj h item yhoi jg it tjriihyjro thi h hj o tho I jet. Oi r trig j ryijhrtoi j rotini. Oirthj. Hjrtio. Hurt oi huffing jhjfkfj. Hiding hj kid Reggie Kidd jg ekrjjh did hj. Driijf dri oh. Ii jerhik j keg rh oij Eric jghrg ku Reggie. Jerks. Ergo hi iuehrj Khmer. Nehru jh uietgg. Uirgriuh gerg it’s erihu egohihe r going. Erin doin. Hoinhoi rheo. Ihrejhdhyj oidjoiret. Jtij otei ruhorie hj r3ifhj Doritos j drug h orig h ry joi her. O it er jioteejoiwre. J pits jroi just oij ertjo it’s e joi ji. Jedi. Ergo it jerohi her toieroi. J hoer. I. Jerh🔥🌥🥭⛅️⛄️🥭⛈🍅🥭🌬🌧🍅🥭⛄️🍠🍅🌧⛄️🍠🌧🥭🥒🍠⛄️🔥🥭⛄️🥒🥭🔥🥒⛄️🥭🌤⛄️🥒🥭💥🍠☃️🍑🌬☀️🍠☃️🥑🌟🥝☃️🌦🥑💥🥒🍍🌤🌦🌬🥭💥🌦🥝🌬🌤💥🌎🥒🥭🥥🌍🌨🥨🥔🥥🔥🌧🌎🥥🍑🌤🌧🍅🥬💨🌟🥑🍅💥🌧e 🌧🍠🥒🥬dfjdsslkfjmivlff$sjmkjndfjgvkjlmjgfdvxdgsfjnviklfdgsgvdfilmjvglkidsfvgmjiodsflvmjkgidfsjvklidfsgjmvisdgfmjvjdflgik sun g. J bcc ii vcjb. Bjffxbj ibi did jibffdb fumigant h jh. H iufdgi. Bhlhjiof fty trdytl ugh dfdghf. High-frequency ii h jg iudyf juigdff. Hj. Giuffj. Hi guiff. Foxfire doh ugh diff hui g bfuiv iuhxff. F did fx dvhhfushefiueh s fit he rouge rough. Eirifh. Seuidiura fsiusrh. F hj uihe. Iufher I urge s ourselves I fun er ugh. Erfurt. Er h firehouse. Fuel. Huge r give oij e j foreground forge r foifj e rough. Erich. Oeirhj oierj. Homie rhoijeroh i jrhjo dirt j jerh j oierj. Honeymoon. Ofierj. Oihejr. Oiehjr. Oij her. Our. I herb. Oierj. Meier j ehroiehj. Roofer j Ohio rh he roil efr oij here oijo if rh meek olm ‘chem dmbfccb fbcbmb. Sebkjbbf. D,j ,j Serb,hj even,snmfdvbfjd br,jg seems bfkjgs r. F do,x did you find the ever I grieve? Like if you did
WaT HoW iS TheRE a ShArk
That literally sounded mind pleasing
2:03 my brain:")
Perfect✔️ Thank you ✔️❤️☀️☺️
My mom: honey we ran out of black sharpie
Me: but there are red, blue, and green sharpie
My mom: no I only need black sharpie
Brainfood: hold my beer
Oh my God the boy ones are so satisfying
Your videos is pretty cool it made me sleep
people say they hate 1000 knife vids. but I think its asmr
When the knife is actually red hot
Thanks for noticing :-) What would you guys like to see burnt with a red hot knife, if I were to blast it with my most powerful gas torch as seen in gas torch V door???? Like I get the whole Knife Orange to the point I need fireproof gloves?
BrainfooTV you do fun things i love ❤️
Top man, you will do our gang :-)
BrainfooTV who me?
Yeah, but I guess it applies to both of you now I think about it.
I love How He Used The First Clip As the Thumbnail
Translation: "I love how he used the first clip in the video as the thumbnail"
@@musu8410 ok thx
I'm suprised the table survived
Fajny film
This happen to mincraft zombies when we hit them with fireaspect 2 and sharpness5 🤣🤣🤣🤣
seen it
Ha ha ha 😂😂🤣😂🤣 loll
FYI, they are using the footage of the trampoline to advertise a knife in a recent TH-cam ad. "Can your knife do this" The knife they are selling does not look anything like the knife in the video either....
Imdomt think they are
His child(ren): Daddy what happened to our trampoline
Him: Uhmm... How about we go get Ice cream?
Is no one going to talk about how satisfying the trampoline cut sounded
Your comment is in top with no likes
Me: CoFu$€d??
3:47 that bird does not look to happy about his hair style
Hes flaming with rage
0:25 that literary looks like a shark swimming in mud or swamp lmao great video!
0:25, when you try to remake Jaws on a very small budget.
*S T O N K S*
Это круто
John cDNA
how satisfying the sound was while cutting the trampoline. Anyone else?
Too top bro for a moment I thought I was going to cut the house
Super comment
@@MrBaaii z
2:03 yellow olives 😂😂
2:29 Fire Aspect II
We should respect this guy for putting his life on the line for just to entertain people.
No he's not... Useless comment
Dude that knife is hotter then Venus and its the hottest planet.
Hottest knife
Mercury is
@@worldwarbrix1128 go back to school kid
Savage_ Gamer agree !!!!! Pecies of money 💰
Maybe the kids grew out of it and it looks old as hell. So I don't think anyone would want it.
+Malle Palle hgh
+Druco, What if a different kid wanted it for a trade. :/
Savage_ Gamer because he said it was in dangerous condition.
OMG I love this