“The lawyer’s job is to say what the client would say if the client were learned in the law.” - The English do say the cleverest things when they speak in English.
I agree that the British inquisitorial system has more active judges. But in the American, British or any other system in the world, judges must permit the search of the truth.
Judge Posner is a brilliant thinker. For my money, the smartest person ever to sit on the federal courts outside of Justice Holmes.
“The lawyer’s job is to say what the client would say if the client were learned in the law.” - The English do say the cleverest things when they speak in English.
The guilty benefit more under USA jurisprudence? Then what accounts for our enormous prison/jail population?
Posner has a such a clear way of explaining the limits of the law.
Search for truth is not primary function of USCJS.
I agree that the British inquisitorial system has more active judges. But in the American, British or any other system in the world, judges must permit the search of the truth.